Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1996, p. 23

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Whltby Free Pres, Weckiosday, July 3,1996, Page 23 Wh tby pro test fai on deaf ears PROU PAGE 1 «With roughly 235,000 people, we. would - have a voice at regional council and a voice at Queen's Park," he said. "Who listons to us now? Potticary docried Durham Region council's recent docision to reduce its numbers from 32 to 28 by cutting Oshawa' resn- tation from il to eight and Clarington'sg from four to threo as failing to address the real issue. «Mhers will ho $60,000 a year savinge by cutting threo council- lors from Oshawa, big deal,» ho said. "Who cares how many seats WVhitby council has? Who cares how many seats Oshawa council has? "If were really serious, let's do a.- study and see how much money amalgamation would save. Nicholson who like Potticary sits on botkh city and regional Openings at kids' camp There are stili openung for *Camp Sharing, held by the Kids for Kida organization. The camping weeks are for yrouth from grades 1 to 8. There ls no charge. Adult volunteers* are also needed. Cali 576-1198. READ Adults seking holp with reading and writing sills,, can caîl the READ hotline at 725- 4786. counicil could not understand why E<Iwards was raiing a fuss ovor the matter now. Ho noted that city council adopted its position last Septem- ber during pro aration Of its submission to't he Goden com- mission on tho future of the GTA. "I think its politica', nothing scores more with the voters than telling Lhem Oshawa wants to tako them over,» said Nicholson. «But what Tommy didn't tell youý ia that part, of Oshbawa's position is that no amalgamation could occur without the support of residents of both municipali- ties in 'a referendum.» Nicholson said the resuits of such a plébiscite might bo sur- sing, "mayho not now, but in heuuro.» Referring to Whitby's histori- cal opposition to amalgamating, Nicholson said that was under-. atandable when Oshawa's popu- lation was 100,000 and Witby's 25,000. "he fear was Oshawa would control everything, but now the eplit is not as wide," ho said. "Oshawa would" have only a little under 50 ?er cent of the population (of a combined Wh-Oshiawa-Courtioe).» Dearing that Oshawa 15 not «activebrseeking amalgamation withWhitby," Nicholson said the two municipalities should at least explore a greater sharing of services such as libraries or snowplowing. «Those thinge won't wipe out borders," he sa.id. However, Nicholson also believes that municipal boun- darnes are not inviolato. "I ask my frienda in VWhitby, would you rather be part of us ojr part of Metro? The province would change the borders of Metro this year.» For 9ispat Edwards was surprised by he councillors' reaction to his lotter. Edwards said ho raisod the matter with Diamond last faîl, but did not activoly pursue it smnce ho and Town council woro prepaig Whitby's own response tothe Glden tak force. 1I mado it clear at that point that I was opposed and that I would raîse it with council," ho said. "We chose flot to-get involved thon, we were more concerned about utng Whitby's position forward. Howevor, Oshawa's decision to resurrect the issue during its GTA referendum campaigni could not ho ignorod, Edwards said. Amenable to any feasible shar- ing of services with its sister muicipality, Edwards said the spirit of coopration hotween Oshawa and Whitby has been dealt a sevore blow. «We aroopen to that kind of discussion (shared services),» lho said. "But what wo are notopen for and rosent, is a unilateral decla- ration rgadig am algamation. «Lot them settlo their own problems.and lot us govern our community and see where we can cooperate.» Edwards noted that Whitby set the standard for amalgamation locally when the former Town of Whitby merged with the thon Township of Whitby in 1968. «When the Region came along ini 1974, wo were the only com- munity in Durham whose boun,» darios were flot changed,» ho said. As