Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1996, p. 27

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WhIIby Free Puas, Wockesdy, JuIy 10, 1996 Page 27 & ~ Y Top high school players ini shootout The Durham' College athietie department, in cojunction with their men7s basketball program, will host the fret ever Durhamn Lards Basketball Shootout involving the top 100 high school basketball players i the province and more than 50 top NCAA division I coaches, CIAU coaches and CCAA coaches. The Durham Lordu/NIKE Shootout wlll take place July 18- 21 at the Durhamn College athletic centre in Oshawa. It is the fret recruiting camp of its Ind in eastern Canada and the goal of the event la to expose high echool players to top college and university basketball -programs. Whitby Iroquois soccer JUI! 3 - Sermuly Finic l1 <Auron MwarvAy MWv Uni 1 (F. Chauguuqu; Whb 1 (Auaro leuOnoaug8 (Mmo ePar* 5. MWilhsmiFowWr Tond KokogaS. Jooluos Jkcheau.> Roa C" s7 <D.vMu.a 14. Jan 8tqdey2,cZ o Wi.romls(, Aqus S60<-bu ,ay 2Z Puai Baroll Micha, si l.Jan Tae. frClu de nsse;. Sandoz Nu"i 4 (J. lwwwf 4). UMO.r Ciel2 PIwMl KnochnyJaeespiVandehmn;BEfaaai (B 'lmdanndh4,SognyGleNn 2Blaie ipinu AndasuLauioi, Androw Mwdubu). Uansaib 0 Jun. 28 - Socuniy Fu. 2 (inJani Nlcoolus, MilluosFoduOrmuge4 (Ckologms 2,Pauja, Jnahsr.ae ;Bel Tuai 13 uuWm4 &Wb Z AMdmw Luisi Pamt ZDeMa Fbba %m ubo. JahaM oM 4clàde "d &, 1 Sb" am(Da,> Woo. Whb 10 (Mad"h Rymi4. Lai.ka 4non 3. PMUr W&1»4rDaIl Gromts." bFoounor); Uans Cub 4 («homos Farquhwsan Z Bilan Fmquhosn Rob a Prias). Sonz Nubien a(Donnai3. Md" ZRiau2 stuut P")ns; Roger m ble2 (flaiaYamda 2). Colleges and universities* that have conflrmed to date for the shootout are: University of Akron, University of Arkansas, Oregon States St. Bonaventure, University of Buffalo, Cleveland State, Canielus, University of Cincinnati, USO, Colorado State, Drexel University, U. of Dayton, Kansas States Michigan State, University of Mryland, University of Miami, U of Minnesota, Northern Iowa, Providence College, Northwestern U, Sexton Hall University, Virginia Tech, Villanova University, Western Kentucky, U ofWisoensin, Xavier U. Marquette, U of Alabama, U of Tennessee, Montana States, Syracuse M. Chol S (Malt Cwnw 2, Kan.dw~ 2, MW" elFooI 2) PEEWECDOY5j Juy1 - Tmn 024 0<an Dléugh 3. Tmn Grahan4, Twn il il (AndrewKIy 3. MalIhea Hursi 3. Coremy K»«Wer 2,Jam Elkn Z Seau Ksay>; Bongard Collision 6 (Puai Finlay 3. qmai Snmu2, Remd Lantegn.). Teom 3 5<(Jwn VanuarZ De.ydcRaclwk.Innr, F-.u E . 'a Salazar>; Twnh4 1 <fdeT, e ij o Juki 5 - CoSaselLaso4 <MW" miBouléyJiwed MoCornddaMiduasiLusý, Pdak Kély>. Snuwfs <néWd.r)>;Dnmms4 <UluaiHaidn 3& MMatusi s.l), DsluarDasigrus &; FerPàai CaSubuniatanLd,2 <nmw DaidmnleJde- IdJ>Audl@C«UIdo 1 PfOtpher Gotu); TPA kawsbmn 1 (Mmclue Hug*wn). Te..08 3 (Gamsa Fr a Z ,K>1. Bieaon>; Mrt Trawusleln 5 (DvnlelTonwdulo 2, Jan"l CI.msatMW"ndMOW)>, 91»2 (Edpv mSu"2); Gunes O, Hdogud@s1I(lFcqW eda>; Mtly D 1 si((IagOmpTmfte, %Blg * 4 <Jeluu Fmaagla3. Daulel Wlb; Snooplss2 (iemplun Leg2tTO.M 11 0; Tmn 10 4<ihau Z ". 