Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1996, p. 6

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'Pa-geF 6, Whitby lFrýeePress,%Wodnesday, September 4, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whftby residents for Whftby residents! MEMBER 0F: Canadian Communlty iI Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association Oshawa-Durham Home Builders' Association The Whtby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outtets in Whtby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. L28,500 C OPIES DELIVERED) WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GST ISSN#0844-398X Pubiished every Wednesday by 67720 9 Ontn . 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whutby, Ontario- Li N 51 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newspdnt with minimum 20% f* recycied content. using vegetable based inks. < *Al written materlal, illustrations and advertlsing contalned herein is protected by cý Any reproduction by an y means for commerciai purposes without the express permi thé newspaper ls prohiblted and is a violation *of Canadian copynilght Iaw. Reproduc non-commercial distribution should bear a credit ne to the _hitby Frele Pres: A favou rite' To theo dltor: Re: 811 Swan's ooiumn, Aug. 21 %The imbtaors.8 Thank you for recalilng one 0f my favourite storles. Imernory serves me, 1I rst met chalyGardon ln the sixges In an anthology, proba4y one of the Wst of fmzlgomplon. Flowers for..Aqbmon and Chady are usuali the story and' movie I suggest to people who dm they don't Ike science ficdon elbecause Irs ail about green men or bua- mionsters.m-- .- Uke Bill, 1 was Impressed by CUit Robertsons portrayal ol Chalad was eWjally =mprsse by the' sctipt't adherence to Flowers foi Algemon.. Even thaugh as i write this i has been a typca sunny day, alirs vmrds. added a Utie'extra sparkie. Once again, ýthani you. Gilli11an Howard Whltby Quite a hu To the oditor:' It was a plasure to hear th a huge fieid 0f y fivefo marjuana plants were sez ln Ajax through diligent polIc work 'followlng up a tip froun female citizen. What an exensive Impa this -wll have on crime1 Durham- Regioni Our childre will ho able te walk the stree again, vthout fear of hoir ~sedby some drug-craze sex offender with a knife some Cher blunt instrumen Our women wlill have ntake back ,1the nlght" and ma wander te their hearis' conter aftercarkc We can aven lma aur cars and homes uniockeg wh.n we leae them, withou fear of thet b>,- persan uniknown. Caonslder that wMthUt the flvg plants, ai toast one persan ha beer i crected 'away from aaRi Of 'crime selIrg ila substances. That's les expnseforcort systenis anc 11eca prisons. And thini of the seral peopto who WdI not become criminals -- suoldrigthe illegal product, no ta mention their tmproved health and reduceri ceaI o health .,car. Benefts 'al arurd. Wlh thisone a0f judiclous poUce wauI crime has ainosi: beeëeMdicated tri the- aiea. Notice' thal n hié--1 fottawing wed1e col>,crimereported was ci pssb e sXuel moiestation dh51nia>,have. hapend peior te 1980. On _ 1w.àmamm Mr 1h51 It ma>, have, been a persan an his way to skillng who found aia gun in 1h. street and was aI trylng to tumnatlnWthe bank ed when the tellers gai confused ce anid began stuffing arie>, ln a his sack. Mght it- ho a misunderstanding? And the. ict car thief apprehended ln Ajax ln doos rot count as local cr ime 3n since ho was fleelng froun ts. Bowmanvllle. There's no crime gln 1h51, but he 100k someone d elsees car when ho did it. Ho or was captured b>, the Metro t. police canine unît; so give 1h. n. dogs a ban., 1h.>, did a fine rijob. re Ta the unldentified' police d and citizen Invoivod ln this' it oporati, we can on>, offer a s hearty congratulations.' As 'a reward, perap we could e pravide the,=afiers0fthe Iaw* S early retirenients vwith fuily pald' e up pensions. With crime g abliterated, we have tleý need s of their services.