Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, WhltbyFiee Proe, Wednlesday, July 31, 199 Making products for At Binney & Smith Canada, the manufacturer of Crayola", brand products, our unique corporate structure and value-driven approach*have been pivotai bo our success. With fewer levels of management and less bureaucracy, our empioyees can broaden their rotes and responsibilities in à chailenging - and rewarding - environment. If you are a seif-motivaed and team-oriented professionai who shares our commitment to integrityý objectivity, partnership and high performance, consider one of the foilowing opportunities at our Lindsay faciity. YouMoulding Machine Teichnician Yuwltroubieshoot, repair and monitor plastic injection .mouldinig machines, auxiiiary equipment and processes, ensuring they operate in the most 'efficient manner possible. As weil, you wiil research and recommend new materiais, equipment and technology to ensure optimum process efficien cy, train and instruct moulding operators, and plan/schedule preventative maintenance routines to minimize downtime. Your two year Plastics Technician diploma, or equivalent, is complemented by five Io eight years' in-depth injection moulding service and maintenance experience with exposure to successfuliy resolving diverse technicai probiems. You have a comprehensive knowledge of injection mouiding equipment, tools and production materiai behaviour and are thoroughly familiar with subsystems inciuding chillers, grinders and mixers. Exceptionai interpersonai skills are essential, as are an understanding of CAD, and knowiedge of the properties and processing requirements of common resins. Team facilitation skills wouid be beneficial. jElectrical Technologis You will assume responsitility for project management, equipment installation, troub 'le- shooting, PLC programming, and repairngimonitoring eiectnicai and control devices. Specifically, you "Il esearch and recommend new equipment and technologies to enhance operationai efficiencies; plan. organize and e>ecute engineering projects; and train/instruct tech nicians and operations, personnel. You hoid a three year Electricai Technologist dipioma enhanced by a minimum of five years' successlui industriai *experience in'a smai to mid size manufacturing faciiity. A.proven p!oJect manager, you have advanced PLC training along with excellent report writing and interpersonal skills. A basic undersanding of AutoCad, Omron and AB PLCs is essentiai. Sirong îeamn facilitation skiiis w6uid be a definite asset. We offer competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits and opportunities for professionai growth in a progressive and rapidly growing organization. Please forward your resume, via oniy one method of transmuttai, in confidence, to: Human Resources, Binney & Smith Canada, P.O. Box 120, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4R8. Fax: (705) 324-3511. We extend our I N Y O- appreciation to ail applicanîs but advise that oniy those selected for an interview wili be contacîed. PJg% iiif Pj 'I j awn,." PAINTINO&PAPERING "LET George Do ir. Relabe, exporlenced, qualty work. Special - rates for Seniors. Flexible hours, prompt servic, free- estimates. Phone George 666-1168. MENARD a SQN PLASTrERINi. new & repairs, ,stucoe oncrete, parlng, cracked <oundations repirepanng Iner & aexterlor, complatebatrooms and rec rooms. 15 years expenience. lnsurod. Free esimates. 905-985-3794. CUNDY'S ALTERATIONS- Corne 500 us for ai your sewlng needs., Leather, àvors, also mon'si tallorln avalablo. Tues.-Frî. 10-5:30, Mx 10-3 133Byron St. N. Pearson IIIRIJOWEXTaERIOR PAInNG - oui expedenced and professional pp AUtalcs cars of your general peoplo reqirements. Fe esimafes. Wor guaranteed. Cal Peter at 665-7768. WOOD RENEWERS. Make yu docks, fonces wood sidlng, .~ structures ook lice new again. Romoo ai woaherlg, stains& palnt. Soaler stain v.IU not peel or chlp. Work guaranteed. 665-7768. FLOOR REffIIiNG- wood renewera wIU do a professionai job of y~u rsandl refinshediand stajrj 665-7768. NEED A'NEW ROOF? Fast and clean. Competetive 9rlces. Cal HARDY, HOME IMPROVEMENTS, 430-6908. MAKE YOUR WEDDIIG- DAY even more memorable with the Glft of Music. Sooperformances for ceremon cocktails and reception. Varlety o poular1ad traditional music. CaliKahy for a free consulaton 46-724-8151. We d liv r fyer .686 1 interlocking stone - retaining walls -wood fencing & decks FREE COMPE TI TIVE ESTIAM TES Written Guarantee S/no, 1980 - 666-9690 im & TRIMEINO Interlock, retaining wall s, FWlly nsueds Free Esmae >W ces decks& fences. M Specializing in Pisa stone. 