Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1996, p. 19

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Whitby Free Press, Wecqnesday, August 21, 1996, Page 19 Bnasthe best ii rovince, Another Whitby teain han won an,Ontario lacrosse championshlp. ~With injuries to key playera, Whiitby just mana- ged to qualiIy for the bantain finals In St. Catharines, But the. WhitbyV teain took advantage of fts berth i the finals by winning three round-robi gaines to finish firat and pt a bye to the championslnp, and then rolled to a 6-1 win over Misis-ugan the. final. Stephen tiiree goalsj others byi Hoar scored i the finltih. Mikte Johnsfton (a"sotwo assista),-1'arrn Whittaker and Shawn; Ste- phens., Whitby won the firat gaine of the finals 7-5 over cpartan Miiletics, as Chris descoedtwo rla ,sn lie?'JoMnoton, Hoar and Bobby McBride. Jay Harri- son had three asita. The secod gaine was a 6-4 win over Toronto Beach..' as -Hoar scored thre. and had an asiat, singles. by SallieTer Dubien and Harrison who added tw< assista. Gaine- three- was a 6-4 de cison ov er M ss s au a gSla -by Wail.s, Wme Crawford, Dubien,.Js Colley Harisnd Crawford was name d ta* the-ali-star team.: Other members of tii. Numer Haber. tepm osor.d by, lRo(s Iieftrthorn, Jeff a zer Kurt PItters, Joel .éIm cochand :genera mangerWal eColley e s I ao s a n a Harold Hoar and, trainer arriors. trail3- Off-ence falteing, Eight unanswered, lgoas-Un'comeback tNoviceswin. Ontarlo- final Hlistory does repeat itself and t.he Whitby Warrnors novice A rep lacrosse club couldn't b. happier. Te novice "Warriors became the tir-d Whitby Miner Lacrosse Association teain to capture a provincial champlonsbip "u year when they rallied -froin a 7-2 second period deficit to score an incredible 10-7 overtime victor over arcii-rival Pchtorugh hintth. novice A Lakeshoreý ladieés fast1ba Fini standings asof Aue~ 17 W L T P Dodd&Souter 7< 3 '2 16 Pirates 7 5 0 14 Robots 6 5 1 13 Beckers 4 7 1 9 Bowmatnle 4 8 O 8 championship in Guelph lait Sunday. The. spectacular comeback effort was deja vu for many of the. novice Warriors, who two years ago rallied froni a 4-1 third-period deficit ta beat the. saine basic group of Peterborough players to wln the 1994 tyle A provincial titi.. The wln capped f wildly succesaful season fer'.coach Kêvin O'Brien. -team, which posted a 29-3-0 record overail, .lncluding tournanient victorles in Peterborougli, Brampton, Hamilton and Kitchener. MIl tbre bosses were suffered at the banda of Peterborough who thoroughly doiad Warrlors I thert balf of the provincial champlonsiiip gaine after iiaving beaten Whitby -472 'In the priiiary .round- of tii. fialtounane trailed 5-2 at the end of tih. fit period witii Craig McDonald scoring both Warriorî' goals. Peterborough jumped out to a 7-1 lead rnidway through the. second, period, but Warriors siiowed tremendous heart and desire to begin chipping away at tii. bead. Goals by Michael Haley and Steven Seedhouse narrowed Peterborough's lead to 74 going into the. third ' perlod. Tommy Waldock and -Zack Greer scor.d les. than two minutes apart midway, through the third ta bring Warriors within-o-ne goal. With 1:56 left in regulation time, Michael McK.nzie tied the gaine at 7-7. forcing a ful 10-minute' overtime .period. Whitby dominated tiie overUme sessMon, although up wlthuvraottndn Haley scor.d what proved to be the winner la "the frit two'minutes ofovertime with Seedhouse and- Greer providing.insurance goals in the 10-7 conqueit., The strength of the novice Warrlors this season was their balance anïd deptii. . Clancy and Curtis Doherty provided firit-rate aetnlnlngalseason. Aaron Balcom,4 Matthew Carroll, Kavin Rempel, Jay Winder, Phillip Mcflhne and Haley suppli.d ,tougii defence, wbIle the offence neyer lacked for a spark wlth Jeuh ODes, Mark Jackson, Mêain Bérti, -Kyle O'Brien, Seedhouae,.- MeDonald,' Waldock, McKenzie and ii. staff iaclud.d 'h.ad coach O'Briea, assistant coach ýWayne' McDônal-d, traîner ,MnkmDhetyand .Thei- Wiitby Warriors' need- a win, tanight <Wed- nesday) at Iroquois Park ta stay alive in the Ontario, junior A' lacrosse finals. After an opening gaine 10-7 win lait Thursday' Warriors' offence hbas corne 'Weptya% dOrangeville Northe have won three straight ta talc. a strangle- hold on the -eriesfo which the winner will-éom- peefor, the Minta Cup, Canad*an cham oship.-" T1%. teamin i.trated, "say arors coach .Jin Biiiop, as the offence hasn't en 'able te, corne through while the. team's defence has been outstand- ,%an ville,- defending Mino, Mpchampions, has manly of the players from- lait years eain. and their experience has »been- a fac- tor i the contesta against Warriors, thie youngestý teami i junior Alacrosse. But Bis'hop sayes us teai' defence and~ goal- tending - the tandem of Gee Nash and Mike Wye -- has been superb 'holding the. high-powereâ North-. men to eight goals itii. 8-4 ls in gainefur Mon- day night. gNoeth n won 10-8 iOrangevilleitii. second pame and 8-5' in Whitby in gaine tiiree on Sunday. Tii . eague's top scorer, Northmnen s Joali Sander-' son, haan'scored a goal in j the paët two pin'es. But Wamrors assistànt general m anager "Mark B5rown says «our àshootera haven't, been ptig the. bal là the net,» and h. feels Grant Johnistan, one Of the, team's top scorers àioq i the team at> the end' ofthe ',regular season after 'being *suspended would have m'ade a.'i .fermnée. Bishop had previously in- dicated that J ohnston's absence %wouldn't hurt thé. teiand he *still- main'- tains that the third lin, Io' strong without Jolinatan. But. Brown admittig lie diaagreswitk Bishopsay the- situation coulcf have been",wiorked out 'to get, Jolinâton back, in the lineup tojpovide some. muchi- «But I -don't 7want totil the coach how to coach the. teain,» says Brown.- Brown also maya the thr..-week break, in ,the meluaM-gvsayeral to ompete for the.,,C ana- dian -team n hetiiý*orld junior,,fil.d lacr e c a pionahipa (Canada was third), , aso may« have hurt tii momentuin Warriors ira tcarried 1into' the plagoffs. Brown and Bishop agre.' that a win* toiglit could put Warriora back in the series. , _I ',honestly believe we can sý'till do thia,"ý says Brown. Rusty Kruger,,and Ken Milleneach had,,two goals for Nortiimen m ýtii8-4, win, In. 'gaine .four. Paul Sallie ýhad-a joaland an- Jýuniors»hs Ontarlo. final Wiisjuzmior ibasebal tea -alb. on 1home. turf tuis wèee.nd ia an atItemi-,t ta efed teirOntario borough, St. Thomas,St Catharneas and, Misais- m . epis pgae

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