for dloser ties with its neighbour to the east, Edwards recalled that the two municipali- ties shared in the cost of- con- structing the Corhott Creek sewage treatment plant in the late 1960a. «W. feel we have done aIl tho things' the government of Ontario is now indicating muet ho done,' ho said. «We planned for the future. Wo gtno government assistance ta change the boundaries and wo were content to -lot the com- munity gvownaturally. "We thought. it was hohind us but ho and hohold tho City ol Oshawa issues a document. Edwards said ho did not want be get involved during the refer- endum campaign, «but I will ho now." Clarington Mayor Diane Hamre shares Edwards' outrage. «Our municipalities (Whitby and Clarigton) have been very patient because you want to ho gnod neighbours," said Hamre. «But there cornes a point whon youlve got to say 'theyve got a hoîl of a nerve'" she said. Hamnre also hiad no objection to dloser ties with Oshawa, noting that her mumcýipality already shares some services with nearby Hope Township. «Wéhave done it for years and the way times are, we have to do more of it," she saîd. "We can ahl look at it, but you don't have to say we're going ta take you over. " approximately what the university of your choice is expected to cost in the future; " how much you'll have to save monthly or annually; e how to develop an investment plan that can help you meet your savings goal. Cail or stop by today for more informnati0 Richard Rhodes )on. MemberCIPF Richard A. Rhodes .580 King St. W. (Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario, L1 J 7J 1 ý(905) 725-4142 EdwardJo nes Serving Individual.Investors This is a free phone cail. Callers must be at Ieast 18 years of age and haà'e a touchtone phone. new friends are only a phone cail away! The cost of this service is only $2.29 per'minute. ONE ON ONE COMMITMENT SWF, 45, blonde haîr, blue eyes, attractive, enjoy ouldoors, camping, walks on the beach, seeking maIe who is kind, understanding, considerate & gentle. AD# il190 1SEEKING BEST FRIENO SWF, 40's, enjoy art., theatre, dancing, dining, travel, seeking maIe who is romanlic. sincere, energetic & caring. AD# 1240 ANYBODY OUT THERE? SWF, seeking maie 10 enjoy quiet imes together with me. AD# 1196 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES SWF, 5'8, long blonde hair, 120 tbs., br. eyes, inlerests include sports, dancing, movies,,read- ing, music, seeking mate. FUN & EXCITING SWF, 18, Ion g dark haîr,'br. eyes, 5', 105 Ibs., enjoy going out, movies, dancing, Iooking for someone who is fun & exciting 19-22 for fnendship. AD# 1179 SPbIL ME SWF, seeking maie with stable lifestyle & likes 10 have fun, I enjoy being- outside, camping, walks, movies, theatre. I arn seeking someone I can spoîl & who wil spoil me back. AD# 1241 ENJO Y KEEPING FIT SWF, 27, 5'4, 120 lbs., long br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy working ouI 10 keep fit, if you are inter- ested in talking 10, me, leave me a message. AD# 1187 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 26, brunette, considered very attractive, very funny, seek- ing maIe 10 gel 10 know. I love reading, outdoors, travelling. AD# 1188 GOLDEN BLONDE HAIR SWF, 36, attractive, French Canadian, 5'5", long golden blonde hair, seeldng tati, altrac- tive maie for good times, fun times & erotic times. AD# 1267 TRAVEL WITH ME SWF, 5S", early 30's, seeking maie between 35-55. I enjoy 1ood bethr boating, walking, sitting 'l ire, drinking wine, & travel. I LOVE HAVING FUN SWF, 26, blonde hair, blue eyes. enjoy dancing, going out & having fun. 1 arn a caning &sincere per- son. AD# 1132 NATURAL BLONDE SWF, 47, naturel blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy live theatre, dining out, dancing, seekin9 old--.ash- ioned gentleman who is ready for commitment. AD# 1288 SEEICING A FRIEND SWF, 27, 5'4", black hair, br. eyes, seeking a friend to talk to over the lelephone. AD# 1294 LONELY SWF, 33, long br. hair, br. eyes, 