wyuimiy s-arimu, vvoelesy, uy 3, iw1M r6.1 Minrs oling teir own againsi majoir opposition second victezY of the. sason against ne bse. He struck eut pin. while contributing -two bits himseIl Adding to the assault were Jo" Parlow and Greg Zedic each with two bits. Ryan Vopmi pitched a complets game in the. Win over Little Britain. He had il1strikeouts, and hebped the offence with two bits. Thompeon had three bits, Sean Tremaine and Chris Slonka'two each. gantOshawa, Whitby caMe bcfrom an 11-6 deficit but came up short after a controversial caIl at home plate on what would have obtaini*ng a playoff spot i the EOBA major midget league. Spotting their opposition a one- yearage advantago, the. improving team recently scared two of the. league'. powenhouses while. now boasting a eight-win, seven-boss record. A playoff would be ail but guaranteed if they can complets thie seaon at 12 wins and 10 bosses. Ini their mont reent outings, Chiefs defeated Port Hope 3-2 and Ià ttie Britain 12-5, while dropping a 11-10 decision te, Oshawa. Ini the Port Hope game, Scoti Thompson pitched a complet. game five-hitter in recording Ibis Central W L TUOFGA P Central 4 1 0 12 G 12 NYAzzuvI 3 O 2 21 0 il ..0 n u 3 1 16le 09G soccer E"MM 2 1 214 98 Mahwn 18305613 3 "*Ii 1 30 7 15 3 league 0Yam 4 1 8 186 LAIucosW L TîCF CA P OsdumKi"ls8 0 037 1 18 Jum@2ê Cabaur 8-0 0 23 e18 LNEM wko hlb . wq NyAz 5 0 0 38 7 15 P"I"2:Noth mbmuh 1 7*. P.hetP" mu1- 4 2 0 15 13 12 KiM4AM . WM mq 3NY conia. 3 2 1 21 10 10 Kiaaî;m7W..Raqs 3 1 0 14 8 9 .Jne2l à S3 0 18 1490 UNER1P-W1eDI1.OrIFuno NoethTornbo 2 0 2 17 7 8 E*Iow 2 2 1 10 8 7 - EffOITA os t 1*9a 1 3 2 le 25 ô nf ruWIIV 1 4 1 15 21 4 Tuni 1 4 1 15 30 4 UNOminglan03 3 823 3 1W S oigo 4 0 12 21 3 WLTeA oBuO 0 3 21037 2 CM" 4 1 0118a12 0 5, 0 1421 Gsn8Shbs 3 1 013 39 523 &.9Iu.s 2 1 1 il 3 7 - Rîs Mukhmn 2 3 0 8 18 6DE-1E Eobba.1 3 0.310 3 W LTUCFGA P WhIby O 3 16a12 1 Eut York5 1 12511 16 uIe. Yzmd -4 11 17 10 13 WLL Sm SIJ 2 1 31714 9 WfL amh'OF4101 912 8hbI 2 2 1 814 7 lhofu 41 010 122 3 112 12 7 v 2301910'24019 6 Vatchan3 1 0118 9 Dm-Ungtan1 3 21315 5 NYi amas2 2 111.6 7 Wexdord 0 5 0 3 17 O Nw1g2 2 1 12 8 7 Etobb". 1 2 2 16 10 5 UmNRW2P Wnlad1 3 1 912 4 Makwm 05 0 433 0 W L T OFCAP WWR1PAm 4 0 2 17 4 14 UNPEdo§,-oeiua 3 0 2 16 5 11 W TOA E aios3 0 218 811 NYrWulîTîOF6C1133 WhlI 3 2 01015 9 Whkby 1 10 1 0. 77 13 30 -Ki"c 0 5 O 8 22 0 UnIoib 862 3 3018 21,NYHt b0 50 318 0 Olym FIam. 5 3 1 18 24 16 Vé ob ô i 5 50 27 32i5UNE10 Sme.BIU. 4 3 2 27 25 14 WE-O Pibaomugh 3 51 18 25 10WLT P C&hwmTM 3 7 1 20 31 10 toUc~î 0 21 NyAzeaifl 3 5 0 24 25 9 NI o-O 0 21 v n 2 71 198 7 Wd 22 10 4668 = 12 ô 111 3 4 Lmme 2 1 0 à 10 .6 Plmrg10173DuurUn ~1 3 0 512 3 pkkekw 10 1072 3 WedRSp 4 O 1 15 0 UNDER-15P UNER-10E W L T OF GA W L T OF CA P NYAzzwdgl S O 1 41 5 25 ohS.18 0 031 3 8 Olom Fliam 7 1 0 3013 21 4 i . 1 1 27 03 1 3 NY Azt92O80 2 44 12 20 =M . 41 31 2 14113 Sw.Bhao8 143 28 8 60 mîlngian 3 2 11712 10 EutVYork 268013 15 *8 hII 33 0911 Whty 0 1 75 î Porlug 2 4 013 19 6 Whky 4 1 7 3 1 WoutRaugs 0 5 _1. 