Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1996, p. 23

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Ice maldngbreakdown' WhltyFree Prees, Wednesday, September 4,1996e Page 2~ v.,. «~: K: lIN .~.% s. .~ 4. pRMM PAGE 1 your postedtimos. and everything." The criticalthing la that the ice surface is up and running by the fourth weok of Soptember bofore house leR eplay tarts, ho says. wJlehouse bague always starts the firet of October and if that thing'a- atili down by thon, wore in trouble oc aus al the rep teama have started league '4hat wuld put us inthe ditch again rosi bade Tho association has bogtse ice time i croroughte accommo- dat -ohrlevel'of rep teams, which will give the association a little floxibi- lity if "worse cornes te worse»o, Dancoy says. «But Iet'shoe that doesn't hap- pen. The .tryout achedule will now begin Sept. 6 and run throughi Sept. 15 at Iro- quois Park. Cail Terry Con- Name of ProJeot Location of Project Description of Project Name of Project Location of Project Description of Project Name of Project' Location of ProJect Descriptiont of Project MI I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I a The once a year rust gproofîng thatral' woks '4re mewe sT MffW Mis X/om # e Rust Check Application e 011 Spray Interior Shamnpoo e Shines e Fabric Guard :.LAk Th e Central Lake Ontario.Conservation, Authority In accordance with the amended Class Environmental Assessment .for Water Management Structures of* the Conservation'Authorities of- Ontarlo,- the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority may undert ake, in the 1996 calendar year, the, following projeots: MEMBERS ofthe. Whitby team shown following their Ontario bantam lacrosse championship victory were (front, lying on floor, from left) Joel Velle (30), Josh Colley (19), Kyle Wailes, Ryan Haber, Jay. Harrison, Bobby McBrlde,Trevor Dubien (kneeling), Mike Semreniuk, John Chesebrough (1) 'and coach Wayne Colley; (standing, from left)'Kurt'Pitters,* assistant coach' Ian Wailes, Shawn Stephens, Farren Whittaker, .ýStpen Hoar, Jet! Frazer. Mike johnston, VInnIe Crawford, RFyan, Salle and Lee Silverthorn. 'Not shown- are assIstiant coach Harold Hoar and tramner'Numner Haber. Photo by Mark Roosor, WyFreS Prms OPSEU. support safonsrk FROM PAGE 1 the employer would thon bargainu*i god faith.7 Casey said Durham Region 'OPSEU members' have been quite supportive of OPSSU durin ogtia- tions and that oa con- tingenît attendd a recent -* OPSEU, board meeting te protest the-union's bargain- mng position.. No further meetings bet- ween tho two aide had beoèn scheduled as of -Tues- day mornig. Five go9to Germany FROM PAGE 1 sorts of people who are,ý interested in what we have te offer. It's alniost like, the premrstp -- he's going te o in Germany teo on a trade mission. "I see ours as a bit of the same thing. Ail sorts of peple are going to ho in Germay wathingand lia- tening te, the symposium and our presentation 'and- oertaily if were the win- ner, wet t a lot of really, good stuif that we can mar- ktand make money at.», Ail nominated- boards, make brief presentations at the ceremonieu/sypsim Macean and Gren will mee 'wthGerman edu- caters'te, learn more about that country's system. S.Yeo, Green and Egan will take part in, the sympo- sium. SAs part of the competi- tion, the Durham . board submitted 'a .detailed description of its curricu- lum, and ,educational pro- gram. A -team of educational (.ad .other- experts visited the Durham board in March, and later a Germn film-maker was at Sinclair, te, shoot a 30-minute docu- mentary for German tele- vision and a six-inrnte ver- Sion -for the award cere- mony. Green, says the Gerinan judges were impressed by the Durham boards profes- sional development activi- ties and 'how the board supports classroom tea- chers. Sinclair openied in, 1995 with innovations such as directed study dàaysirregu- lar neiod lengths, built-in curriculum design time and teacher advisory groupé. Bail diamond removed FROM PAGE 1 "but the, after-hours use is absolutelj uncontrollable - it trnedinte a gathenin- spo suditwoldget a'b Ssure. Gamani ouldn't eaU-i. mate the -coat of MnStafin sud~~~ horeoigte dia mond'or acquinng sud -- stalligsooer post. "Baically