Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 23

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 28,,1996 - Page 23 BINGO COUNTRY 000000 00 90000 0 00a.a* - - - - - - - - - --,. 7:OOpm & 10:3Opm Monday to Sunday ! :Opm Saturday &Sundlay s12:3Opm Monday, Tussday & Wsdnesday JACPOr.3ALSO- 0r Saturclay Mornlng 9:3a gO5 POINTS MALL 0 10 À Ritson & Taunton, shawa (behind A&P) PRIZE ýÀ 0Charties 945371 - ad__SUPPORT VOUR 36m9404l ______ LddOCAL CHARmTEs viww mgsttkn or BATEAN FOREVIR delI ail l (gS WHITE RANGER' 263408. *atmo Red, Green and Pinik Birthdays, Company Picnics Etc. yow - e NO VIOLENCEI . Ir LAc6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ É & rO PCL DOUG (416) 4fl333 1 Plase Recycle This Nwppr j ~ '~ AUCTION SALE AUGIUST 28- 6 P.M.. FARM AUCTION of Tractors and reIated EqLipment'for MORRIS SEGAL, #640 Thckson Rd, Brooklin. Take Hwy. #401 ta Thickson Rd. exit at Whitby. Go forth (past Taunton) to #640:* Watch for signs. TRACTORS: David Brown 770 Selectomatic, gas, good rubber, 3 pth. with 1 dr., Ford.,7700 diesel, 18.4 x 34, cab., dual power, EX rubber, 2682 hrs., Case 1294 diesel, EX wubber, 807 hrs., 16.9 x 30, single remote, Case 1845C diesel skidsteer, 732 hrs (EX), Case 1494 diesel platform Tractor, 18.4,x 34, good rubber, 266 hrs (EX), EQUIPMENT: JD Moco Haybine #1219 (EX), JO Baler #327, kicker th rower (EX), Kvemneiand #1651 3 pth. piow 3 fur (EX), KH500 Deutz Farr 4 wh. spider rake, Ford cuit. 12', rotary mower, blade, wagons, bush hog 12', Avco N.l. 353 & 244 tandem manure spreaders (EX), elevators, Patz silo unloader, 7' snowblower, troughs, fence« chopper, oid Uni roofing plus much more. NOTE: Excellent field ready machinery, very few small items. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. G DisYin f 5144 Otoln) GARYisiLL 1845 aCT INS R.R. #1, Sunderland, Ontario LOC 1iHO (705) 357-2185 e Toîl Free 1-800-654-4647 AUCTI ON SALE LABOUR DAY ~SEPT. 2 e 10:OOam Large auction of Farm Machinery & Antiques for Francis Hreshkevich at #640 Taunton Road, Whitby, (west of Thickson, east of Anderson). Take Hwy. #401 ta Hwy #1 2 exit, go north ta Tauniton. Watch for signs. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Fiat ta wall cupboard, <6 panes g lass, (EX), oak sideboard, ant. walnut sideboard (heavily carved, EX), oak side by side (drap front, beaufront china, bey, glass, EX), oak dining table & 6 chairs, washstands, aId cupboards, upright piano, dressers, ant. tables & chairs, iran bed, parlir & cook- stoves, ant. chum pail, Sweden cream separator, oid magazines, aid calendars, ail Iamps, ant. glass, collectibies plus more. FARM: 2 furrow 3 pth. piow, ant. com chopper, horse collars, ant. Myers wooden pump sprayer, walking piow & scuffier,, wooden wheei trailer, ant. hay mowers, ant. engines, double fiywheei stationary engine, M.H. hit & miss stat. en g me (pts. onîy), M.H. horse drawn mower, 6' draw type disc, 1g. qty. ant. hand toolsgarden tools, Yamaha 200E13 wheeier ATV, plus much more. NOTE: An Extraordinary Holiday Auction from this original Homestead, taking us back In Urne with many treasures being Auctioned. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. VIEWING: 8 a.m. sale day. Owner or Auctioneer not responsibie for any mishaps, accidents or lasses occuring to the public. GAY BUL AUCTIONS ,i (Division of 1081454 Ontarioa mc.) R.R. #1, Sundeuland, Ontario LOC 1iHO ~~> (05) 357-2185 Toil Free 1-800"54-4647 ~w Ralyagainst workfare ABOUT 70 PEOPLE staged an anti-workfareý rally at King and Thornton streets ln Oshawa Aug. 16. wavîng signs and banners at homeward bound commuters and using honk their support. a bullhom to urge them to Photo by L~rk Rossai, Whithy Fiee Pissa Spanish, ýcla'sses off< ,ered EALTH EFECTs 0F LEAD Lead is Most prevalent in homes built before 1950 when paint was more often made with lead. With the recent furor over plastic blinda, it has rekindled conc erne about lead 'poisoning. Four other possible routes of exposure to, lead corne through dugt, food, water and air.I If you are undergoing'major re novations, try ta keep. children, pregnant women and Pets out of the house until the work is done and ensuire that your home is properly cleaned of dust. For sinaller renovations, attempt to enclose the work area and keep children from helping or watching, especially during dusty periods. Vacuum, rather than sweep, the renovation duat and follow with a damp mop to remove any remaining dust. Young children, whose bodies are still developing, are ini danger from lead when they put their fingers and toyis, which may be covered in. lead duat, into- their mouthe. Somne signs of lead poisoning include headaches, fatigue or abdominal pain'. Most often there are no signe at ail, but long-terrni eposure may impair learning and affect behaviour. Adulte are lems vuinerable ta lead unlesa exrposures are high that occur when sanding or removing, aid paint. Liong-term