2,MnT"Ut Adam n ug. Nik4 O0 Khmý4pWm wLe3. B.yau ceigha), Shanweds 4 ("mdrsPm"l4) June 28- Snoopu 6S(Vbw rCewelk4,&Longcs, Michl' Mcdonckl). Twn 12 1 (B*Rad) KuumbaS (BayaiMoCkugm Z2,N@Mali as Z, Bon Casueli>,Twn14 3 (Tharua Ceacrla Z, JoeyVidin)>; Nkuj O, Tom #13 o. Shu 2 University, . U of Connecticut, George Washington University and Ohio State. The camp consiste of 100 -top high...shool players who will be broken down into 10 tems in order to compete in controlled recruiting ecrimmages. The coaches li attendance will then be able to evaluat.e the players individually during the four days. "We feel, at Cleveland State, that Canada la up and coming in terme of how important it la tW college basketball coaches in the recruiing of talented players. That is why I arn very much looking forward to seeing ail the talented players at the Durham Làords Cdg.' "ktiGrahain Mn>,YelObw aBleak 4 (JwFg53. Hu"wyLbsas-; Mghty Dudoe O, Muppols 5 (Pdrlck FIt&UZ Wa d liam. Jane., MioUh Wood. Andmw Bobos; Halsnda! 1 (Bon Furgard> Mr. Trmausiaon 4 (DsrekHutluk 2. Janda Omont, Danlolonurduo) RoWom July 3 - Ninj 2 PtWhtOpl rKooor2). Sams A Bu* 1<UMd"elDFudo; Shaks0. Team 27 2 (Daugba Alglum, n el w Poo4; Samroclar 0, Snocole6 O(imuDaldoan 5., Nihan Verydt> Grave 3 (BuiunaAnita3>, Smwfs 2 (Md"ni Mckalaslu2); Dynams1i (rysIsi*g, Kan*s 31U.u Monllo 3)', LaesAuarY 0.TfelS 132 (JamsLemunardMioin Ca#Iphl; Gunn 1 a" Vf ýPhulgrAau.n.a5s EusaBmnn5; VBkm dsO, iCsmdi2<(DsqSSals2); [Dynao 100 (MaoRmuz>,Lcyi(rdorci Moo» - Whkuy (T&W a WloMkhe% .Smunha8lkllaug3>; Savon1 (JmmsHDOCChe 3a(NiduolasLoduc, Dann l.afordN. JueikuNcvh>; Raugor 7 (Bltlay Chsn ,Paihe,4 OCailyn SBerenoi iaus GUY 2, RPue Greon>; TaranteDon*ulon %M k1 (Fiduad aua>, CIIndst ki,5 (KoWluanD"vi 5); LOyeOof Mee.- WhMby 2 (Bffl Mald J'mm Hizes>, Honaie,.5 (Kyl. Stepheruan3., Juty3 - CmmdasO, Drua m da 0; Ddaiuns0 Nur» e uv OdS 4 (Coin <amy Z2, RymMnk2); % %à 1I O<>lsLondera>, Posr ane.6 (Addsn DenonV4. MalihsK.Iy 2)->; ojm. OGmvr.1 ( ebul Basketball Shootout,7 says Lily Masimino, head coach at Cleveland State and former coach of NCAA champion Villanova in 1985. Players or coaches interested in attanding the shootout can contact Bob Mareh at 576-8586. Aggressive j il curbed I Durham Regional Police char- Cd 70 drivers during the seven- y 4 aggressive driver campaign' that recently wrapped Up. Fifty-three p1e were char- ged for going through red lights or stop signe, the remainder for speeding and other offences. Meanihile, officers on regular patrols charged more than 100 àÈvers for speeding and other violations. SUndaei Sundae Sundae only 79e jIwhen added to any t,'~** ,Super Value Meal Tîy a seriously sensational unsdaewih trrfically tempting toppings. Only 79e when added to any of out delicious Super Value Meals. Super Value Cheese BurgerMMa oniy$299. WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. LOVE, RESPECT à HUMOUR SWF, 33, attractive, 550, hon- est, sensa cf humour, unIvarsity educatad, enjoy travelling, the- etre, seeking gentleman for reletlonshlp based on love, respect & humour. ADI 1242 1 SflLL BEUEVEIN LOVE SWF, 