5'1"' very attractive, looking for frendship1Iarn alone most of the time, 100king for someone to talki to. AD# 1298 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWF, 36, enjoy swimming, tennis, long wýalks, music, theatre,,poetry, camping, seeking maIe who ,îs down to earth, close to my age, & interested in a serious relation- ship. AD# 1016 ONE MAN WOMAN SWF, 5'2, full figurad, br. hair, blue eyes, enjoy travelling, dining out, fishing, interesled in meeting someone for friendship firsl maybe something more. AD# 1157 GOOD CONVERSATION SWF, 35, tlu & very attractive, blonde hair, Iooking for tlu, intelli- gent & attractive mate who knows how to carry a g ood conversa- tion. AD# il128 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF. 25, very attractive, taIt, slim, intelligent, educated. look good in a miniskiri, seeking good looking, educated male over 25 yrs. & 5'9. AD# 1150 PETITE & ATTRACTIVE SWIF. 5'4", 110 lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, petite, attractive, inde- pendent, compassionate & wifty, seeking taîl, dark & gorgeous maIe. AD# 1153 SEEK & VE SHALL FIND SWF, 28, attractive, br. hair, hazel eyes, athletic build, enijoy romantic walks, comedy clubs & movies, seeking athletic, rornantic SWM. AD# 115 ROMANTIC FEMALE SWF, 30's, professiona!, 5'F, slim & fit, long red hair, big br. eyes, seeking mate over 59", confident & great sense of humour. NICE MUSCLES SWF, 35, seeking maIe 5'10"-6' who likes sports & has nice mus- cles. 1 like 10 stay active & arn interested in rnoslly anything. AD#1111 DOWN TO EARTH SWF. 30, br. eyes, br. hair, 57", medium buîld, attractive, intelligent, enjoy mnusic & movies, seeking attractive & confident maie. AD# 1206 STRAWBERRV BLONDE SWF, 35, long strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, sensible & caring, attractive, love the country, seeking SWM. 30-40 who is funny & laid back. AD# 1112 LONG WALKS SWF, 37, 5'7". blonde hair, br. eyes, rnedijrn build. attractive, seeking maie who is honest & down 10 earth, must enjoy long walks &movies. AD#1 114 SEEKING SUMMER PERSON SWF. 29, 5'7-, 135 lbs., busty physique, in search of man who is over 6', over 30, summer person, honest & open, not inhibited. AD#t 1217 SEEK LONG HAIRED MALE SWF, 5'F., long brown hair, sîim, seeking tli, long haired mate. I arn looking for friendship & possibîy a long terni reationship. AD#t 1205 GET TO KtdOWME SWF, 36, 5'9», shoulder length dirty blonde hait, blue-green- eyes, shy person, seeking someone to taîk 10 &gooutwith. AD#1162 ENJOY DANCING SWF, 26, 5'6", 130 lbs., blonde hair. blue eyes, caring, honest, sin- cere, enjoy dancing, clubs, sports, dinners, seeking mate with same intevests. AD# 1133 FRIENDSHIP SWF,' would like to meel someone for friendship & possible long terni relationship. I would like to meel somneone to gel out & do things *ith. AD# 1161 LEAVE ME A MESSAGE SWF, 115 tbs.. shoulder length br. haîr, hazel eyes, enjoy sports, hockey, football, walks, dinner, leave me a message, AD# 1170 LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS SWF, 24, 54W, br. hair, blue eyes, 104 lbs., seeking maie tô talk with & meet with. 1 arn interested in friendship but let's see what hap- pens. AD# 1171 LONG BLONDE HAIR SWF, 35, 110 lbs., very attractive, protessional, long blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy theatre, working out, seeking clean cut SWM. AD# 1226 NO HANGUPS SWF, 46, 5,7", blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim, very active & outgoing, seeking SWM, 40-50, must be taIl,* active.h ave a sense of humour, & VtMen my etr enter option 2 Custorner Service 416-236-6644 have no hangups. AD# 1231 CARING & HONEST SWF, attractive, 5'5, br. hair, sexy, romantic, fun-loving, caring, honest, greal sense of humour, enjoy romantic dinners & mas- sages, seeking maie 10 be a good friend. AD# 1237 ARTS & TRAVEL SWF, 35, 5'W, 155 lbs., ight br. hair &-eyes, professional, animal lover, enjoy.music, sports & out- doors, see