i~. ~ u I~ v -i qK~4~- ,~-tt4V4 ~ ~Vï ~ ,'~ c1ri Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 7,.1996, Page 19 Jil terinfo river invovdinht nd ran A Scarorotghmani char- t ged afer ant d run accident that killed a Whitby man inlxApril of 1995 l'a received a jail terni. Mark Steven Paton, 34 was convicted of lmn afrecâ driving causing deatl anor regular monthly meeting of Jackson'. Touch of Ciass t Catering, 104 Consumera Dr., Whitby, Aug. 10, 9to il a.m. Open te beginnera, veteran writers and anyone else wishing te, rub shouiders with writers and editors. Cost la $8 for members, $10 non-mombers. Reservations only. Calil 905-686-2085. %wRurE,1'ilWORKSHOP- The Writors'- Circlo of Durham Region will present a workshop for those interested in illustration, IDraing out Your f Creativity," wt artistAinatructor Barbara MacKenzie on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Toronto School of Business, 1450) Kingstoný Rd., (at Valley Farm), Pickoring. Cost la $10 for . members; $15 non- members.. To register, oel 905-686-2085. sentenced to 18 months li jail. He was aiso convicted of faling t remain at the scene of an accident anid sentenced te three months. He was alsio given a five- year licence suspension. <On Frida, April 28, 1995, at about 9 ., George Goodmani 58, was crossing Dundas Street .West, just west of Brock Street after. getting out of a cab. He and a friend were going te dinner at a res- taurant. As he walked across the eastbound lane, *ho was Sisters willpaint the town, On Wednesday, Aug. 14, staff moembers of Big Sisters and several Ià ttle Sisters will b. painting the town rod - and green and Pink and blue and.. .The sidewalks li front of the CIBC at the four corners li downtown Whitby will b. decorated iusing. non-toic sidewalk chalk- *This is the scnd year this evont will be staged te rais. t.he public's awareness about Big Sisters and provide a recreational summer activity for a group of creative Little Sisters. There are 29 Littie Friends on the waiting list, 80 Big Sister volunteers are despprately needed., Monday. t The vehicle, an east- bound pickup truck, was identified by' lice froin information gyathenred at the scone. Traffic unit officers iocated the veéhicle axid dri- ver at a cottage near Min- don tho next day." lydr«o extends opening hours struck by a vehicle an'id seriousiy izjured. Ho died li hospital the following Whitby 1I Whltby Hydro will be staixio~ IaeTursday' an yevenings and =penng on Saturdays udra siz-month trial ean beginn in lxin- 'The local u tiya 100 Taunton Rd. E.ofce wilI be open froni 8:30 a.m.,te 8:30 pan. Thursday anid Friday - it currentiy closes at 4:3g pm - an&d Satur- days froni 9 a.m. te 1 p.m., beginning Sept. 16. "The majority of people in Whitby are commutera and we waxit te make our services -accessible to theni," aayes Wbtby Hydro. customer service superisor Paul Elliott. .Car rally on Sunday The Region of Durham, Red Cross will hold- a car rally as part of a Red Cross centenary year célebration on Suxiday, Aug. il at Cul- ion Gardéns. Thore will aiso be games - anid activities for aduits anid chlldren, and a concert b local perrers Terry &rawford anid Rick John- son as the lOth year of R CrosCross is ceiebrated li the north recreation area at the Gardons.. Tho extonded hours will be reviewed after six montha and, either main- tained, a4justed or. drop- depend nonthe num- ofcustemerstaking advaxitage of themp Elliot says. It's a fact in today's world - more and more wom en are taking charge of their finances. Are you ready to join their ranks? If so, we're-offering an educational workshop you won't want to Miss. This three week program wil l provide-you with the fundamental informnation you need to take charge of your own financial future. The workshop is free but space is limited. So, please cati today. For further information regarding ongoing dates and ÉtiMes. Cail or