41, attractive, br. hair, blue-grean eyas, voiupuous fig ure, seeklng speclel guy whos lnterested ln a fun, Iovlng & long term reiatinshp DI12 SEEING SOULMATE SWF, 46, 57", blue eyes, brunette, attractive, outgolng spontaneous, down 10 aarth, intelligent, enjoy music, danc- ing, cars, seellg a friand, com- panion &soulmata. ADI 1220 Hi MY NAME IS LAURAI SWF, 22,5. siim, curly auburn hair, br. eyes, enjoy oudoors, Iong welks, clnfing out, cookkng, nihs t home & occasionel bar scene. Selcing maie 10 spend Urne wfth & maybe a long termn relationship. AI1219 INNER BEAUTY SWF, 45, honest, enjoy out- doors, having fun, quiet Urnes, saeklng honest & sincere maie who loves inner beeuty rather than culer baauty. ADI 1208 -SPECIAI, SOMEONE SWF, 31, 5W4, medium bulid, dlnly blonde haïr, down 10 aarth, wculd Ilke 10 mont that speciel someone, no head garnes. ADI 1229 SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP SWF, 38, 515. good looking, blonde br. hair, fit, shapaiy, good sense cf humour, finan- cially secure, seaidng attractive maIe, 38-48, over 5'10,nice build for specil relationship. ADI 1171 BLUE EVES SWF, 5'2, blonde hair, blue eyes, enjoy ouldoor activities, interesled In meeting someone tive male for good Urnes, fun lîmos PETITE à ATTRACTIVE walks &movies. ADI1114 who is kind, effectionate, fun, & arotictlimes. AD# 1267 SWF, 5'4, 110 lbs., blonde hair, good sense of1 humour & loves blue eyes, petite, attractive, Inde- SEEING SUMMER PEFI animais. AD# 1330 TRAVEL WITH ME pendent, compasslonato & wltty, SWF, 29, 5'7", 135 lbs., SWF, 518", aarly 30's, seeklng seeking tall, dark & gorgeous physique, ln search ofmai ONE ON ONE COMMUTENT maebewen3 i5.1 enjoy ggod maie. AD 1153 ovar 6', over 30, summer P ____Ar _ hA k1-&.- ovr, 45, blonde hnir.r, oUe eea, attractive, anjoy ouldoors, camp- ing, walks on the beach, seekIng maie who le klnd, undarstandin, conideat & ente.ADI 1190 SEEKING BEST FRIEND SWF, 40's, enjoy art., theatra, dancing, dlnlng, travel, seeklng maie who la romantic, sincere, energellc & caring. ADI 1240 ANYBODY OUT THERE? SWF, seeldng maie 10 enjoy quiet limes togther wfth me.ADO1196 OLflDOOR ACTIVMES SWF, 51, long blonde hair, 120 Iba., br. ayes, Intareats Include sports, dancing, movies, reading, music, seeldng maie. ADI 1298 FUN & EXCTNG SWF, 18, long daric hair, br. eyes, 51, 105 Iba., enJoy going out, movles, dancing, iooklng fo someone who là; fun & excting, 19-22 for frlendship. ADI 1179 SPOIL ME SWF, seeking maie wlth stable lfestyle & likes 10 have fun, I enjoy being eutsida, camping, waîks, movies, theatre. I arn seeklng someone -1 cen spoil & Movllspili me baclc. AD# 1241 ENJOY KEEPING FIT SWF, 27, 5'4, 120 lb.., long br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy worklng cul 10 keep fil, If you are intaresl. ed in tlking te me, leave me a massage. ADI 1187 VESY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 26, brunette, consldered very attractive, very funny, seak- ing maie to gel 10 know. i love readin, ouldoors, travelling. 