Whitby Free Press, 21 Aug 1996, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 21, 1996, Page 25 GARAGE SALESaWu aAugust 24, 8:30 kIonoon. 8161mnowod Court Vanhy <ressers, exerise oquipmndta ble, etc SMEflIO FOR eýoni Tool RiM dabiaSu 48, t da4ust 24,9-4. Rah dta unay.17Highwy, 3 WHITBV, ONE BEDROOM apartment amaiable Sptamber let $575/month. Indudes heat. MeScl 430-095. " Y WIB- LARGE ONE berkoor kinyr.id building. Underground ~Oeng eatr, Mk>age room. ë30 inclusive. Aval"li immediatei. Ciii Gary 666-274. ÎWTBY, ONE BEDROOM &MAIN forsinle orkngpoison, non snx*«. $W5 month plus h&.Cai 66831 1 laya or 668681 evnkis &weekinds. BRCMIUN; 1I-bedroomn oe>annent ~TY BRIGHIT, spaclus1 Wo Sepmrber 1. uMe b OOfli; . seParat enfjrano lafc'.Close b>ili mendies. _________________ $600iai lInclusie.FrsULasi WHTIr EwST.2 eoo. C' 6831.« 7 mrmng WadIaUflWy- Utlities extra. Fhrst aid last $600.CWIi 430-6109. WHITBY DUPLEX. 3 bedrooms. Close b> schools, downtown. On bus mule. $875 imonth plus utiliies. FIrst, iast and references. Cal 430-5874. DOWNTrOWN WiTBY; 2 b8 ý be< rmnt avalai*e Septebr 1. $675 month. Includes hydro, hoat water & 1 parking spaca. Launchv facilities aiso aVailablo. Ciii 7289679. SECOND F .OR 2 bechiom lýen,lneo Ohawa Centre. f rsveparking, laundry fdrIs.scù dor.Aval"bl octow 1. month. cal 728-S or 51-1728. WHITBY. CENTAL Orle bedroomsuit"bi or one. Avalabie Oct 1 . Ground lmr apt in four ex = us ydro. * mVlas YCO M ING EVE*INTS ý ST. JACOBS CRAFT SHOW: 8th Annual Saturday August 24 9am-5pm, Sunday August 25 lOam-4pm, 85+ Vendors, St. Jacobs Arena and Community Centre. Fol- low Hwy 86 North of Kitchener Wateroo. Info 519-669- È533. BUS.1INESS OPPS, GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govemment assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the govemment grants and loans. Cali 1-800-915-3615. SMALL BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY for this area. Obd established Canadian manufacturer offers exclusive deal- ership for extensive ine of patented products. If you are mechanicalby incined, sales oriented and desire minimum six figure eaming potential phone 1-403433-2555. CAREER TRAINING EARN EXTRA MONEVI Leam incarne Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Schoobs, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manioba, R3T 2B6, 1- 800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territo- ries now available. COMPUTERS. 1 FARMdecision IS 'Canada's Leading Agricuturai Soft- ware Supplier'. Over three thousand Canadian farm man- agers use our software ta streamline their accounting and record-keeping systems. We offer Bizwhiz Accouriting Software, and Cropwhiz Field Anabysis Software with GeographîcalInformation Systems (GIS) and Geographic Positioning System (GPS) interface capabibity. DEALER INQUIRbES WELCOME. For more information caîb today: 1-800-263-1233. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COMPUTERS. No previous'computer experience neces- sary. Exciting opportunities now available in computer programming. We wiib train suitabie applicants. CMS 1- 800-477-9578. SALES HELP WANTED'-ý,,. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Sale, rapid, non-surgical, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airine pilot devel- oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- 961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http./- www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed.