Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1996, p. 27

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Whltby Fiee Press, Wochiosday, Juty 17,1996 Page 27 .-i~'vv noiejuI UI LASFE D. Caîl 668-6111. Ads ptaced by Manday at noon wilt be pubtished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save money! Or, prepay wfth your VtSA card when placing the ad.- Fax your ad to us at 668- 0594. Ptease ensure you provide aIl pertinent information, and a nurnber where we can reach you, if neoessary. Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontano, Li N 5S1. Ads shoutd be maited to arrive by Monday at noon. You can enctose your payment, or provide billing information. 'f We're open 9 arn to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Place your ad by Monday at noon for Wednesday publication. We are Iocated at 900 Hopkins, Street, Whitby. LEGAL EXCUTIVE OFFCE ASSISTANT rINOWENROLUJNGI iPre iEmpIoynient Readiess - Plan Yourjob successfroin day 0one. Keyboarding with Wordlperfect - Coiputers are used in ail Tvipiing Modules Machine Transcription - Computers ar*e used in ail Tranzscription Modules Business Communication - Meinos, Letiers, Reports Office Systems and Procedures - Or-ganizationral skil/s and tine management Bookkeeping and Financial Accounting - hutro Io Manual Accoiniig Computer Fundamentals - Softwvare Applications, minro to Windokt's Windows Applications - Microsoft Word, Micr-os.fi, Excel Electronie Spreadsheets - L.otus 1.2.3 Other Diploma Prograins: Computer Support and Applications e Business a Accountling Dental Oshawa eLaw Office Practice and Procedures " Wils and Estates " Real Estate "'-Corporate ami Commercial Law " Civil Litigation " Family Law "*Principles of Canadian Law Job Search Plan aid prepa-e for job interviews. *Hospitality * Secretarial e Medical Tornto Se,"hool of Business Campus - Oshawa Centre Pickering Campus 0 DIRIVIN G I~,SCHOOL ýL Oshawa . 728-0091 FullDrivers Educa3tion Courses JULY 29th S4 day course AUG. 26th 4 day course *DDC Upgrading Course *55 Ative Seniors Course - PRI VA TE LESSONS REGISTERED & APPROVEO BY THE DSA.O.AND OS.L PRIVATE & commerocal pibt tiainingi Save timel Money GresnbankAlrport (905) 985-763 P......... I G. RENOVATIONS. Speclalz lnn diywal, raming, ptastenng, palntng, ceamlc dites, etc. For a free estiat cati Gary. 905-665-8139. 1EL1 pBS1NESS1 w u ri~ u w m D I...................._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COMMERCIAL RSIUNG IN ALASKA. Make up ta $30,000 in thios months. Othor positions avaltabte. Bath menlwomon . Cait 7 days, 1-504-641-7778. Ext. 014K29. MAKE UP TO $50,000 In 90 days In the comfort ai your home. For free dotails sond S.A.S.E.: Eagto Enterprises, 701 Rosstand Rd.E Suite 259, Whitby, Ontaif o, L V 9K3. CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS neoded. Maria and Sandra.are pteasod ta announce the aponing af thoir new salon but wo nood a namet Name our salon and %Mwn 1 year of free haniuts(6>,two chemicat services af chalce. MIalt ontrios ta 14 Garrard Rd., N. Whitby, L1 N3K3, 404-8734. EARN UP TO $570 A WEEK -. we nood peopte ta mako jewettevy (necklace, bracetet, eaing Job avallable coast ta coast, lrom vor homo. No oxporlonce noodod. Sand a setf-addressed stampod envotopo ta: Keqinchrls Corp., 991 Mathoson Btvd. E., Unit #5, roi. 139, Kisslssauga, Ontario, L4W 2V3. $35,OOOIYR.. INCOME potentiaL Reading books. .ToIt--Fiee 1-800-&98-9778 Ext. R-5365 for listings. DRIVG IISTRUCTOR iequtred.ff ý uçJymeeting now peopte anid dvea lan drMvng record thi may be the career for you. tor more information cait Joa Aston, 905-436-9402. Provnial DrMng School. Driving instructors iconse roqutrod. I .U .. .. .