88#1 GOLDEN BLONDE HAIS SWF, 36, attractive, French Canadien, 5'5*, long golden blonde har, solng tail, ettrac- weather, boating, welklng, srFttlng bDa fire, drlnklng wine, & travel A#1228 I LOVE HAVING FUN SWF, 26, blonde hair, blue eyes, enJoy dancing.9Olng out & having fun. I amn a canng & sincere per- son. ADI 1132 NATURAL BLONDE SWF, 47, naturel blonde hair, biue eyes, enjoy Oive theatre, dnlng out, dancing, seeklng old-fashloned gentlean who ls ready for cern- mitmient ADI 1288 SEEKING A FRIEND SWF, 27, 54a, black haïr, br. eys, seeldng a frid to talk to over the telephone. ADI 1294 LONELY SWF, 33, long br. hair, br. eyas, 5'l", very attractive, looklng for frlandishlp, I arn aine most of the lime, looklng for someone to talk 10. ADl1298 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWF, 36. enjoy swlmming, tennis, long walks, music, Iheatre, poatry, camp ing, seeking maie who Is down to earth, close to my ae, & - lnteresled ln a santous raetonshlp. ADI 1016 ONE MAN WOMAN SWF. 5'2*, fuIl figured, br. hair, blUe eyes, enjoy travelling, dining cut, fshing, lnterested inrmeeting someone for friendship first & maybe sonuething mora.ADIl1157 GOOD CONVERSATION SWF, 35, tlu & very attractive, blonde hair, loo4dng for lai, intelli- SnI& attractive maie who knows tW carry a gond conversation. AD4 1128 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF,25,v:e attactvetall, slim, Inteligent cate 00loo good in a minisidrt, seklng gond Icolng, educated maie. 'ADI 1150 SEEK & Y! SHALL FIND SWF, 28, attractive, br. hair, hazel eyes, alhietic bulid, enjoy romantic walks, comedy clubs a&movies, seeklng athietic, romandec SWM. ADI 1155 ROMANTIC FEMALE SWF, 30s. professional, 551 slIm & fit, long med hair, blg br. ayes, seeking maie oer 5V. confident & sanseof humour. AD# 1168 NICE MUSCLES SWF. 35, seeklng maIe 51W-61 who ikes sports & ha. nice mus- cles. i like ta stay activa & arn interesled ln mostly anything. ADllîI DOWN TO EARTH- SWF, 30, br. ey os, br. hair, 5", medium build, attractive, intelliget enjoy music & movies, aeeing attractive & confident maie. AD# 1206 STRAWBERRY BLONDE SWF, 35, long strawberry blonde heir, blua eyes, sensible & caning, attractive, lave the country, selng SWM, 30-40 who la funny & laid back. AD#I1112 LONG WALKS SWF, 37, 57, blonde hair, br. eyas, medium build, attractive, saeking maie who la honeat & down t0 aarth, muat .enjoy long RSON ,busly 1Who le hones & open, notilnhiblteaï. ADI 1217 SEEK LONG HAIRED MALE SWF, 5'60, long brown haïr, slim, seekn tai, long halred maie. I a ng for friendship & possi- blaong term relatlonshlp. GET TO KNOW ME SWF, 36, 5'9, shoulder lenglh dirty blondle hair, blue-green eyes, eh~ person, seeklng someone 10 to &go out with. AD#11182 ENJOY DANCING SWF, 26, 56, 130 ibs., blonde hair, blue e yes, caring, honeat, sincere, enrioy dancing, clubs, sports, dlinnars, seekdng maie wlth saea nterests. ADI 1133 FRFIENDSHIP SWF, would lika 10 meet someone for friendshlp & possible long termn reiationshlp. i wouldilîke 10 meet someone le et out & do lhlngs wfth. ADI 1161g .LEAVE ME A MESSAGE SWF, 115 Ibs., shoulder length br. haîr, hazel eyes, enjoy sports, hockey, football, waîks, dinner, leave me a message. ADI 1170 1LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS SWF, 24. 