Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whtby Free Press. Wednesday, August 7,, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whltby residents! MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Communlty Whitbymec Whltby Business Oshawýa-Durham Home Chamber of Comere ln Action Builders' Association The Whlty Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as weII as numerous, public and cormmeri outietsin Whltby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. [28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada* $36 + GST os Outslde Canada $85 + GST ISSN#0844-398X Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontano lnc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whî&tby, Ontario Li N 5SI1 Phone: 668-6111 -Fax: 668-0594. Doug Anderson - Publisher .Maurice Pfher - Edtor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Produdtion Manager Printed on newýsprint with minimum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. ~ *Ail wîtitten materlal, Illustrations and advertising contained haremn Is protected by copynight. Any reproduction by an y means for commercial purposes wihout the express periss on of the newspaper 19 pohlbit and Is a violation of Canadian copyriht law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit Une to the Whltby Free Press. We'yre gue sts. at the &'Party, To the edftor: k was mported (Julyl13)thet teUea.party may opt togo with a coronatlon. process, rathe than a deocrello vot ln their *noMinatior 0f candidates,' but thé choice ln the end may beleftup to the Indiviue provinces. Thils Idea la supported by Ontarlo rdlng MP DanMoTeague. Ths change '0f liait le quite lnterestinge, but underatandable. Mi. McTeague,.on'a recent rallo) show, verifed that even If 100 par cent 0f his Another theft To the editor: Again aur fernlY lias been, vîcti mlzed - by an unconsclonable thlef, -the sec ndie lni as many week s. I have Ived hére for 35 yeare and this has neyer heppened Io me. What le golng on lI tNs town? I novi have 10 lock up everything ln my y ard (except my car whlch I ke mpty nowtIo save the cost 0f brokan windows). Neighbours cen no longer leeve decorative ornements oui, childien must ramember 10 put away bikes, ball and toys.I1feel Ie a prisoner ln my own homne. My deughter's bicycle was mmroved from oui ceuport the evsnlng of Monday, July 29 or early Tuesday rnoming. We Ive ln the area* 0f Cochrane and Beech, streets. My daughter worked ve.y hard to cave the money Iopurhase the bke whkch shé onryhed for two months. R lsl a dark green precision Columblan mountain bke - mfodel PR6030, 26-inch mens size, serlal#2197331 and not a scratch on IL Rt has been mgltered witli the Police Bkew Back program, sopolice cari be contacted about wliere it can be Piced up. Pare"t shoul not purchaie a used bicycle frèm anyone unless theyknowftis'Wnot stolen. Uf wa dont gvalhem ai source, tliey will stop steailng. Joy Brooks coristituents wantedcail purdshment, hé, muld vote ~~sthewishes In favour 0f hsown vlew. Now Mr. MoqTe3gue clalms that hîs 'lrst obllgailon...ls to (serve Ns) constituents ln Ottawa.*If thîs were true, why would he not wantto face Nis constituents he has 'repesnted#. ln Ottawa on -sussc as the GST ln a nomignationvote? SecSndly. the kdea of havlng the choice of democracy versus coronation' lefi up to the Indivkiue provinces mises some lnteresting doubte. The Ubem party Ikes to cddtcize othér parties, espoclelly thé Reform party, that they *are too regionelist. How Ymuld you define different rules for difrnt provinces? . lihe Iberpoty wont even lot b smembers eleot is carddates, why should we? Torence Scheltema Whltb Disturbing Tro t»nam.-or The provincial envlronment nldsby wants Ia arase a Strict Maer polklton law from lis books, Mwe hea. Ths would pndusIthm pulp and paper Idsr uch flexibty as to whet and low mucli tolc chemic:als IRcen dump Into oui watsr. Almeady they are thé biggest contributor-of chlorine pollution 10 the Great Lekes. We are talklng about Onteulos uvers and lakws - the drinlclng watsr for millions of Canadiens, for heevens cake. Clilorine compounde have been found lni meny 0f the woist toxlc cliemica ln the Grea Lalces, corne being linked 10 cancer. I fUnd this very frlghtening, very disturblng. I arn extemnely upset about wliat could happen. AI I can say lseà%I. Harles- Wliat are you thinklng 1turge evryone oplions te P.plions èh. Harrie, ln shiort rase hé. ftappears ta me, the govemment doeen' give a damn about thé consequences 0f sucli a move. Edna P"rr Whftbyï To the edftor: A nletter to Premider Mke Many 0f the people we speak for voted for you and your Common Sense Revolution. Vour promise 0f a fair tex. program was paarilaIy Mattave. You had the rlght Idea, but somehow the texcollecàorsand bureaucrate edvlsing you found the mron thing - ectal value assmment (AVA>. If yau dont stop them now, we're ln mai danger'of havlng. a fatally Plottingfor needy By Alex Shephord WaIk softly but car= a heavy stick lias been the pievalilng atttd of the U.S. when formuiating foreign policy. Theïr hNstory le earmarked wlth lnsenstivlty as t0 how thelr forelgn polcy Initiatives affect other countiies and their thought process ln this aiea cornes acros as parochial. In oCher words they say, 'How le this poily good for me and everybody aIse damned.M The rocent enacimant 0f thé Heims-Burton Law goveming trading