Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 1

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There'll be lights at Whitl busy Anderson 'Web, intersection page 2 Oppositiýon to hotel concept at IroqDOlS By Mik Kowalsk Town council's vision-of a hotel a t !o= ois Park lias encountered opposition. Concerns were expresed dur- ing a pulic eeting held by coun.ci,, l'spanigaddevelop- ment committeà last week. te consider a.popsa aimed at clearing the a halotel on, park grounds. Asoutli Whitby rateyTran the lieadof.tlie WNitbyennis Club both had reservations about' rezoning a five-acre portion of the par tepermi*t construction of aàh telsulwes t of the erist- Thcson s Point resident Tony Gilbrt cstion£41the lgi1 o using pubi land for aprjc that will benefit tlie private sec- ter. Tennis club president Bian Hayes, menwhxle,, warned that his membesilldemand that comparable facilities be built elsewliere s3hould "ny of tlie six tennis courts be displaced by a liotel. Altliough councillor and com- mittee chair Marcel Brunelle stressed that tliere is no applica tion for a liotel currentlybfr counc1, le was cilegdb G ilbertte defend th:e ned forba sucli a facilfity in this location. «Why would we want te carve ap ourparok andrecreation "It sounds like we)re landbank- ing Park and recreation land and thoen leasing it out te private enterprise te bring money inte the public treasury'hle said. Brunelle denied that this was ireason behind council's direction te Town staff in May te begin proparn the necossary officiaI Clann4 zonixbylawchne accomoa otel.cane need of a hotel" Brunelle declared. "This is far from a case of the Tonsellin 1lad just te sl (In fact, a planning depart- ment report suggests that tlie municipality retain ownership of' the property and lease it te tho» developer.) Taking aim ADAM LONEY tries his hand at Iawn bowling during E.A. Fairman Public School's annual fun fair. Photo by Mark Rossi',WhIby Fros Pros by DBIA chair led wants proof of page 4 accusations page 4 Agreeienit 011 link BMike Kowald A deaZ las been struck bet- ween the Ontario government and Wlhitby over the proposed Hivlhway 401-407 connecting Town council Monday unani- moualy endorsed a resolution that could speil an end to its long-standing opposition to the controversial project. Council has agreed to have its objections to the location of the proposed eight-lane freeway addressed through« a studvy that will soon be underaen for te ýMinistr-y ofTIraneportationý In return, Transportation Minister AI Palladini has give 1n his assurance that Whbitby, will be a «full participant" in the study that, will-ée'xamine trans- portation, planning and environ- mental issues associated with the easternmost portion of High- way 407. Should council be satisfied that -its concerns received a fair and impartial heaning, then it will almoot certainly accept the study's flndings. 'Tm thrilled and I. think itfs wondfefu a delighted Durham Centre 1;' Jim Flaherty told reporters following council's deci- sion. 'T'he Town lias agreed te parti- cipate and take this issue out of the political realm," said Fla- herty. «Now the Ministyof Tranisportation can go ead with the study and deal with where the link will go.» Council's acceptance of Palla- dini's offer te refer its concerns te the i-ghway 407 East Transpor- tation Planning and Environ- mental Assesament Study stem- med from a meeting between Flaherty and Mayor Tom Edwards last Friday. That meetin% was-prompted in part by the st. gingrebuke ia- hrt received two weeks ago for a letter lie wrote te Edwards. Flaherty' suggested that if council was to express its sup- port for tlie 407 lie was icon- fdent that Palladini' would con- sider Whitby's position oni the link.1 However several councillors felt that Flaherty was -implying tliat Wibitby is opposed tlieh 407, when thatlias never been the case. Edwards reiterated that 'view Monday . wlen, he .ziofed that Whitby endorsed tlie 407 prjc "ini principle» in October 1991 and lias not wavered, from its initi al support. «Butsic then- there have been suggestions from some sources in the Region of Durham that council is playing mes witli the 407,"»lie said. Edwards 'referred to last week's resolution by Oshawa city council whicli calîs on tlie pro- vince te, approve construction of the 407 te, Courtice Road in Clarington. In its motion, Oshawa critic- ized Whitby, charging that its opostion toe lihkh as resul- tein tlie higliway being delayed. Osliawa Mayor Nany Dia- mond, for one, accused Whtby of stallhng tlie proje et and endangering, future jobs and deveopentin-Durhiam Region. BuEdwCards recalled that at a December 1993 meeting' of mayors of mun*ciplities in the Greater TorontocArea, Diamond seconded bis motion of support for the 407. "It shows that some people SEE PAGE 13 SERPE5 Hi*deaway casino plan to be reconsidered page9

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