4 22 1 UNDER-.14P PiodobvkW 5 1 4 41 1 Jetta Trek0 5 on the floo r. 21 on the When you lease or buy a limited edition Jetta Trek you flot only get a g reat lease rate on a 115 horsepower Volkswagen Jetta, you also get a 291 speed, limited edition Trek performance mountain: bike and an ail purpose roof rack. You also 9et dual airbags, fog lights, rack and pinion stelering and rear spoiler plus * many more standard felatures. Drivers wanted'"() M W M V Vailu _ _ il _ OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN UNCU Experence he-Owasca Feeln. Pro yen t0 serve you BESTsince t,972. W» J'2 An &1 CARE and 'CAA award wlnner y.I 2 Sales, service, leasing, body shop, ail makes.1 ;.Rentals ln Canada, USA and Europe, overseas delÃŽvery WMm 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby N > Ã"u686-6410- 4 WS TOP DOLLAR FOR EASWT R Y OUR TRADE' DWTW Thur'da"World's9 Largest Track" evening starting' FREE DURHAM 00 RV RUNS'TIL OCTOBER The first Tuesday of every month please bring 2 non-perishable food items and receive go-kart ticket* or 2 FREE kiddy rides. *i free.ticket per customer per visit. More than just a GO-KART TRACK.. COýUPON I VALUE $31OO BUY 2TICKETSýlGET 1- * ExplmOs Aug. '3l st 199. One coun pur person. *Net vald wt n threfr.Caill.e eavalklablty.* MINI GOLF BATTING CAGES' Pettîng Zoo Pony Rides Arcade Midwagy Rides Wa ter StIde Bumper Boats Bumper Cars 1Kiddyland Whitby Kart Club Restaurant HOURS MONDY-SUNAY 9A-1 OP CALPFOR ID AEaOEI The Whitby minor midget basebail team began the 1996 campaign with the goal of Gymasts 'Reach' fie top Katie Brooks was firt overail i the pre-competitiveae7 division of the Gemii Gnas- tics Reach for the Sky meet recently CytlJky of Whitby was f hrsthejacdà ette A category of the i tiyBdivision. Broswas second overail in the. 8A division at a previous meet iPickerm«ng. Katherie Fairhurst of Whitby was also second overal, in the 7A cate- gory. zeI IlcMcKenzie atI tournamentJ Whitby's Bob McKenzie will b. chair of a oelebrity golf tournament te b. held by the Brooklin Rtedmen lacrosse club at Lakeridge Links in Whitby July 9. Adam Foote of NWhy, a member of the Stanley Cup champion Colorado Rockies3, was origlnally scheduled to ce-chair the event, but had to withdraw. McKenzi, is a hockey analyst for the Toronto Star and TSN. Coat is 00 for a foursome, or $136 per perso, which includes golf, cart dinn- and guest speakers.'Ãinner-oniy tickets are aloavailable. Cali Calvin Curtis at 668-0956 (home) or 416-235-5437 (work). AMUSEMENT PARK 1 7 1 6m ý MBL-IMW-M ý ýVAVM m m ý ý m a m m m =ý m ý lu ý m m lw-ý 1- -, M-à ý - Crd%à % 13ý L.L. 0 40%MC n__ t«Y F WHIBYMINOR HOCKEY. Registration information -for the Hockey registrations for new players wishing to piay in the 1996-1997 hockey season can be obtained from Iroquois Park. Registration forms are to be completed and retumned t'O Iroquois Park by JuIy 31,9 1996. Alil registration formns must be accompanied by a post- dated cheque for $290.00 payable to Whitby Minor Hockey Association, dated August 12, 1996. For this year only, registration forms will be drawn in the form of a iottery. This lottery will be held on August 12, 1996 in Whitney Hall at Iroquois Park at 7 pmn. Alil parents aâre invited to attend this Iottery. To ensure each child is registered only once, ail registration forms will be verified and only one form will be entered into the Iottery per child. If your child is successful in the lottery, the post-datecl cheque will be immediately cashed. You wil be notified by the retum cof your pink copy of the Registration Form. Names of ail successful children will be posted at Iroquois Park after the lottery. Alil other applications will be held on a waiting list and if a spot becomes available the new spot will be filed using a lottery systemn to ensure continuing faimness. If you require any additional information regarding the Registration process, please caîl Peggy Hewson at 668-2465.