î d lb. 10mai. citizen, 'should k alsohoerecagnzed as aperson il conmttD athe weifareofaiour yarea; rmaybe with acouplscO- t tenis as mayar of aur town, or j everi as chair 0f Durham 9 Reglon. 811e seemhs Ikel>, ta W«ote serve the-reqiuirements of these positions than saveral 3wha,.have held theun. Her tcontribution muai ho 1 with, o e bsthlig te o' oy 1about. We canr ma content ti nlçrl il 1h51 th. fild hohind an Ajaxidustal aIS free of potht a rellef i -~--- ---Do Youn Actual price.acqu'üis"ition'-"ý By Paul Pagnuelo .op Ilht. Rt put state and bcai tion forf poiidans on notice that, S. taxpayers were taking charge. The date was June 6, 1978, MMwhn Caifomians approved Proposition 13 by an oveiwheimng margin 0f two to one. The cltlzen-lnitiated referendum rolled. back property taxes, Umited future tax Nikes and put taxpayers ln, the drivéers seat by requlring Voter approval before new or SIncreased taxes coôuid be î»ve Imposed. stailw'Ity -tprovides. Since rellveWIew people plan on beling freuent movers, the asesdvalue romains wfthin the control 0f the homeowner until they soIt. Polticans and other 'tax and spen, d' eocates have palnted Proposition 13 as having had a disastrous "effect "n ,blcal government--services. But despite the efforts 0f th. public sector to hammer away -at its, suooessý with taxpayersé, Propoition ,fl 113 'romains bnoaçiy, If&FA *ourlmu l'O er While Proposition 13 Vsparked tex revoits in other states, for the average Y Gafomia homeowner it meant 3the threat 0 f ioslng their Or homes, because 0f skrokeig roerytaxes, S ttng r twas finaliy over. 1r Bmore Calfornias voted on îtProposition 13., property taxes Tp the editor: k averaged three, per cent of a propertys assessed ý vaiue. Re: *Two letters in Fre Press. P roperties not aniycoeuld ho, Aug. 28 Sbut were reassessed annuaiiy St actual values. i ommend Térence With high Inflation fueiing Scheitema., (*Incorrect increased houslng costs, Statemeénts made about. -annuai reassessment resulted McTeague' for having the In windfali tex revenues while courage 0f character to correct hurilng those on fied.incomes Nhs ,initial vlews conceming- 1by forcing themn to seli or bose varlous eV 'ents surrounding my, their property to the- tax Position-- as MP for Ontario coîlector. 1iii.Iagree wth hlm that 1 Proposition 13 was a saity uquickç judgments. can often check on a property tax cloud a progressive dialogue.0 assessment system that was Unfortunateiy, this wisdom -is out 0f control. Rt forced a. roll- bst on local Reform, Party, back 0f property taxes to 1975- spokespersn Mamee Stem In 76 ieveis, placed a on. per her iatst diatgdbe over the cent- cap, on property tex issuJe 0f capital punishment assessments, and limIted CWii MP represent .his future annual increases to tfflcorstituents?).. percent. Under Proposition 13, full. 1 9th century British Prime reassessment 0f a property to Mnister Benjamin Disraei market value does. not occur spoke for, ail 0fus who yeariq until a property selis. But the for objective ýcommentary7 by new owner is also protected offering that 'hen assesslng because of the twoper cent the' .aouracy Of, polticai limit on future an nuai opinion, one must first takeinto- Increases. -account, the.standing> 0f the Actual Price Acqluisition, or',opinionist.u the APA system, Int Calfomia. For, Marnme«-Stem, th!s, applies -te apartmnents' and means flo offering to readers >business propetty, as weii as tô that she is àa oemltted Refo*rm singie-famil>, honms. Party executive member who.. The Calfomia .APA system monitorsthe 'radio waves.,in means that long-tlme. property search of an opportunity .to, owners ,end up« with- lower co nco ct hypoth eticail assessmnt andi taxes over a questions, whc uld ,taler period -of lime, compareci to serve to advance her persona reerl sldsmilar homes in' aluns si secwlng r partysi the saune nelghbourhood, nomnination ioai.fas Mèore the*ssi value andj means 1h51 she is unwiling t6 taxes wouid ho much hiher.. accept that my record te date_ Maqyseniorsi C oria, of