Page 18, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 17, 1996 SFLOODINO PROBLEMS j C ounciilors share residents' Bym1<k. Kowalskl Anderson Street, residen upset -about flood damage thefr properties have drawrn Vmm nd north war4J repreq tativeDon Mitel11 h *. expresoed concern for the plig of area residents who are afVue ted whenever nearby Prini, Creek overflows its banks. J Although neither could offi an imeiate solution te tih problem both were hopeful thi one will be forthcoming in rep>ort to be prepared b, Whitbys planning departmeir (se. separate story). «When I was on council pre viously'I didn't support th, Group 2 development westc Anderson Street" recalled Emm. "The. reason I didn't support i was for the saine concerns tlu are now being raised for the es sidep» h. said. «I think the résidents a Anderson Street have showr that there has been substantia' damage from whaVs been doni before and I share those con. cerna. For this reason, Emin said he cannot support an applicatioi from Wolster Developments Ltd. te remove the hazard land desig- nation from the site of its pro- posed 211-unit subdivision or the east side cf Anderson, norti of Dryden Boulevard. Emim said the hazard land dsgnýta n which applies te a sinaIin termittent tributary cf the creek, serves a useful pur- psein t ha t the strearn draini inte the Pringle (Jreek water- shed. .."If its deleted and replaced by storm sewers or, a retention pond, I dont think it provides pro protection," he said. dont think will support urbani- zation right out te the street Emin, one of Whitby>s three representatives on the manage- ment board of the Central I e Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), could not fault Ander- son Street homeowner Molly Turpi for her comments, abot CLoAs apparent dis-interest ini the residents' co<m>Maints. Turpin feels CLM cannot be expected te challenge decisions of areamniia councils when 13 cf its 15 board members are members of those saine councils. «She may have some basis ini that on what haippened with Lynde Shores,» said.Emm of the controversial housing develop- ment to, b. built near the Lynde Marsh. "I. was net totally thrilled with thefr (CLOCAsé) handling of Lynde Shores and she may -b. vahid'in her commente.» However, Emm said CLOCA has undergone both staff and management changes and was hopeful that the residents' con- correct what- he feels, is the pub-, lies perce-ption that W.itbyv's hazard lands .are, being«nce and dimed away" by developers. "Right now i the officiai plan thie objective is te conserve hazard land for 'environmental purposs,"he explained. But any developer can make an application te eliminate or delete huzard land because most building problems can be engineered iaway.» *Instead of creating a "net-net gain» for the developer, Mitchell would prefer that developers pay for. an yadditional "devel ple land te may acquire in this fashion. Mitchell referred te the Bran- ton property north of the Wolster site which has a much lariger COn cer hazard land designation, as an~ example. "Branten will ask why my hazard land is; important and others are not,» he said. qI want somýethin place so, that when you get into thie Bran. ton land situation, the hazard lande can b.oece. Resuits -of runi ANDERSON Street resident Molly Turpin points to the weeds that have grown up alongsicle the portion of Pringle Creek which runs behind her home. Nearby housing deve- Iopments have produced increased stormn water runon wncn causes flooding, erosion and sut deposits. Whitby's planning depart- ment, will soon be undertakîng a study that will look at possible solutions to the problems area homneowners are sulferng. - ~ ~Photo by Mire KoaiaIclWhlby Fiee Preoa Skepticism over plan PROM PAGE 1 afler completien of thétiret ef, what Tuarpin estimates are 200 houses within a two-mile radius, the problem became "really severe about four years ago.- Everydsping the creek over- flows and cover an area cf about two acres b.hind the Turpins and their neiglibours' homes. When the water, recedes, it looks 1k. a mud flat covered in débris and silt,» she said. Tii. effects of heusing and road construction in the area has resulted i more water directed into the creek by sterini sewers rathçýr than being. absor- b.d natural, Turpin said As a resuit, the creek cannot adequately carry the increased volume, she said. Jehsian area that may b. prone to flooding Turpin con- ceded, "but- now it's extreme. W. neyer had silt b.fore.» Whil, upset with Town council for approving the developments without concerned about the. impact on eisting homes TUrpi understands council, "wnting t increase the tax base.» However, she has nothing but harsh words for the agency that is "supposed te b. interested i the environmne - the Central Lake Ontario* Conservation Authority (CLOCA). "CLOUA origfinally mapped it as a flooýdplain, how can the now say there are ne problemr asked Turp* inreferrance te the authority ha g ne objections te remeving the hazard land desig- nation. "Ive neyer seen an yon. from CLOCA came near this place. They just keep apeproving deve- lopment afler development. "Th.ey are the people who are supposed te b. concerned and they have yet te do anything te imprees me.» Tlurpin said a revamping of CLOOA's management board is needed since the board