Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wodcnesday, September 25, 1996 SATURDAy marked the inaugural run of the York-Durham Heritage Railway between Uxbridge and Stouffville. Rides on the tourist train, which cost $12 for aduits for round trip and $6 for seniors and those Correction In an article about the Sept. 28 Andre Gagnon con- crinls ek9=oit ould been stated tick- ets are available at the Whitby School of Mugie, flot Thomas Housie of Music. OSHAWA CENTRE INVENTORy CLEARANCE 5O0*y OFF ALL INVENTORy including ISale on until rMon. Sept. 3Oth DQN'T MISS OUTIl Osawa Centre 723-9919 aged four to 12, MI continue on weekends and holidays. (four Urnes a day) until Oct. 20, and then begin again on Victoria Day weekend next May.Phioto by Garrtt Dunne, es pu. Cinefest Durham will hold a fail mini-festival later this month. The non-profit film grou~ has scheduled Antoniasà Line for ThursdaySeDt. 26, Cold Comfort K Farfo Sunday Sept. 29 and Liong Day's iourney Into Night on Monday, Sept. 30. Ail films begin at 7 p.m. at Famous Players theatres at the Oshawa Centre, under a special arrane ment between the fil group and the theatre. Admission- is $6 (or $5 with an annual member- ship of $5). For more information. caîl 1Rick F'iek at the Osh- awa Public Library at 579- 6111, ext. .220. 105. Coiborne St. VT 430-4547 This Weekend - 9pm-lam LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fr1. Sept. 27th & Sat. Sept.28th TIM HEWIE TUESDAY - 8pm WvEDNESDAY - 8pm ALL 1,UfNCII ITENIS o.nly $3.99 Choose from: Liver & Onions. Shepherd*s Pie. Hot Beef, Burgers. etc. amokwie-frdnlgares.r The annual apple festival will be held at Watson Farms, 1583 Maple Grove RdRR2 Bowmanville on SunPday, Sept. 29 and Sun- EmiIyCrr on video There will 'be horse- drawn wagon rides (Se pt. 29 only), a juming castie, fopaintimg and an array A video about Canadian artist Emily Carr Will be shown at the Robert McLaughlin alri Oshawa on TGsall ey 8 Herongate Ban DINNER THEAFIE Hilarjous smash Hit Comedy «RunFor Your Wife Ihurs. tliru Sun. from Sept. 6 until Nov. 2nd. Dinner, Show & Taxes Starting at $32.95 Clip is ad and Save $aoe ThurS., Fr1. & Sun. OnIy Group rates available.. For monc information caïl: 2 P.m.'. , , The video is being sýhown for Womnen's Hlistory 71nt in October Restaurant & Sports Bar 2 LB RINGS &L JUG SPECIAL Every nght e bar only £ k, r&wkfst Saturday & Sundy 'SPECIAI- a BuoneCnea oeI0r FOR YOi >d e0'ft-& AT 1/2,PRic-E OLT delivers on b ackstage farce By George Kufn Oshawa Little Theatre has gotten the new Durham th.eatre seasn off to an early start with NoissOffa light comedy romp that shoots light-hearted barbs at the inner circles of the theatre world. The play-within-a-play format allows playwright Mlichael Frayn to cleverly show us what happens on both -ides of the curtain during an ill-fated tour of a farce called Nothing. On. The firat of three acta is slow going, since w. are lot in on a strai.ned final rehearsal of the play. However, it *lets us get- to know the characters, so w. can appreciate somo of the more frenzied action tocéome ini the second two acta.* If you show patience with that fifrt adt, and oeloka few lapssin British accent- making, you will, be rewarded with a-msn poek bèhind thesaneausihe backstage politics and znixed- Up romances of the s3tressed- out troupe. 111 A few standouts help the nine-person cast through the show, which requires deft timing and a highi ham quotient;" Donn 1a Graham is perfectly unflappable -as the self- possessed young actress Brooke, vainly oblivious to. the fr-antic goings-on swirling around her. Mke Trites contributes some fine physical comedy as Frederick Fellowes, and Deb Smith is appropriateîy vuinerable as the put-upon stage assstant Poppy. Carol Laing and Ted Woodhouse are nicely cast as two veteran members of the strgglnig cast. And Dob Smytli' adaptable set practically becomes a tenth cast member, letting us watch the action on bath aides of the curtain. Noime Off, directed . by D'AcySmyh, continues at th saa Little Theatre the next two weelcends. For more information, cali OLT at 723-282 Entertainment Fr1. Sept. 27th & Sat. Sept. 28th .JIM O'GRADY Now taking Christmas bookings ferr tai nihonâst fâdIitu., HERiTfARAJWA 1 Whithy Fr» Prm 'l 1