Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesday, JuIy 10, 1996 Aid for Aid Celebrities raise $30,OOO Peewees win again, Whitby major peewee select team captured its second straight teurnament championship, by winning their own Whitby Minor Baeeball Aesociation's Canada Day select teurnainent. Whitby openod the teurnamont with a 7-2 win over Oshawa. Dan Deluca, Mike Weir and Marc Mitchell shared'the mound with Deluca picing up the win. Tigors thon foilowod up with a narroW 3-2 victory over Courtice the following morming as Ovsonika, Bilan Donnelly and Woir combinod on a no-hitter. lU's a fact in today's world - more and more women are taking charge of their finances. Are you ready to join their ranks? If so, we're offering an educational workshop you won't want to miss. This three week program wilI provide you with the fundamental information you need to take charge of your own financial future. The workshop is free but space is limited. So, please cail today. Richard Rhodes In the Iast preliminary game tii opposition team from Mjax needec at leaet a tie to advance into ti final. Whitby opened the scorini with Dami Amurawaiye crossin, the plate in the thlird Inning. Bu thon aex countered with a soli run in the fouîrth. The game remained knotted at à 1-1 due mainly te, tremendou pitching by Oveonka, Donnell: and Deluca. An extra inning couli flot detormine a winner. The twi hour time limit arrived and th4 two squads had te settle on the tie But the single point onabled Aja te advance te, the champions3hi] final againet Whitby;« Deluca started for the home sidi and Tigore built up a narrow 2-1 lead, before, head coach Terr, Witruk turned the bail over t DATES: Wednesday June 5, 12, 19 1:30 - 3:00 pm or Thursday 6, 13. 20 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm 580 King St. West (The Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario Cali 725-4142 to reserve a seat. Member CIPF Richard A. Rhodes 580 King St. W. (Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario, LIIJ 7J1 (905) 725-4142 EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors WC Wbew for you -nocextraChargeIN *(you jusi add the ycast) ....... t I l I o li withayor spei brecar I Llmited time offer I irrrWe bew fo you.- no cxflchwge *(yoijusadd dWeyeas) 1!1IF I hnYUmk I Oi etbtho I ERORWN 1 Not valid Wih any other special or brew card. 1 Lirited trne offer I ý4 r 91r i1-TlfrWe brw for you -nocxtradwp Ne *(you jusl add Ihe yeast)I I n Llledine okie e El ýe ýg ýg It 'y dl p à ý£ The Whitby minor basebal y association poewee select teams Owill host two toams fromn the Rome Federal League for the second annual Goodwill Sorie. Whitby will hoet the firet leg of the series between the centres on July 22 and July 24 at Brooklin Park. The fret game between the minor poewee selects and the Rome Federal Little League ail- stars will conmmence at 5:30 p.m. The opeming oeremoniee will tako place at 7:30 p.m. wth the major peewee select Tigere taking on the Rome Babe Ruth ail-stars. Several companies have already offered assistance, with KISS-FM Radio, Burger King and Fi i lm ail sending event vehicles and offering giveaways. Rogers Cable 10 will record the event. Hot doge and T-shirts will be on -sale te support the two teame' return visit for the second Ieg of the serbes. The second leg* will include Hudson, New Hamnpshire and