Sidewalk art contest to be held 'he fourth annual sidewalk aft competition wlll b. held on Saturday, June 29, during the County Town Carnival. Organized by the Whitby Courthouse Theatre, painters will begin their works at noon and finish by 4 p.m. To preregister (spaoe is limited) at a cSt of $2, pick up entry forme at Lafontaine Trading Post, Elsa's or Baby Shack (downtown stores), Whitby Inormation Centre or Whitby Public Library, or oeil Lafontaine at 430-3774 or Marcy at 666-1529. Forme must be mailed or delivered to Lafontaine by June 25. Participants muet bring their own brushes; a paint tray with ail other items needed will be provided. Psychic sessions off ered Wings of Learnng 125 Brock St. S., will hold special events on Saturdayfrom noon to 6 p.m. There will be psychic readings aura drawings, reflexo- 1"gyhealing sessions>,intuitive body work and more. Ail1 prooeeds (minimum donation $5) will go to the Daniel Allen leukemia fund. For more information, eall 666-4613. Miniagolf course in downtown [ A mini-golf course will b. set up on the sidewalk of Dundas,19treet West on Saturday afternoon, June 29. Lafontaine Trading Post will provide people of ail ages with the opportunity to PlaY mini-golf from the front. of Lafontaine Trading Post to Pluto's Take-out. Sponsors of this event also include Speedy Office, Pluto's, Brags Delights, and South Beach Tanning Studios. The cost is $2 per person 'or $5 per family. Mayor to be dunked The mayor and metor maids of Whitby are among those who will get wet on Saturday, June 29. The Rotary Club of Whitby has orgamized the second annual Dunk Tank event as part of the County Town Carnival. Located on Brock Street near the Bank of Montreal, betweený noon and 4 p.m., three balls cari b. thréwn for $1. Procéeds will be used by Rotarians to Nids' Safety Village of Durhamn, Boy Scouts and local baseball teams. HOT OFF 1711E PRESS rlit, em an historie souvenir newspaper Available at the Whitby Free Press and selected downtown business Also available from "Newsies"' along the parade route and on the street throughout the downtown on Saturday only $1,,oo Alproceeds to the County Town- Carnival and other community projects Whhby limes ls a joint proiec of the Whitby Free Press & Behlnd the Mimes Publications ..t&k yJse Restaurant & P"b 129 Brook St. N. 430-9165 . . .............h....... P* n lrtewhWVmIIy ».101 Mary St. W. . 665-7612 LIVE EN TER TA INMEN T Friday, Satuday & Sundlay June 28th, 29th & 3Oth We could be so cheeky to say 'We have the very best chicken wlngs anywhere!n Sun. il :3Oam-close 300 ea. Eat-in only Thursday Night - 9pm LADIES NIG3HT Enjoy the sounds of our D.J. Friday Nights $1 0.95 + tax T-Bone Steak Dinner Saturday & Sunday Nights Roast Beef Dinner $8.95 + tax Corne orhae oayIfosren! County Town Camnival - June 26/96 i J IL-