Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 11

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BROOKL1I.N Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 28, 1996, Page l Plenty of activity begins, in1 September iiBy Steve Leahyý 1 bats to say it, but the end of summer is coming fast. And i Brooklin that means a lot of summer activities such as basebail, lacrosse and gardening start to wind down and a whole bunch of new activties start up again. Here's ai bit of a preview, so get that calendar out so youl1l be ready when thingé start to get crazy again. OPTAMTPARK OPENS' Brooklin's newest park gets an ail-day opening celebration on Saturday, Sept. 7from il a.m. to 4 p.ml. Special events start at 9 a.m. with hot air balloon rides; il a.m. is the decorated bike and wagon parde; 11:30 a.m., ribbon cutting with speeches 'and * cake; noon, scavenger hunt * at the gazebo; 12:30 ,p.m., basketbaIl free throw contest (ages seven and up); 3 p.mi., relay race (ages four and Up). And while al cf that is going on, there are plenty cf other -activities planned including pony rides, live band.. .Jumping castae, skateboard, demo, face painting, food and" penny carnival 1<.(bring lots cf pennies). Lots cf prizes wiil Brooklin Optimist Park is located at the. corner cf Cassels Road and Watford Street. IFATE OO After manyyears t i.iLo Par"sh wiIl be 'without Fahr Mooney as he has offidailyretiredIni gratitude for bis untiring efforts, dedication and pastoral care, everyone is welcome te, share their good wiBhes and appreciation at a retirement tea and fareweil held in his honour. The retirement tea wiIl be held aet the Breoklin CoMmnunity Centre Sunday, Sept. 8, between 1 and 4 P.m., with a presentation at 3 p.m. ST. LEO CORN ROAST Ail students and parents cf St. Ljeo's (past, present and future) are invited te the get- acquainted corn rosast on Friday, Sept. 6 startinig at 6 p.m. AEROBICS 18 BACK Aerobics classes wiil start Sept. 10 and run in 10-week sessions until May. Offered by the Breoklin Wemen's Institute, there wiil be two levels cf classes, from 7 te 9 p.m., at the Breoklin Community Centre. For more information, cal 655-4731. TAUES FOR TWO A special program, Tales For Twos,_ wiil- be on Thursdays for six -weeks from 10:30 te 11:30 a.m. at the library. Itfs a fun-flied half heur cf stories, songe and fingerpaint fer twe-year-clds and their parentsfcaregivers. The program begins Thursday, Sept. 12 and children must be registered in' adva.nce. Registration begins on Thursday, Sept. 5. Phonethe library for-more information at 655-3191. BýC 18BACK The best 'thing s ince Saturday morning cartoons begins another -s9easoxi1 on get to know each other and learn and do tons of new I 15% off Make-Up Applications Reg. $26.00 Special $22. 10 Snake ini the pot BROOKLIN LIBRARIAN Margaret Edwards poitstothe flower pot. where she recently discootvered a snake. A movie crew had 56 snakes in the ibrary for a reent shoot. Edwards says they assured her they, had collected them ail before they let. She's stepping a littie gingerly now, afraid they may have overlookeci another one. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whilby Free Press Saturday, Sept. 7 at 10:30 a.m. (wbich is when ail the good cartoons are over). Al chidren aged four and up are welcome te spend an heur cf fun i the library. This month's theme' is Al Hailow's Eve and there 'May be visite by strange and mystericus cratures. BAD4MN Badminton for those aged, 18, and over wiil start up on Thursdays, 8 te 10 p.m., at Meadowcrest School once again tbis fail. Enjoy an evening with, ether enthusiasts. Bring your own racquet. Cail Sheily Tucker at 619-2469 after 7 p.m. for more information. SPORTS EXCHANGE A reminder te start pifing Up ail that sports stuf ne one is; using any more. Meadowcrest Public School, along with St. Leo Catholic Schoel, will hold a sports exchange on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 5 and 6..- Everyone is, invited te bring their new and' used sports equipment. and célothing - xncluding hockey, ski, seccer, basebai or any other sports stuif. Thiis is how the sports exchange werks: you bring the stuff you want te seil - yes, sell - te Meadowcrest school gym on Thursday beteen 2 and 8 p.m. Items wiil be avaflable for sale Mom's Mornings are located in the Brooklin United Our team of Make-Up Artists and Beauty Advisors can show you the latest colours, techniques and fashion trends for the new season. If you would like to have fun and see the new powder foundations, cheek, lip and eye cQlour applied in a complete Make-Up Application, join us at a 15% savin'gs until September 13, 1996,, Monday to Friday only. Please cail for an appointment time with one of our. Make-up Artists. You can also talk to one of our BeautyAdv"isors, (no appointment necessary) and