Rome/Utica, N.Y. with sido stops at Boston, Mass, and Cooperstown, N.Y. i the firet week of August. Even organizers are stili seekbng other local support from interested businesses. Contact Scott Matthews at 668-6334 or Jeif Sissons at 430-1470 for furtiier informnation. Weir. Tigers' bats then came alive for a 9-1 championship victory, giving Tigere an undefeated month of June. The squad's lait losa was in the AA finals at the 'Brantford tournament in May. Sinoe' that loes the team bas captured two tournament championships in Brampton and Whitby, and is in firet place in the South Durham Select League. The Yankees are conung Make your own prenun wines. European, Californian, WINE Italian, Australian. Ready in Imrvswith approxiinately 4 weeks. your atch Batch size equivalent to Early! 30 botties of 750 mi. ~ Pinot Chardonnay ~ Chablis ~ Riesling ~ Bordeaux - Zinfandel - Chianti ~ Chenin Blanc - Cuve Spéciale - Cabernet Sauvignon ~ Chenin ~ Valpolicella -Burgundy ~ Gewurztraminer Blanc Liebfraumilch~ Pinot Noir A LSOKWE CO OLFERS&SPA R KL ÀNG CWBES FUEA -HffldCALL 66BE BU666SBREI0 BURN C 130SHpknsSZ cc ULI CON, * <., t#6OHopinty ai CONSUMERSounip#ohib We accept competitors cpoS Houng BHorewi IMon.-Fd.I 11-9 Sat9-5 More than $30,000 was raised from a celebrity golf tournament for the Chldrns Fund of the Durham* Region Ohildren's Aid Society. The tournament,- held by Canada's top harness driver Doug Brovwn, at the Thunderirlý Golf-Club in Ashburn, was atten- ded by several Canad*an horse- mon, media, and current and past National Hockey League players.t The event was sold out weeks ini advanoe. The Children's Fund provides an opportunity te kids te attend summer camps and helps kide ini the care of (5hldren s, Aid te, pursue athletic endeavoursl. Whitby girls' softbal Juns 30 - Brooklin Klmnnn8. Bank d Mantel' 14; Maaigold Uncoin 7. Euroaft Kithens 7; Whith Optkists 10. WhktIy Kmnmen 11 Euracreft lchens Why Kinsmen Maitald Uncain Bnetdontrea July i-DOS Marketing S. Fishaes en.Friand; Fahsfmut rand 14, ComWs Witby 3; Bmoodi Opierist 16. Whitby KWiaraas1 DOS Marktng 8 Smokn Optiàel . a Fs;..,..s Frid 5 Ceeqes Whithy 3 Whithy Kiase '0 NOICE o 1 17 l 1 17 0 10 10 0 0 Junes30 -PAnsMole Wash 14. Jas th. Plurobe 8; Bank a Montreal 17. Dr. ImgobtseTm GainS;. Whiby Lions Club 0. West Lynde Fieh & Chpe 7; Unite 18, Mste r in 10; Sidum huzu Motorcky 16.0Cnt.y 21 -Rosarruyflron19 Unitel Wed Lynde Fish 8Chios Jo. the Plurite Kn;lhte udCluntus Wh byLiane Club Am.eMobile Wash Moter Print Satum leuzu Motorcly Van Henanen ires Dr. Kagetus Tam Gain Sm<RT Durham girls' soccer LADE Juns 25 - WhRtb Shanter 3 (Mel"l Valentsi4 Kis O'MalIy. Anee Feeueon>,Plck.ingSpirit 0. WhNlbyMaigoId Fard 2 (HatheAgnew. Kb. Schicit. Picker"g Plastic 0; Whitby Striker4 (Angle Cocidard Z, Klm Math..,,Bath Worden). Cd=% rg3 JUNIOR June 25.- Whitby oaW>l 4 (Jenn Leigbton, Miriell KatricKt Lisa Chapp.n. Whitby Sharte âmie27 -Whitby Eagles 1 (EritalagU lg 4.