Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 23

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~~Frm Pnes oisdymuy1.19 Ps2 I ~'. ». CI'IILDC e' R.1 _____________________________ ____________________________ L-z 0-'OSHAWA I0 DRIViNO ç,SCHOOL Oshwa . 728-0091 Ful/Drivers Education Courses JULY l6th Tues.& Mhurs. 4 week course JULY 29th 4 day course AUG. 26th 4 day course * DC Upgralng Course *55 Alive Seniors Course *PRIVA TE LESSONS. REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ________________ DS.AO ANDOOSL PRIVATE oemmercial pilot trainingi Save timel Mone1 Gresnbank Airport (905) 985-768. ge « a 40d... Wi.A PBP 3 A ntrlock etINiNTals SAEeSE feCIes. IScalzn aMsone. - .... -- ----- cali (905) 718-1008Bor (905) 985-4626 ntroking stone * retaining waii] wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTI'M TES Written Guarantee [FROM STARTTO FINIH AINDREMNOVAI1 ]ONS COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL For a free esftnate cad Maunce (905) 571-7266 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cali for quotation 668-9669 e 432-721 RRIFs AN-UTES Perry Hfouse Child Care Services 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 CARE GIVER REQUIRED FROM Mondy ta Frday ta coesnto aur hause talook aler a I yearid, 2 112 year aid & eix year aid. References r uired. Phone between 5 pin &I pm., IMondyt Frlday, 438-261. nat NEEDEDI INFANTS & taddiers ta finish fllllin a yaung Gramma's nest. Qualty, rliable, COVING daycsre. Snacks & exc. lunches cuddies, actWvtes/exorcise. Èb;erything idd except formula. r/vdAdotown. Nan-smoker. C.P.. ep. ef.668-9891, Sandi. F ...f...fl. ...... Mr. trim lawn, & gérden services' . GrassOCt..ng *Tree &Shruùb *Prurn le Landscape Design& Installation *Fertiliz;in & Weed Gontrol ( ~ Since 1975 Ladsap,434-9428 onanio 623 9711 ERNESTO Ceramic Tule SpeL îalîzipig in MCerandc Tie.ç & Mar/de. - 2 1 Years exrpert .eîîc Dio --Tl:,416) 282-6854 & S GneraM onrcting Rooflng c Decks * Fence * f.Iuterloc Stone RetalingWails *Renovafions Whltby Pr er 668-5365 9850412 STRESSED? OTHER PROBLEMS? David Schram - Certified Reflexologisi 806 Athol Street, Whitby - 668-4265 *Home Improvements ne *Basements " Building Maintenance *Kitchens & Bathrooms FREE EST/MA TES.- 905-666-2185 North Shore Moving & Cartage Home & Businessý Serving Durham Region F or rates & booklngs ciii (905) 786-2098 The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL ROOF MAINTENANCE PACKAGE includes labour & rmaeriais .4'rplace ail missin hngies 'at nail b se ige .4' sent flashing ot dormers .e repair rdecaps B4 enia= roncsmoke stacks .'sent arout-ic sanitary pipes .'seat around sekyights .4' seat around air vents -e sent arounci chimneys .4' secure caose nais .4' check for biocked tavestroughs .*1 check for blocked ctownspouts .4' secure ait loase flashing .e remave damaging tree branches -;e check chimney flues e4'plus comptdete roof Inspection 655-5124 9 m1zi:li* e1C-e FREE ESTIMATESApht Sealing& Repairs I RenMw & ProtectsI Asphait Surfaces m From $49.95: Col M5 M& 8 Ehm) $5.00 OFF With This Coupon i - - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - M'm-i DAYCARE WITH TLC. (Garden & Dryden). CPR & First AJd. PlayIom, fenced yard with jungle gym. SeSanai Mr"tr adiviles for al ages. Mless/snacks, smoke-free. roi erences & receipts. 668-787Z MOMUS DAY 0UT. HOME day cars. openlng for Infantftoddier. Many aidviles, indaor/outdaor play, nutritiaus lunches & snacks, GardeniMannlng ares. Cail Wendy 668-7644. ENERGETK ECE mother procIdingi enriched qusltty childoae. BaIancea meis .& snacks, dally autlngs. Educationai environment. Lors ai eqSale lun, poditive ôrnsphere for hfiren ë aI élge. References; roceipts, reasonabie rates. Viage af Brookili subdivision. 655-5780. QUALITY CIULDCARE NEEDED. Within waldng distance af Garden & Taunton area. Non-smoker anly. September start. Please oel 668-8314. FUN LOVING MOM VWING ta babysit in my Whitby home. Lots ai aftfles. Close ta par. Reasonable rates. Any hours avaliabie. Call 571-3453 or 571-5980. SHERRYS HOME'DAYCARE, 'A place whoro a child feols secure, accopted and important A place where parent and caregiver wark tagetier to provido the best passible cars ta suit each chiid's àIndMdual noeds.' For more Information, cali 430-6161. HOME RENO VATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections,- specifications, carpentry, plumbing, eectia, windows, energy conservation. Cal Jacq ues of Ail Trades, ASHRAE . #2053385, 666-0993. SUPERMARKErINQ & more. A service for theý busy & the Gieusaty. 