Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whutby Fr.. Prese, Wecfresday, July 3,1996 Associati'on publishes history j IETNS A WCEMENT$, DEA..... bok Oh Canada on your 45th Anniversary, June 3Oth. From your Ioving family, Brad, Steve & Suzanne, Ken & Dorothy. Peter & Nikki, SaIIy & Joe, and your six granddaughters Carolynn, Mireille, Katherine, Lindsay, Grace & Quinn. Thankyou for showing us the meaning of love. BINGOCOUNTRY-I e IIS JACKPOT 5 Points Mal Ritson & Taunton,' Oshawa (behind A&P) Charities 945371 7:00 pm.& 10:30 pm Mon. - Sun. ,1:00 Pm Sat. & Sun. 12:30 pm Mon., Tues,. & Wedl. 436-'9404 Suipport Your Local Chite w LS SUPE JACKO UP $2910 I RZS. W1LUAMS, GLADYS Gertrude (Relred (Chitste's) Nabisco Brands) -Passed away at the Rayai Victoria Hasitl I Brre an Sundaty, June 30th, 1996. Gladys (ne.Swvan) af Bariln her 94th year. Belaved wtt. af the late James Williams. Dear mother af James of Sauth Wales Cyril of Australla, Phylis Nelsan o@ Barrie and the late Margaret Moyle of Whitby. Laving grandmother of Sandra Ban.e and Carai Aibeoker, Unda, Jennlter and Leanard Moyie Laura Brown and Jane Lewis ae great-gr andchlldren. Dear sister ai (ydlISwan Helen Bryant, Phyflis avIes and horence Gaw. Frlends may call at the JENNETF CHAPEL o the McCLELLAND & SLESSOR Funeral homne 152 Bradfard Street ln Barrie an fuesday tram 2:30-5 pm. and 7-9 p.m. service ln the Ch 1plon Wednesday, July 3rd et 2:00 p,.m. Interment Utlie Brick Cemeterv. Oro Station. As vnir expression af sympathy, memoai donations m ~b. 'made ta St. Marks Unit: Church, Whitby Seniors ActivIy Centre or ta an envronmental group of your cholce. ISABEL AND BUD HEARD' wauld Mketo xpressur thanks inour wnddI!Wmi ftends elihboums and relavesfo l h -g a i cards and for helplng us cebrae aur 5Mt annlversary, maidng lit such a wondorful day. illdso e $10.00 sudenegy onsmpton nd hearrailtoane oolon er uie fteReyl with Missisauga Hydo sud tif Ontario CenWtrAc, potn ol onrgide wiCanoada, enurhaonmentalntipntaldNmethok (DEN)aaedmcheyr on he arkpt hatwi prveno5 toh5Pceng astues.enRery thrnougheetiatmr ipssi or pool w.idhe natin an a poo l win e; addeing bcheyapol afer bacwag r acuding, fost eoe na h orin uabiliz er tlowdneterq uec fclrnto;lmtn bas*washingougsecndwa twomnue rutuntis letnn. wterybeomeflislaruadsn an uoatictimer wth roduoe tii hour andfiteOtro ns;an lower gn i apooltemperauie htl. h e i Thnuide , wit .7go Srnet oservadtnt Ublicain msear.otis nomtonaotpolpout Up uernti ow er litinate fntn a beangdpaiduto tue acardpolsuing olutLly oue onp foe polm. H. dlsoevee tbatgthe poare oe thn u00eb;ad imingols l ntaro asnd o thatowerspn anotefre f $90a season n thiefr ools. 0f that moqunt, apphroimatoly 4is for hatiang 250 . fito tomi$200sfor mcs, nl $50frwater. Anoth cer reeing satoati tie a .vry fivetyearou w. pocesthe lequivalern ofail i.wer in tL ae e moeju tally.demaidtain ve 600,000 pth ool ri ana. rato uliain ti er Lloyd alsowasivenliteatetwonsimia prduigp- the rgia Polar save ana ol tiLPoy o re-Flr othe om.e eadvy dt lo skthat fite.moermoot00k00n0bakets swimming poolsitariolect lagoe ndsmalan rtieofhat woun oayntrthefiltelse. Llaoyd arim téwll r4due.atfor bakwash250 