king educaled & inde- pendent mate. AD# 1239 GREAT SMILE SWF, 34, 5'6", blonde haïr, blue eyes, great smile, very sexy, work out, seeking maie, mid 30s, attrac- tive & has a good sense of humour. AD# 1268 HIGH ENERGY PERSON SWF, 24, 5'6", blonde hair, blue eyes, athletic build, enjoy ail sports. dancing, movies. I arn a high energy person & I like to be oulsideailtelime. AD# 1275 SWEET & ATTRACTIVE SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyes, 5'2", petite, sweet & attractive, seeking a partner & fniend, must be open minded & kind. AD# 1255 AFFECTIONATE & CARINGý SWF, 37, 5'5", br. hair, br. eyes, sincere, honest, carin, enjoy country drives, dancing, flea mar- kets, seeking honest & compatible mate. AD#1 120 TRADITIONAL WOMAN SWF, 38, lovable, enjoy dancing movies, & relaxing at home, seek- inig hardworking, g ood nalured& intelligent mate. AD #1 139 SHARE LIFE WITH ME SWF, 30, long black hair, big br. eyes, sincere, emotional, honest, humorous, seeking one woman man. AD# 1178 ENERGET1C FEMALE SWF, 36, 5'1", 100 Ibs., blonde hair. green eyes, petite, young Iookig. attractive, enjoy outdoors, music, seeking relationship but friends is fine too. AD#f 1185 £fiemi, SPORTS &MOVIES SWM, 19, seeking someoe to meel who is interested in sports & movies. AD#t 1245 NICE SMILE SWM, 45, tlu, attractive, warrn, understanding, well educated, enjoy walking, hiking, cycling, seeki'ng female who is tlu & attractive & welI educaled. AD# 1199 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWM, 19, blonde hair, br. eyes, 5,10", 120 lbs., enjoy cookint movies, sports, seekîng femame 18-20 who is fun. AD# 1191 LONG BLACK HAIR SWM, 5'9", 190 lbs., long black hair, seeking females. AD# 1299 SPORTS & MOVIES SWM, 19, seeking SWF inter- ested in sports & movies. Let's meel, give me a cati. AD# 1211 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWM,,30, attractive, tinanciatly & emotionally secure, seeking lady, should be attractive, 26- 30, love the ouldoors, be romanîic & independent. AD# 1207 MOVIES & SPORTS SWM, 5'9-, 190,lbs., like to go out & stay home, enjoy movies & sports. AD# 1227 NO MODELS PLEASEI- SWM, 31, 220 lbs., 5'8-, br. hair, br. eyes, enjoy quiet limes aI home, music, bike riding, seeking SF, 26-34, wth red or br. hair. AD# 1175 *TOUCH 0F ADVENTURE SWM, 38, 5'1l-, 175 lbs., pro- mtrunderstanding F. 32-42 for tight or full body massages. I like 10 give or receive them. AD# 1173 Ru.QUIET TIMES O-"" 1' Zu Z U .1t Ub. <rhaît, or.I eyes, good sense of humour, laid back, enjoy quiet times, music, reading, playing pool., AD# 1174 NICE SMILE SWM, 38, nice smile, almost 200 Ibs., 5'l1", enjoy Ion g walks, mnusic, seeking F, 24-45, who is uninhibited. AD# 1238 GREEN EVES SWM, 38, nice smile, green eyes, 5'11', 200 lbs., enjoy Ion g walks, music, driving. AD # 1028 YOUNG & ACTIVE SWM. 51. 5'l11", 190 lbs., bir. hair, sensitive, emotional, loving enjoy car racing, boatin9, seek-, ing slim attractive lady with good moirais, patience & sense of humour. AD# 1141 LONELY HEART SWM, 30, 6', 185 lbs, shoulder Iength curly hair, blue green eýyes, fit, attractive, caring, seek- ing slim, attractive female who enjoys working out & sports. AD 1260 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 27, attractive, 5'7", 140 lbs., easy-going, honesl, caring, enjoy sports, readinq, movies, seekiyng kind & attractive female. AD# 1158 SEEKING FEMALE SWM, interested in meeting full figured woman, any race or age. AD# 1159'1 EASY TO GET- ALONG WITH SWM, 27, 6'2", br. blonde hair, tanned, honest, enjoy ail activi- ties, seeking mature, honest, farnily oriented br. haired beauty. AD# 1144 HAND$OME MALE « SWM, 43, 6', 200 lbs., br. wavy hair, br. eyes, haridsome, seek- ing F, 30-45, nice, caring, kind, &attractive.' AD#1064 GOLFER SWM, seeking a lady for friend- ship & possibîy more. A golfer would be a plus. AD# 1200 the rising We cnpoieafe dcto cost analysis that wiII show you:

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