Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1996, p. 8

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Page 8. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 7, 1996 SPRU~E VILlA . i Financial disputeforcs,,hot el to cose AKnancmial dispute hi forced a Whitby hotel to Close. Te Spruce Villa' Hotel ceased do"g business last month aftr a Toronto m1ortgap e iJupndasoo ~~est establishment., Although powr -of sale pyooec'ng hve- been in- itiated by Amresco Canada, negotiationf aimed at ro- opeming the hotel> are con- tinmg between the owners and Amnresco., lIhere was some thought lust- weok (two woeks ago) ofreopenig but. it's hard to say how long this would take now," said Stephen Dymont, soliitor, for the numbered company which owns the hotel. "There are a lot of Pro- blemas. The building itsolf is in a state of 'diaropair,' ho said. D yment declined to dia- cusa details of the "dispute between his client 'and' 'Amresco, other than to con- fi=r* that' the latter had "taken back' the mortgage and that the *Town of Whitby has become invol- vod as well. unhe Town hias concerné about arregrs and taxes, that's aIso one of the issues,' ho said. "Tho parties are trying to work it out but whother they can d it or not, romains te ho soon. "Mýy feeling is you won't ikel sSe it reopen in the next few weoks.ý" Amresco official Frýank Juha1 declined to comment on the curront situation.' Whitby treasurer AI Claringbold said the ..own has -put a lien aantthe property, but would not in- dcate tI e amount of the outstandingtaxes. «Wo are m touch with the proort manager,» ho said, «Iunderstand its undor power of sale.» Claringbold said that Wbitby's interoas in the matter will ho settled if. and when, the hotel is sold.' "aGenerally what happoens ins everyth ing comea togehe ruing a reai ostatertransaction,» :ho Unesthe property manager has some extra mono , but that's not usaltho case.» Dyment' a Markham lawyeîr diâ not specifically know Çiow long bis cliente have owned the hotel -but estimated it te ho at ýiast ive Y"#r. - During it~s hoyda -hithe 1970s -when - it eature many of tho tep, rock music bDandS -OUt-theoCay., Me S= Vla reguýlyde s igroom-onýy-coe on wekoànds and ofte dur- 'Iloweier, .the hotel undorwent a, -personality change a fow years0. later when it -egan ,offoring female exotic dancers as its regiilarentertainmentfare. Formc, Jioppers Shoppig ForAil il dn Lookng Fr Th Bes Vale In, *i Renovations reveal-former'1 hotel. once- a.'grand old pl ac'e. 1 iLTIMA GXE with Autom atic and Air. NOW ONLYÀ Standard, ozpjqx»nt uchides, amongo0hor tkis *power windows - locks * mirrors - steefing and brakes - tinted glass e cniise control, > - AM/FM cassette stero e dual air bagse fuM carpeing a height adjustable seat beits'e remote tmnk and gas release e tilt - cupholders -u side impact beanis * overdrive transmission - 150 hp * mud flaps e side-mouldings e buinper to butuper wari'anty with roadside assistance. *3.8% A.P.R. financing availahie for up te 48 months. (5.8% Up te 60 months). Eg.,$20,O00. C& 3.8% over 48 months - Payment $449.80 0.0.6 $1 ,590.40 Eg. $20,000. @ 5.8% over 60 months - Paymenit $384.80 0.0.B. $3,088.00.- 36 month Ieaseewlh $1,500. doWn, plu iglt(89)axes, and secu'r deposIt 60.000km albwd.Zeodwn Md xtendo kmlesealso vae., LIAI, By Mark Reesor Boppersis10oing tras formedinte ,the, LateNight Cafe.. complete with a- dessert/cffee house.that willl nover close.