Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 24

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Page 24j Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 28, 1996 1 -1 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWIF, earl 40%s 5,r', silm, blonde hair, blue eyes, seeklng gentleman, 50-65 wlth a good sense of humour who likes dining out, dancing & movies. AD# 1419 .ROMANTIÇ & AFFECTIONATE SWF, 28, 5'6", rmedium length br. curly hair, br. eyes, looking for sorneone over 29 who Is Intelligent, taîl, large build, kind, carlng &ready for long ferm relalionship. ADN#144 SPECIAL PACKAGE SWIF, young 49; br. hair, gréen eyes, great personaiity & sense of humour, enjey camping, arts, fine dinlng, look- lng f or nice looklng gentleman with greal personality w ho knows how te lreat alady. AD# 1481 BEAU1T1FUL ON THE INSIDE SWIF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, full figured, attractive, carin g, loving, romanîlo, looking for kind, gentie, underslandIng man for one on one relationship. ADN 1460 FUN TIMES WF'22 attacheci, 5'2", 125 lbs., dark hair, seking F for some fun. Seek someone who Is discrets. ADN 1465 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 44, 5'6", br. hair, blue eyes,, seeklng someone fo r Ion g terni Who knows what he wants ln lite &-enjoys movies, readlng, walking & quiet limes aI home. ADN 1434 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 35, 54".Ion g br. hair, looking for someone le be frlends first, te lalk 10 me & lisien -& stay at home & cud- dis. ADN 1438 SLIM'BUILIÃ" SWF, 35, br. hair, br. eyes, sIlm build, 5'5", looking for someone Who 19 hon- est & who likes an independent woman. ADN 1543 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, 30, attractive, marrled, blonde haîr, green syes, 5'5", seeking straighl mals, attractive & open mlnded f or dis:rete encounlers. ADN 1450 ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mother, seeking sorneone for camping, fishlg roman- tic evenings. I enjoy dancing, old movies, ait you have 10 do la leave a message. ADN 1431 SIMILAR QUALITES SWF, 30, Mie the outdoors, movies, staying home & going out, having fun & sports, Interested iln meeting some- one with slmilar qualities. ADN 1396 CALUNG ALL COWBOYSI SWF, 21, cute, 5'3», well proporlioned, blue eyes short br. hair, seeklng slim C soer eric 416e2 e6-664 to average build maie., 21..28 for lins danig , frendshlp&possible relation- hi. ADN 1398 LAID BACK SWF, iookIng 10 meet someone between 20-25. I arn into music, golng out & hav- ing a good lime, seeidng somneone who is]ald back &openmlnded. AD# 1400 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWF, 5'l ln, long blonde hair, blue eyes, seeking casual relationship wth some- one, 18-29, not Jealous. ADN 1429 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP' SWF,'21, br. haîr, blue eyes, 513", -185' lbs., enjoy ouldoors, Co untr music & animaIs, seeklng SWM, 21-2, silm to average build who is fun & spontaneouq. ADN 1401. VERY ATRACIVE REDHEAD SWFj very attractive,! 5V8, redhead, tlu, ~ zleyes,,slim build, widow, love the rts, theatre, & have high morals & stanfi dards, arn intelligent,' honest & passion- aIe, seekIng genîleman,;widower or wel divorced. ADN 1409 BLONDE FEMALE SWF, 5'40, blonde, 12e Ibs., enjoy danc- ing, movies, having fun, seeking some- one who enjoys the sarne. AD# 1397 HONEST à SINCERE SWF, 46, 5'7*, blonde hair, slim, Mie cross country skling, biking, skating, very active, love travelling, iooking for some- one who is honest & sîncere, 40-50, lait, active & knows what he wanls lnlilfe. ADN 1363 SEEK INDEPENDENT MALE SWF, 19, 5'4". 