Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1996, p. 4

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Page 4, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 28, 1996 Danerous drugs stôlen Sevonteen ampoules, of domorol -- considored a dangerous drug -- were sto- Ion from Osihawa Genoral Hospital on Saturday. Durham Regional Police Crimestoppers and Durham Rtegional police seek information to helpsalve a robbery that occurred ini Ajax on April 1. Around 4 a.m. a male entered Madsà MiIk, 34 Harwood Ave, S. Armed withÎ a knife, ho ordered the store clerk to lay on the floor. After forcing the cash register. the suspect fled the store with a quantity of cash, cigarettes and lottery tickets in a garbage bagf. The suspect is described as a maie inb is early twenties, five foot -seven inches, 150 pounds, wearing black nylon pantsý, black hooded sweatshirt, dark gloves, dark hat and a green and red pattern scarf that covered his facial area. The knife is described as having a wooden handle. Crimestoppers will pay a cash reward for any information that leads te, an arrest. Callers nover have*to give their names or testifyr in court. CaUl 436-477. carol 4SKINeCARE "Bat cr ro etopon Carol Walker Refioxology. Electrolyiss Facials.- Makeup Manicures - Pedicures. Waxing.- Gift Certificatos say this form of donnera) la a very patent narcotic and can cause death if taken in Oiccoss. The ampoules are five continietres (about two in- ches), clear glasis with 'Meperidino Hcl Injection lOOmgi'ml.' written ini dark red on the aide. They also have ' prin- dwteein a rodcir'cle. Anyone with information can caîl Crime Stoppers at 436-8477 or Oshawa Genoral Hospital at 576- 8711. 1 Education Ievy MRM PAGE 1 thon we have had aur fund- ingceut back considorably." TI 1990, the Ministry of Education reduced its over- aIl capital grants on a pro- vinoe-wide basis fromn 75 per cent to 60 per cent, shifting more of the fund- ing burden ta, local tai- payera. "What it meant in essence was that in any fast-growing cammunity like Durham the coat for any new achool construc- tion would ho borne fitrictly by local ratepayers," said OlIdman. "This meant we would cripple eisting taxpayers if wo asked tbem ta overcome the shortfall,'"»he said.* «We bad no choice but te follow the provincial goveriment recommenda- tion." Oldman rejected Robin- I M tieium LYft'&!À,L@IS] Il TREATMENT,, EDUCATION o PREVENTION Brock and Baywood Physiotherapy and Athletic lnjury Ce ntres have served the Durham Region for several years. We have buit a reputation of quality care through employing quality staff. Our facilities offer active rehabilitation programns and emphasize education and prevention. Through this philosophy we continue to grow and make changes to botter serve our patients, past and future. Alex MacCulloch and staff are pleased to welcome Annette Filipetto to our rehabilitation team. Ms. Filipetto is a registered massage therapist and a long time resident of Durham. Massage therapy is indicated for, soft tissue injury associated with sports or motor vehicle accidents, relaxation, headaches, and a variety of pain syndromes. As of September, Ms. Filipetto will be working out of Brock Centre from 11:00 arn to 2:30 pmn and the Baywood Centre from 4:00 pmn to 8:00 pmn Monday to Friday. She is looking forward to providing massage therapy t0 thé residents of Durham. Bookings are now available. BROCK PHYSIOTIIERAPY& ATHLETIC INJURY CENTRE 200 Brock St. N, Whftby Li N 4H5 666-8270« Mon.-Fri. 8 am-8 Pm Home of the Oshawa Generals, & Brookiin Redmen BAYWOOD PHYSIOTHERAPY & ATHLETIC INJ URY CENTRE 95 Bayly St. W., Suite 307, Ajax Li S7 427-21 sonsé senior citizens' argu- ment, by noting that seniors who, continue ta live in their current. homos would ho penalized. by hig- ber taxes. «'I'm not necessairily agreeing that this la the host way of supporting con- struction of, new schools," ho said. "But as1 someone who represents existing rate- payers, I don't want to burt them." Oldman' said the only alternative ta raising taxes would bo issuing deben- tures and ho does- not favour that option. "Wo could have a situa- tion where a student la paying for the sehool, ho attended and where la own kids are now going,» ho said. "Developers have ta real- ize that when they are developing their properties, we have tô put achools in those communities." Ste n Kassinger, past- p residont of the local home- bulders' association, pro- dicted that the Supreme Courtes rling will reach hoerond Ontaro's bordera. 