v'isit. 580 King St. West-(The Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario - 725-4142 LIMTED SEATING, CALL EARLY Many commutera now have te conduct their deai- ings over the phono, says Elliott5 because they canit make kt inte the office dur- Serics available wiii be iimited during the extended houra, lho says, but wil include bill payment;, custo- mer mnqufries axid sign-ups for<jeopie yaxting te begin, PfROM PAGE 1. interested in stopping at Faxniiy Kartways. Other - attractions cited include Parkwood Estate, the MLaughlin Art Gallery anid Cana *an Autemotive Museumrn iOshawa, Plea- sure Valley and Jungle Cat. Worid. Seventy-one per cent of tourists surveyed were' from Canada, 12- per cent were Americais,'3.3 per cent halled fro Engiaxid and 3.1 per cent were Ger- maxi. 0f the Canadian tourista, 59 per cent -were from Ontario, 29* per cent froin Quebec and 3.4 per cent from Alberta. Maxiy of those aurveyed -- 38 per cent -- were daytrip- pers, with 28 per cent plan- ning te stay two te four days; 15 per cent hadn't' mado up their minda. Member CIPF Richard'A. Rhodes 580 King St. W. (lsland -Plaza). Oshawa, Ontario, LUJ 7J1 (905) 725-4142 Edwardjones. Serving Individual Inivestors Richard Rhodes - ------------------------------ seekîng a man who i8 willing to YOUTHFUL ouTLook movies, seeking flnancialîy secure, SEEKING SOULMATrE have a good lime & party. Young & vibrant SWF, 5'5", long stable man of same age group. SWF, 46, 5'7", blue eyes, SADI 1207 auburn hait, 120 Ibs., youthful out- ADI 1257 brunette, attractive, outgoing, look on 1f e, seeklng outgoing, .1 spontaneous, down 10 earth, Intel-, ATRATIEEMLE - LONG BLONDE HAIR happy, healthy, financlally secure, CALL ME ligent, enjoy music, dancing, cars, ATRATVEfMAE SWF, 18, long blonde hait, blue single hunk. AD# 1270 SWF. 51, seeking nice gentleman seeklng a triend, companion & SWF, laIe 40's. attractive, enJOY eyes, 515", 120 Ibs., seeking hand- to show me-atound town. Give me soulmate.. ADI 1220 music, movies, casuai dinners, some SWM, 18-25 who likes 10 GOOD TIMES a caîl. AD# 1253 long drives, nice. evenînga at gel down & dirty. ADI 1344 Easygoing SWF,19,5'9, long br. HI MY NAME IS LAURAI home, seekîng someone wth. hait, br. eyes, seeking someone HI, I'M JESSICA SWF, 22, 5', slim, curly auburn. similar intereats, muat be non- OLD-FASHIONED VALUES who likes 10 have a good lime. If SWF.. 20, very attractive, seeking hait, br. eyes, enijoy outdoors, long amolcer. ADI 1327 SWF, 48, old fashioned values, ha vyou want 10 hanci oui & do stuff. someone to have funi with. -walks. dinina out. cookincm ninhts SEEK HANDSOME*MALE SWF, 18, 5'4", 105.ibs., seeklng SWM, handsome, ethietic, 18-25 & interested ln furtherlng your education. ADI 1313 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 5167, 135 ibs., blonde hait, blue eyes, down to earth, seeklng honest maie, who likes to go to the cots g & south t0 Florda.. ADI 1326e FRIENDSHIP FIRST SDF, 41, 5'3', 120 lbs., enloy out- doors, sports, camping, fishing, g=o conversation & dining oui, seekng maIe, 41-45, 6', 180 ibs. &no head garnes. ADI 1328 CASUAL DATING SWF, 24, inleresled ln meeting someone for casual dating & later becomning serlous relaionship. i enjoy dancing, dining, sports, hiklng & cycling. ADI 1329 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWF, 18,5V8, ion g br. hait, hazel eyes, seeking maIe, 18-25, who Is honesl & enjoys going oui, movies, spending lime aione, for frlendshlp & possible reîationship. AD# 1353 GOOD TIMES SWF, 40, 5', 107 lbs., model, have one child, absolutely love the ouldoors, skiln g, cycllng, camping, love 10 live Ie the way ht Is, seek maie who Is imb good limes, good looldng & a nico guy. ADI 1356 SEEKING RELATIONSHIP SWF. 18. 