rqWng againstthe current etadded protection with o n behal f ose é»who eiectd APA systeun by belng aliowed Me, has meant' my position on'.j Iorhasea'»new hom'îe houer -maryi>Issues ,hasearned-. ý,SuIte f reien yekars, COnsiderable public attention.,i witout trlgerng a asesmn«iceaeon the,,<,Obvlous!y Mun>, several în-county. mes or to has forced '1 h. would-be 1 kitecout>,relcatonswhee aRolarm candidate Into 1h.futile 'C recpraalagreunrtlst..and ptof-pusut I lventing .r The1 erla PAle1.questions- 1which felUe L lAer taýmerdsln AssuaetasypW.aye-dsige assessmento tstem, APA iunsof1 diffit.to ac o eous0f equi.Al va u gh homy ife 0f. aeuaie alue may ndifferent tassessenths and tpay fernt taxes,-equty is what tnaxpoars tepercelveta o nafomqia1 Itht taxpaye stdard 0f qi .th at proprli, es prhasfo tà hen ame rcereardless as toulwhenthey wee bought 'shol pa te samet. -i9â Sprtme after a 1992hldý' Suèpeme C 3Fourt ruilng uphei Proposition 13, Fioridavoters Federation. onuirms for host and audience inlrdeed supportersi her own alike wfihy'the Reforrn, Party parly here, as wel as ,Reforn1 apasdoamed 'In the neii .ps in Ottawa, mst- notabiy' etéecin. Reform House Leader In the course 0f the radio Deborah Gru>, (Readers Digest inteiew ln question,; for which',. Nov. .1995). i hasten .,toadic she waS uldmaly that I.am,équeiiy delighted te uncereniousiy cut off b>, i.: haveê clvd and Coren, Ms. Stem d éaims 1h51 documented ,,her ýpersanal ,subsequent, open-Unie cailers. suppartfor rny stanceln opting '"dispiayeed thir angr. n-fact, S t 0 y Psgon F b aI the lest four, who calIed Ini 24.,11995. two were frounfour rtdIng, and' 1 weloome the chance- ait bahepressed st "gsupport meetingAM. Stemno h ,for' u>, many, , stances,,camplgntrali and wish ta, sfgges&ig, that whlle i ma>, not, .tiank her for provlrIng me, ye 1t hame re[evedhervote'în 19,a'ain, an apotnWtytset the i wli In 1997., rÉe= taght forconstituents ff Ms. Stem."-wishes ta about her mfotives. someda>, deal with. mal, issues- As -for ',bufingquestions, that invoive broad, public Ms. Stem, woYvui yu care ta opinion, 'she should talc ta tell us how mariy Club- those whO rmigN otherwse RVRoform ,Freqluent Wdter have beeri the ývlctlms0Of -her Points yauV'veemed In* your retributive capital .punishunentloer Wrddnýg cauMpagn,foôrý crusade: Guy Paul, Morin9, which the truth tW cleai>,n'O Donald Marshalli» nd Davidabet Mllgaard. .Puttlng aide.her - Dan McTeago, smI? partIsartý blinders, -she.--mtight. als atteparider,, as-I1have, the. unimpeacha toiýn lni ig , in by the Mahafy, andFe ff fanuln -.the, face of their. wro farsng trbuaIo,,ailhe -, PauiBen-ard. - . M- Sine M.Sem àsa knakToh etôr forthefanasloUt ollwsthat, her~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~w ersofhsoyl qau W use the parking >t ai 1h. 181 th r araetar Victoia stiéets. -meis lot li Edrmnd BuIkwas m'defeated akways fuillwhoer-.theIls aan for esp o, s g 1 h o e h a ve n t In 'f c~ a s m u i a s representalive was notnierehyr, lvr1.stetdet a ruberstap, a. cursory. oftg a pae asws"h ctmn In theim e huge arfr-rele kd'in and wasne e'defeaotecr -as a telosrr0uridZbpeopi r ,ofhis fmaverlk s- tatus tyng Io' paikthelr c ed dew noilt>, ( 1765- W . S re r n lrded *dadyil u siJua 1.4). how t 'Jckçs, affect ýour ýIves b 'ut Fkialy, ti m ddthtif M ,,~ongi WOUkidgreati>, Bhotatmek' ' j he nexi ite i ;c h, In, 1he local Ituck, tope l o mhshàuldnl forget thâà m"-iy- pa& illgally eta local sports also ~ aai .lchd u value assessmnàt ln favour of, APA. APA may flnot be the, systern that Ontadans woëuld favour.' But witheh Harris government' ready to ram. actual. value ~ assessmeènt downthe throats of munkcipai taxpayerswithout first consuitirg them through a referendum -tofind .which option thEW,, prefer,. Ontarlans can' only 'do a-àilwlshfui 'Cailfomia Dreamling! à Paul Pagnuelo là a member W ' OàtaoTxpyr -Whitby Chamber of Commerce Whitby Business Sin Action r- 1 bo

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