Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1996, p. 15

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Whitby mixedi s1oeupitch Lakeshore Women's fastbal Jus. 28 - Bchs10. Piraes9; Dodd& Ble , or Ju.2 BOMWOO Vb4. Dodd àBouter12 Jus. le - Pirates13, loulsg5; ARebl 16 Beohes14 Jus ,17 - BOWM.VM.2Z Bock..4 Jus. 12 - Beolur 13, Dodd 4 Bouter 13; BcwswvIOe. Rede"s22 W LT p OM à Boutw 4 0 2 10 Pb"aes4 2 0o9 Rebel 2 3 1 6 BomsIe 2 5 0 4 leh.2 4 1 5 Durhm co-op basebaf Jus. 23 - NodfwIsw Nlghtlaaut 18. prne Canet Ptdatoqs8; Oterree t htyOt=o0 7. DWn Q gs b0; Fuhadw Lor Paslhe 2Z. Cod uCosdo,10, CouMkeraios 23 1 Mmdgold Diuger21; oshmC" ecqm 18- Pake m* cuff11; Ornd Wocds 17. Euit WhIIby Wurrmq 5; Oshuwa Vuley Vaers19% WIIoewP*3 Jus. 16 - Ormsd WoodS 17. Priogle Crek Pmedio6-5; ulgold Dalu1. Oshaus Cree Cougar 8; FutherLarnlorPundei8. Otier Ceek MWOSto, 5; Oshawa Valey Vipf e.- Et 9, yWurrlor 0; MfCosIerg lZ2.NodlvWlw Nlghthawts 8; Pdngie CrneCobra 7. Oufum Oddbah 0-, WW l 1.CocomaCosdors3 m of Jaung2 DnrnDONA Don Otarrje' Poeerlaùwey 72 3 idert 5 LumeCstu.750718 Fr. LulorPatL 5 2 0 45 10 Dadd à&Mot 6 6 0 154 127 m w = 52 0 55 10 Goid m 4901314 pmnloc. 34078 S DIVSON 8 90 54 p uge.Prsdel 2 5 0 99 4 IGod GaineeA.. 10 3 0 196 104 O5ch.CfILC0J 2 5 0 110 4 TpOumlày COL. 8 3 0 150 98 Cordm a=sor 1 5 1 88 3 loer Auiodv 8 3 0 143 85 WilowPerk 16 088 2 jK-Mut 5 910 1194 EtM y 0 6-1103 1V3 10 13 3 17 Dd 070 89 O0Nan~ 3100130317 RF L R A Wbiftby« mnor basebai Jhaa 19- BuWgosGroP St"us4. OhurduiuAuto. 2; WhlSaYKInme . WhbY ROwy Cub 4 tsa 12-aimn asGOp abWm e.whliay KiasMe 4 .k.r5 - WIy Rotuy Ckd,3% ClwrraerAuto. 2; Whthkhamen 13uUosGoa-mgBta 1 91 MMesî Py UW Cyi Bmas ah*m churck.sAI Whly am W LT 421 430 340 MMORPEEWEE .ha3RysEUiepMss 1Js s o dy 4«. W.C. Toms FusolChopasi il. MM &Mom Shoga 10 June 27 - Lonox Des 18. SMla ChaletSa JuseU8- Ras Enteepdes S.The GreesTyosm 5 Jus. 25 -W.C. Town Fusraoi Choi 13. Jesse Autody, 4; MAM Mud Shaps 9. LMcha Groluaideô Jus. 24 - Whbt rPro.FmrfWglm s7. Rcy' Euisupisses OSHAWA DISTRICT HOCKEY SCHOOL AID -PRO CAMP ePower Skating Stick Handling and Hockey School Pýrograms For-- More information 723-8768 or 666»5927. a *tu- me Tomeen u Iod 'aMy Pro. =rIt"Mr ~soca WL 93 84 74 85 47 J4x»2U-AfrCcs 1& Co-BteelLumo8- Buchanan Reuty 5. TSooia onilsion Bush .5; lecldr SerS lo Oste 9% JessesAut o dyS6; Bank cf Montroo 7. Wh. Ro».4; Pinwmood estre 10. Whilby Uoar Ckob4 Jus. 27 - LaglaW Plundlg 9& Top OluaWl Collison S June 25 -Air Con 10, hilbyUosClub 6 Juse24- Phawod Centre18. Langley Plun*>lsg 5; JensnAuto dy 8. Co-SteeL Inc 7; Buchanan Rssiy 13. WhMs Rase8; Top Ouully Cogsias 13b Bank d W MosnI5 es ofJaum 2 Bau s Raoy Piawood Centr