'A number of provinces have been watehing it," said Kassinger._ «We will ses- quite a pro- ponderance of education devljmont charges masti- After ail the legal ar- monts have been made e issue bouls'down to one of fairness, Kassinger said. "New homeowners are unfairly burdened with paigfor building new schols"hesaid. "Education benefits ail of us and should ho funded by ail. A seniors' building, an industrial -building, which, impose no burden on local, achools, are paying the full abat." Kassingor said develo- Pers "take exception to the ract that we' are easy tar- ota" fraygovernment ~a nn ial problema. "W. have no vote or sm~ mnd the people who don t [ive there yet have no vote or » "ho said. "Itsa a classic case of taxation without ropresen- tation." Durham Board of Educa- tion chair Audrey McLean vas not available for com- c mont.1 *Windows,» Siding *Doors -, Patio Doors Heidi Schernpp FuhoédS Coré L ow Finan cing Av!ailabl 325 HiOpkns St., WbyLiN 2C1 668-2252 Local. Tories t.. o nnton, Durham CnteTories ivill moot next month ta choose dolegates ta the Ontario Pýrogressive Con- servative partys annual meeting in October. .The dlegte solectian meeting will ho ..held on v!onday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. Dn the. fourth floor at 220 )undas St. W. I r c I Welcome Henr Henry Wiliim van 'der Werf Bor. July 3 1, 1996 at 10:49 a.m.,,wcîjghing in at 7Ibs, 2- <3/4 oz. wvith curly dark hair and dailc cyes. First bom son of pmud parents Ilxwrms and Ron of Whitby. A special Thank You to Dr. Wcstgarth and the wonderful nurss at. Although theo meeting la open te the public, only members in good standinig of the Durham Contre. Pro- -gressive Conservative Asso-ý ciation .are eligible ta vote for or ho, delegates. , N'e provincial partys annual meeting will ho hold in Toronto during the Oct. 25-27 weekend. For further information, cail 430-8576. ROSE 0F DURRAM The Rose of Durham, a young- -parents', support, service seeka: volunteors to provide on-site child care for infants sud toddlers ,while 'their Parents are invýolved in,' oeducational porm; recruit, and collect, material. donations from.1 vanious sources in 'the, oemmunity;, a clerical SlIoe OfLjfer9 The Parti Ontario? ft was durlng-Myholday. 1mm waMtng for a prescription for Sarah at "h counter of a drug store near our cotage when It happenod. Beside mne was ai old man, woafrig a green tractor cap and a b air o f woelc pants. Ho was standing patientiy ln Hins witlng. b0 pick up some rnedlcation for his wlfe. The pharmacist rang It Up and told hlm lie arnount. He jusi looked at lie bu wilh dibélief. ni can't affrla w4 he sai. *1 havenl got hde lnd of monoy, you koe1 Idont veNe r had 10 pay this before.0 The pharmact dmie explalned ab~out lie now user fées kiposed by le provincial govommneni for ai mnedicaions, li e ductible and lie dispenslng *But 1 dont m*ke that mucti, how arn 1 suppased 10 pay? M wlfe needs lisua The druggmst lienpled aut samne forme aid started Sem noeds the dnugs now, tlis YwII atato long. What should 1 do, bury her, is liai wtat you waiia me exchange bocarneiehaed and lie man lofi the drug store wihhUa wtfets medication sittng an Mhe counIer. 1 don't know how lieealtie peaple feut watching tiNa exchango, but I1lcnow fthe emation liai I was feeling. ilwas shame. 1 f oit a sense of shame liai this province, tiNa govenmient hlas now corne ta lie place Maere lie elderly poor cannot afford lieu mecialions. To do this 10 one of lie most vulnerable seclors of oui saclety le appalling. Who, 1 wonder, la noxt? That answer becarne clearerai lie Premiers conféence i Aibertadiis parttwek Mecarea noxt and 1 have no doubti#tt Ill governt woul budellghted 1b do 1b lie Medcare systemn as a whole le have dom 1liet senlcrs' drug plan. TheE ýrcWenereport liai Messrs. Harris aid KMen have ennrsed1o;hejlI, guls oui healli care systemn and rernoves aiy way of enforcing lie standards of lie Canadian Healli AcL t lot surprisig li« Lucien Bouchard la sucti a big fan of iL After ail, why go lirougl lie riasiy bolier of an Independence refèerndum wMen lie altie premiers want 10 hand 1110o you on a plate. -ScregntAssaciaéon for everyone, crles F&.Narins, leader of lie Pard Ontario. We can now have 10 quoel-saverelgn nations wil lie federai governinenVa raie reduoed . o cuting choques., And national standards? Forgetit h. e provinces haven't beenalble ID agree on Internai trade or education maltra, why shd aion beliv imtat lieywouid ceaeatrlynational heàfi care syatem? Whait Mywantt s ledmedoli1brMn nprivate rmedicine so they cai bu lot off lie hock Raipli Mine has already tled lbaid had.10 back down because of enfcealienationa standards aid liï- clearly enages lie man wtio hiesb1pdvaize.Tme sam hola ue for our gmovmt.With lie healli caoe system.undor exten stress, hNo-ber healli care, business dmas for ricii. and backcf lie bus for lie middle clasa looks like a promlising alterntive.'1, We had fiencie whose mod itir itod lie UnfledSt W oYOaM ago for her hoIdas. She sustainod a bad faN aid was ln lptal foùr tvwukaSho lai nohoaliInaurance. me caseovwhatOHlP -ai were enormnous, doctors' bu ldctera followed lier naMntiad lesituation was a linancial nigNhme. Itl la BUll hauntlng lie Moile famîly. This could bu >voe lfamily or mine Kf ose aur htub C»' systom. You think ftn an 1 ms? elIbut t ai man up nofi nrliu#d thU e in lie situation whore ho coukiet afIord dnJgs for Nis wlfe, allier. Healli care la goang bo cal mrore. But Ild rater pay amnlilpromîum 10 OHIP li apy liem ucligramrsocietai costs af a two-tior system. Clvn~isb#wW7h Aëi te minLater of Westmninster LfldChurch~ His fisi book, 'Naked con a Snowbanlç w avaiàball C. W. ïHa> and Cotes book stores in Oshiawa. - Sunto S. C pciyEvlatos - g * gialCo suti g E u g .nlSevce

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