what wo'vo bast la the coat of isaln it and nmre labour jst t remove itY Ho U-.said, the. backstep 'will' ,lotured ôver te min tenanice "and they11 find uses for it. "I doubt if we11 install ththugo. facility some- place else - lIâely what Woil do is use the materials te f>iup existing ones in Otherpýlàygrou4di.» If you'waut to drink, tà' yoUT bon. mIf you want--to Erosion Control Project on Oshawa Creek at Glenwood Crescent Branch 1 ot Oshawa Creek at Glenwood Crescent, Oshawa Erosion Control Works Pningle Cek Erosion Control Pringle Cek at Andeilson Street and Pningle Creek west of Michelle Court. Erosion ControlWorks, Bioengineering Lynde Creek'Erosion Protection Works East of Cochrane Street., North of Rossland Road Erosion Control Works, Bioengineering Subject to the note below, this projeot is to be carried out without further environmental, assessment procedures, on the basis that it islow in cost, limited in scale and has relatively minor environmental impacts. The Authority has a "Project Plan" on file in.the Whiting Avenue office for lanyone wishing to learn details on this proposed project. For further information on the above project, please contact: Namo: Mark Peacock, P.Eng. Titie: Project Engineer Telephone No.: (1905> 579-0411 - Cent rai Lake Ontario Cnevto Authority Address: 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa,'Ontarlo Li H 3T3 Telephone No.: (905) 579-0411 B. Nicholson, Chairman J.R. Powell Chie! Administrative Officer NOTE: Any person has the right to request the Minister of the Environment and Eniergy to require further environmental studies be carried out on any of the projects. A request to the Minister must be made in writing to the address set out below and a copy must be sent to the authority's address set -cutabove before October 14, 1996. If the request for f urther studies- is granted by the Minister, the projeot would become, subject to the requirements o! the amfended Class Environmental Assessmfent for Water Management Structures. Ministers Address: The H onourable Norman W. Sterling Minister o! the Environment and Energy 135 St. Clair Avenue West l2th Floor 2 Toronto, Ontarlo M4V 1 P5 nors at 480-9178 or DJancey at -728-0550 for more infor- m ation. (Thé comploteý ache- dulo ia olsewhero in this paper.) Association ,seeks volunteers Volunteerýs are needed for the Lung aociation's Lunga arelor Life porm now ini more tha 150 achools iDurham RegiOn, encouraging fstudents from kindergarton te Grade 12 not te smoke. For 'more information, call 436-1046. VOLIJNTEERS The Friendly Visitor program of the Victorian, Order of Nurses - Durham Reglon seeks volunteers. Cali 571- 3151. Cas3ey said OPSSU mem- bers have already gedt return the equiva oent'o' $14 000 per employee te OPýàEU through. various measures such as a $3- million pension surplus. ThIis compares te a- spe- cial dues assessment of $300.that OPSEU's 110,000 members wili contributo over the next two years, ho noted. "I don't think. this is an issue about mone o te the leadership of OPSEU, it's about power »said«LitCiây asey. «Lat Fida, the parties were not that far apart, but Leah Casselman refused te' budgo from their position. I think she wanted a strike.» Casey ch that Cas- selman not only «mirroredD what Premier Mke, Harris did in the government's contract negotiations with OPSEU, "but she has gone ïrther.» OPSEU issued 51. layof notices at the beIningof nectiations andOSU subsequently fibed a com.- plaint of unfair bargann with the Ministryof0 Labour. 'This is a power grab and an attempt te gut our col- lective agreement," claimed a blunt Casey.' AO9 Sespersn tfor OPSE wasnotim- mediately availablo for comment on Tuesday morn- Ù[nder the previous three-year contract which expired last Dedembor the avee salary for Ofl~SU memb ors waa about $40,000. Howover, Casey reitera- ted that OPSSU is not seeking any monetary im- provementa i these nego- tiations ad that the union appreciatea the financial froblema that. OPSEU 1 'Prior te the civil -service strike we could have struck ourselvea but wo, chose te wait until that was' over and'not 'ýusetho clout wo could havo e, o aid. "W. wero expoting that J I il i i t i

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