Footead McKenzie at tournament Whitby's Adam Foot. and Bob McKenzie will b. co-chairs of a oelebrity ma o rnent to b. i'eldby theBrooklin Redmen lacrosse club at Lakeridge Links in Whitbyr July 9. Fe oot. in a member of the Stan- loy up champion Colorado ÃŽolkes« while McKenzje is a hockey danalyst for the Toronto Star and 1N CôÃ"st is $500 for a foursomne, or $135 per personi, which includes golf, cart )idinner a"d -guest sp~eakers.i)nner-onlY ticket. are Cali Calvin Curtis at, 668-0956 (home) or 416-235-5437 (work). Mosquitoes 0 steal a win Whitby had only four hits but stole 15 bases t. emorge as 7-1 victors oerAjaxinm mnor mos- quitorep basebl June 19., Jonatan Thiebaudgo the win on the. mound as e went four innings in the. six-inning Whitby girls' softbal Jun. 16 - Whitby Optimists 17. Baunk of Mont"ea 7; Eurooeaft Kitchens 13, Brooldin Knsm.n 12; MarigoMLi ncoln 9, Whitby Kinsmen'7; Brooklin Kinernen 14. Whitby Optimiste 18 W L T P EuracrafKbrhens 6 0 O 12 V W y in. 3 3 0 «6 Whi b tgts 3 40 6 Bank ofMontreal 2 4 0 4 Broolin Kinumen 1 6 0 2 SOPHOUME June 17 - DDS Marketing 15. Brooldin Optimista 12; Fishermans Fri.nd 6. Whutby l<lanis 0; Cases Whitby 6, Whkby Klwanis 0 WL T P DDS Marketng e O A 12 Bon kwte 5 i1 *ii-1 cass hsien 3 4 0 6 Whitby Kiwanis 0 7 0.0 NOVICE June 16 - Whitby Lions 7. Master Print 12. Unitel 8. Jo. the Plumber il; Acms Mobile Wash 15. Dr. Kagets'% Tsin 6; Bank of Montreal 14. Knlghts of Columbus 13; Van Hemn n«res'6, Century 21 - Rosemary 3rown 13; Saturn fsuzu Motorcity 10, West .yndo Fish & Chips 17 StotHinge l TPr Dwrhamn Cash Register 4 2 0 BraoldfrLegion 2 3 1 5 DOlSMarketing 2 4 0 4 Lomrli Drugs 2 40 4 I C&W Store Fixtures 1 4 0 2 Whlby Fre Presa Wecnesday. June 26, . 196 Page 17. Whitby minor basebal lun e, 1 9»agraCd* s9 IntenationalMIN SeMa.. s8; Jane 180. Smllng Diii.8 kierniane l MISerwcaes 6; Durham Dodge Clvysler 12. (Non Grqtla 8; Lenn Drur 7. Whdtby Opirkds 2; HlgNsndVan &Sionarmg. 9 Whklby Rahiy Oit 5; June 17 - Rogers C" . HlhedVais Storage S; Dorham Dodg. 8. WhI'RlsCkb3 W L T P RRA§C" 0 1 0 18 La~Dum5 1 I0 l Hwg~dm VMa8aq 5 5 1I 0on Grapieks S 5 O5 10 WhbyRPtao0m 4 7 0 8 W OdOUMSenfica. 2 7 0 4 Whby v o1nlata2 8 0 4 Jw21 - W.C. Town, 14. Pro Street Autamotve 5; Ba tikaiMNà reel13. DundasÇ.ntre Guardian Dnuo 8. KSC Semrty 9. Wéedrnan 8. WhRWb )Ptkist 12. Cremer Cuting à Coding 9; CanuPmit Progrees CItA> 18. Pringle Creok Guà rdimi Orag 2; R.rS-A-Tet 13. Bmooldin Kînermen il; Anderon Vetekway C01mb 7. Pro Street Aulainifro2- June 18 - W.C. Touvn 14. Anderson Veterriary Clinio 5; Pningle Creok OGCIMOnup 1MW. Frank(Karen Fed>li) 1. Pro 81re- Asiarnatve 12, Dindes Centre Guardian Orage 2; Jane 17 - Bankt af Montreal 5. Brooldin Kinsmen 1; Reri-A-Tent 9. Creurner Cuting à Ccring 3- Candian ProgmeaCkob 6. Wèeedman 3; WhâbV ktst 17. KSC Security ô W L T P Bank o Mneai 7 1 1 15 W.C.TOMn 7 2 0 14 VWh1ty OUmriss 7 2 0 14 W=.r &a KaeFody 8 2 0 12 DmdOr. audn uo S 3 O 12 ReiA-ei5 4 0 10 Pro Sb" Aubornoweit. 5S 4 O 10 Cuadam PmgressOChë 5 4 0 10 Weedmn 3 e O 6 KCewy3 a O 6 Prngae CrkGuardian Drupe 3 e O S CresmeCuttinaSCodin 2 6 1 5 AnomVoLnnagClIn 2 6 0 4 June 23 - Jensen Autabody 10. Bankof Montreal 9. Jane 21 - Beddord Service Centre 15, Torot Dmà rimsBUM 10; June 20 - Pinewood Centre 13. Bank ci Montreal 5, June 19 - Torno Dorumnion Bank 7. Co-Stee L1c 1; Jensen Autobody 12. Air Con 12; White Rose 17, Becdord Serv» Cuerft16; Lan#ePlurrting 4. Whitby Lions CItA> 2-. Jane 18 - Bu"unan, Reaky 15, Top Ouaity Ccision 2; June 15 - Bocaord Servios entre 15, Whilby Lions Cité 8 MoI.kM23 BudmannRealty ôi Pln.wmod Centre6 1 -O Langl.y Pluroblnq 2 0 TOP Quality Colision 65 2 0 Jense Autobody 3 3 2 Co-Steel1 asc 4 4 0 Beoldord Service Centre 4 5 0 Ar Con 3 4 1 White Ro»e3 5 O Toronto Domninion Blank 2 6 1 Whlby ans Club 2 8 0 Bank ofMonteel 1 7 0 Jun. 23 - Jaya 1. Puites 0Jaya 5. Roda 2 m of kune18 Jaya Rod Pilate Jun.v 22 - Marksfing Resouras Group 4. Jerry. Dugs 3; Whitby AwVdieoe 9. Bank of Montieul 0.