Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1996, p. 18

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Page 18, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 Taiins galore ~_ ai Autofest The third annkual Autofest roUa ite Oshwa on Sunday, Aug. 25. Injustthree years Autofest has become one of the top thre auternotive events of Its klnd in Canada. With over 500 vehicles on showlIn 1994, more than 600 iu '95 and registrations te date runing one month ahead of last year, the Motor City Car Club (Autefeat orgizer) are anticipating more than 800 classic beauties on Aug. 25 at GM Canada headquarters on Colonel Sam Drive. Perennial favourites 1955, 1956 and 1957 Chevrolets will be joined by late fifties' finned mnonsters from Chryeler, FIat-Head Fords, lea.d sleds, street roda, customs, antiques and a parade of race cars. Autefest '96 opens te the public at 10 a.m. and the event concludes with an awards oeremony and parade of winners frorn 4 te 5 p.m. Admission ls $5 per porson, chlldren under 12 are free. Free parking and shuttlebus service will be provided at two ofiite locations: Kerr Industries at Farewell and Bloor and Gagnons Trucking on Colonel Sam Drive. THE THIRD ANNUAL Autofest, now one of the top three automotive events of its kind, wilI be held this Sunday at the GM headquarters building (Colonel Sam Drive in Oshawa). That's, Phone service for car tips 1A new phone-in service can save used.-car buyers and sellers time, trouble and hundreds cf dollars, according, te its founders. "As well as tipe on buying and selling, we can provide calleru with up-to-the-minute prioes on used vehicles - cars or trucks - te ensure they are not paylng toc much or asking toc lrittle," says Brian Sweeney, president cf Price Pointera. 'ThIey base those predictions on the fact that consumers are balking at soaring new car prioee while, at the same time, the nuniber: cf available used cars ls on the Increase," he says- Callers te, Price Pointera (1-900-451-CARS) an select tipa on selling a vehicle, buying a vebicle or pricing information. Those who select buying or selling tipa hear a recorded message, then they are autornaticaily transferred te a live operater wbo can irnmediately give thern a price for the vehicle they are buying or selling. Cailers are charged $3.49 per minute and the average oeil is three minutes or leas. "Se, for $10 or $12, you can accese information that can pctentially save you bundreds cf dollars," says Sweeney. "At the very least, it can give you the peace cf mind that you are not paying toc rnuch or that you are askcing enough." '1 Isectio an Ch eck ol $19.9 Truk &Va Algnen os YOUR CARUm -s Tlhien yc»u ruleed thge experts at DIXON AGN MENT 317 Hopkins St., Whitby * Cail 666-5167 Today! Our Expert technicians are ready to getyou travelling straightagain!l - - - - - - mm mm mm mm mm m mmmm- ------------- --- -- -- -- -----mm THE IUTE iT he once a year rust Iproofing that really works! 94e'( 7mi 6'ST W$Mflw r/s Coio# i * Rust Check Application e*0O1 Spray Interior Shampoo e Shines e Fabric Guard 200 uDliiDAIS S.W 6885 C oupngoeutlSe-s-e- e . I99 with RANDY RANDY McLEAN IS A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIO SAFETY. Mr. Mckean bas reviewed thousanda of IndMvdual motor vehîcle accident =eand Nehl close worldng reltloshls wth olie gençles, governnmet, safety asIatosndustry and the public, havegve lm a true overvlew of trafflc afety Issues, probemaand solutIons ln Canada. 