* RUBES 0F ST. LAWRENCE MARKET (Toronto) has a fine assortnient of luten free pastas for those with Ceiac and other Wheat Abblergy problerrs.416.368-8734. ELECTRIC SCOOTERS (for sale/bease) for the physicall chalienged -payment plans available - some used wil new batteries. For free demonstration cabi Scooter Jim 1-800-850-3012. PAY TELEPHONE SERV GOD-GIFTED PSYCHICS with amazing, strong, powerfî skibbs. Stop searching! Immediate solutions to ail prob lems. Sensationai results! Calb nowl 1-900-451-3778, 2ý Hrs., 18+, $2.99/min, l.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 miliai readers and muti-taented psychics. Free astrochart witi your flrst reading! Reiationships, Future, Career. $2.99j min. 18 + 24 Hours 1-900-451-3783. PERSONALS LbVING ALONE? Why not loin Misty River Introductions.- Ontarios traditional matchmaker. There reabby is someone out there for everyone. We have singles throughout Ontario. 613-257-3531. ADOPTION ADOPTION? PREGNANT? Warm, loving, infertile couple anxious ta adopt and provide a home for your chiid. Legal and confidential. Cabi Mike/Donna collect (416)757-2289. Ily [h STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE ... %ROCK BOTTOM PRICES!' When they're gone - they're gone. 25 x 40 $2,879.00. 32 x 44 $3,798.00. 30 x 50 $4,316.00. 38 x 60 $6,438.00. 46 x 66 $8,466.00. Others. Ends Optionai. Pioneer 1-800-668- 5422.' DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS -»Monthly discount prices on quality Canadian-made pre-engineered steel buildings. We specialize in agriculturai, commercial, industrial or $ATTNTIN STDENSs Mke lot0f oney~ebing BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwabb Type - not chcATETbars Newpots$ aveailbeothi mng ay iii quonset -32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x9O $20,443, dvancae Fas ewver 1-800-383al.3539. gtop 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes avaibabie - misc. clearance. a d v a c e . F a st d el v e ry 1 -8 0 -3 3 -3 8 9 .P a ra g o n - 2 4 h rs - 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 8 4 9 9 . atsAffordabie -aIs Fast a its Easy * One Bill Doe *s l Al *Northem Ontario $76 -, Eastemn Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130 @ Central Ontarlo $134 a Ail Ontario $384 ational Packages Available* Cai this piper for detaibsl O SB m w A. $ 835 m nthy , ncludes -M A Ja W . 20 c c l me ý - lvo ind : CENTRAL OSHAWA St, Whityaaib forbaue, Swtmming pool. parking. Clos k> Furnishd includirfriaor I sh o p pi g Dead boit a v b e m essa g e a Somevimi a! scCR~>ittIon kitchen, 2 staves. 2 washrooms. 668-776. â4 hms. Parking from $75. to $95. RETRNOW IS THE lime k> Cail 434-1457 - 576-2287 ~iA KY; 123 buy. Pnoe g a, ota eor 432-7907 FT R AILE ii 5 staroen omiiu rates are way down. CiiilIai RAJEsat FR 5 fo . a North, 668-M.00,Rem Summit FURNBIIED ROOM for rent, 5-5' Realty. $80iWoe Shar batroom & __________ = - hn.WoRker PrefMred. Walk t __Io______ AVILBLýýpER1.ý 1 l ailenIdes. Please oeil666-3617 hi v i ~ ~ * fl. -~ ,u,. ecuve Wflltby. àp x nialely 2 40 s . - foot àiMnkon 1yoar bse Credit checl plus 1lst & last required. Caoi Angeà,905-434-1060. WHITBY COUNTRY hom. 3 bedroom 2 battis Flibhed 2 be<rombasement *apartment. 2 acre. POnd $450s plus. Avalable I. Rem er breoncs roquired. 3 BEDROCIM bwnhousewth enftre, *ani churchos. :$W month + hydro. Cas 2 STOREY BRK. DOUBLE car garage. Parking for 3 or 4 cars. uïs eat $85 plus utitities. First &ls,33-0775.. 3 BEDROOM somi. OShmw1iitty bordier. Ravine lot Clo s chools aid ùshopng. 2 baiuirom, flnishod basomient WMR waikout b dock. Contraliaar. 4 apphances includod. Aval"bl etmer1. $850 plus utifities. 3 BEDROaM HOME AT 646 Tamleon Rd. aicroos trmOshawa Airpoit Available Ockober1.;750 mniy. 10 -vendingmachines, Cd MveStrnnt for refred.,K h y d o r q W r d . 