Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 21, 1996 SalvationArrnyopens'second store By Mke Kowalsid Whitbis Salvation Army bac as expiinded its thrift store operations. This past Monday, the branch opened its second store behind Jerry's Drug Warehouse at 311 Brock St. N. Except for furniture, al goods that were available at the orignal store at 225 Brock St.N. will'now be found in the new location. "We needed more spaoe,» explained Darlene Owen of the reason for moving into the refurbished 8' 000- scuare-foot building 'pre- viousy occupied. by Gioa "A new floor has been lae, it's been paited, we will hopefully De open at 9:30 (Monday),» she slaid. Owen, who serves as secretary to store manager Whitby minor basebal Playoffa. MIDGET Aug. 16 - Motor City Saturn 4, Bradbury Heatlng 2 Aug. 14 - Swish Maintenance 11, Deville Produce 1 Aug. 12 - City Centre Auto Repair 7, Creeds Cycle 5; Bradbury Heating 3, Swlsh -Maintenance 2; Motor City Satum 5, Deville Produce 4 MAJOR MOSQUITO Aug. 17 - Roy's Enlerprises 8, CIBC 4 Aug. 15 - CIBC 6, Marketing Resoure Group 5 Aug. 13 - Marketing Resource Group 7, Whitby AudioNlideo 4 Champions: Roy's Enterprises MINOR MOSQUITO Aug. 17 - Dodd & Souter 15, Semotiuk's Drillers 12 Aug. 16 - Dodd & Sauter 11, Semotluks Drillers 2 Aug. 14 - Dodd & Sauter 14, Ail Klnd Gas 10 E Aug. 12 - Dodd & Souter 13, Vlck kIsurme 8 E; Semotiuk's Driliers 10, Att Kind Gas 5 Aug. il - Dodd & Sauter 12, Executive Cleaners il E Champions: Dodd & Souter Whitby softball Playoffs BANTAM Aug. 1 .1 " Eurocrat Kitchens 8, Marigold Lincoln 2; Bank of Montreal 15, Whtby Kinsmen 9; Brooklln Kinsman 4, Marigold Lincoln 7 SOUIRT Thunder division Aug. il - Ashbri Ind 19, Acme Mobile Wash 5; Van H-emmen Tires 8, RIP Oit 13; Broolin K(insmen 12, Jensen Auto Bodiy 20; Cheeseman Auto Glass 14, Bank cf Montreal 15 Uightning division Aug. 11 - DOS Marketing 20, Jensen Auto Body 4; Paint Store Plus 6, BecicersMilk 13; Whitby Kinsmen 10, Paint Store Plus 8; Eastern Carpet Cteaning 6, Jensen Auto Bodty 18 SENIOR MITE Slugger division Aug. Il - Mister Transmission 12, Durham Cash Register 8; DDS Marketing 9, Beckers Milk 7; C&W Store Fixture 12, Brookttn Legion 6 JUNIOR MITE Aug. il - Whitby Trophy House 12, Lennox Drum 10; Advantage Taie 15,. Whitby Trophy House 18; Sunrise Rotary 3, Rotary Club 15 T-BAU. Aug. il - Village Construction 15, Durham Raglan Police Associationý 15; Aitl lmd Ent. mc. 13. Whitby and husband ]Roy said the oinal1 store wif be devo- tdtolow-priced furnituro exclusively while the new facility wilI feature "cevery- thing else.» "What we're offering is clothes, shoes, houshold items, bocks toys...you nazne it we'll have it» she said. "*e've %Ot a lot of stuff stored upr. steal The new stoei oal accessible to people in wheelchairs or those who use 'walkers, Owen stressed, and business heurs have been extended as well. Prom Monday to Thurs- day, the stores will be open frem 9:30 a.m. te, 5:30 p.m.; Frday frem 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5p.m. To mark the pening ef the new store, 13JesaDol- lars' will be given te everyone who spenda at least $10. Fer every $10 outlaiy, a custemer will receive oesJesus Dollar which can be used in the place of cash during a sub- seau ent purchase. ince there is- still two years left on the first