Page 20. Whltby Fr.. Pmss, Wednesday, July 3, 1996 OAL~~A I OALLA mon.SUONAL I PROPESSIONAL FUSSY DUSTER Housedleanor. Nood a break? Botter thlngs to do? Check Fussy Dustor out. Reasonable rates. Sprlng dlean aOVer visil. Equlpment & materlals provtded. (905)668-033. HENK KARELSEN Palnflng & Homo Repair. Qat ok lntedor/extortor. Over 20 years experlence. No lob too smail. Fre estmaies.1-80-23-0823. tem HOME. RENOVATIONS 9" restoration. Plans, inspections, spec.sfications, carpentry, plumbing, electri cal, windows, energy conservation. Caîl Jacques cf Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. HANDYMAN WITH A VAN. wII dio household movlng & storage, cleanupe andf removal, goneral repairs and electrical work.Cal Doug (905) 434-7874. PAINMN & paperlng*Let Georg Do Ir. Relable, oxporiencod, quallte work Speclal rates for seniors. Flexcible hours, prompt service, free ostms Phono George 666-1168. MENARD & Son PlasterIng- new & repairs, stucco, concrets, prgng cracked foundlations rird painllng- hteror & extertor, complets bathrooms and rec roorns. 1lsyears e)erlsnc. lnsured. Fre estimates. 9R95-3794. HOUSECLEANIN DONE by 2 rellble and exporlenced women. Excellent roferences avallablo. ln need of heo? Cadi Robin, 668-2619, Chris, 666-2921. YOUR il SEWING CENTRE. Sewlng'macine repairs. Ail makos. 10%Senors' discount. Complets tuummlir $2995 + parts. Factory trained technlans. For free pick-up & delvery cail 432-7375. 4aw-d îFR11 ESTIMATES AsphaIt I Sealing Repairs gaiRenews & Pratects ~ Asphait Surfaces O From $49.95 EL $5.00 OFF With This Coupon i CeaicTl Specializing in Ceranfic Tles & Ma rbi e. - 25 Years experience. Diploinia. Tel: (416) 282-6854 Interlock, retainîng wauîs, decks & fences. Specializing in Pisa stone. 10...........................arateed Calil (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 e...- BSIES Herbai Stop Smoing Prograrn 100% guaranteed, over 90%/ success rate. Distributors needed. I intiiockinig stone - retaining was] , .Wood fencing a decks I IFREE COMPETI TfVE ES TIMA TES IWrien Guaranteeî I FROM START TOFINISH-1 Wayn Lowe 430-7664 Pager 416-554-52 D & SGnea Cnracting Rooing* eck *Fences ~ ReailhigWaIs Renùovaionls -hty por e~ 668-365 85-ý0412 AÂND RNVAI1(S COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Tap~n4in ies Decks - Drywll & ;aýr?;semants anid Much Mcm... For a Irseestimate cal Maurice (905) 571-7266 CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS YOU A SHOCI< OR, TWO! ~ ut check the CAIJLA PRO Section andilet the pros do thejob! J You can comipare and choosefromî the servces youl find tiere! I The Mutual Group HERB TRAN 1 call for quotation 0 668-9669 le 432-721LI RRIFs ANNUITIES GiCs RRSPs m -e,- ~ M M -'--M M M M i.M -~M Residential Law Care Specialist Lawvn Cuttig & Maigenanoe *Edging - De-thatching *Aerating e Fertilization *Spning & Fail cleanup *Vacation Maintenance *Shrub & Hedge Pruning a Gardening & PIanting Reasonable prices Free estimates Phone Paul at (905) 579-41291 -u M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M SATURDAY,, JULY 6. 