5'20, shoulder length br. hait, hazel eyes, seeklng maie 18-22, who is h.onest & enjoys movîes & dancing for relation- shlp. ADI 1367 BASEBALL & HOCKEY SWF, 57, ted hait, enjoy sports, basebail, hockcey. dancing, music. no fun to be alone, seeking maie 40-55, kindhearte good sense of humour, romantic & willlng to begin a relationship. AD# 1022 BIG BLUE EYES SWF, 23, 5'3*, long red hair, big blue eyes, seeking people to go out with & have a good time, enjoy danig dining, the bar scene, udor ports. AD# 1357 WVILD AT HEART SWF, 30, vdld at heart, attractive, intelligent 54, 115 ibs., auburn hait, blue green eyes, seeking a friend & partner for fun & interest- ing quallty imes. ADI 1305 SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 18, seeklng blonde maie, 18-19. Leave me'a message. ADI 1377 NO HEAD GAMES SWF, 46, mediurn build, br. hair, br. eyes, caring, compassionate, friendiy, outgoung,, enjoy sports, movies, long walks, children. %ekiga canng, klnd & consider- a mae.Single fathers OK. ADI 1318 YOUNG AT HEART- SWF, 38, 5'1', yourig at heart, good sense of humour, enjoy, music, dancing, cottage Ite, ani- mals. Seeklng a long terni rela- tonship with somneone i can trust. ADl 316- LOOKCING FOR FRIENDS SWF, 23, 512, br. hair, blue eyes, 135 Ibs., seeldng maie to become frlends with. 1 enjoy music, danc-1 ing, movies & sports. ADI 1263. FEMININE LADY Feminine SWF, 60, retired lady, sense of humour, seeldng gentle- man who enjoys companlonship & outings. ADI 1343 (bave ;i7me amessige. ADIÃŽ1369 WATCHING THE SUNSET Blonde SWF, 23, 5'2, blue eyes, seeking a maIe to be friends with. i enjoy dancing, rnusic, movies, ion g walks & watching the sunset. AD# 1265 -ROMANIC TMMES Romantic SWF, 18, 5V6, ted hair, br. eyes, seeking maIe, 18-24, 519" or taler with big buiid who enjoys the outdoors & spending romantdc times together. ADI 1285 COMEDY & SPORTS SWF, 23, 5'2, 130 Iba., blonde hair, blue eyes, interested' n music, dancing, movies, comedy, sports, movies. ADI 1274 SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY SWF,31, 56", 145 lbs, short dark hait, br. eyes, nol married, no dependents, enjoy camping, fish- ing, car raclng, meeting new peo- pIe,' seeking down to earth, honest male for relationship or long terni friendship. ADI 1276 SOUTHERN BELLE SWF. 34, enjoy movies, horseback rldlng, outdoors, seeklng SM, sweet, ind, who enjoys romandec evenlngs by the fire. ADI 1003 LONELY PERSON SWF,19, loneiy, seeking a knight in shlning armour, enjoy outdoors, movies, star trek, please rescue me. ADI 1271 UPBEAT & CHEERFUL SWF, 34, romantdc, petite, prett7, blonde, upbeat, cheerfuli down to .earth, seelcing attractive, educated gentleman to enhanoe our mutual enjoyment of Ite. I eijoy travelling, animais & dinfing. ADI 1252 AFFECIlONATrE FEMALE SWF. 46, 51, sllm. blue eyes,, outgoing.- affectionate, love Ife, anini. Innn woookq iinirrn nuit AD# 1230 at home &occasional bar scene. Seeking maie 10 spend time with& CAREER ORIENTED maybèa long term relationship., SWF, 33, career oriented. i wouid ADI 1219 enjoy meeting someone who has the same inlerests, someone who - INNER BEAUTY is well established & enjoy outdoor SWF, 45, honeat, enjoy ouldoota, activities. ADI 1244 . having fun, quiet limes, seeklng - honesl & sincere maIe who loves inner beauly rather than outer beauty. AD# 1208 FUN & ENERGE71C SWF, early 20's, 5V,. good look- ing. blonde hair, blue eyes, 115 lbs., fun. energetic & happy, seek- inq maie who likes to have fun. 1 enjoy walks on the beach, movies &dinner. AD# 1269 LAS11NG RELA71ONSHIP SF, 19, seeklng sexy maie who enjoys rollercoasters, being at the beach, swimming, & is acientur- ous. 1 arn seeking a long lasting relationship. AD# 1280. LOVE, RESPECT & HUMOUR SWF, 33, attractive, 5'5*, honesi, sense of humour, universlty edu- cated, enjoy travelling, theatre, seeldng gentleman for relatlonshlp based on love, respect & humour. AD# 1242 1 STILL BEUEVE IN LOVE SWF, 41, attractive, br. hair, blue- green eyes. voluptuous figure, seeking, speclal guy who la inter- ested in a fun, lovIng long