Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 19

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, August 28,1996, Page 19 Uoyýd White,ý a principal with the Durhamn Board of Education, Z4 Waa recently elected as a member of the provincial executive of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation (OPSTF). The e lection took place duiing the federation's annuel assembly held in Ottawa Aug. 12-15. White previously served on the federation's provincial executive from 1988-1990. "Many serious issues face us," White told 350 assembly delegates. "These include collective bargaining after the socal contract, the College of Teachers and teacher education, standardized testing and public accountability, achool coundils, early 'childhood education, and provincial government cutbacks. lMy experience in political action bas shown me how te pressure politicians for change wherever possible." White bas been an'active îmember of .the profession, bath provinciall and locally. As well as serving two previc>us ternms on the provincial executive, he has been a member of several otlier provincial committees and task forces' and is currently chair of OPSTF's political liaison committee. A member of the Durham Elementary PrincipaW> executive from 19959, White bas represented tâ group in several capacities, most recently on the review committee of the board's substance abuse.policy. White was principal of Queen' Elizabeth Public SZhool, Osbawa, from 1990- 96. In September 1996 hé~ will assume the principalship of Dr. C.F. Cannon Public Sehool, Oshawa. The .Ontario Public Sehool Teachers' Federation represents 32,000 members and is an affiliate of the Ontario Teachers' Kuwait profs 'graduate' DURHAM ceremony Collee launches StartSmart program - woe to eY tu dents la beng Iild tomnor- COLLEGE heki a special last week for 18 protes- Training Institutes who recently completed a curriculum develop- xFirst-year students entering Durhmam College are assured an easier initiation thrugh, the, ollege's StatSmrtwhich begins Monday, Aug. 26, helpe new students become acquainted with' the college and learn skills ta help them succeed. Week-long activiti1,es include: seminars on student services, personal manage- ment, listening suad.iote- taking skiils, reading and study sciils, as. well as college placement information and computer testing. "Ifs important te make students feel conifortable with their college experience as soon as possible," sad Michelle Nichols, - vice president of, post-secondary pXugraMd4 ng d continuous learmnng. "hn the -pas%, Startmart programs bhave contributed greatly ta the succeis-of our students. We ar~e constantly refining the process and this year will be the best yei. StartSmart is a joint effort of Durham College staff and the Durhamn College Student Association. It includes such activities as tours, special interest ,seminars, OSAP0 information sud photo Ib. For more information, calI 721-2000. Streetlflgh Scool Those enteri'Grade,9' at the a chool have been mnvited to attend a 'Wel-ý corne-Barbecue,' starting at. 10 am The new. school year begis at 8:30 a.m. on. Tuesday, -Sept. 3. Student tran sportation and' bus route information, will, be posted in'the schl.l PRENATAL EDUCATION The Childbirth Education Association of Durham will off'er choioe-ased community childbirth classes weekly and on weekends in September and October in Oshawa. Cal 905-420-3890. ALZHEJMER]F Alzheimer Durham will host their neit Oshawa family support group meeing on Wedneday, Sept. 4, 1 p.m., suite 205, Oshawa Centre. Ail caregivers are welcome ta attend. For more information, call 576-2567. ONE PARENT FAMILlS The. On. Parent Families Association of Oshawa will, meet Tuesday, Sept. 3,.8 p.m., at the Adria Culture Club,* 432 Simnca, St. S., Oshawa, for- a general meeting. Ail single parents, custodial or not, are invited ta attend. For more information, cail Monica at 436-5089 or Doug at 728- WOMENIDEED The Women hndeed Resource Centre offers the. following at 70 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa: Sept. 3,8 ta 10 a.. breakfast session, Custamer Car., cost is $6 plus -GST;- Sept. 9, 7 ta 9 p.m., That Winning Look, cost is $6 for members, $12 for non- members; Sept. 10, 7 -ta 9 p.m., Budgeting, session one of-four-week course, cost is $5 for members, $10 for non- mebes lu GS', Sept. 11, 7 ta 10- p.m., Dimensions ýof Leûdership- cost 18*$49 plus G&T. For more information, cal! 5764805. SLUNACY BINGOS -The.AIDS -Comiittee of Durham will hold bi-weekly "lunacy" bingos from 10 ta, 11:45 a,*..1 starting Wednesday, Sept. 4, at the Hideaway bingo hall, Sunray Street, Whitby. For more information, cail 665-0051. Proceeds will go te support the programs and services offered by the AIDS Comiittee. GARAGE SALE The lOth Whitby Scouts will gladly accept any donations for theïrgarage sale te b. held Sept. 7 ta raise funds te attend Canadian Jamboree 1997. For donation pick-up, cal Jan Wlson at 430-0260. MASTERSSWIM CLUB The. Pïckering Masters Swim Club, for those aged 20 and over, meets Tues- dsys and Thursdays from Septeinerto May. Cost is $350 to join. For informa- tion about registration, cal Gerrie at 905428-3119 or Lori at 905-420-2574. AQUATIC PROQRAM The Arthritis Society will hold a 10-week autic pro- gram, 1at theWhitby (Jivi rec campirzstarting lm -Mid-Sntémhnv; lali qL PRESOHOOL 'PROGRAM Toddlers* and preschoolers (ages two ta 5iv.) are invited ta the Dundas branch of the Whitby PublieIàbrary for stoiiytime progranis. Registration for the September/October sessions begins on Sept. 4, in persan. Caîl the librsry at 668-6531, ext. 23, for more information. GOLF FUNDRAISER The, first annual ladies' invitational to raise funds for- the , Denise House wamen's shelter will b. held at the Wolf Run golf course, Jsnetville, on Thursdsy, Sept. 26. Theý $80 entry fee mncludes goL cart, dinner and prizes. Forý mare information, call Kim at 668-8267. HEART AND STROKE The annual general meet- ing of the Whitby chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation will b. held on Tuesday Se pt. 10, 7p.m. at Whiity eneral Hospi- tal. For more information, calI 686-1521. WMORKSHOPS Aseries of three'invest- ment workshops'for women will begin, WednesdaLy,' Sept. .4 or'T-iursday, 'Sepýt.> The, Durham Region YMCA fail program brochure is now available. [t- offers something for ail ages. Registration is underway. The brochure can b. picked up from the office at 814 Brock St. N., Whitby. The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of tIi. Ontario Genealogical Society will meet Tuesday, Sept. 3,7:30 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa. Dan Roberts of Scugog Shores Museumi and Archives will discusa ~Interaction with* Local Archives.' Ail welcome. Call 683-2475 or 723-7460 for further information. PC BARFBECUE The local federal PC association* will hast the annual family barbecue and couroast on Thursday, Aug. 29, 5 te 8 pi., at Petticoat Creek' Conservation Ares (raim, or shine).' For mare information ,calI -905-649- 5705 or K evin Farquhar, at 905-683-7071. YARD SALE The, annrual yard salé iil be held- at Columbus Comîmunity-United Churèh TEA As part 'of the 13Oth anniversary celebrations of AU ' Sainte' Anglican Church, the Evening Guild will host- an afternoon tea Saturday, Sept. 7, 3 to 5 p.m. Ail are welcome. BABYSITMIG COURSE The Durham Reion branch of St. John Amnbu- lance will hold a babysit- ting course for youth aged 1 ad over on Sept. 8 and 22. Call 434-7800 for more in- formation. STImm ABLAC St. John 'Ambulance' seks qualified individuals.. for the -next 'instr uctor course g M Sep-ý tember. Ca-I434--7800. APHASIA, I%, York-Durham Aphasia, Centre, a Ministiy of Health funded community agency' speciizing in group programa' for adulte with. communication disorders due' te stroke or head * *iy wl hold- a communication program starting In September. The',cen-tre is hosting a, fif day' fall volunteer orientation session' on Thursday, Sept. 5, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., in the auditoriu'm of Parkview Village, 12184' Ninth ain,, Stouffville. For volunteering or program, information, caMl(905) 642-' 2053. AUTOMOTIVEREPAIR C Open: Mor Tues,,Wed.,& Fit. 877 i. AnoDt Onhv Durhani principal elected to .teachers' federation executive I.- Free classes for aduits The 'Durham Board Of Education is offering free classs for adults who are serious about iproving their reading wrng and The only cout te students is t for workbooks.' In Whitby, there are two programsù::9 a'"n- té noon for:* very basic 'adigwriting and spelhing-,ito 3 p.mn. for gram m a, itng ad . vocabulary development. For more'informatioén, cal Iearning Durham College Continuous Learning is holding. registràtion for the fail 1996 courses. Caîl 721-30E2 for more information or te receive a- free course- calendar. Register by calling 721-.3000. or 1-800-461-3260 or go te' at.âz

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