milationehipe wltli Cuba exemplilles thls. Not only 'le the U.S. forbidding trains with Cuba, Ri lealso seyîng any country who trades with the U.S. should do the same. Durlng a recent trip to Cuba (ai my axpense), I dlscovered Cubans are relativaiy content with thoir govemment. They are the most N1ghly educated country in the Carlbbean and question why the U.S. le Wling to have a reasonable reiationship wth every country except tham. They use Vietnam. as an axampie of this. So why le Cuba such'a probîam 10o the U.S.? There are mai y factors, the biggest 0f which lsthat the U.SfAeeie Cubaeshould be part 0f their "$phere 0f lnfluence.0 Since the demnise of the Soviet Union, Cubas aconomy lias suffered. The U.S. lias attsmpted to strangle Cqbais eonomy aven further which lias lad 10 Increased poverly, prostitution and children suifent ng from malnutrition., f iawed and failed tex system ramnmed down oui throats wlth UtM or' no pujblo debae. To enrage the very foks whopt you' ln office makes neither polNtcal nor ommnon sense. Notln angers people more then -a tex Invasion. When you launch 1,500 d.,etermlned *Nce I would - lk to -express <my sincère1 thanks to those who were so klnd ln an upsetllng situation JuIY 21, folloWng a crcentJu20. Becers' made numerous phone cabs-for. us and an eedrYgentleman-assistedoui transportation. Théir héip wes mucli appieciled. C. Garnett To the. editor: Many food banke are short 0f foodtNs sujmmer.ý Perlieps municdpalWdes àouid donate unused land for 'garden plots for needy people. When "l1flew to Hofland, I noticad a lot 0f thee plots being doneted*,in thé town where I was hi'n there was a bg plee of land-and ft was slated live years latér for a, sports conriplex. It was used till then for garden plots, free of charge. People cmr grow vegetables, freeze or preserve them and use them during the wlnter monthe. R mwuld bhé stiyng to grow a lot' mor isutilious food end give a person soma sel wrth. lR works ln Hoîiand, I amn sure it: could work here. Horman van der Veen ROshawa à le importnt Caiada resist the Amerias nd'thelrI blg clck7 approacli 10 Cuba. Why? Because we, too, are lui the U.S.'s so- cailed usphere 0f infkuence9. Despîte the fect -de the U.S. le théeiwnId's leaiing power, we are proud Canailans wlth an Independent forelgn pocyand oui own poîîcy goals. If the U.S. wantstIo promote democracy ln Cuba - and rm ail for democracy - then It should hé piepered 10 promote a more harmonlous reielionship w1th Cuba vis-a-vie trade and economic devalopment Canada doas Ils part ln asslsting Cuba. Alhough trade wfth them le imited, Canadian tourit seem 1.o hé our largest export. Thars fine with tham, they want the liard currency Canaidiens provAde. Needes 10 say, Canada lias many friands ln Cube. 1- I contend Canades resistance ta the Pa'ri moves 0f the U.S. wII give Cubans dunlngud their panlod of aconomîic tuimoil. The U.S. wants to promote other Halms- Burton-typa Iaws egalnst allier countrIs. Canada must opposa this out 0f sheer respect for humai dignity. More lmTportantly, wa must ensure for the future that'oui naine dos not move to the top of-Amiences forelgn policy tilt Hlet AlexShepheidisà MP for Durham ddlng whlch -inchudes Whlrby, foith of Taunton Road. To reach -Whscoenstuency office, oeil 723-7670 <Oshawa).,. assessors through the front doors of a trusting, unsuspecing electorate, look out Your property tex mnirster,, AI Leach. le aireaily on reord as saylng -one . -in two homoowners mwlseea atex before, your assessocs are known as %Ais Leeches?" Iff O intarlo iopte lmlsome version of, AVA, IRwonl take long before texpayers r"eae ito flt hestale sstemyour govemnment ..advertlsed. -For .starters, t" he; ,ý_,curen1t -as*ssmensyste n nOuntaio le knoiwn to be near meitdown nd. needs. a fundamental oveihauL lIre- tera1 the Mad Hatteft Tea Party .. and we're MI&h antsan.ani reasseesment detemilned, by tex coîlectors seeldng, revenue nirvana and uslng figures from a volatile méal estate market to echieve their end? What klnd Of tex philosohyle that? How le this lair to homeowners, tenants, business nd, agriculture,* .and '*seniors struggllng on fixed lncomes? If the maiket-goes'up, so wIlli ur taxes. Y R goes domn,VIII taxes go down? . Theres no» guarantee nd-thats upsetlng. Apparenty, you got the AVA oncqptfroniBritsh Columbia. Troublele, ls not oulcng out there. Taxpaer acceptance ls low nd the procesees booby-trapeto',soeurage appeals.plase look ai the facts ln B.C. nd ceDi a Ime-out ln the tex -game yaur bureaucrats are playng. A System ilke AVA ls guaranteed lb ifwrle Ontarlo texpaers - over and over ni over. ils that bad, mike."' Vou wlsh you'd maize the object of thed exerdse was to drain the swamp. Remember that one. Why dild AI Leach refuse to, onslder smnater, kinder, more cost-effidient, ilativaes such' as -unit as sessment <UA)? Why was DaMl Cromble so, rushed, nd wh I looklng et seven aniâes -to keep AVA from bang pijie hemlo)ck?. What do' YSu think the med and )ntaro voters Wl- do when hW dsciamryou aIlowed them Io be -sucked .Into a- major. b"payers sng? Mike, thars a, lt 0f alligators. .Have ou c arefuily evahWate 3nd revlewed - unit eseemnt? Wl. yoiu consider> 1-property tex referenidum? liere le a beferway.- oeIl Clark ,halr, FoundlIng- Comte Change of- heart? Resist &'big stick' appmoach A cd iýt( )r . o the edhor:,

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