experience- our new colours and products. Fashion is what we show you. Style is what yj, choose! L (directiy across from downtown fir~ hall) I. - starting at 5 p.m. on Thursday. On Friday the sale continues fr-om 2 te 7 p.m. Yen put whatever pice you want on your items - be sure te make them clearly. On the day cf the big sale, the -parents cf both schools wiil man/woman the tables and seil your stuif for you. After the sale on- Friday between 7 and 7:30 p.m., -yen can pick up your cash. 1and any unsold items. And dent forge ttisîs aise a terrifiec opportunity te get that Scouing or Guilding uniform. For more' information, contact- Sonja Graham at 655-4079. MOWS MORNING Attention, Moms and Mir. Moms: If yen enjoy socializinïg with other adults for a change or listening te interesting speakers or just plain getting a well-deserved break from the cbildren, then get yourself over te the United' Church on Wednesday morninge for Mom's Mornings. 1 The eçver-popular and occasionaily sanity-saving Mom's Morninge are, back again this fal, starting Sept. 11, 9 te il a.m. Children wil be well supervised for a amail fëe ss you really do get a break. For many years the Mom!s Mornings programs have enabled Brooklin moms to C BROOKLIN PHARMACY., E36 ALDWIN ST. - BROOKLIN - LOB iCO 90)5- 655- 3301 What's the Sweati Perspiration helps to Deodorants decrease 1regulate the body's body odour, but theyj 'temperature by do flot reduce evaporation.from the sweating. skin's surface. But if Antiperspirants must Saccumulated sweat reduce normal s, tays on the body, sweating by 20%. zespecially in body Many contain mffetals, f folds or on clothing, a particularlyf is trona. odouir g*'uginn.q 11lmrini m- nr-o iarn due to the bacterial breakdown of sweat.,, Modem deodorants are antibacten als which kili bactena. casI un *auoe il.I J1 OveI perspiration problems Drysol with 20% aluminium chloride.is very effective.'Consult your pharmacist. -(905) 668-8128 out of town 1-800-632-FACE 'Ji For more information, cail Sue at 655-4450 or Yvonne Th Fcil.Plc ...Durham's Relaxing Beauty and Skin Care Spa' 216 Brock St. S., Whitby ai Ol Wflrtby Auto Glass, Manager 4. How.is my windshield different than the rest of the glass.in my car? A.The side and rear windows of your car are made fromf tempered safety glass, which means that upon impact they will break into relativeJy sale small pieoes (unhike for instance, plate glass which will break into large sword-Iike shards). Your windshield however, os« made from Iaminated safety glass. This glass consists of, Iayert of nylon sandwiched between two layers 0f, glass. This glass will absorb shock dunng impact ,,and bydoing so will keep passengers inside the vehicle. The windshield will easily crack, but will not break into shards or small pieces 0f glass. Vour windshield is therefore an*imporant safety feature of your car. ,j$HrTBYIAUTO'GLASS specialzsts ltd. 1013 Dundas St. E., Whftby 668-2003 ;A.. T he two main concems are demerit points and insurance. First, there are 6 points that wiIl be assessed against your licence. The Ministry' will send you awaming letter regarding the points aind caution you that at 9 points you would be called in for an interview to determine if your licence should be suspended. Further, you will be classified as a high risk for insurance purposes and placed in the facility coverage. This will cause your premiums to increase a minimum of 50% and in most cases wiII double or more. If you drive for a living, an employeer would have difficlyepoyn udetth effects of the insurance. clyepoigyudet h THE TRAFFIC TICKET SPECIALISTS 701 Rossand Rd. E. at Garden, Whitby a 430-8845 Ronald D. Prestage Pointts --Traffîc Ticket Specialist N'e been involved in an accident and charged with careless driving. Tirnothy McKee - Certified Kitchen 'Designer Q .I would like a new kitchen in my home. What is the best way to Il., The first step to shopping for a new kitchen (or any home improvement),is to find the right company to do the work'for you. Start by visiting the showrooms in town. There are two or three right here in Whitby. Look at the styles and designs that they offer. There are varying quahities and costs for you to choose from. Next, talk to them about their professional affiliations. They should be members of ONKBAni or The Durham Home Builder's.Association. These associations offer members traininig which can be invaluable. for your project.1 Look-at the credentials of the design team. There shouîd be a nCKD* (Certified Kitchen Designer) on staff to ensure design standards. Lastly, check the companies' references. Now sit back -and let the work begin! Than ofr your question l(KFByDesignH CBEN &BA AF FORDA B LE E L EGA N C E 1916 Dundas- St.. E.,P Whiftby 721 -8892 1 1 U ý-l Qe

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