JOMeesAUIO ld Boikfdai ondeCont Co-B" LUMo Torost Dominionks White Ros WhilbyULoss Ok luankad Montreu 2804 Soccer City Sports Complex Sixth Annual Ages 4- 12 JULY 8 -AUG. 16 8:30 - 4:30 E.D.C. available ACTIVIIES INCLUDE: ISwim program I*Arts & crafts eVariey of sports programs J*Other aotivities ifluding jday trip to Ontario Place Weekly rate $105.00 cer Cit Sps Coex 100 Sun1ry. ffConsmes rn. 61-1 Dr 4 3-34434 Mtby Free Press, WeiSday, July 3,1996, Page 16 Brad MacArthur scored four goals as Oshawa Green Gaëss defeated Akwesasne 18-8 in Ontario junior B lacrosse action Saturday nmght.' G*ls leve ter'eao Squirts repelý Raiders Jus. 30 -Md" i.Prinçies14.Whtby Inns M&WU 13; Admtsgbe 14.Mehsbie PringleseIo-, Banker & the lundk13, Auto Zoe il; TaUlgat Chrles 18. Whllby In Mate 15; Bualeà thi e nti19,&Cassys Gdliouso8 M of Jung 30 W L T P CasessGrieiouse a8 3 O 1e Barir à heBR 'il 7 3 0 14 T&UigdChasge 3 1i113 BMaCUUB 4 7 0 8 ME8SpeM 2 9 0 4 AutoZo1 i10 '0 2 men's rec slo-pitch Juse2V' mPeSoool.s 0. K-Mart 3; K-Murt 7. Dodd& Bouler 5; Top OuulltyCoalimos12. Dodd à Bouler il Jus. 21 - Lmis ConstuctnIo 2.VIII.9. Vpees0. Dos Chesyyïs Grap.vls.18. Gord Gene,'.Aulorotve 13; Goldes. Bpus11. V& ieVM s3; Golden Spur.20. Durham Jus. 25 - Pr liteky 22, Duramuxors 3; God Gner.At«o»v.15&Power Bammey 12. Peecoat Sports S. leur Autcoaiv.4 M of %lue 29 Whitby men's slo-pitch BLUE DMSKDN W L T P HanctlPhu"lo 10 5 0 20 1lageIBoodI Bla 1 R/Mx- Paul Bid 8 4 1 17 Mvant.gTolscom 7 6 2 16 CÉrOI.Tyd 7 7 1 15 ionanon 3 10 A B M0I kAinSpdroIe 8 5 2 1 l 8ohg~ 7 1 17 8 16 H h.Hn 5 7 2 12 5 9 0 10 4',t 8 2 10 MacuIE~Riaod 3 9 1 7 Jum 285-C.Q âi 14 (Doan Nma). Apco Siaimer5-, Hmai Plie JIm Longhuret). Ion Bams6 Pm Mes MdQnI.I); e PdsglM,/Play k Agi Spogle 13. Advilag. Jus. 25 -*Mca&bIN Rapopoet 6. Master R--N 5Vrg.oBrooiJs . Cirais1mai4 (%mwd M")» Jus. 24- ummadodCougoes9. aiMx - Puai bird B9(IaroiD ohm); Hughes Hawks 10. DoWih.u10 Jus. 23 - Hughe Hawks 1&, madgol Cougars 1; Umàw BO&rom a. Md"si Prgm/Play k Again Sports 13 (Bus DicldSu); C. Dkis.14 <a,>iGodes). MacAadVqxçoet 8; RaiMm - PaiBid 15 (Rick Van Wdlorho6g>. ho larms 4 (John Fak); Ciris Tua.SP&Jwg. Teoos10; 14aet Plu" cs7. -VIae., ai Brooldis5; DOW"l* 8 ClamLuidryA pollo SpoSws Oshawahitermediates himidget grs fastball June 24. ý - Stce Taylor tbrew the shu- tout. Somer West had three hits and Joanne Van -Dyke knoclced hi threeruns. volvedinthe second-place battle. record to 14. wins and six losses, good for fourth Place in the tough east division but within reach of second place with a few games in hand. Bryan Power scored three goals while Ryan Huxter and Daný St. Aubin each had two goals. Brent Lazary had three aista. Gals were