Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1996, p. 3

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13 to 15 changes Sign byla w co ntinu..es .to be enforced 1By Mike Kowalskl More than a dozein Whitby businesses have now been charged under the Town's temporary sigzi bylaw. As of last -Friday, 13 to 15" charnes had be;en laid since t he Town began clamping down on mer- chants ueing illegal- mobile signe te promnote their businesses, said Néel Best of Whitbys bylaw enforce- ment branch. However, the vast* majority of busiesses that were -still ueing, mobile signe after the Town began enforingthe bylaw after July1 have complied with orders te remove the signe, Beet stressed. «Over 100 (notices) went out and there'e at least 95 per cent compliance» he said. "We've had a qood res- ponse te it. We re quite pleased.» Although most mer- chants -obéeod the Town s directive 'rather than riek fines of upt$5,000, a few have steadfastly refused te remnove their signe. Tim McKiee, co-owner of By Design Kitchen & Bath, told Thé Free Prose that a bylaw enforcement officer camne by hie Dundas Street Eaet store about two weeks ago for the purpose of issu- ia ticket., ~ut when 'no employee would produce idenitifica- tion, the officer left and no charge was laid, McKée said. "There's been some cor- respondance back and forth with the landlord, but they (Town) haven't been back," he said. If they are eventually charMKé and hie fel- low owners itend te fight the municipality, on the grounds that their sign was istelled prior to the bylaw bngenacted. (Athough the bylaw, which *was adopei by Town council last summer after years i the makin teok effect Feb. 1, -the deai- lime for coinpliance was twice eztendod by council te give merchants turne te adhere te the new rules.) «We had the sign up i January when we started construction » said McKee. "We're figlting it on the fact that it was up before the bylaw cameinte effect.» Except for a 30-day period te protmote a new business oponing or reloca- tion or te advertise events held by -service clubs and non-profit. organizations, mobile signe are now geerally prohibited in Proonnttdim th tively enforced te, date. "We don't soe them haseling PetroCan, Esso, Shell and Sunoco te have their 'tem porary signe taken- off the corner," he said. «Ifyou'drive by Canadian Tire they have a temporary si3n advertising that they take Interect ... that' seemes te be ignored.» Canadien Tire general manager* Craig Cadoret. confirmned tha tKe store did have -a temporary eign under its larger permanent eign on. Glen ill Drive, but it was removedi. We had one but we got rid of it bocause we knew, the bylaw was coming,» said Cadoret. «We ordered the: sanie thig. (as the temporary sign>, but one that per- manently attaches.» ,While the Town will take action 'againet McKoe'e store, Beet said, officiais muet determine if the sign is eituated on public pro- perty. «It appears the sign may be on our boulevard.W may end up 'removing it,» ho said. Beet- explained that hie departinent is concerning iteoif with the mobile sign provisions of the bylawý at the moment. "There are différent phases, we're trying te do it a pioce. at a time, he said. <'Weve. been removing ones on telephone poles for the lest three monthe and now were dealing with mobile signe.» .Beet said other illegal signe such as sandwich boards or a sheet of plywood affixed te a «couple of four. by fours driven in the ground,» will also be addressed. «Basically, what we want te, do is logalize everythin#, but it will take some time. Whltby Free Press, Wednes day, August 7,1996, Page 3 Tiger timýe' MEMBERS of the Whitby Tigers Running Club pose before setting off on their Sunday morning runfrom Iroquois Park. Fun is the focus of the 35-member group thillM hold a food bank drive and eight-kilomeêtre event in upcoming months.Pht yJ»ew rw My1Freru Funflotrun, fous of t hisý By Mark Reesor Looking for a good crowd te mun around with? Try- the Whitby Tiers. Members of the. 35-strong, long- distance running club, the only one in Durhem Régon, have been dashing around Whitby sice 1983. They meet at 8 a.m. every Sun- day at Iroquois Park