lead jpoisoning in adulte cantributes ta anemia, fatigue and high bl oodpressure. Pregnant wornen are at risk from lead as it gâe passed on ta the fetus. However, almost no lead is passed on ta, infanïts through breastfeeding. HoweveS, an infant formula prepared froni the hot water lime puts a baby at risk. The second biggest exposure is through our food if home-grown produce cornes from containated sou or if imported lead-soldered cana of food or beverage are purchased. Occasional use of pottery -or crystal dishes is not a major concern of ingesting lead but daily use increases your exposure. In Ontario, drinking water is one of -the'smallest> sources, especially if you flush your tep evezry morning before using it. Most pipes installed before 1990 contain lead-solder joints. Run, tapwater before drinking or cooking for 30 seconds, especially if taps haven't been used for a few days. Always püirchase lead-free solder when doing plumbing repaire. The presence of lead can corne through the air frai» industrial sources or hobby activities. It is wise ta work in the garage while refinishing painted surfaces, soldering electronica or workcing with stýained glass. The good news, due to the removal oflead from gasolinie and reduced indusitrial emis*on, s that today fewer children are exposed ta harmful amaunts of lead than in, the-paet. Ta obtain fact sheets or how ta redue lead in homes, call the North York Public Health Department at 416- 395-7600 or obtain information fro M.yaur local. public health department. Badnton club- regsrto The WitbBdintonstariting ,in- mid-Beptember club is ccpting new sud continuinguntil May., members. The club plays Monday Costis $ 95. Cail Michele aànd Wednesday niglits at at- 579-6178 or Annioatn The continuing education departrnent 'of the Durham separate school board will offer free Spanish international language - classes for grades 1 to 8 at St. Christopher Catholic School, Oshawa, Sept. 14,,9:30 a.m. ta noon. No previons Spanish, language. skills are' necessary The Aduit,' Làeamný Centre, 357, Simicoe St. S.'(at Olive), will offer an introductory . Spanish' conversational credit course, at no cost for"I adulte and grades 9 to 12. Classes will. run Mondays and Thursdays,> 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2 to 5 and 6 to 9 p.rn., starting Sept. 10. For more information, =ai 579-4326. VOLUNTEER Volunteersare wanted for the COPE MXeital Healtli Program. .-The eîght-wek (24-.,hour) trainfing course Mîi helping and communica- tion ohmis begins sept. 24ý and runs- every, Tuesday from .7 to 10 p.m. until Nov. 12. Cal Sharon Cochrane. at 434- 1693 -for further' information.. LzzOBITUARS4i -DIANE LeGROULX 'Aresident of Whitby for six years, Diane LeGrouix dled at her h *ome on, Aug. 15, 1996. 8h. was ý49. A daughter of Wilhelmina Elizabeth Poldermans and te late Clarice Joseph' Melanson, ah. was born in Moncton, N3B., on April 25, 1947. Mns. LeGrouix grew up in Ottawa, spent six yearsin Saskatchewan and -wan' a resident of Durham Region for 21lyears. 8 h. waa a former pýublic school teacher at Col. J.E.. Farewell and E.A. Fairman public échools in Whitby and* St. -Thomas ,Aquinas, Separate School i Oshawa. On July 27, 1968 sihe was married inOttawa 'ta Robert LeGrouix, who survives her, She is also survived by -son David (and hi. wife Nicole),-, daugliter Jan; lier mother, brother Bob Melanson (and -hi.s wife Nancy) and sister Patricia <and her, husband Paul Hill. -Mrs. LeGrouix .was at- the- W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Rév. Father -Robert 1Beady conducted the Massof Christian, Burial' at Holy Family Romaný Cathollo Church on Aug. -19, 1996, followed, by mnterment In Ressurrection Cemetery, Wilm. HllMid t W*x-ii 11111 iedat n Au x-PickeringHospal on le . 21, i99in Ho spo8& England on Ma 6 91b.for A resident .,o Wýtbyfo 44,years he worke at Whintby Fisychnatrie Hospi- tel (now Whitby Mental Health Centre) sud Central Làake Ontarilo Conservation- Authorýity. 1He is survived by son, T71m (and his wife Joyoe) of Whitby; daug hters Caro- lynne <sud lier -husband Bon Pin.) sud Shirley (and lier husband K.» Simnpson) -of Scarborough* gradéhil- dren 1.Kathy, l ed, Susan, Rick, Jeif, Dennis, Jsuet, Melissa;_ four geat;-grsud-. children; brother .Fred, of EngIsd.> He was predeceased by hia wife Louise, whom, he had marrinedin 1933 in Edmonton, ýAlta.; sister Hildiansd brother Bob of Englsud. A'private memorial was held, followed by cremation. *FmýIly Monuments *Gra nite or Bronze Maîkers *Ceme'tery Lettering *Sandblasnng, Stafford I àý Recycler's Report by Larraine Rouiston Larrainé Roulston is a member of the Recycling Council of Ontario, Composting Council of Canada, Durham Environmental Network (DEN) and chair of the Pickering Waste Reduction Committee. k nÂl - -- ---- - - - - - - 1 Photo by Lbrk Remar, Whitby Fm Prm ions tD-ý 1

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