115 iba., blonde'hair, green eyes, gýhl&y rollerblading, sports, swimrning, seeking man who is indepen- dent, knows where ho i s going ln lif? enjoys good imes. ADN 1370 SEEKING RELATIONSHIP SWF, 19, seeklng any maIe, 16-26,lwhlo enjoys movies & spending lime for a relationship. ADN 1372 GREEN EYES SWF. 21, black hair, green eyes,. 54-, 110 ibs., seekipig caring & handsome person who enjoys going out & having fun or staylng home. AD#N 1383 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 41, divorced, 5'30, 120 Iba., enJoy camping, fishing, -music & good conver- sation. Seeking man who knows how 10, treal a lady, 5'l11'" 180 Iba., 42-45. ADN 1427 SPOIL ME, SWF. 34. seeking mals 34-45. I enjoy' movies, Iheatre, walking. dinfing, evenings aI the pub. I want 10 spoil somebody & I wanl somebody 10 spoil me. ADN 1378 FUN lIMES SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyeg, 5'2T, affectionats, romantic, attractive, funlov- lng, seeklng omeone special toshore fun limes :gh. ADN 1386 TRY ANYTHING ONCE SWF, professional, Europsan. descent, br. shoulder length hair, br. almond eyes. -ln good shape, would try anythlng sornebody who Is kind rornanlic, caring once except skydivlng, would I Ike te likes kids. ADN 1402 meet new friends & share inimate.limes wth someone speclal. ADN 1390 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SF, 32, professional, Aslan fealures, CLASS & STYLE enjoy family,friends, romance, keeping SWF, 37, 5'5", 125 Ibs., thick shoulder fit, good food, good musie, travel, sportsi leghaubuim haîr, warm, ultra feminine, seeking maie frlend for possible long aetIonate, seeking man wilh good te~M rerationship. ADN 1411 morais, manners & means who enjoys good wine & company wllh a woman who has'casas & style. ADN 1389 WARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 5M', br. hair, bluer eyes, cartng, warrn Inqtlliàent, -loyal, romantlic, good sense eft humour, enjoy boWling.i, danc- ing, movies, swlmrning, seeking SWM, monogamous, 30-40, who can appreci- ate the above. ADN 1417 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF. 45, blonde haîr, blue eyes,'ftill-fig- ured, attractive, carlng, thoughlful, ind & penîle, enjoy camping, old movies, look- an for someone te Ireat me like a lady. ADN 1365 SERIOUS PERSONIL SWF. 43, 5', 1IqO Iba., br. hibu eyes, like le meet maIe, 34-48, divorced per- son only please. ADN 1436 BETTY DAVIS EYES SWF, 39, Betty Davis leyes, Iooking for - LONG BROWN HAIR SWF45'8", 18, long br. haîr, br. eyes, enjoy-dancing, raves, movies, sesking fernale, 18-22 ýo hang eut wlth & talk te. ADN 1350 ATTRACTIVEFEMALE, *SWF, lats 40's, attractive, enjoy mus(c, movies, casual diuqners, lqng ýrIves, nice svenings'at- home, sesking someone wilh sirpilar Inleresîs, must be'non- smoker. AD# 13?,7 SEEK HANDSOME MALE SWF, 18, 5'4', 105 lbs., seeking SWM, hâIndsomne, alhleic, 18-25 & inlerssted ln furtherlnàmoureducation. AD# 1313 DOWM TO EARTI4 SWF, 5V6, 135 Ibs.,, blonde hair, blus eyes, down 10 earth, seeking honest maIe, who likes te g o le the cottage& south 10 Florida. AD#N 1326 FRIENDSHIP FIRST SDF,. 41, 5!.3»,-120 Ibs.,-.enjoy ouldoors,- sotcmIngflh'ng,,godconversa- tion. â&dininpg ou' seklnmae,-41-45. 61. 180 ib.