store's lease -- it opened in May 1991 -- the branch bas seme time before deciding whether it has sufflicient dlientele te, justilfr keeping two stores eperating. "It depends on how it goes, but right new we i- tend te keeL this oe (225 Brock) open, said Owen. "eWere hoping te expand into thîngaNie recondi- tioned bes and, newer fur- niture, but at prices people can afford.» Relying totally on dona- tiens, the non-prefit thrift store is net afflliated with either Goedwill Industries or any recydling cempany. Preceecis from store sales help fund the Salvatien Army's extensive cern- mumity servce prograins. "Wed like te thank the cemmïunity for their patrnage Without them wded wudn't be here,» Owen Bs 5th aqt nationalis The Oshawa Double B, midget gil' softball tearn wasfih at the Canadian Whtb y champicnships ini Brandon, Manitoba rocontly. The Oshawa team - that includes Whitby's 'kracey brothers ýon Canadian teams Now it's a brother act on te road a arund Wbitby and acrosa Ontario. Triathlete Michael Sigsworth, preppi.ng for bis third appearancme shortly in the world cbampionships, bas men bis younger brother skyrocket into multi-spart competition this summer. Bryan Sigswarth, entering bis last year at Henry Street Durham men's lacrosse Finals July 27, game #1: National 6 (Jason Richards 3. Steve Taylor), Labatt 7 <Dan McComb 2, Justin Eng 2, John Scanga, Guy Morey, Scott Pepper) Juty 28, game #2: Labatt 4 (Brent Smith 3, Morey), National 15 (Todd Wilson 6, Richards 4, Derek Jones 2, Mark Ainsworth 2, Taylor) Aug. 7, game #3: National il (Jones 6. Bob Englebert 3, Wilson, Ian- Mitchell GUI), Labatt 5 (Morey 2, Scanga, Tyson Chaykowsky, Eng) Aug. 10, game #4: Labatt 12 (Scanga 5. Smith 3, Brian Shettoon 3, McCamb), National 4 (Jones, Wilson, Tayler, Paul Donaldson) Aug. 11, game #5: Labatt 9 (Morey 3. Scanga 2, McComb 2, Shelfoon 2), National 6 (Taylor 3, GI 2, Jones) Labatt wins Lion CupJ Playoff leadlng scorors G A P E John Scanga, Labatt 14 22 36 1 Derek Jones, National 15 17 32 Jason Richards, Net. 14 13 27 E Guy Moray, Labat 9 il 20 t Mark Ainsworth, Nat. 7 13 20 Dave Holding, Nat. 0 20 20 1 Todd Wilson, National 13 6 19 Kevin Taylor, National 9 10 19 Chris O'Reilty, Labaftt0 18 18 Dan McComb Labatt 9 8 17 M Bob Englebert, Nat. 5 10' 15 Finals - guos aint average GM GGA A Jay Rosebush, Lab. 5 10 2,0 Chris O'Rellly, Lab. 5 ý32 64, Dave Holding, Net. >5ý 37 7:4 f HIgh School, took up s3erous triigthis sipring in dutin(mn, bike, run) and has just achieved bis goal cf a spot an Can.ada's national junior B team, (aged'16-17). In a quaiifing race Aug. il in Waterloo, hie finished firat in bis bracket and now is eligible ta race ini the world duathion championsbips in Itaby on, sept. 15. Bath camaraderie and ravaliy pervade the brothers' rolationsbip. As Michael sees it, Buyan s cmmitment ta intense training and bis succesuta date in duathbon r ef1e c ts13 s traon g encouragement and good ceaching by Michael since he returned home in June from his snd year at McMaster Universty. Michael bas competed as a junior ini the world triathlon championahipe in New Zealand and Meico. For the worlds in Cleveland Aug. 23, Mlichael's training regimen flot only includes long runs and cycles with bis3 brother, but regubar swi.mmi*ng at the Wbitby Rec Centre. Moving this year