- Owner/operator -Uon Giancoulos coplotely gut- ted the 207 Dunidas S t. W. building which he's beon working on sinco March. "We went rit back te 1880 (when the .building, orginally a hotel, was con- sfructed) ight ta the ori- ginal floors. I think I- musthave gone 'rosperity' The Business Networking Group will hold ther 'Prospenity Luncheoon on Fiiday, Aug. 9 at noon at the Touch of Clams catering and banquet hall, 104 Consumera Dr. (west of Hopkins, Street) ini Whitbty. Guest, speaker will ho Jackie Visconti, a *writer. Al ownMers of 'home-based businesses are welcome. Cost is $1L2, which includes lunch. For more information, down maybo -four or five floors that had beon built ovrthe years. T-he ceilinga -I nover would have droa-. med that they were 12- sud 13-foot. ceiliga, but they are- were alo dropped quite considerably over the years., "Now you)re Igokiniz at quite a grand old place. a'Giancoulos says ho's kopt baseboards, 'us*n parts of them..mindifferent parts. of the renovated buildingte 'e it a historical loo>k, suad efte some -of.,thé plas >ter walls intact. The bui*lding was in sur-, priainfl[y ods apend' veycean,h enotes.' vle, LteNight Caf. will have an. openai concept with gaaedoora along te frot@sud,east aide of 'the. building which.wilopnu toe a patio, ho sâys. Inside* there will -ho a "pretty *imupressive" water- «faMI and food'and bar area with an open kitchen 'con- cept ithéo Movenpick'food court style., A largo OHara stafrc:ase will take customera upstairs, to, a lounge, another bar sud a billiaurdsi room with six tables. carol e /«SKINe CAREË 'ERVI Carol W alker Felxlg Electrolyss - Facials - Makeup mancurà -Pedcurs -Waxing - GIft Certificates James R."Ynhch FREE Iniial Consultation- «We're trying t.e appeai te everybiodyrat.rthan jusnt the kida or. the, oldor people"»says Giancoulos. . " >"We4s -oponing up .for business- with good food, fairly reasonablo prîces sad a nice atmosphere... «We onove'Fben a' dancëe hall "« it >(Bopera) has always been,,a. res-. taurant/bar.-exet'now A fiee informiation session for casino job opportunities and training wiIl b. offered tenight (Wednosdy),"7. te 9 p*m.1, at the-Durham College, Whitby SMUi Trainin centre., The fre eosponsored b.* thi. Durham Management Confre sdtho'AnigawnoigIg Insttt., Winl..provide informatio on blackjack sud Oume casino training courss Co1"wànfide Document S *High volume ée reduoe your sf * Secure lockçed' -at no exra cm *Bonded drivens *100%/ of paper *Ce.ilificate-ofdi * Volume discoui (905) 427-360, tWASTrE SN m%,tial Shredding >quipment wiII1 hreddingcost 1containers s is recced lestructon Mnt available n-outs 5 (Derrick) ; YiEÀ:S wo h ave a vlot more to offer in the -food part of it.* Its mnore of; as. complote ýpack-, ,Giancoulosl is aiming te. have', construction -comple- ted b the end 0f this month' "and'.hopefully maybe smtiemSep- tomber we*611 ho ready't operato.'w tb.offodat urm ManaonCoCntretaswell as job >opportunities ii tii. grwig ed f -CR' in Trainng, begmans with a blackjack doer «coujrse.'ý ThW ii. !*w..kprogramn rns ýSept. 3 to Octd,9am >An 'inforýmation i' .session about, a <176-hour 'trainin*g course,:in: selling auto- moÃ"biles wil ho holdSept 4 '7 toA, p.m., at te 1Jxri o mus o'f Dur- ham eàege ,Camnpbell 'Dr. Irent., Univy rsimtY. at DuramColg FaII-Winter Session "More than45 coses mameoffered weedy aftSomnand eve-rungs or Saturdaymorring. R1eçistraton deadinesç: eJuIyl15 for fuil-timne *Aut'.5 for pwrt-time For infion O'ea brochure cail: (905)1723-9747 or, jobtrang

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