Page 22, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesclay, JuIy 17, 1996 GOHNSTGN QUITS Wïarriors advance Whitby Wanriors - playing without high-sconing Grant Johnsten who has decided te leave the team - swept Misais- sauga last week in the firat round of Ontario junior A box lacrosse playoffs. Warrxons crushed Mississauga 22-2 in the third game te wrap up the best-of-ive series. and now, face Peterborough i the S katers to compete at worlds Whitby's 'world ciass' roller skaters won Canadian champion- ships recently. 1Pia Schmidt-Hansen and Rebecca Woodhouse of the Whitby Rouler Skating Club each, had firt-place- finishes in the ladies' worid ciass division of the national competition heid in Kit- chener. Schmidt-Hansen was first in freestyle, Woodhouse fhïrst in figures and second i freestyle, to each earn a trip to represent. Canada in the wonid champion- ahi n Agentina in December. gre Whitby club's mainsatream skaters also -had top funishes with Soid medais going te, Jenni- fer Caukwell in level 1 solo dane Tara Canninh novice lde figures Jaes Mace ini novice men's fÃreestyle and Mat- thew Radford in novice men's figures.» semi-finais. After not showing up for severai pnactioes thîs season, Johnston, who lives in St. Cath- armes, was benched by coach Jim Bishop for the second game of the Mississauga series. John- ston then decided te quit the team. Althou mloig one ohloi f the top scorens ini the leage, Bishop feels the Warrions wili ho "botter off' in terms cf team chemistry. «Chomistry ie more impor'tant than somobody who can score a couple of goals," says Bishop, noting that othon playors on tho weli-baianoed scoring teaxn will make up for Johnsten's absence. Bishop adzitted it's difficuit for "outsido playors" such as Johnston te fit fite the Warriors' rigid traiin, and practice sche- dule that Biis hep say s makes his playons the best-conditioned in the lege. But h e notes that ail season the two Lunnie brothers have traveliod te and fromý Midiand another from Huntsville 'anâ another from Cornwall, as they commit te the "systexn." And Wariiors couid bave high- sorinf Jason Ward i the lineup shou they reach the finals, as anticipated iikeiyagainst Oageviuie. Ward, cf Oshawa, is on Cana a s under-18 hockey teami playing i the worid cham- pionships iAugust. .Paul Sailie scored five goals an d had two assistei the third gane aginst'Mississauga, Gavin Prout four eais, Marty O'Brien and and Zac] Aicken three goals each. <Wanniors were te begin'their best-of-seven senies against Peterborough last nlght (Tues- day) at Iroquois Park, gametw on Thursday n Peterborough, gaie three at Iroquois on Friday nîght. Further gamnes have net yet been scheduléd. Whiotby edged, * j unior final Newmarkot edged Whiltbyt cpuethe championshpof1the ReaySunnise junior biasebal toraent oven tho weekond. Newmarket scored two ruse in their last- at-bat te steal victory from Whitby. Whitby, considered one of the top junior teama hin Ontario, had opene the tounnament with a 41wnover Thoruhill then lest 6-1 te Thorold. Whitby pounded Hamuilton 12- 2 for their secnd, win, in. three gaes, te samne record as Tornhill i the Red Division. But the win over Thornhili gve Whitby the berth in the e=mponhe againat undefea- td ewanket who had wins of 7-6- over Cobourg, 9-0 over Waterloo and 5-4 ýover Leaside iu the Whitè Dïviôxn. TOP ARCHER JEFFREY'DOWN poses with some of the many awards he's won for. his archery prowess, including the LOSSA and ail- Ontanio archery tiles. Do wiin is compe.,ting at-the Ontario Summer Games Aug. -15-18. PMUto ly ark Reom.Whltby Free Preas Gait powersRedniený With Ga Gait in top form, Brookiin Redýmen won two ganes last week te move into a second- place tie with Brampton Excel- siOns. ]Redmen vanquished Peter- borough 16-9 on Wednesday and thon