consista; of 13 Durham Regien councillors and two private citizens -appoin- ted by the province. "ii. sane, people who sit on Town council are the saine as those on CLOCA»" said Turpin in referring te, Whitbys three repre- sentatives - Marcel Brunelle, Joe Drumin and Gerry Emin. «They (CLOCA) should b. eli- minated, the do nothin» Wfugh Roerton w o with e fettenxoved nio their home south cf the Turpins about 12 years. ago, lias mixed feelings about the committeesà decision. "I wanted them te, look at the whole area, flot just when theres high water, but low water toc,»" said Robertson. «(Councillor Don) Mitchell was riglit, the hazard land will end up being a 'dry dunxp' stuck in he midie of buildings.» Acc'ordin gtoR<>lbertson "streanus are Peuliarmi the wa surrounding Iand is affected. a "People albove us -have erosion and silt dgmage, we have erosion and- trouble with our culvért freezing Up,» lie said. "When- combined with heavy raine its &adisaster." Aiihough not as critical of CLOCA as Turpin, -Robertson aIse questioned the logic b.hind some authorityrulinge. Hie wife Bette souglit permis- sion from CLOCA te déean up and improve the appearance cf the creelc b.hind their home and was teld that any work most not involve installation cf concret e fixtures. Yet, about the, saine' time, three concrete "wefrs» were erec- ted downstream from the Robert- sons. "I think it was for flood con- trol » h said. 71âut te public works people at the Tw couldn't undeïstand why. It made ne sense te, them.» Whitby public werks directeir Wayne Hanceck explained that the weire were büllt south cf Dryden Boulevard i cnjunction' with the nearby Coscan subdivi- sion. The Ontarie Ministry cf Natural Resourceâ required the weirs as a condition of subdivi- sion approval, Hancack said. "Tnihtent was to, dissipate. the velocity, but I dent think the inis . reviewed the creelc pro-' p e ni uy he 9sa id. ýi et think the velecity is that high and ite put in a road- block te the fish,» Hanok said cf the approximately' one-foet '~jump in -elevation» each weir produces. ii. ministry hag since apprea- ched the Town 'about moving the weirs and the request -if; now under consideration, Hancock said. "Idsgeed when they went it butthey coudn't get* subdivi- sion approval without them,» h. added. 1 plosesen erpu. n '.* :.. 1 i Letter from camp Dear Dad, Weil, bore 1 arn writlng to yau frein sumww camp. As ai the otarflebap campurs are sending lettes b tier paren,,.unhls, t1Ibauht #mat1iwauld drap you the occwianai oUne and lot you Ioiow bow tiings are golng i my role as chaplaln at this camp. Ar. yOU Inow, t1 ad nemerbee i b Camp beforeî so when tlus opportunty came Up i1thought #iat It wotW be a f ascinating experience and a chance for the girls to have some fun. Upon arrvai, crme ling slruck me Immedilely. Aside from tlie camp dmrerand hs wifé, we are the olest peatere. This, oh faluer of me, is a dlsocetng expoerioe. 1 bave nr before been tb. oldest anytiuing and bbe soen as averybody's main or dari puts me ln a categoiyfibat 1 un not Yet roady b embrace. YousSe, I remember boing a kid, 1 remember bengia leerwger and young aduit But nobody olse here bas' any klea (or desire for #Ma matter) what Ife ls Die aitour ae. Wendy aid. I are walking -goldnodies. Camp regislrallor was a boeee. Floods of chidren and tenagers beslegod rny desk ID diçever what *clan* or group tbeywe«e ln. iber was theaodd snhffleasmnomor dad haded out but on the whole It was a piece ai pie. Our first meai toçetho was a revelaion. It was sered -ln a dinig hait, liat shoWs eutmi9 ua camp dlnlng halt.0 Wooden Interior, bare beams. holding came pudes., T-st*t and pictures of part campes going -back lb 1950. The dinhig- ambiencecan be describedi ans word ... ltd. You know how aur bouse can get whon the girls get rolling? Weil. muftply #ma by 155 excited, ,.thdllied-to-be-at-camp: youngsters, plus 30 counsellors and you get the idea. flhere s a sung grace before"tu Meai and sangs afIerarcfesea my muscal reperbre as now picked up a dlversity liat R bas berelDfore~ siongs aid <an both Bing thèmin ad do the action.-Just waltit i lie next t#me yeu corne bo dinner. After supper and cdean-up, we headed domnlb tie couneit tire for' a camup sk*gson, an mventht t ,hi my innocence, beleed, wouid -bu a barrntess evening'ai entertamet. t bad no idea thlI1t o'uld bu ane aoflde main attractions. The IbeMe for lie ngt was muskicas. Three of the counsellors Mm lntr costume, as characters frei Cats, Beauty and dm Beat and 71m Phan&xn of the Opera. lhey sWWte taiking ab&jt lueskilis neede i #Mefreespecialty dme11#9ed f* 'speed i applyîng makeup. Then #he asked for volunteersand called me up. it was aI this point that t shaud ave run, flot walked, bD My car. But nsboad, wwrig Mytrustng 9--ye- eveçSadyu chapiain emite, 1 went Ib the front . t was asked b taire a chair aid Bit an my haids. It was theri t notd Ihem facepaints., A volwutee was caitod forward aid asked b apply as mucli makep b My face as humanly Possible. Witb My bushy berd lis requhrd a fai amoat ofa ualMty. The nuamà pelce was flnished off witb' what cari onfY bu doscrlbed -as ai overtY generos applicaion of bâby powder. Theri af course it bas %b bu MRoMo. ttwas at liat point 1 saw thm bucketof water aid sponges. -The kid assigned b luis tusk Your, Wng son,