Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1996, p. 6

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PqpgeS, WhhtbY fuoé Pmss, Wodn.day, July 3,1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated b>' Whitby residents for, Whitby resîdents! ~1"111111MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association ISSN#0844-398X Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercialoutiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Pe rry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST e Outslde Canada $85 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioo mc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 *Phone: 668-6111 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newspnint with minimum 20% 4111w recycled content using vegetable based inks. ll Alil written material, illustrations and advertising contained hin is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohiblted and is a violation o f Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine f0 the WhitbFreePress. - E thewoera *Mw.. 'Irresponsible hysteria' To the editor: Roanimystery To the editor: Re: Artcia meolo"rsdent mlffed,' Free Press, June 26 approwdc for a total ost ai This money ls being spenti that learis nowhere. No honr be buliton IL Yet WNhyi $39,785 anid the Reglon, Wben John Fraser blasted council custom, will fallow the To' for tiioli Inadéquate roads policy and and throw lnani additipnal their unwllingness ta put maoney Into for sewerand aterma tuls essential seMSu l: was an behalf nabody wlll iiaok up ta.« af the résidents ai Meadow Road. In vehîcles ta use this street1 doing so, bow.ver, h. performed a wfell b. the snowplow. service for ail ratepayers by ai.rrtng Sa wiien Dennis Fox, ch them ta tue presenceaoppqressive opérations committee andc local Improvement charges looming for the east ward, says hE over tbem. know where ta find $10* Coundillor Fax blames the recanstruct one mare roac Conservatives cut ln transfer that somebody does. In thusi payments for the. Townem financial Roani did flot appear on-the1 cruncii, addlng, -WeIl have ta fUnd Public Warkshap for 19961 and establish a different standard was nat contemplated ln than What w. were used ta ln thi. capital budget, yet was ter, -pas? H9 e nt b. senlousl Streets under-budgeted in tiie '96 have been ln the, subètandard-to- doesn't fit into any roacL crumbllng. category ince 1 came to category and wAI not help WhltbY and that WaS 30-smre ye th $3-million -naw ne.c before tueà cut ln transfer payments. towii. Thivt"sx Mmion dollamsln "n0w WO respect the. rigbts oai i needs for roads cldn't accumulate Drive group ta make thefrnd Ovemldght.There has been plenty of upon council. Unfortunate ney fiung around and f you want were lumPed Into the. coni ta see who spent R Just look at th us and thereby invited scru plaqules tuat adom aur monolftilc compari son. structres. R has simply been aF matter of purities. Sa 1 encourage rtepayers ta organize and oppose bath.local knprovementinaiti asnd foolsh spendlng. On the. Roan Drive issue, R la mmlloned there arérgional costs af $24225and aniextra cast af $3.000. Wile tues. are tue figures that were thrown amand at council, ht wouid b. more relevant ta taxpayers ta, leam the total cost af the. proJect and wiiy To the editor: R r9celv.d approval. Afthaugh tM prajeat was nat cOntemplat.d ln the. Ater edn 11Sa' 1995 budget, R was advanScd for Conredking,'B(Fr.. Pro tender fate.in '95. ibis tender was 26, Iutrà dit Iv(FeeyPe. reJeCIOed iniNovember af '95 because waeplcaijmasmH af lateness ln the yeanidbecause Wthe recef muresm oro tii. projeac co0f $88.605 was temptéace nt draylnToîe m greater the ti.funds available. ateday's yauth a bathersma The project shows up next ln tue tOtaY-y Irrespos bloie. '96 capital 'budget wiiere. R la TMiYiremain surce a nf appraved for a gross expendibJie of thils stavy (an ex-Army Range $1 6,000. Wiiy council wauld budget canfirmed in ny way t $1600 fo aprjea tatprOvkausl experts ln the. field. This tendered et' $88,605 romains a balanced reportlng seems ti mysteryý Nevetbelesm tue pec norm-witb preslent day Joumn wa .tèndeedèlaIn n ' 6-nd -Busangumentthat tûeays f$64,01 0. :on a roari Ies are ta vlI Invest , as le has ewn's lead I $24,225 ialns that The, only imir ofthe councdhlor ie doesn't )0,000 ta Ld, I reply example: list af the. 'Prajects; i the '95 ndered; le 6budget; le needs 3alevate s' ln the. the Roan demnds tely, they tract wlti utiiy nd RA. Hall WhMWb Re: BlD Swan column, *Controlied kiIDng,' Free Press, June 26 Mr. Swan's gleeful cpa nce 0f Lt. CoL Dave Grossman's Trojan Horse proves that modern man le susceptibl, Io the old.st ofaimltary nd iunting tactics - ruse. Lt. CoL Grossman, has spent moat of hlm lncome-earnng If. wlth tihe U.S. military, llrst as a soldier nd then as a teacher ta the. budding leaders afi-the word's» most effcent kllng machine, the. U.S. Army. 14s psychlogy background, the scence of human nd animal behaviaur nd ts alteraion -or' modfficatIon,0 suits' a smoke-and- mirrors book vevy well. R le difficult though, ta choose whether ta b. angry, fvlghtened or sorrowful about the conclusions whlcii the columnlst reaches. Hlstory proves that ther, have been f.w, if - any, miftary establishments that' dld not value censorshlpnd arms contrai. LeVs broaden aur- knowledge and understanding