te stretch their legs. Rune range fRoiive te 10 kilo- metres -- «or whatever distance you want te do" -- on up, says club president Pat Meade, who notes many members eventually go"on te run marathons. "There's water (and mile mar- kers) out and you have someone pallinj up with y ou who you cen mun with and will keep you honeet, kee o u there - and theyre «Everybody benefita fromi t. Whitby Not everybodyrune marathon distances, thoug.. "We find out who' doing what distance, in the parkcing lot. Some people' will mun 10 miles, some go on to 13, 15 and so on and we tend te pal up that way," Meade explais. , Sme members also rmn- at Father Lëo Austin Catholic Secondary School Wednesdays and Thursdays around 6:30 p.m., and at the, Whitby Civic ýroc complez Tueedaye at 6 pi. The reglar rune have paid off for m'embere such 'as Mary Ann Carlyle, who just qualified -or the world triathalon championehipe;- Bobby Lennoz, who was the 1 Ith fastest Canadien in 'this yea?s, Boston Marathon, .end past-prýe- aident Ian Barron, who has ruin h 51 marathons. Moade stresses, however,* that Contest, repair scanis Police are again warning people about conteet rip- offe and home rep air echemes after an eldierly WVhitby woman was swin- dled out of almost $1 600. A Montreal-baecicoin- peny sent the victim infor- mation about a spelling contest, police say, and she was later contacted 'and advised she wae one of the tep three winners ]3y sending in $465, she was teld, she would be enti- led te 50 gold pene eand be eligible te, win a boat, car or $10 000 cash. i sent the money and was then asked* for the balance of $1 106 police say. Mter eenzfing'ihat the coin vanished. A .7 -year-old Aj ax woman was taken for almost $500. in a similar scheme, reciving an,«offi- ciel» contest édem for in i an, envelope which cloeely resembled an. offiîciai. Goôverninent of _Canada envelope. An eldorly Oshawa woman was approached by a driveway sealing coin- ]Rally against workfare An 'Information Rally gantWorkfare' iwill lbe held on friday, Aug. 16, 3 te " pm, at the Region of DurhemC social services office, 850 King St. W., Oshawa. - The- evenit is being organ- ized by the Durham Region Coalition for Social' Justice uanti-workfare cmnittee» that meete evory Thursday, 6:30 P.m, at the Unitâd Steel -Workers >of Amnerica Hall, .115 Albert St., Osh- awa. <For more iformation. cail 723-1924 or571-0582. j~ ny hooffered to' seal ge rvew ay for $ 165. She was also told her fonce needed repaire, polioe say - and a ehovel fuI of asphaît was thrown around a post before ehe was asked to paty $468. Instead- she called police. SIf an offer sounds too good to be true, it ueually ôisoie warn. Don't send moneoy or give, credit card numbers over the phone, they warn, and if work je to be done to a house, get written. esti- mates. If i doubt, they advse residents te caloice or the' Better Business Bureau.* club «Anyone of eny level is welcome.» «We're a loose-knit group (with) iota -of camaraderie - fun is the, priority... we went people te, corne out and enýjoy themlïàvos. «We have runners w ho cen run- 4:50 or five-niinute miles. and we, have some who do 10 te 12 minuteié or even 15-minute miles. ."Everybody'e welcome and they ail faîl inte place because runinmg is, not the priority -- it's getting te, know each other and doing your own thig. » Aniong the events the igers are planning are a food bank ive. at the oni of this month and an eight-kilometre race (or four-kilo- metre walk for those who can't run) Nov. 3 te raisemoney for the Heart and Strike Foundation. CalTigers, vice-president.,Eric Bosco at- 571-2885 or Barron- at 668-1511 for more information.' INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT " RETIREMENT PLANNING " TAX I ESTATE STRATEGIES CALLTODA FORYOA FRE POFsOA I 666-8245 FORTUNE F1NAN CI0'A L DERBIE MORGAN Fortune Financi Group Inc. Lillan North (Re/Max Summit)- (selected ho'mesÉ) - For blanket coverage of ALL the homes and(or businesses in Whitby OR to selected ameas onWly oeite Whitby Free Press - 668-11il U yu dÎnotget a Iyer whk is ted. for Ul dis#ibuton, aive.us acall IL-

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