terni relatlonlilp. AD# i12 SPECIAL SOMEONE SWF, 31, 5'4», medium-build, dirty blonde hait, down 10 earth, would like 10 meel Ihal speciai somneone, no head games. ADI 1229 SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP SWF, 38, 5'5", good looking, blonde br. hait, fil, shapeiy, good sense of humour, financually secure, seeking attractive maie, 38-48, over 5,10%, nice build for specia telationship. AD#il171 BLUE EYES SWF. 5'2»', blonde hait, blue eyes, enjoy outdoor acties, intetested in meeting someone wtio 15 kind, affectionate, fun, good sense ot humour. ADI 1330 ONE ON ONE COMIMENT SWF, 45, blonde hait, blue eyes, attractive, enjoy ouldoors. camp- ing. walks on the beach, seeldng' male who ia klnd, undetstanding, considerale &genlie. ADI 1190ý SEEKING BEST FRIEND SWF, 40's, enjoy art., theame, dancing, dining, travel, seeking maie who la romantic, sincere, enetgetlc & caring. ADI 1240 ANYBODY OUT THERE? SWF, 'seeldng maIe 10 enjoy quiet times togetherwith me.ADI 1196 CITY BOY SWM, 30, 6', 190 Ibs., seeking slim, attractive lady, 19-33, who ~ independenttnder, arng, funlovng,&down t ath& enjoys dancing In the rain "& 1aikingsbaefoot in the Sand. AD #1413 MUSCULAR BUILO SWM, 21, 5'7-, 190 ibs., attrac- tive, muscular buiid, enJoy sports, having.fun, seekmng female, 18-25, attractive, hon- est, atletic & nice personality. ADI 1360 GOOD SENSE 0F HUMOUR SWM, 55, average height, slim build, dark hair, enjoy keeping fit, playing squash, cycllng, movies, rnusic, dining out & gardenInq, seeking trlrn lady i n 40's for fnendship first. ADI 1351 MOUNTAIN CUMBING SWM, 18, 6', 165 Iba., enjoy lawn-bowling, mountaîn climb- ing & flshlng, seeklng young blonde female to have a rela- tionshlp with. ADI 1451 ESTABUISHED MALE SWM, 46. IntelOgent, attractive, well establisheci, professional, easygoing, enjoy theatre, golf, sekIng fernale whoenjoys, family& friends. ADI 1297 CANDLEUGH[T DINNER SWVM, 30..6', 145 lbs., seekina a non-smoking femnale, 23-35 who loves the outdoors, movies, & havlng furn. ADI 1315 ATHLETIC MALE SWM, 36, 63e, 190 lbs., eut- doorarnan,,seekng -phy.sicaily, active female,- 25-35' who' enjoys ouldoor actMivtes, sports &related events If interested get back to me.,AD 1284 LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP' -Q A Q R A n he 'lL- - OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES black hait, seeking temale for. SWF, 5'8». long blonde hait,. 120Ã" ?~terni telationshlp. Must be Iba., br.eeInterssicld ii& carne .AD# 1335 sports, dancing. ovisteadig, m.,u- a.knn *I*Mies- 0 Good looklng SWM, 5'50, blonde hait, br. eyes,, seeklng female, 5'2-5,r, wlth'blonde hait, blue eyes,'klnd, affectionate, fun 10v- lIng & a good sense of humour. AD# 1290 SEEK-OUTrGOING FEMALE SWM, 27, 59*, 145 ibs., red hait', blue eyes, seeking outgoing, spontaneous, charming femrae. 1 enloy pool & mountain blklng. AD# 1277 LIMITED OFFER SWM, 39, one prevlous owner, low mileage, only used on week-, ends, performe weil when need- ed, ail original, fully equipped, looks good, seeking female, 30- 45. Test drive today. AD# 1262 ROMAN71C ENCOUNTERS SWM, 27, sllm, ted haîr, blue eyes, mustache, enjoy romantic encounters, dinlng, movies. Gel back te me- ADI 1314 <PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, professional, If Interested in meeting please leave a mes- sage. ADI 1371 ROMANTIC PERSON SWM, 37, 6'X, 220 lbs., fit, enjoy painting, woodworking, movies, cottage & dancing. 1 arn-a romantdc person. AD# 1l223 COLLEGESTUDENT SWM,ý 20,620. 160 lbs., enJoy bodybuilding & raves,;love to trear w ornen lîke gold. seeklng woman who ls compatible wîth rny outgoing nature& sense of humour. ADI 1247 SOMEONE SPECIAL. SWM, 36, 6', 215 lbs., br., eyes, br. hait, seeklng someone spe- ,clal to sharef tee tirnewlth. I <<enly sports. outdoors &movies. LASTING RELATIONSHIPý SWMV, 27, 5W, 150 ibs., long ted hai,8bu ys usah,~a relatiohi.AI22 I z' -v