43740 _____________________________pager 721-7304 Cail (905) 718-1008 or (905) 98546 itrol c~e 1975 4«9428 3-9711i ACCURATE CONTRACTING " Home Improvements / " Basements ' *BulilngMaintenance *Kitchens,&Bathrooms FREE ESTIMA TES 905-666-2185 fA HERB TRAN calfor quotation L66»969 * 32-7216 EziRTANNIJITr GIC RS s The Mutual'Group a~e recyle thi5 rzcw5piper YOUR #1 SEWIING CENTRE Sewlng machine repaire. AMl makés. 1 0% seniors' discount Comploe tune-up from $29.95 +. parts. Factory tiainedi techniclans. For free pick-up &dellvery cail 432-7375., HENK KARELSEN Painting& Home Repair. --atv worlc, lnterlor/extenor. Oe"er 20 years expertence. No lob too email. Fiee estirnates. 1-800-423-0823. PROFESSIONAL STEAN CwlKAIN. CarpetApholsterylma Interlors. Any on,$9 morne, $99. (Upholstery),sa chair bveseai, $79. (Car iteo, $44. ëQMng ou qually wransh et apriée youcan afffordl I wrkrnànshbg9uaanteedi Samne day sevc.Cati arrin, 905-839-0096. HOME CLEANER: experlenced, honest, rellable wlth torutflc references and Incredlible ratesi LEyndust free home plantell) PleasecatIlJohn et (905)435-0895 or (905)718-9580 ceflular phono. INERLOCK1NGBRICK, fagetne and siate pais and walkways. Fiee estirnates. Cal (905) 430-2525 or (905) 201-11088. PROFESSIONAL restoratins touch-ups, and custom irefinlehln on al aaffiques, residential and ofc fumtue. 05985-0059. END VOUR housecleanîng nightmaros. '.Cal Patridla for: Immaculate MReSlts 1w prics, efIcient, dependable service, mature responsible IidMduai. GiR certi:caes available. Free estimates. 430-3383. "'HANDYMAN WIITH a van" WUi do household movlng & storage' clean-ups and removal, gnera repars. and electrical worFc Ct Doug (905) 434-7874. MARIGOLD WINDOW Cleanlng. Ail extenior windows for, ony 25. Aluminium slding also washed. For prompt & -piofesIonal service ol Ray at 668-070. HOUSECLEAIRG.. Neyer enough time for Rt. or runni ng lae? Don't fret or spout cati 668-97281 Cati Martha for good old fashloned thorough cleaiigl Fiee e"tmates,. reasonable rates. GL RENOVATIONS. Speclazigln drwafranin,plastering, pltng, ceramrnlctilem~Foiafreeestimate catI Gary. 905-665-8139. FOUR SEASONS Landscapin wheie qualty cornes flistl W' spedaize ln fonces, docks & retalnilng walls. Weekly Iawn cuttlng from $18. Tree removais & pnunlng. Soddeeed $2. 50po mli. Fiee conulaton. 905)498-1305. HOME RENOVATIONS ý & restoration. Plans, inspections, speCifcaions, carpentry, piumbing, electrical,ý windows, energy * conservation:. Caîl Jacques of AIl Trades, ASHRAE #2053385,. 666-0993. YOUR SIAMESE KIlIER.* Seals, choolate's, & blues. Reglstered &- unreg;lstered.ý $125 & $225. WIII deilver. 416-465-8750. GOLDEN 'RETRIEVER pups.- Purobred. 6 males, 1 female. Roàd Auguet10. $250. 665-1219.- 2 YEAR 0WD CAIRN Terrier. Male. Brirdle colour.. Good farnlly -pet. $250. Cali 434-6135. PROFESSIONAL groomlng emd flea &melcated Mnarclwdneoavalable. 808 Slmcoe St Soth. Call anytime, 728-203. Chesterfield suites, sofabeds, mattresses & much more McKEEN FURNITUR -E 524 Simcoe St. S.'Osawa BEAUTIFUL CHERRY bedmôom suit from, RoIJeseaiJe; green. headboardi, double dresser, mens dresser, cheval rror, nlght table, less than 1/3coest of new $2,000. Leave message, 579-3957. 3 SPEED BICYCLE, ELECTRIC- lawn. mowor, gas lawn mowe, e t~r and a icharcoal barbecu M welreah. 2platic ainbarrols wlthsp9os,$%Ob e 4'IY flutllty traler$50.0. 68-3259eveninge. RREWOOD..EoelIent, dependable, trusted qualty. 4years. Cut & spit Honest measuromont. Summor pçlcesl Fiee dellvery. Kozy -ls Firewood. 905-753-2246. AIRUNE T1CKET'to St. John's, Newfoundland, for August 11t.-$1 35 or nearest offer. 686-0634.. UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. Good condition. Asklng.$900. Harnmond olectdlc organ. Câll 430-1080. MENS CLOTIRIGclearance. Boys' "iz 8 to mens' XXXLG. Prices sam; jeans $9.99, shorts, from rý399, caul ~$aoshirts,$06.00: $29I.ô0.Suie,$49, 8.0 '++.10'8os f Fims to upacale Cbwmfoi men, teens& bô~ You won b. dosappcinted. rarethe401Thi-Mcicon Rd.go noflh3. ghts IoBum's St. Tum r, we're ln e first plaza on loft Hours Mlon-Wed/1 0-6 Thurs "& Fr/1 O-9, au4lge3 c hlg.N Cal COSCO -INFANT seat $20. Cosc Century 3000 car seat, $75. Graco baby swiMng .,& portable bed,* $35. G.E room air corditloner, .$120. 0.13.0. 666-0633.- C IULDREN'S8«, LADIES and mat nlty ar.Excellent conditon, QU CI designer, only. The Wur*obe Exchane,856 Biock St. N..666-9225. DEHUMIDIRIEL ELECTRIC dryei, eleduia stove.725-1937., ROCK MAPLÈE ldtchn 'ttable and 6 chairs. $150. 668-5970. > I,' . co TS QuantumT~ie Works br. YOUR MARBLE,,CERAMIC & WNYL SPECIAUST High Quality Crafîsmanship with a FUJLL 3 YEAR WARRANTY 15years expenencoiln Dudfiam Region James Hynes - Phone: 665-7100 Toi i I OOKLIN ONT. SALES,» SERVICE INSTALLATIONS 3L9OSý5m655m7827 L 17E LANDSCAPING .by University Werks Mi m r- a 1 e

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