-T- MAN; EARLY 20Os, excettent physicat condition, wih toVs of oxponience, tooking for work as restaurant cook Inthis aiea. Dave, 434-6323. Whslby. iri LLccote rranÇase bCImulsOriene< ev rcnmetn: I eginner to Advanced designed 10 meet you*r needs Reasonable Rates 20 Yeateaclngexpenencj WHITBY SOHOOL af MLsic-PianaAcyboaanj essons rgldvat & gmoup), oltair, violin, vaice, ce sxophne, clarinet, Kindermusýik (3-5 years) and music books. 'Summor music camp avallabte Juy and August 103 Dundas St.W, Whitb. 666-8780. WOMEN INDEED. Wo are initiating, oui Business Devolomont Pragrami. Wo are ollen assistance for writin a marketing plan, ontropronourship courses, which includes suc h compononts as enhancing custamer service. For a personat consultation calt Joan Kerr-McKnight at Womon tndood Resource Contre, 70 Simcoe St..N. (905)576-3805. ANSWERING SERVICE lrom $10 per month. Vaice -miail lrom .25 pr day. 416/800. or 900 numb:ers avaltabte. 1-800-781-2190. RESUME TYPING on ta 600 DPI laser pnnter, great setoction ai spedialypa"ers. Calt Speedy. CARING MOTHIER WUf provido a h environment fo yu chitd.- N ous tunches & snacs Lots ai activtis (walks, ciaits, stores). 404-0815. DAYCARE WITH TLC. (Gaden& Dryden).CR & Frst Aid. Ptayroam. loncod yard with jungle gym. Soasnat 'ndoor/okudoiaclMtes for ail agos. Mealssnacks, smoko-froe, rolorencos & rocoipts. 668-7872. MOCUS DAY OUT. HOME day cars, aponlng' for inlantItoddler. Mn affiites, Indoar/outdoor pay nutntiuskinches & snacs GardonAManning aiea. Ca Wend 668-7644. Wee, The system that provides... Uns ched uted home visits ensure quality care for your child Fulty trained providers receive ongoing Agency support Retiabte lacal backç-up covers Provider iltness or hotiays "Complote insurance coverage Income tax receipîs *Chddren six weeks and Up - Fuît or part-lime For more Information Sai: 686m3995. a lISonsed Agency Specializing in Earty Chitldhood Education. For Peace of Mind Perry ouse Child Care Services 129, Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 SAFE AND FUJN DAyCARE In m home. Lots af TLC, fened yaZ. aO cdd , an àd lotsoffun" CPR and lrst-ald tralned, smoko-lree part-tima/futirno: Brea kfatnch, snacks Inckuded. 1lae el666-9312. FOUR SEASONS Landscaplng; whore qualty cornes fiesti W. spedaize -in fences, docks& rétainin% watts. Wookty Iawn cuttng lrom $8. Tise removals & prunîng. Sod delverod; $2.50 per rail. Fiee consultations. (905) 428-1305. PAIN11NG9 DRYWALL, carpentry, basomont renovations, dockçs, fonces, window reptacemonts. No b oosal.15 yar xrerne. 655-3237. CINDYS ALTERATIONS - Came 500 us for ai your sewng noeds. Leathier, zýpr, also mens tallant avaltablo. Tues.-FnI.'l0-5:30,SaM 10-3, 133 Byron SL N. Pearsan Lanos 430-6550. INTERLOCKtNG BRICK ftagstono and sit patios and walkways. Free ostimatoes. Cali (905) 430-2525 or (905) 201-1088. INIERIORIEXTERIOR PAINTING - oui exponienced and prolessionat pooplo witt take cars af your gonerat palnn g .rqulrem onts. Fe ostimfafos. Work guaianteod. Cati Peter at 665-7768. WOOD RENEWERS. Make your docks, fonces wood sidlng, log strucures look ke now aga. ail w atong. stains & paint Soaler stain witt nat pool or chip. Work guaranteod. 665-7768. FILOOR REFINISI.UNG -wood ionowers vil do a prcofossionat job af >vuisandng,iefinshd and staJnln noods.. Ail work' guarantosa. 665-7768. NEED A NEW'ROOF? Fast and ctoan. -Campetoe,êpcesCati HARDY HOME IMPROVEMENTS,ý 430-6908K .. ... . . 1rl E., i mmm M- LO . ý' M - M If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ýM M.C. a LAMIAI ire 8 (/ Po-s- r-. Av . i 9«Fi«

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