'Bicycllng snd Newtow's kw I amn only an occasional bicycle rider- very occasions]. But' my wife bas promised - or threatened, depending on yourpointofview - to buy me a bicycle. I now borrow her bicycle whenever theý spirit or necessity moves me to use two- wheeled, muscle-powered locomnotion. So while I have reviewed many bicycle-automobile accident reports, I ar n ot really able to get Muly into the mindset of -the involved cyclisite. You may therefore want te take the following advice with a grain of sait. Nevertheless, there is one very important scientific observation that al cyclista should keep in mind. Itfs a refinement of one of Newton's laws of gravity and motion which, paraphrased,, states that "when two bodies collide, each exerts an equal and opposite force on the other." As applied te cycling, this Iaw would be 'when a bicycle and a car collide, 'the bicycle loses!" Yet almout every day I see cyclists tempting fate in traffic. This je not te say cycliste are always in the wrong - although they do run through red lightst nght to lent,'Bill Humre, Lucien Richard, Dave Gerard, Larry -Poirier and Ralph Reynolds with some oi the classic cars which will be on display. 1.1 Pt1ombbyr M.k Reesa. Whitby Fme Presa stop signa, yield signe, change lanes and turn without signaling more than any other type of vehlcle I know of. But the firet law of cycling means that even. when a cyclist is right he or ah. still loses in a collision. An extension of this law la that in a fall from a bicycle, when an unprotected hunian head strikes asphait or concrete, the head losesl" How do you protect yoursell7 Do flot be the cause of an accident- obey the rues ofthe-road. The rules are intended te bring. morne degree. cf predictability te driver behaviour. Accidents happen when people break the rules and do the unexpected. Do not become involved in someone else's accident.-The most serious auto- at-fault collisions with-bicycles occur at intersections when' the- automobile is .,turning. Make yourelf, as visible as. posb~bright.cloured clothing, lights, reflectors, etc.), but still assume the auto driver hasnfot seeînyou. Be >rpaedte stop when you see a vehicle sgabgor slowing down te turn in front o! you. >Glance over your left shoulder te check vehicles approaching frorn the rea r.- If you'reiding beside a row o! parked car, look te see if there jes anyone inside who rnight open their door. Again, be, prepared te stop. Always wear a helmet. Each year in Canada more than 5,000 children are seriously hurt in bicycle accidents. Up te 15, per cent cf these injuries could be reduced by wearing a helmet. Remember the firet law o! blcycllng. In a bicycle-car collision, the bicycle and cyclist lose. Along with the bicycle she is buying me, my wife bas prornised a helmet, light, reflective jacket and 'a large tube cf Absorbine Jr. Cycle safiely. Cruisin' Classî Cs: uoîtory FROMPAGE 16 Corvettes were- originally intended te be madle cf steel, net fibergiass. Becauae the fret production runa were so, ernal, Chevrolet went for plastic, whlch would cost $400,000 for -toling 'as opposed, te $4. million for Serving Durham since 1981 HELPOI ma - & W HTBY AUTO'GLASS' w >specialists lM. replace/ TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9747 I we corne your homeuo 8 Cà onyor eyour vi ur el <Weihlur FE t Mr obiemerie, 668-2003 : 1 ZOffice. We also do complete auto 103DnaStE.Wtb I 1At ls & marine upholstery, boat tops & MobileServiceI 1covers at our Port Perry location. Guaranteed Workmanship I * -- -- -- - - --- - ltU~SCoPof>' - -- -- -- Ak s! - - -Our staffthasmore than 24 years experience combhed- mietal. But heý wasn't a crook: Ini Studebaker'. lat days,'the owners came up with a plan te import foieign cars under the nameplate and use them te keep the. company. afloat. One cf the 'ownerYs law parizera vetoed the idea,-and Studebakeïr was allowed te die. That. law partner' was Richard ?L Nixoàn.. Where you should be this weekend: At Autefest.» On Sunday, Aug. .25 from 10 a.m. to5pnm ore tfaan 800, anàtiques , bot rods, imuscle cmr and trucks are expected te attend Motor ,Clty .'Car- Club'.third annuel show, at GMheaclqtaoÏteÎs n'e Colonel Sam Drive th Osbawa. Bow legged ,~Pigeon ~~Toed Knock- Kneed 300,,DUNDAS-ST. E. ,,WHITBY 'l à e 00, 71 ý9 tirru muffler & brake mcentre

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