and get away from thus trit. gun contraI panlo" thatlels such a papular wltchhunt - well over 60 per cent ai homicides in Canada are commltted with weapons other than firearms. Lt. Col. Grossman knows anly to well that a direct statement adivocating further dominatiôoai s type, a situation which the. akin belngs af socialsm nd id litarlsm flnd advantageous, would brlng an adverse reaction. However, the opposite would happen if society was made ta believe that they Independently concelved the Idea ai surrendering their means 0f proecton whlebeseechinç the. state to make them mushrcoms. it appears that -Mr. Swan woul enjoy belng a vuinerable fungus. Spanning history, smre notabl proponients of censorsilp and amis control w.re Alexandier the Great, William the~ Conqueror, Crornw.l, Napoleon, Hiller, Stalin, Pol Pot Chairman Mao and offhers too repulsive ta mention. Observation: R le a sarI stae indeed when aur urban jungle mentality considers Rt unhealthy for YOuths to egatiier tagether ln groups or clubs.* 1suppose now the Knights af Columbus, Legion nd Jayc.ees WU iiam to b. broken upo as they are madeup of.aged youths and wlll b. a tiireat to some elite. Gaadbye Boy Scouts. Observation: Weapons (knles, axes. spears, bows and arrows, clubs and more recentiy, for a few centuries, firearms) have been avallable ta yautiis ince before reorded hlstory. They were tralned and SUpenAised ln their use until kt was abvlous th.y were profildent The smre continues tadaài over the. world wiiere People Ive ln freedom. Someone le golng ta qet hurt when training 4le acilng, irs- simple logic Observamo: Atroclty is common ta man,it alwayshas been so. ft lsfar from belng some modem phenamena caused by asodiety which le always bad, toi manklnd, alwaysgoad; read your Bibi., revlew theTen Cammandments or open- mlndedly study history. Controlling Man's propensities for ellminating Ns felbowman is the basis for --ast religlous and common law. R le, More 'misinformation' gamles provide tue same tnaining that saldiers receive is _ absolutely dicubus. rm sure 6111 bas neyer bad ny mlltary expenlence et ail, and bis belef that a vdeo gamne can recreate- the intense physical tralning that a real saldier neceives is proof isl. ENII alsa states that firearns are roadify avallable 'ta the yautiisoa taday. This belief is alten reported by many neWSPapers but neyer proven. Tii. Idea ai readily avallable guns le the. praduct af misinlormation by certain bureaucrats ln tue polic departmhent, as well some vocal anti-- gun groups. -- lnd 'Itfunviy that lâinlb, 'laist paragraph ill 11believes that censorshp and gun contvoi wll reverse the so called violent w'ays of aur saciety., He obvlausly bas not noticed that as tus ountry. bas lntroduced tougher nd expensive gun contrai laws (that anly regulate law-abldlng fireanms owners), crime- has nat been reduced. Unfartunatehj, Bill does nat mention this faci. As for ble opinionthat gavemment censorsbip wauld reduce violence ln socoety, lem su.re he wauld change his opinion f bis own articles were censored. doubtful that the cirie-mecia can b. damned for Jack the flipper,. Vin 1h. Inpaler, genocide ln the. Ukraine, mIl ls n Rwanda and Buruicli, Obseration: There are vrIllons 0f Canadlans, mufti-villons cf North Amorev1cnsand multi-nmiions of citizens the wodld ovor who pracdse targe, rad'or mre Smorta weapon midi. bis aI9o has been golng oh for centule's. To Infer that dolng s0oe actes the dosire to II 1 Irremponsble hystea a jSumalst sldr tha readers, must depressingly endure wth lncreaslng frequency. Lt. CoL Grossman passlbly Is studylngmilItuy hlstory f rom different sources than are most historlans. Genghis Khan- and Tamerane deflnlteldld more than threaten their enemnios as dld Caesar and Imperial Rome, Frodevlck the. Great, Shaka, Grant and Gudedon. The. markmanshlp may not have been good at Gettysburg, but Lee had an ambulance train 18 miles long -wlth over 12,000 bodies loft on the. field. Tii. comblned Union nd Confederate lsss exceeded 50,000 men ln three days fighitng. In avery batise thausands de.nd m.e wounded, simple logic has to teil you that the Uight Colonels data Is flawed or wha ls beîng put forth by Mr. Swan Is questonable.f 80 per cent of the contestants were not fivlng or delberately mlrrsslng the. remainlng 20 per cent or less, there must have been losses, an outstanding job 0f buillet, replac ement. f we are- truly worrled about taday's youtii, and not Just Intent on adding fuel to the. blazlng social Issues' Ire which the egaltarians velish- fanning, we must iniiate concre e onsm Orezum samy 0m our soclety. Tb.e ducational system, for example, 19 golng to have to be cleansed 0f power-mad, egotisticl board members.. A rank andlile more devoted to social re- engineering nd furtiierance of their pltca] belefà through piJpiI kbtnation than to basic teaciiing nd general education, le long overdue for adjustment Mr. Swan belleves in censorship whlcii makes trutii unavallable, replacing 1M, éith Desuppresses desire, wthdraws knowiedge nd narrows scape,. yet h. Is ln the. teaching profession. Why? rewe also supposed to'take sedously a jaumnalist Moin h. approves of censorshlp? Tiiere is eithr n oxymoron at. work ber. or thisIsentcher manifestation ai just how strange Canadian sacty has become.che WhItbyWhb

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