scheduled to play Monda, July 1 in Neea and then ""sdy, July 2 ini Scar- borough. Scarborough la also in- Air Cntoi~<j, INvSPEC lus MEMBER INSTALLER *Check Refrigeration System with Manifold Gauges *Leak Detector *Check Compressor Clutch, *Check Compressor and Drive Beits *Test Temperature at NOC Outiets * Freon Extra (includes 1/2lb. freon if nec.) Te Wbitby squirt rep faatbail team defeated 'AMax Ralders 23-1 on June 10. Eagles were led offensively by Melamie Fullerton with five bits, Maria Tennant wlth four bits and three runs-batted ln and Erin Scott who bit a home run and drove in seven runs. <Lyndsey Matsumura pitched a tbree-hitter. Eagles had two wina and two losse at a tournainent in Pickering. Lindaey Lilly had six bits and nine RBIs. The Whitby Rebels squirt team had a win and a lose in recent Lauren Dunford, who com- bined with Danielle Morrison on a four-hitter, had five, bits as Whitby batteedPîckerig313. Melissa Rýogers Andrea Mit- chell anid Amùanâa Otter each had three hits. Time ran out on ]Rebels in a 5-4 loss to Markham. Markhaxn led 5-3 before Rebels soored a run i the sixth but tfime constraints ended the corne- back hid. NOVICE The Whitby novice team won a silver medal at a tournainent ini Kingston. Kr-ista Mueller hit two to the fer.ce in a 10-O win- over Picker- ing Lisa Foresta and Colleen Hoen each hit two doubles in an 8-4 win- over Napanee, IÀnd- say Freeman drove in three runs ini a 16-O win over Kingston. In the final, Central Frontenac defeated Whitby 8-3. Ini le e pla, htby lost 11-8 te Aror adespite a home run and tri p eb e cky vBfrtzu, triples by ueller and Amanda Lawson ad a dul by Pattie Phillips. Birtzu smacked a two-run home ruu t teaccount for aIl of Whitby's scoring i an exciting contest lin Barrie won 3-2 by the home teain. bleanw ngles anPdo= i five runs to, lead (Oqhawa Double B te, a 19-0 rt-àu' of NOW Standard ýment Ix" ds, among other thigs power windows - Iocks - mirrors - steering and brakes - tinted glass a cruise control - AM/FM cassette stereo - dual air bags. fui! carpeting - height adjustable Seat beits - remote trunk and'gas release - tilt. cupholders - side impact beamns * overdrive transmission. 150 hp - mud flaps - side mouldings a bumper to bumper warrant>' with roadside assistance. Ifypu re gdfki 1h. Mia i is veat velue, godw. knw you'd ne-11M. urway. 36 month lease wth $1500. down, plus treight ($890>, tàxes, and securfty deposft. 57,600km allowed. Zero down and extended km leases also available. (Ask about no nonsense leasing). month* GXE w*ith Automatic and Air Omuaid _ _d Shopping For Aý Import Sed,,cm? Looking For Mie Best Value In Town? 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