7 2 8 - 5 . YOUR ADI ARE YOU TIUNKI4G 0F nmoving up? Now l ie Uniâe. MOMPgap rates ar 0"-dwn For a te 'frrasco ZoaI fyour home asic for Uliin iNaitti, 56-3800,a SummftReaity.Rmx PROPERTYy IN GOO WGCA11ONWh h bedrmoo ider bngalow on àu*yfencd 69 x 142 11. loGarage, fullb asmt 3 pleoS bath, new gis fumace new roof and ahminiuim-saffits Asking $129,90 68893ater 5 P.m. CAMBRIDGE, 7 YEARS NEW. 3 be<rmflnistied roc., 2 baths, Pl& le hom 1-800-666-2639. AI. LARGE FURNiSIED room close to d o w n k > w n W h lfh u, ie hdud. suioo= clob ROOMY FURNISHEg> bedaiin rom. Central Whit .Qu M.*y WaMng gen*emi pref ered. First/last. 72-67655-5719 after ROOM FOR RENT. Femiide refe<. Worker ny WHUTY. LARGE, furnishoc cisean rm. New docorate , bundry ficuesair corlltoned ce bk> iiimnies $4W0*nonUihr. SmokMerswlomfecl. WLqg5.poiso ep lm:6 ilatugo woring pers or studon Firat Md luit wq* ek ulred. $90 .perweok f(90),430-1415.1 WANTE: MATrURE resPnsibi e female b; shae a 2 bednoo fumishecibasoment parymt Ourham stUdont webem. N on-mkor. $380per mnt. For FURNHED ROCU FOR RENT In eo iocx . 60 o. 72-0619 LARGE EXECU11VE home bedraom & fuiliuse of most of Rii lhouse. PMust be iwxing fûbi U*ne. Ciible & Bl includod. $500/m. Ciii Debbie 666-0200. CLEAN, QUIET, fumishoci rmam. Sble cluded. Availible SURwarlcng maie. Ulowo abd.$90, ft/last 668-3m4. WHITB3Y. ONE BEDROOM. USE of fichlties. Close Io bus. Pa avalaMe. Non amoker. &Oai; ~ R i . bLe mssage isbire wihmature maie. Noiral anmeis. indudes alulfusand roqutrod 428-042 MORTGAGES' h»4,* eSme" &LOANS =r &rest a of' uSe.No * i s & 2d amocer.Pleas cal 430-9721. Lines of Credit ~ u s e~ ,S A Ui *BESI RA"TES ' O. T BSL Frank alahan OSHAWA KM-- ST.,W. - snm 571-2880 .s' am.erii ffc After Hours e668-454 foEmorroci.5WT«p Ppeanada Funcl g !iýý, 721-M I0or 6-28 [Need a car - Credit Prablim? Bankrupt - Undischarged? *We have bease take-ov ers L repossess!ons) * ease to own anly make or model *Cash for trade Ci now for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AIJTOLEASING Cali Joif (905) 683-6230, 19M DOOGE CARAVAN. 70,0 km. Air$ p wcb acsnnnl boards, fintedindowsiî. Green 13CAMARO.s5 SFEED. AMOFM 813W ocasstte T-roof. $600 as le. 1984 POMTIAC FIERO SE 4 cylinder, 4sp psbwti, sunroof, noe DaMcosn' w' 432-9186.y.Akn RFE;FREE TO GOO home. PRAYER TO TH1E BLESME Mmglnrlevoknown 10 U 0most bemjI*MW ow f Mout Caamel, f ruitfUlvine, spiendor of Hew.en neoessWt. OMstar cf te a heIp God Q mle =l& eatlh, i hum-bly beocti ycu from te bonîpo em secure m ln r M . ar uunv Wiliout si, prayf«r us who timr recoerseb elimnS). FiTNESS ONE ON ONEpoon seâXý ad a privata stu gl Y. fsseo nmentei 668-4464.- PRAYER TO 111E*BLE nE Virgin, noer known Io liii. O moot beautuf§~ ofaiMount Cama, fruilfulVine, splendor ci Heave. Bbed fMofte ReSon of Gode, immaculataVirn, assistpinehI VeossWy. ostr cm ie ea tio- me and show me bore you are rTly MaRier.0OHoly Maiy, M"weroa Goci Ouaen of Heavon & eafi, i humly besoech you fmm Ru» bc" ~ oaftM>ùsecue mei your poMs. OLliy oenoeived wNK i.pm for us who have recouruebtahie (3 imes). Hoiy grants Io you. F.T. THMMC7TH1E SAORED Hemi Of Josus and St Jude'fcW favoe reocu&Pb"PtUon aseci. 8B. -s QU)IET, CLEAN, IBRIGHT 1 beclrom baserneént eparwmt. $625. October 1 or soonier. Flrst/ last Includes ImJindry, utilities & parking. Suit mature, non-smoking, empioyed adlt 905-665-7177. A LARGE ABOVE GROUND 1 befroom apwbrt n.Hihwy 2 & Thicleon. 1 yew new. Europoai kitchon. Ge beckoom. Woth$ ep5m offoe.66522 LLUXUR ONOFO ENT. 2- bo*oom, smkuf Nps*u whh bunulromsciaium & First a lut A=th 1905-623-1101. MBM PROPERY mngm Whithy eprMent bulidinas. one bedrcams %mon ëoid locations.i6686700 days anly. i@CLASSIIE MARKETPLAÇE "AdvertîeA cross Onta.rlo orA cross the Country" ¶ j MEDICAL

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