& no head gms ADN 1328 CASUAL DAT1NG. SWF, 24, Interested ln meeting sorneone for casual dating & later becoming ser- ous relatlonship.1 enloy dancing, dining,, sports, hikng & cyciing. ADN 1329 POSSIBLE RELAIONSHIP SWF, 18, 5V8, long br. hair, hazel eyes, seeking maIe, 18-25, whois honeet & enJoys going out, movies, spending lime alone, forfl ermdshlp & possible relation- ship. ADN 1353 GOOD T1MES SWIF, 40, 51, 107 lbs., model,'have one child, absoiutely love the ouldoors, skçi- Ing, cycIIng, camping, love 10 live Ide the way 1iis, seek male Who le Into good limes, good Iooking & a nice guy. SEEING RELATIONSHIP SWF, 18, Fe2, shQuIder length br. haïr, hazel eyes, seklgmaIe 18-22, who la honest &,enjoys moévies & dancing fori relationship. ADN 1367 BASEBALL & HOCKEY SWF, 5T2, red hair, enJoy sports, bade- bail, hockey, dancing, music, seekIng a man Who is wllling to have a good lrne &t party. ADN 1207 LONG BLONDE HAIR SWF, 18, lbng blonde hair, blue eyes; 5'5», 120 ibs., seeking handsome SWM, 18-25 who lîkes to gel down- & dily. AD# 1344 OLD-FASHIONED VALUEÈS SWF, 48, oid fashioned values, its no fun to te alone, seeklng maie 40-55, kini-, heatd goed sense of humour,* roman- tic &t lUIg to begin a reialionshlp.' AD#;etC~ 1 fHONEST à CARING SWM à1, honest,. carlin g, nlsrnoker, enjoyf sports, movies, walks, talkIng & romotic limes seeking F who la honest, good sense of humour. AD# 1418 SWNO COUCH POTATO 37, 6'3', 220 Iba.,gd ishae very- atve, e10 pia0y dtcamig fihlgcooinno depndetssek Ing srneone whlikes grage sals CONNECT WITH ME SWM, 26, 5,r, European, ohim, dark hair, br.: syes, hoping 10 meet some- body te connect wth, erljey bar scene, nighls ln, long walks looking te meet somnebody & start as ÏdesAD# 1448 PROFESSIONAL MALE SWM, 26, 5W8, 150 Ibe.,- br.- hair, br. sys, lit, attractive, seeidng miaies who are fit, attractive, up to 35. ADN 1406 ALL AROUND NICE GUY SWM, 20, 6'1*, long auburn hair, br. llkes .music & loves le play -hckey. ADN 1373 SPORTS & music SBM, 51, 5', mediumn bulld, like to' meel somneone who is Interesteci ln sports & muslc.AD# 1376. COLLEGE STUDENT SWM, 20,,collegestudent, Ilke to dance & party, seeklng someone te have fun wth who I can maice laugh & can make me laughL' AD* 1384 IRISH MALE SWM, 33, Irsh, career orlenled,,well balanced.I lfestyle, 6', l9Olbs., ne bag- gage, no dep endente, Inlereste I n* GOOD TIMES ' SWM, 6', br. hair, bNue yes, 218 lbs, Iooking for sorene o7cdostuif wlth. & have a good tlme.l1enjoyblklng, camping ýmovles. ADN#1379 9EEK FUN IFEMALR. SWM, 30, looking for a fun femaie.who likes te go*swlmming, movies, dancing, walks & dining .ADN 1387 OUTDOORS & MOVIES. SWM, 30, Q', 150 Ibe., seeking n/sniok- lng, easygolng female, 23-35 whe S ., idWELL BUILT JlJfl AD#W 1388 SWmd30's, 6', well »buitt, attractive, ,ouTb~ooR ACTIVITEs adore older women, sseking eIder,..SWM, 6'2, 190 Iba., long br. haïr, br. attractive, queen size lady le enjoy nt-eysgodcvralnallkeet mtae oompanlunshlp. ADN 1423 door IactivîtiQa watchlrng tv., like te SEEK TRULY WARM- PERSON meet ýa nîce, aleortislim wornan. Ir-,37,6' wll il. le *-"-", tlou nt AN19 b.hr, lue ss seeklng attractive lady, 40-609 hoIs frtendly & cuddly. ADN 1430 ENJOY OUTDOORS' SWM, 6'2», 210 Ibs., enJoy ouldoors, movies, dinfing, having fun, sesklng F, 21-28 who Mies te have-fun & la honest. ADN 1437 ATHLETIC &HANDSOME SWM, 6'2", 188 Iba., athlelic, handsome, new ln lown, like te meet someoe who is aIhIetlo, attractive, ambltlous,& lîkes to travel & havesa good lime. 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