-P4mWmroi. Whiby Faloans3(BiFatn Arien. S&titn Dam Fre*); Whitby Ha**k* 8 Magon Brouseeu 2. Delta.Hariton Z Nitasha Saipon 2Z Aynsley Srnît lhizabeth Sawyer> Pflickng Granite Pr...0 July 3 - WWitb Rogers 3 (Sera Mearey 3). Ajim Warrors Red 2; Whitby Kiaites 0. Whitby July 2, - Pickerrg 7D Bank 2Z Whitby HlMR 2 (Siephanis Morgan. morssa mrcertne June 24 - Aiea Unted 0, Wbitby HM/R 9 (.l Mount 2Z Kriétine Haui2z Jordana ,Heezen R m h ,om-eSddwn.Anuiada Lorr.gm ,Cd Rivet, Kilien MInan June. 23 - Whitby Kinetis 4 (Surah Milan 2, Jarxusllne lswwalpngVictoria Speulo. Whilby H/MR4 (Hezn.Kaly.Mounat Vaness Rernan. aroe The winning team i the tour- nament was made up of Steve Condren, Bruoe Murray, Andre St. John and Kim Grills. Sand event Dunhiam Cofllogo'sSummor Sand volleyball teurnament will ho held, Saturday,- July 27. There are co-ed recreational and competitive divisions for teams of four and six. Deadline for ontrie is July 20. For more information, calI Kim at 576-4299. Jung 30 - Ad" l Ind 18. Van Hemmen Tm. 9. hww JnnAuto Body 9.RP OU 7 Jure 30 - SekersMUk 14. Jensm Auto Body 13; DOS Markoting 16. Eamtem CarpetCleaning 2; WhitUy Khum.n 12. Paint Star. Plus 14 THUNDER DIVISION Van& HsrnmmnTues 5 Bank d More" 4 Jensen Auto Body .4 Brookin Kiman 3 ACSTU Mobile Wesh 3 Oheesernan Auto Ghses 2 RP onI2 LufflmoNGOON DOS Markadmng6 Paint Star Plus 4 S.ckefs Mlk 4 Whlitby Kimnmn 4 Jensen Auto Body 3 Eutem CWpClsng 1 - TE M ES Bandits 12,Buodih Leglon 11; LoveNDrge 12. DOS Marketin 9; Mister Tranernsslan 14. Dwham Cmh Registar8; 08W Sto rRturas6. Beclers Mik 10; 08W Store Fbdiwas 3..K M Banidits10 W L T P Kcs andle 7 1 0 14 MisterTransryueslan 6 1 'l 13. Duriain Cash agier 4 4 O 8 LawUilDnups 4 4 O 8 BroaldiLeglan 2 6 1 5 DOS Makaing 2 S6 O0 .4 08W StoreFitures 2 A O 4 JUISOR mm Jsaîs30 -Ratar Club 1. Sunris.Rotaiy 5-, Whkby Trophy Haine 18. Lanna. rum 14;-Advatag. Tels 10. Van Heraran lres9 Whutby Tropy Houa. Sunne» ."Te UNOl PEEWEE àufy 3 -'Uxrdg. Wolves ZWhltbyTigee3 (Mandy Co.2Z VWctriaHaine. 1Jdy4-WlibyHwIiPlatics 13 (oannaWhlney 5. Kils KaratulavahZStaplianle Cliamn2. Rachal Stewat 2. Sonya Maris Eh").>,Ajax Wamrs S kies 0;Aja United, Rays Trophis Z Folbm FmnrciDbjMra 8 (Erin Ofraux 3. 01er. Semantde 2, Erin ihn oJnnier Sawuls, Kulstine Hmn4; Whltby lgrby SiNer à Sake.ý S (NieleaaU y w2 Sophia Viniez 2, Stoph"nleCrann Ecin'Suilgean>. AjaUnlte SL k"Angue 0 Juns 27 - Fortune Fkinla De"bleMaran 3 (Goiu, Hunt. Susan Ryan>. Ajax Warnare RRed 2;, Ajax UM& B"lw »Vius 0. Whitby HanetPlasic g (hWbln& 5 ChaplmnZ.Lani Hilder, Stewart> Jue2 otH»Cm 1. Fortune Financial, DM"bi Morgan 5 ( Sawula, Ryan. Haut. Oldmot Ro. Vity Krby Singera ak.ry 2, Whitby Hm«e Plasic 7 (Stewr 3.- Chqapn ", Whitney. ilder JuI4. Whi*y Boldin Canob t4 (Aiia iTl"ta Malya Sulenu. Melsea Rdhon &Ato"lta Debsodo> Whitby Dodd 8Sauter 4 (Lynn Spiere 3, en. Prrau>; dwk" V04Mg Kelsys 1. Whil by Lions Club 1 (ICile Oshone); Wbitb Knas 3 (Noreh Foy 3). Ubddge Qluaker June 27 - Whitby Lions Club 0. Ajax Wamori Eaglesl;Aim WarrorsHearte0. Whitby Brooldin Canais2 (esecaTaylor, Stoephn Wright>; Wbut>yKintasO.Whitby Dodd 8Sauter 2 (Mlkala Evans 2) June 20 - Whitby Dudd à Sauter 3 (Perreault Z, Kihlyn (nover>. AlaxWarrlors Engles 0- Whitby Lions Club 0. Ajax Wwrimar Ters2;-,dw Village Kelseys 1. Whitby- Broakin Cannai. 1 June 13 - Whlthy Kinecits I1<Foy>, Pldceing Vouge Kebsys 0 lb ~ Optimum carbonation ~ Triple cold fltering ~ Over 50 recipes or create your own ~ Specbalty grains & copper kettles No additives or preservatives -10 minutes brewing time 01 10mi Min batch size 48 litres C0 - Ready in two weeks bati - Kegs available for parties b ew Work s ,We brew foi you - no extra charge IC (you just add the yeast) 1 N Nv' Ed S 'I " N I Il ',N'l"-WoRKSHo11>

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