got by Excelsiors 16-13 the foilowîng night. Gait fired seven goals -and added two assista in the win over Brame,!,n, who wene led by Chris Driscoîl with five goals and thnee assista. Shawn Williams9, one cf the most consistent scorers for Red- men in his first season with the club, had four goals, Kevin Biggs two goals and John Fusco a goal and three assista. Matt Stein- weld and Rodney Tapp each had throe assiste- Ted Dowiing had three pals and four* assista for Excelsiens who were held scorelesai the second period while Rodmen fired. fouÃŽr goals te tako a 9-5 lead. T'he previeus night, Gait had four'goals and six assista while goalie Paul Moetz had four ass- ista agaist Peterborough. Stemnweld, anothon consistent penformer for Redmen this sea- .on, had two goals and an ass- ista, Steve McCreith two goals and Fusco and Tapp each a goal and three assista. Redmon, jumped out te, a 9-1. load i the flrst peniod and neyer' Looked back. Gerge Belleperche and superb Poide John Grant e f the top three scorer*s i the" bague, ec .1 t had three goals and three assistaat for Peterborough. Redmen, with a record of il wins and eight losses, have not counted out a frt-place finish as the schedule continues until the end of July Legue-leading. Six 'Nations - who do not have Paul Gmit in thein lineup this season as he is I Triple play ht elps selects Whitby pulled off a triple play im one of three victorias that extended their unheaten record in major mosquito select basebal league play Iu the 7uttme of a double- header againstfPickenin ,Pïcker- inq had runnens on Mirt and third when a hall: was smacked to dee p right field.- Braden Nevack of Whitby caught the baIl, threw a strike to flnst baseman Justin Chopra for the second -out, when the fin-st base runner took an eanly jump and couldn't get back, and then Chopa threw to catcher Fýrankie UnlewS who nailed the third base runner who was trying te get home. WMhy won 8-7, and then 8-4 ini the second gamne. lhie..other win for- V#hitby, sposord y RoyalBakws 6-4 over Osawa. pl ~inithe B.C. beague - lest teetCÀrborough last wee*k. And Redmen can gain even more ground as theyhast Six Nations tenight (WMdesday) at Ir-oquois Park, game -time 8:30 Pmn. Rednien play i.Fergus- whose goaltending tandem in considered the best in the league' -- on Frday night and then host Peterborough next Wednesday night Juiy 24. Osmnond' tops at U.S. ,eventW A Whitby Kiichi Bai Judo Club member had a firet-place finish at the U.S.- Junior Nationale in Rhode Island recently. Robbie O0smond, 6, won ail hie matches -ini the, minus -53-pound division. Corey Bayf'ord was second i- minus-132 hi the unden-20 age division whiie Ambon Gaiiogley, 13, was second in the aged 13-14 open division for "frls. Third-oplace tFiishers were Natasha Monkman, Ian Alexan- don and Megan Fuilton, boouur- able mentions- went te Chris McCrudden,'Kyr O'haraý Ran, Whitby rouler skating club JUDO 28- Jy 7 PL'A SCHUIDT44ANSEN: lot world cimes ladies'freoutyls REBEOCA WOODHOUSE: lst ladiWs'widd cimrfgur'es; 2nd ladie'woId classfruestyle MAINSTREAU ANDREA MCRON: 2nd open ladies ccp.. f eulwm niîWieaestyle; Oth froohman ladies figures JENNIFER CAUKWELL: lst level1 solo dance, 4th odglnal sm patt.m dance; 7th freuliman lIies figures TARCAM lutsf noviceoW ies turs; 3d novice ladmsWreestyle JAMES MACE. 19 mnvia. mens freestyls; 2nd novice mes fgumes MATfl4EW, RADFORD: lst novice nies figures; 2Md novieoensfreesyle -KRABEN NAICAMURA: 2nd WMe1el iso dance; Sad openladi eiops. frestîman ladiWs'figurs. 3rd odglnsadelpfttern dance JENNFER DÃŽHEIRE. 2nid novice Imiime freetyle; 5th novcm iS Wfigure UINDSEY FRADFORD -2nd .brnsntary loop; SIAREY tAtINR4th lavai1 solo danos; 101 MICEIIE EVANS: Cdi nmvie ldies figures, SARA N MKt4~lhgnovic ebs futYle 1 - -- - ý - -.1 - ', - -ý ý 7rý-- -