prhe yteasmtor,$0 rfon, rouecalane 50r water dre. A he icvalisscs hiorne that r e discarg e. h oc s h ivate ofd wl thru atgriniLeSh colour if thereiandga. rbltab. Hiydel a invent to or $5, cen b. ou -thmoOtinalPooTire te r Scenod teedPyocl ing 905- largy a6 & 13 arte to at ssons oft. alyetrayh(1 a..to nose o K ids un it Naturedub t I Greewood Croneservatolea. F50 er ets, oduecleaer683-2070.echmiasscha clri thf rffiscking, posseswhtean il tma res o c f her a ges rélaido Police seizea $9,000 wortii of crack' cocaine anal- $600 cash after exectinga searcii warrant in tii. Brock Street anal Rossîsald Rosad area aronalmidnlight Thursday. .Ofricers aiea recovereal $600 cash, a pager, cellpiione and acales sud arresteal a 21-year-old Glovens Road, Oshawa mani.. He's chargeai with Possession for thie purpSs of traflckIdn anlpossession of the. proceeds l crime. assocation of Oshawa recently released a book about ita history. -35 Ans d'Histoire was written by Micheline St-Cyr of Toronto. The association was establ- ish.d in 1958 ta, provide services for francophones. Wi 1993, the 35th birthday of the. asscation, it was decide-d to, publih a history book. For more .iniformation about the book, call 728-6778. JEAN POWELL A lifetime resident of Durham Region, Jean Myrtie Powell died at Oshawa General Hospital on June 20, 1996. 8h. was 75. A daughter of the late Thomas Canson anal Minute Kampe, iii. was born in Pickering Townahip on March 31,1921., Mn., Powell was a retireal -regisereal nursing assstant at th. Ahtb Mental Hmalth Centre. Amember of the. Rebekah Lodge for 15 yeans, she belongea ta the. Lodge iu Brooklin. Sh. ta surviveal by her iiusband, Rusell Powell, whom eh. married in Whitby on Jan. 31, 1939; sons Irwin (anal bis wife Joyce), Glen (anal Evelyn) and Grant; daught.r Elaine (and Vie Grambko); 15 grandcbildren sudý five great- grandchildren. Sh. te also aurviveal by sisters ]Rita sud Dorothy. On. daughter, Carolyn Pies, dted before her. Mrn. Powell was9 at the, W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, :Wbtby, where the. funeral service was held on June 24, followed by interment in 'Mount Làawn Mémorial Gardens, NWhitby. î Contributions,- tii.heOntario Heartand Stroke Foundation., VIDA CUJTA A resident- of Whitby- for 16 yeari, Vida Ilie Christian died at her residence on JunÎe 19, 1996. 8h. was 62. A daughter'of Madeine Logan and Donald (Dan) Thomeon,--ah. was born in Dreeden,.Ont. on Aug. Mns. Christian was a homemaker sud member cf the. Catholie Women's League., 8h. is surviveal by her hushanal Donald Patrick Christian, whom she rnarried in Halifax, N.B. on Jan. 5,' 1953; sons Michael sud Gary (andl bis wife Rhonda), daughters Donna (Mns. Dennis Heibein), 1atty (Mns. Kurby Shantx); grandchildren Tricia, Shannon, Jamie, Michael, Cody and Samnantha. 8h. in also survived by her mother andl sister Eleanor Preisse anal Madelin, Elson. Mns. -Chiistian was at tii. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby-, Monsignor Gerald Breen conducteal services at Holy Family Roman Catholic Churth on June 22, followed by interment ,in Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby. Contributions ta Canadian Cancer Society breast cancer research. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monunments. *.Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, 668-3552 After heours 668-4460 or 721-9882, Home appoinitmenta gliadly 'arranged, I GRAD)uATION Wotr* sWrIk d Qaurch. Ris tiret bok *PâdceIoea Sowbaih lsnow ava" at C.W. Hay ai)d Coà» btxlcabew in Oahma .Diana LJ. Knoester Diana IlJ Knoester daughter of Dîrk & mds Knoester graduated ivcendly frm Sheridan College, Oakville with two *year of Fashion & Design. Diana is also <a grduate of Anderson H-igh School. Congratuiladons from Mum &Dad and aH the Fanily! L$.449.2 0 On 001 Canadian women'é The gkla carne homnelut lbursday kJddmm wMwl the mwdoy l"iad brouglit hom from " lSM day of sehool. Our Uvig mmi was aoveoed wilhi paintInga, drawtngs, craflanad assiient aftr assigament lhWe boah hari a wandierfui yoe etacol Thoy have grwi and leoned " we are delghlBd wlth how Mheyperwent Sarah lWought homne ber joumnal ln iel*h ehe wrov ery weelK and wtt her permiésaln vSmmd IL. ft la oewkkm hisiruotiv e 5~ycur faly lie"tirugh the eyes oflan elgtyeu- ai. It la anmnawg Io ma how Uie kMO r#tiwaddaouawdghm ni partic"w heW momand dad. But cf aNliaI se.wmbl, Sure we one passage firelysluck me. Il -a daied Jiue5 and se waswrlethg about lier hopes-for lte nmg yeer. i repraduce Iis wm b er penmiesion . 'Nezt >ear I hope I get a w hekmlL I hm ewwWd Quea b stop aaytrg Iwurt go, be #W 'omi oeunhry. Sa I reafy hope tdîyrema& that Caais apoeferboeamy.w Therela soael*g Irageglawrong wtm n eul"te-olcfs bggestwony Is li break-up cf lier country. Sarai had ;'mreonty been aldng questions iabt daiBoudiard and why Quebec waitedIo separale. NMm aen Elfzabeth wang b Mm wh anYé ail this a"oXtQubec, wlV dlo tuy want ýobave and wberewll #"ogo? EnoUgh, IVe had enough, more tan enough aboiut ebmc.1Iwusn' aI lie PWans af Abrahamn. but lta - susb %t same dkMta xcoboe were and fln sonfy about RMonêcim, but It was more#%an D0 ym %P. Are Mw dèlerrwnd b b. ýNorfi Amrerlca's version of irelmd, haunied by hlstxy and unable b movebMthe future witut mrgbdng 100leer , wroeigs as liougb, #Wsyhqprned 1lhoal ded lnWodd War 1by Gýerrrwiy bda? Dme ' NMy-m1e - imp Sat 1 rmember tlia and- i wlilnom rforget who <Mie :Sn?The Britasoua aged saieof, i imy Scottisb ancestors' for varos. crimes.,Should 1I10UMy chIiren lueir names and enshrine lhemn as lânE>' berces so w can carry &aignd resenbmntfmm onm geration b te next'? 0f course not Sa >wiy.la It #tieliIen Canadal Day lie CBC nafto nies curies a wbob segmient an tSe conquSet. o Quebec and lb hiipactcon bday? It la apparent bme iatwe no longernewed Jean Chredien, ee ud Joli, Br*eoeur priie mhilsteso he ca rn ncontinuai -sominatscn lie dysfunctional famiiy liaI la aur country- Ten >ye» ago todlay i was ln sierra Leone' lniWest AfruIca n n1W lm nmnds e. I s ama iledimeor suforlng nid dqpalvtlon as wel as rarnendo Uslrengl and courage. When1Ig«<homnel1wanted bhug te culorsagenlsanad kisa everiycnh tibe ah-port Canada ls lie most wanderful ard bleesed nation on mmlih. To b. a citzen hore lsana - Mlge andmsoe adIlapat UrneliaI » slared

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