Into, thei 20-24 aire group, he qualified for Team Canada at a Guelph race in July over at 1.5-kibometre swim, 40- c kilometre. cycle, and 10- Ici.ometre run. Biyan plans ta upgrade bis uiming ta, competitive{ Levels over the winter and emerge ready ta take 'up b triathlon with Michael M t 1997. ti Bath are plianning ta take their brother act ail the way nadt year, targeting two positions on Team Canada fi for theWorbd meet in Perth, la hinstralia. -Lu The two, are, ueeking o InancalI support and rt Miller, Mise Kucherik Courtney Mitchell and Jelinda Hug, epened the tournament with a 1-0 bs to, Surrey, B.C. thon reeled off six stra*ghi wins te, share frtplace inithe round-robin portion, cf the tournament. One cf the wins was 3-2 ever Winnip* Termina- tors, three-txmeé Canadian champions Who had net lest a game in three years. Te break the tieOshawa again faced Surro and lest 2-0 te be relegated t»- the lower hàlf cf the'champion- ahi p round. Oshawa defeated Calgary 8-5 but thon lost> 7-4 to Rchmond, B.C.,oeventuaU silver me oiU Mlr was named gamo sta r for Osh- awa in the boa te Rich- mond. For the to urnament, Kucherik and. Sommer West each had fivo runa- batted-in, Miller had eight hits and four runs-batted- in. SlChioet ofJjjrfmcp3 Dear DeM, 1 Just got your cae package in the mal. WhlIs I a>preclaleyour mnaphighlightlng possie escape moutes, 1 can1 assure you liat Sm S ham a nauwxd for youbadd b your vocabulary. and rmrveally exclîed about IL Irs 'chill.0 This word "bas nolhlng b do wlUi air condîtioners or lemperature. 1 askod cm eof l#e 14-yeur-old what #lie lae do and bis reply was Io chlU'wth bis friends. O WhIle I lmmodlately Ihghof a group of teenagershudcllg og0 ir iW wtk-In freezer, tis is appamently not the case. To cnllrqt> bang Mutand b spend limie with. AMer Ifinish wrlnM laStter. I'rngolng ta -chill- with Wendy. Great newsl Sarah now does dishe. Ne seen lièsewlli my own eyes, lherm she was, washbig and rnslng wIli lie rest of ber clan. If she cari do dishes for almt 200 poldolng *im for four ought b be a snap. 1S can't beil you how exclbed 1 an about what Ibis means b our, arent domnesio arrangements. Justwvaltiti abs gets dme good news. We had a camp dance last niglbt tet was a rovelation for me.- First i P the first post-boomier dance 1 have ever atterded. I now know how you feit when 1 put on my Guess Who album. I dldnt knowu any of the music. exoept for onie golden olie liaI 1likikwas played b make mie feel better.> 1But DaM, you should hae seen your granddaughier dance. t wasni Sarahi liat got y attention last right but Elzbeth. Hav you evr sS u a fitie-old breakudance? Weil, shedld, tMkwlrlgaound on dhefloor, kem*ig up onto a bench. 1 saw It butS1 just didrit belleve IL She also folowed one of the courusellors, Matl ail over the dance f loor. Where ho woni she went 11m callln g on hlm Ihis momling b make sure liat his attentions are honourablel I sure hope Ken doesn't hear about ths. 11m n ing a bit sUil, butS1 can almast Mf my rlght'arm agan. Yhoy have agans bore lieIthescamp pascalled'Stones.' irs so t Sk tle movie BmlVaheow . otIhe sworcis. The camp isedlvded bibI bms bugelUam anadm. charge acrose tkylng b *capbtee opponressiro. lt soon bocae xJfdanlycde. liaIS1 coud not, un iai 18-year-old. Sol1 decided bo use my sma". play defenc and et tem