Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Why F»e Pross, Wednesday, Juno 19, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated. by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: Canadan ComunýyOntario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtle as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GSI - Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario me. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G.* Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newspnnt with minimum 20% 41 recycled content using vegetabie based inks. U4 CAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibiteci and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Rýeproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit line to the Whitby Free Press. To the edio,, Treatment of teens a 'shame' To the editor: To the editor: Copy 0f letter 10 OLCO Petroleumn Grouplnc. i congralulate Dennis Fox for Ibis wonderful idea to put empbasis on good news and the Whitby Fiee Press for pubiisbing such articles. RI l refreshing to hear'optimistic news and I encourage my children 10 look -forsuch artlcles.It is. wlth disappointment thai I write a pessimlstic loUter instead of a positive one. Programn grad wiII run again To th. editor: I iead witb interest tbe article ('Program founder recognized,' Fiee Press, June 12) about Joy Thompson and Whtby's youtb and clvlc administration progiam. Whilo attending Anderson CVI, I bad the opportunity 10 participaise in the program twice, In 1979 and 1980. The piogram gave the arcansaflrst-hand experlence In one of the most imnportant levels 0f our govemment. As a resuit, I have developed a keon InterestIin municipal poitics and the worklngs 0f oui local govemment, so mucb so thwam r contlnulng Io study administration ai York Unversity part-trne. Furthermore, i ian for council for the nortb waid seatIn 1989, 1991, 19U4andi1plan Io un againlIn 1997. My congratulaions go to, Ms. Thompson for inliatlng such a vaiuableexperlence foi the students, On June 8, the under-17 Whitby boys' rep soccer teamn was hoiding a fundraising car wash'10 rais. money for travel expenses to play in the USA Cup Ibis Juiy. Panis Auto Service Centre, ai the corner of Gardon and Dundas streets, was generous enough 10 give us their lot and the use of their water for the day. Durlng the morning, three 0f oui boys went across 1h. shtreh o the vaniety store (localed ah the OLCO gas station) to buy a snack The clerk who was working Ihat day made each of the boys empty their pockets to prove they hadn't stolen anything, even though each boy had money and had paid for the merchandise they purchased. Itlis truiy a shame that our teenagers are treahed in Ibis menner. These boys are committed young aduits who doserve more respect tban was shown 10 them that morning. 1 wuld urge ail store owners 10 be sure In their judment of ou r youth, as this klnd of treatment Is detrimental in shaplng oui teenagers int the aduts we all sh tbom 10 b.. In the future, Ibis variety store has lost the business of mine and ochers. Janet Mount Whltby Toomuch To the edîtor: Re: Letter, 'An unfair solution,' June 5, Fiee Press 1 agie. with Rita Cane, Whitby Gouncilors sbould rernember that property taxes have gone Up and car owners have paid for ioad licences for years that shouid b. for the roads. Wo. are. al payîng far too much in taxes, enougb laenough. L ý P. Bigot To th *tor. , Spending an -'insuit' To the editor: Re: 'Expense account,' Free Press. June 12, I was sbocked to read about the expenditures of oui mayor and council members as detailed by Jim Prisetin bis kxter. Imagine our mayor spendlng $2,059.41 on dinner ai Tom Jones Steakhouse In Toronto and his explanation was that ho was 'Friends' letter flot from hospital This group la not affilated wltb the bospihal and Ils membersbip Is nol The board of directors at Whitby Generai Hospital wvishes to make il perfectly clear that a bItter, witout a retuin address and unsigned and 'which endoised certain candidates for avallable positions 0f the board, sent 10 corporate members of WGH, was not sent out by thebhosphtal and, in