6555608. ats "HANDYMAN WIH a van' w l do household movlng & starage cfean-ups and romaoval, general repairs and. electcal work. Cati PAINTIG à PAPERINO "LET George Do r. Rel, experlonced, qualt work. Speclal rates for seniors. Floxibie hours, prompt service, free ostimates. Phono MENARD & SON PLASTERING- new & repairs, stucco concrete, parging, cracked <oundations repaired, paning- Interlar & exterlar, compltebahrooms and roc raoms. 15years exerence.Insurod. Free PAINTING,, DRYWALL, csrpentry, basemont renovalions. decks. fonces, window replacoments. No job too smai. 15 years expenenco. For prolessional servce oeil James 655-3237. iJ. a. D UST ER. CommerdiaVresldential cleaning. Cansubaton with no obflgation. Very reasonable rates. 655-5608. ITERIREXTERIOR PAINTING - aur experîenced and professionai people WHfltaescars ol your gonerai painting, requiremonts. Free estimates. Work guarantoed. Ct Peter et 665-7768. < FLOOR REFINISiUNG - Wood renewem Wi do a professional job af rsandlrca.reflrdIshed anstàr 665-7768. HOUSECLEAMG B aur speclaky. Dons by two women, relable, hard working, reasonabis rates. Cal Bannie 666-8639 or Maggle 430-8769. NEED A NEW ROOF? FaM and clean. Campetetive p-cs.Cal HARDY HOME IMPRVIEMENTS, 430-6908. MAKE YOUR WEDDWNG DAY wsen more memnorable wtth the Gift ai Music. Sala perfarmances for ceremnyocktails and rcpin Vaier C:' opular- and taioa music.Ci Kathy for a fres consultaon, 416-7281. YOUR #1 SEWING' CENTREL Sswing machine repairs. Ail rmales. 10% Seniors' discount Comploe tuneup ram$295 +parts. Factory tu neItcians. For fre. pick-p &deiivery oei 432-7375. HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home Repair. Quly work, interior/extenar. Over 0years expsuience. Nojb too smail. Fres estmats. -80-43-083. MARIGOLD WINDOW Cleanlng. Ail exterior ýwindows for only $25, Aluminium slding also washed. For Rrmt& p ésinlsmieci ELECTRICIAN, METRO Mc. #E2268. Electrical work and alarm systems. Roasonable, fast and efficent For a fres quote cal Frank at 666-0193. PHOTOGRAPHy. DSINTVE quak prtraits. Studio or in home. B es children, families. Packages Iram $29. Also: weddings from $599, aid photos capied & restored coprt & promotlonal. No GSTI (905) 427-9164. WOOD RENEWERS. Make your docks, fonces. wood sidina. buc structures look 1k. new again. Remove ail westhering, stains-& paint Sesier stain WIl not pesi or chîp. Work guarantsed. 665-7768.- END VOUR houseclea'ning nightmares. Cal! Patricia. for: immaculats" resuits, low prIces, efficient dependabie service, mature repasbie indMvdual. Glft ceri -caes avaliabie. Free esimates. 430-3383. "DONTr FACE a fleid ai green alter Caur vacation.' Lawn cut & trimmed rus ittie as $20. Includes ail taxes. Crew Praperty Services residential proertspe*m-sts 24-àý8.Don't CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Came ses us for ail yaur sewlng nsed.. Leatlher. z' rrs, also men's tallorlng available. ues.-Fri. 10-5:30, Saf. 10-3. 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. INTERLOCKJNG BRICK, flagstone and slae patios and wslkways. Fres estimnates. Cali (905) 430-2525 or (905) 201-1088. STEAM CLEANING. Carpet&pholstory/cýar, Interiors. Any 5 raoms, $79. 6 raoms, $9. (Upholster!), sofa, chair, boveseat, $19. (Car1nterior,$44. GMvng you quaitywkanship at a puce you caiaffardi AUl workmsnship guaranteedîl Saine day service. Cati Barumn, 905-839-0096. Prhate Homnely Caoe I , The sstmthat. provides... eUnschdued home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fuliy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider ilness àr holidays *Com pfete insuranoe coverage *Income tax recept *ChUdren si*x weeks and up *Full or part-time For more Information Seil: 686-3995 a lioensed Agency ACCURATE, m i là 1 0 Elým

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