exhaust tmeslvs rumnhg down lis fild where I couid grab lionu after a short sprint St worksd oalfor. the Orst while. But ycu Mmowtli theoy about tie hmvbeajc and lhe *irresistible force? Wel, S11m here Iotel yau ls nojle I bad neled ths conwseloelwlce wbnIsa hl BEdt-nmkig anotber charge. He woe. gaining sped iSocked rlght at me. I eibffl IDal*ereas he ccmssed cii border and gol resdy b> heMd han off allihe pass. lie shified Io lie right and jumpd to avold mé,, gt lie exact momnent S made lie smns mv. Wben I rogained, consclousnss li gaine was over, m SosL But lie good news ls' liatithe nurse expects no permnanent damage. .You IMim, da, I'niactually golngt> mIsscamp. The CounseIors, are wnderf, &; liedrector' great. They put on an leracilveFMf Pan In ful costume yosterday. PMIraesh camoes, liker Bel' Last. Boys, lie Ailiato and smord figbis between Pan and Hook. a- carepidgave hecamp lie ultmate praie. Mdy. she sakl atmis Sebetter liaiDineylan. 1 link 8h08 d rght As for me, 1S was aslced 'Was t woriIl? Absokgmel, it wu m llie firstt 1h. a tle boy awasdupIo m aid put his arme around my shoulders b M b t me. Iwu wolh IR tf» tt tne aRbegklasksd m for a plgyback ride, or when I was called Oduaplain dude.0 Stwas woeli St when a counellor Uoçed b me about saineof lie challenges ho wn faclng. lî Wasworli t b wrkuilh liese cltMen d b ss bow nrmychildron a&id S groe ovor our lime bore. But next din Wendy gets Io do lie polar dlp. lI brong us oser. as a famlly, realy I will. I:.. f :< . ............ Mdescorne-u p big9-in final, The Whitby midget select baseball team n n a earlier bo by defeatmng the host toam, i tho' final to win a tournamont in Brampton. Brampton rumbled over Whitby 8-3 in Wbitby's third gameocf the. tournia- ment their cnly lose, after wins cf 8-2 over Bboor and 21-6 over West ilI. Wbitby came back frcm the- loss for an 114 win over Bramalea, and thon >oundod -Brampton 9-3, i tho final. Doug Clarke, who had also boon effective durin is starting stint in thé lrat game against Bramp- ton, gnmf1dBap Lh. final. But this time ho got ~t relief idng from = and fine, .1IdinL frm James Kibpa- MieRobertson -and' [an, Janacek wbile the IYenoe e,,ploded for six uns M- the alfth iningt , Mik.. B idun dwwa fin throe ruina in the win over Bloor, Brian Thorpe drove iù ix ruin and stole four bases in the rop over Peeeesadvance Other «members cf the team, sponsored by Don ChnéSot 1The Whitby miijor peewee select basebail team bas advanced te tho 1996 South Durhamn Select League championship by eirinating Oshawa 7-2 lni a one-game senu-final. iger pitchers totally con rollsd the game from start to finish with starter Brian DonneilyalBowing only one Oehawa batmmen to reach base. Paul Ovsonka, came ii te relievo Donnoby with a 3-0 lead and ho continued fa mow down the opposition whilo Tligiesbudît a 7-0 ead. inning on a Whitby errer but by this time the gamo was h confrol. Ovsonka thon turned over the bail te beft-handed closor Mike Wefr. 1Offensiveby Tro -vor Somervlo launched a monster home ruin shot over tho loft fild fonce with Marc Mitchell on board. The wln was tho team's 38th cf the season1 against fivo lasses. and-two fies. Tigers now take on Ajax Spartans tedetermino wbo wlIl reproent the- South Durhamq bague.aM the

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