fact, la flot an approved document from WGH. WGH. bas distributed "Tho Registor,n the officiai corporate newsletter of the hospital, -1I ail elgible voters of 1h. corporation. This offciai newsietter illustrates biographical Information on ail candidates seeking four- avaliable seats on tbe board ai tonighl's (Wednesday) annuel generai meeting 0f the WGH corporation ai Heydenshore Pavilion in Whitby. Theboard of directors regrets any confusion that may bave iesufted f rom the materiai sent out by an anonymous group callng itself *The Frlends of Whitby Genoral Hospitai.u known. Elizabeth Woodbury Chief executive off icer and secretary 10 the board Whltby Generai Hospital hungryl Alil this and other large ttlp expendltures corne ai a lime when taxpayer are scrlmplng just to make ends meet in Whitby. 'This type of expenditure is such an Insult to volunteers such as myseif who do work on behaif of taxpayers for no fée et ail.,Volunteers such as myseif pay- for. oui own dinner and we usually dine in Whitby 10 support oui fellow taxpayers. Peîhaps Rt Is time for Whitby to have a citizens' watc.h4ype ommfttee 10 approve oui elected officiais' expense reports. This action mlgbt cul down on the type of lavlsb expenditure descnibed. Keep Up the good woik, Jim Prlest maybe thon we. will have some money for down to earth things such as road ropair. Paul Savage Discount Hobbies Whltby To th. edîtor: Recently i used the automatlc, banklng machine (Bank 0f Nova Scotia) et Garden and Rossland.l was ln somewhat 0f a rush and I made a smail wlthdiewal and was onvisng with aeyoung woman who was with her husband and baby. Not iealizlng, 1 walked away without orpleting my transaction thon ieailzed lI on my way home. MW son and I rushed back to the banklng machine but thore was no sign 0f my card or the young couple. I reported ih 10 the 24-bour service line. Later wben 1 îecetved my bank- statement, 1 found tbey had drawn $50 on'anothor transaction and my Card was sliin the machine and tbey were qulk enougbt o noticolRbeforo the machine bad lime 10 swailkW nmy card. 1 realze, this was due,10 my own but Ihope-,thàaithe Yu Oup11-4 e ailz.thiy commided To the editor: Re: Oshawa referendum Two4hirds 0f Oshawa voters don't wanit a casino and 95 per cent are against jolning witb Toronto. What does ilmean? Oshawa, witb one of the woist downtown areas ln Durham Reglon (tiartsients, bums,, drunka and drugs), bas dedided thoy bave enougb jobs, diversions and crime. Wltb one 0f the weakesl and most a crime. i can oniy hop o tha thtey needed tb. money that bad 10 stoop so low. Mabel Willtt Whitby unstable economies ln the, region, Ihey wol rather go il alone than loin, in a larger economy 10 grow together. la kt the decisions 0f the people or the Influences 0f the politidians? Who can say they are wiong, elther way? Mabe Oshawa wilI continue Uls business decline and lbe increase 0f its homeless and derelicts. Peibeps the best solution la to bulld a bigh fonce around the aity and keep ai those people fiorn getting ouI and spoiling the rosI 0f the Greater Toronto Area. Lot themn keep their Mayor Diamond, wbo may b. the most progressive leader they bave over elected, or the worst PolltiIan for. lack 0f management skiîls. Only lme I ll . Ellbeway, there la ltMe to suggest that Oshawa is beaded for botter limes for ils residents. If only the answeis were cloar. Don Young Ajax Senior feels 'honou.red' To the editor: June ls seniors' month., Again Ibis year we bave been honoured by people ln Ibe communlty. We had a wonderful evening 0f foot and enterlainmenl provldied by Balley -Big' V. K(insmen hostod the annual bngo., provldlng prizes and troata (amd transportatonfor those Who nebodd k). They aeas The Region la honouring us witha spoclal open houa. June 27. To al Ibese spedial people, tbank you. As a senior I feel: very valued. We are vovy',fortunate to - have a beautiful new contre. Many more events are planned for seniors' month. and I 1wvisfi 10 tha'nk ail who worked' so bard planning' and oiganlzating these events. Thfank YOU. The decline Hope they needed it

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