5'4, br. hair, blue eyes, 104 lb.., seelclng mae 10 talk wit & mont wlth. i arn lnterested in frindhipbu lersses what hap. - LONG BLONDE «AR SWF, 35, 110 ibs., very attractive, professional, long blonde hair, blue ayes, enjoy theatre, worklng out, seeldng Zean cul SWM. ADI 1226 NO HANGUPS SWF, 46, 5", blonde haïr. hezel eyes, sltrn, very active & outgoing seeking SWM, 40-50, must b. taM, active hava a sense cf humour,& have no hengupa. ADI 1231 EASYGOING MALE SWM, 30, 6', 145 lb.., saeing n/s female, 23-35 who loves outdoors& movies and be easgclng &like 10 hava fun. ADI1272 SINGLE MALE SWM, interosted in meeting women betwean 18-27 for con- versation & to go culta dinner with. ADI 1301 PROFESSIONAL MAL! SWM, professional, seeking tomaIs for long term relation- shlp whc enjcys going 10 the movies & ouldoor activities. i amaeasygcing & flexible wth a goo1sense or humour. MYSTERY MAN SWM, lai, intelligent freespirit- ed, attractive, wlde varlety cf interests, seeking Portuguase famalie, lal, thin, 25-35, who Is positive, spiritual & lovtng. ADI 1304 LETS HANG OUIT SWM, attractive, laIe 201s, aeelng attractive, fit femnale, In 20s. to spend soee Ure with. I anloy tennis, squash, long walks, cycling & quiet evenings. ADI 1207 ANIMAL LOVER SWM, 24, enjoy outdoor pur. suits, sports, mevies, nature, saeking young lady te share- everything with. ADI 1215 - SPORTS a MOVIES SWVM, 19, saeking someone to mont who la inlerested ln sports &movias. ADI 1245 NICE SMILE SWM, 45, tlu, attractive, warm, understanding, weIi educatesi, enjoy waîking, hiking, cycling, saeking teaai who is lait& attractive & welI educated. -AD# 1199 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWM, 19, blonde hair, br. eyes, 5'10, 120 Ibs., enjoy coolng, ovies, sports, seekfng femame 18-20 whoIs fun. AD# 1191 LONG BLACK HAIS SWM, 59, 190 Ibe., long blackc hair, seeklng femalas. AD# 1299 SPORTS à MOVIES SWM, 19, seeklng SWF Inter- esled in sports & movies, Lets meet, give me a calI. AD# 1211 MOVIES & SPORTS SWM, 5V, 190 lb.., lke te go out & stay home, enjoy moves & sports. ADI 1227 NO MODELS PLEASE! SWM, 31, 220 lb.., 5'8, br. hair, br. eyes, anjoyquiet Urnes at home, music, bîke riding, seeklng SF, 26-34, wth red or br. hair. ADI 1175 TOUCH 0F ADVENTURE SWM, 38, 5'l1-, 175 ibs., pro- fessional, seelng good-ioolng, mature, undamstanding F, 32-42, for ight or funi body massages. i like to rive or recelve themn. QUIET71MES SWM, 31, 220 lb.., br. hair, br. eyes, good sense of humour, laid back, enjoy quiet times, music, readlng, playing pool. ADI 1174 NICE SMILE SWM, 38, nîca amile, almoat 200 lbs., 511*, enjoy long walks, music, seeldng F, 24-45, who la unînhiblted.- ADIt1238 GREEN EVES SWM, 38, nice emile, green eye, 5'l", 200 lb.., enjoy long makrusic, drivng. ADI 1028 YOUNG & ACTIVE SWM, 51, 5'l11", 190 lbs., br. hair, sensitive, emotional, lov- ing, anjoy car raclng, boating, aealdng siim attractive lady wth .gondffmorals. ADI 1141. 1 1

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