- Plaque Au" It8.050BC7; Jane 21 - Whltby AudialVcdso 9. Warr.nsPrtlng 3. Bank af Mn&@ 8. ls, aaEntseprlses ;June 19- Plaque Afttac 17. Broadin Insmen 12. Mit"bI Immume 19. Bankacg Montreal 3; June 17 - CIBO 10. Marketing Resurce Group 8,; Raa ErBepbbes%.Wl*cbrOUmsts2; StarrBurger 13. Plaque Attack 6; Warren', Printlng 10. Jerys Drugs 5 mesof Juaus23 W L T P ys Enterprises 7 1 0 14 WhitbAudWVdeo 6 2 1 13 Starrurger 5 2 1 il 50 5 3 010 warrensaPrintln 4 4 0 8 BankaciMontal 3 .5 1 7 Plaque Attadt 3 6 0 6 Brookin Kinsimen 2 5 1 5 MitchelIlnsurac 3 5 0 6 Whitby rU ftimlta1 6 1 3 "NOR MOSQIJTO Jane 21 - AJIl Knd Ga 12. Executive Ceanbers 6; Dodd & Sauter 10. Sunlea Farms 9; June 20 - SemotiukCe Drillera 9. Vick Insurance 2; Leacorn Consulling 13. Doug Turner Caspentry 8; Bank of Montreal 15. Legai Beagles 9; Pickermg Village 14. Ail Tech Eledtrio 10; June 18 - Leaorn Cenaulting 18. Pfliokrg Vilage il; Bank of Montreal 12. Doug Turne Cazpentry 10; Sunlea Fais 7. Execiaive Cleaners 1; Alil Knd Gas 2, Coode Cruslur 1; Dodd & Souter 8. Hoslcin Copy 3 se of Jume 21 W L T P MlKlnd Gas Enterprhea 10 1 0 20 A Tee Electrio Syatern 7 1 1 15 Piokerfrg Vilage Source 7 2 0 14 VickîInsurance 6 2 1 13 Semnotiwa Drillera 6 3 0 12 Dodd &Souter 6 5 0 12 Leacon Consulting 4 4 2 10 Bank ci ontre" 4 4 1 9 Executive banme 3 7 1 7 urn~uer Carentry 3 6 0 6 S"u mFais3 .7 '0 6 Cooke Cshers 2 7 1 5 LegalBeagles 2 7 0 4 Hooin Copy 1 8 1 3 Shopping For AÈ Iii-ipoil Sedan? Lookiiig For Mie Best Vifflue In Towii You Couild Compare Us To Mazda., Honda And Toyota... But Why Bother IILTIM GXE with Automatic and Air Staondard- oupmmnt hidus, among other fhhis power windows - locks - mirrors - steering and brakes - tinted glass - cruise control - AM/FM cassette stereo - dual'air bags - full carpehing - height adjustable seat beits , remote trunk and gas release - tilt* cupholders - side impact beamns - overdrive' transmission 150 hp - mud-flaps - side mouldings - bumper to bumper +Tranty with roadside assistance. If youïr ettf iledea tNs is gpeat velue, good-we knew you'd sus it or way. 36 month lease with $1500. down, plus freight ($890), taxes, and security deposit. 57,600km allowed. Zero down and extended km leases also available. 311 LInaAAM *balaclng . vale?ètM P175~<13 58,00 P8/Ol13. 60.00 1>18(7514 8.00 P5/514 .0 P20/75 P205/75R P215175R P225/75R P235/75R 71.00 73.00 76.00 79.00 81.00 4 Vear Road Hazard Fîrptc>ie er iUnrai Dr i r1 1t . Used Tires'$20 and upý *) ,CELEBRI'TY- * GOLF TOURNAMENT LAKERIDGE LINKS GOLF CLUB TUESDAY JULY 93,1996 .MAN SCRAMBLE FORMAT Pnizes for: - Low Scores - Longest Drives - Closest to Pin & More! $450 per foursome or $125 per person Includes: Golf - Shared Power Carile 1 Qoz. Steak Dinner.* Guest Speaker Tickets for dinner only are also available for $35OQ each. Celeb rity WNA19 E Chairman WNA19 E Bob Mckenzie METRO FOR A Toronto Star H-OL IN ONE! and TSN Courtesy of Ontario Motor Sales To register a foursome contact Calvin Curtis at 905-668-0956 LGEhNERAL AMERI 300,-SL All Season R - acliais [NISSAN]