8am-lpm. 318 Northclffe Ave., Corner Glencalm, Oshawa 3 old docks- (1-glngerbread), cottage ctlery & dishes, old glassware, sllvrare, watsr pitchers, Jardlinleres, cups & saucers, shop va/etc. GARAGE SALE. Saturday' July 6/9am-4 pm. Antiques, dlshes, cmoks, canning Jas &canner, tools, aueolsebik, ,picture frames, eledrlc moto L* roller and much more. 102-6 Centre St. N., Whhby. GARAGE SALE. Rain or shine. 867 Whlte Asti DrWe, WhRWb. Sat. July 6, 9 a.m-2 Antiqùes/lufumlure, dishoes, clteetc. ul had nover used the Whitby Free Press classifisds before, and I was del'ighted with the response to my ad.-The cost was a lot less than oCher p[pers. 1 wilI continus 10 use, the Whftby Free Prsss.w RP. WANTED: GOOD used wood fumiture, amilances, stereos tv's. ~~ads Stre,116 Brockè S., ARMOIRES, IAN aJpboards and chlmney cupboards. Solld pins constnjdlon, shaker style. 430-3554 to vlew by appt I WILL BUY YOUR unwanted items & contents. Cal 728-8485 bave a message. WANTED: MY Mou wants to, buy your klIney dmbor -arrplayhouse- wlthslWWlngs for meanmMY tle ...~, I L- MAIIIOLWINDOW Clenl.Al exterlor widowks for only 125. Aluminium skflng aiso washed. Forompt & profesinal sonec co Ray gl 668-0070. "THE MUSIC GROUP«. Provldng the vybost ln musialservics. ,Pianlrgardst with ovor 25 exporlence avtable for wodcK.. funerais or an dai occasion. Piano Tochnldan ovoicýr 10 yoars experlenco avallablo for piano tuÉnnqand rspairs. Cal us Irsl, (905)666-2085. We are professional, oxperlonced and guaranto. thebwdetragesl ELECTRICIANMETRO U.. #E2268. Electrlcaiwork and alarm systms.Reasonabl, fast and ofMnt. For a free quoto cal Frank gi 666-0193. PHOTOGRAPHY. DISTINCTIVE âualty portraits. Studio or ln homo. Bies chlldron, familes. Pacae from $29. Also: wodding;sfrm $599, old photos copiod & rostoed cororae &1moina. No GSTI BIEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Codar troos .for .hwdg 96 ..or dollvorod. D=1c9unpdicos. Qher trees available. 905-723-0239 or 705-833-2674. 12 GILES CRT., WHITBY JULY 61I8AM-3PM Disc Jockey System UsInfant'& Toddler Clothes TyFumniture & Much More Eerything in excellent condition Rain Date JuIy 13 Scuba eq&uipment at lalke bottorn prices. IDive source scuba, Durhamn's newest dive jshop Is now openi Quality equIpment, Iinstruction, re pair and service. Also O.U.C.I approved air fulis. ALCO01A corne to 'the source". UUO@#W WOODBURNINGFIREPLACE M hét frm 80-12Wsq. IL Please cal 668-6180 fo rmore 60 USED CEMENT PATIO sabs; 24"x24ý. 112 pie asklng $2.50 each or take lot at 42:00 oach. Cad 725-7140. DININGSM .TABLE; 30" oak, glass & brass, 6=hoistereci chairs,- $375. Stereo c lnet b"a glassl doors, $50. 725-757. GENERAL ELECTRIC tuIy looeed washer & dryer. Excellent conition. Usodi 1 CS only, but due tc>movo. Must GO1.Bet oirlAbo so study deslc, grog -condition,- 66-2085. SNERLOCK-MANNINGPiano. Florentine mdl, Lrat Pumhasod ne n178 100 a 668-6317. 2 SEATER REGENCY COUCH& chair, gM.d $150. 4 pleco oeuch à chair st ronolgo(m, $250. 6 chairs & clnlng table. $275. Stereo; cabinet stylo. $100. B&D dokjxo odger$7. 6 fL t.soladd.r, $35. 668-2236. FOR SALE. Dehumdflr, siove, frldge, diyer. 725-1937. NEW à USED VERTIAL and latorai tlng cabinets from,-only $69-»9 & up. Now & uise chairis fromionly $19.99 &up.Cai Speedy Business Centre (0)665-800 WNhy. MASSEY FERGUSON 30 tractor & bader. Power take off. 1100 hours. Diesel. 3 poCinthtch. HayeWv.r grager b .efenco-postrai. 8955-M4 after 6pm. 1 1