Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25,1l996 ýOlympics o.f science The Durham Board of Education's ninth annual Secondary School Science Olympie competition wiil be held Friday, Oct. 11, 9:30, a.m. to 2:.45 p.m., in the gymnasium at Sinclair Secondary School,,Whitby. Each cf the Durham boards secondary sehools has been invited toesend a team made up of three intermediate students and three senior students.. The competition will ~9J Chiara Campitelli « Trafalgar Castie consist cf six activities. In the morning, students *will participate in mmnd bender challenges, testing preconstruction models (mousetrapmobile sud sneak attack>, solving crosswords and identitying laboratory equipment. Fermi questions and an engineering activity will take place in the afternoonn. Judging and an awgrds presentation will complete the day. Jennifer Haynes L i A Father Leo J. -Aùstin It seeme as thougi everyone at'Austin je bac] into the routine and ready for another challenging and eveutful year. The Welcome Back dance held last Wednesday night was a tremendous succes comploe with three video ecreens, lots of terrific prizes and, of course, the beet al request music. Thanke te ai who came eut for what was sure te be the firet of many amazing Austin dances. The Wildcat ie back on the prowl after three monthe of reet, aud many Auetin teams are already savouring the eweet taste of victory. Lasi weekend the senior girls Youth can take chalIlenge Ontario youths aged 18 to 25 who are lookcing for .adveture and who have an interest in global development, are invited te apply sud participate in Youth Challenge International (YOD) projecte in Costa Rica and Guyana. YCI ie a non-profit organization whose mission is te foster global sud youth development by acting as a catalyst for locally identified cormunity projecta that are implemented through the collaboration betweeu Youth Challenge participantesud . local communities. Young people from across Canada sud around the world will work on a variety of co mmumity developmnent, health sud environniental prjcsfor 10-week periods next sunimer,, under the guidance of experienced volunteer groûp leaders and. preject managers. The deadline for participant applications for projecta taking place next summer la Oct. 4. To receive an application and more information about YCI oeil (416) 971-9846 ext. 300, or see the YCI web site at http://www.yci.org. h basketball team won th k consolation championehipa y the Anderson invitatione d tournament, defeating Pin e Ridge 82-67 in the final. ýt The senior boys'volleybal a team muet alec b, commended for thel 0 impressive win over Sinclai 8 in their Besson opener las -week. The boys easily woi 1 their firet match 15-2, an( B although Sinclair came bac] V etrong inithe second, Auetir won 17-16. The Austin boys' soccei f' tesmes travMeled to Courtice 5ou Sept. 16 teo pen theiz 3 essons, etarting with the bjuniors who turned in a convincing 7-1 victory. The senior boys were not as tortunate, and despite a great display cf tenacity sud ekll, euffered a 5-4 defeat. Congratulationç are in order te the junior girls' basketball team for their firet. league win over Courtice, 49-31, and, te the midget girls for their 67-11 victory. Looks like tJe Cat je back on the àttsck and better than ever. -The Wildcat je alec getting the year off to a good start off the fi eld as msny of Austin's clubs and organizations are back lunfuM swing. Laet week the aerobice club, athletic association, yearbook committee and Amnesty International greup alI held their firet meetings. Some new clubs have established themselves tbls year as well; such as the sewing guild that held its firet meeting yesterday under the direction of Ms. Proulz. Austin's histery club had *its firet meeting aset week, wth promises of real lite, real drama, real history. Anycue interested should -talk te Mms. McDonald for details. Austins fine arts department continues te ezpand with the addition cf two new clubs - the gospel choir sud Grade 9 baud. Neither ef these clubs requires any previeus experience, 50suayone je welcorne te come out sud make some music. Well, Austin, I dont know about ycu, but with ail the flurry et activity, Frm just about eut et breath.for this week. Until we meet again. Class tricks CHARISMA THE MAGICIAN mystifies his audience at R.A. Sennett Public School's meent fun fair and barbecue held to raise money to put in a playground at the King Street school. Photo bY f rk Ree8or. Whtby Fiee'Pres Each week is getting busier* at, Trafalgar as the firet month of achQol ie coming to an end. Last week was very excit4ng in sports actiyities. We began Mondaya tr a visit from the school photographer, with the firet set of house games. Maxwell and Carter played the opening game cf house soccer on our square field, while Mre. Campbell, our head of athietice, was -referee. After the game, won by Maxwell, came practices for the soccer, swimming and the under-14 baeketball teame. The following day, it was Farewell and Rare house Who challenged each other on the field. Farewell wae the lucky winner. On Wednesday, in our firet actual independent echool games, Trafalgars3 soccer tearanlheaded off to Colmtry Day in Klng City where they lost 4-2 in exhibition, both Trafalgar goals scored beautifully by forward Asha James. Miss Hughes, team coachi, was pleased that the girls played e.xtremely well for their opening game, especially in the second haif .when we ehowed much more aggression. While the soccer team Was away, Country Day's baaketball teams travelled to Whitby to play the firet Janice Saywell Anderson C.V.I. Hey, ail you Audereoniansi My name je Janice Saywell, sud I'm a Grade 12 studeul at ACVI. Blair Niblett and]I -will be altenatîng each weeh te bring you news of what's going on around Anderson. The cross-country Trinity College meet wss a great success iset week as the ACVI team tuned up for the taîl season. Amfong the tep, finishere in their categories were Chris Porter, Amanda Kuiken, Drew Taylor sud Lee Hruska. Congratulations te ail who competed. If you would stI like te join the cross-country team, see Mr. or Mirs. Dobos. In basketball, the midget girls started the season with a 36-27 victory over Eastdale. Andereon's echool play this year will be Shakespeare'e Romeo and Julie, sud will run Jan. 8 te11. The drama will teature David Huculak and Andrea Cook in the title roles. The drama depsrtmeut aise has plans for other performance opportunities, iucluding. the always auticipated Spontaneous Combustion sud theatre sports. Reheareals for Romeo and Juliet will be'on Monday and lunch, and Wednesday and Thureday after echool. Break a leg, cast membere! Speing et Shakespeare, tickets for this faietnip te Strattord sold eut quickly. The bus leaves Oct. 24 te see a performance et Kng Lear. IIow are you going te spend your March break? At home? How do Paris, Provence and the Riviera Sound? The French department le organizing a 10-day trip te these tamious places. A reasouable $2,100 includes transportation, hotels, two meals per day and guided tours. This je a on c'e -i n -a -l1i te t im e opportunity, and there are limited seats available, se don't mies eut. See your French teacher for details. Get the tacts, then get the "vax." Hepatitis B je a serieus disease that can lead te liver damage or even death. Niuety per cent et victims recover after being eick for weeks, but eue per cent die withiu weeks cf infection. The other nune per cent carr the disease forever, sud could infect someone else. Te avoid becomlng another etatietic, get your vaccination. It ie. available for studeuts in grades 10 te OAC. Your request form should have been submnitted te your homeroom teacher teday (Weduesday), aud vaccinations will be 'given Oct. 21 te 22, Nov. 27 te 28 sud April 29 te 30. Remember te, eat a good breakfast sud lunch on these days, sud wear a tep with loose eleeves. officiai, game in Our new gym. Trafalgar's , .undér-16s, coached by hMs.Murphy, lost 30-8. Two points were shot by Dana Nielsen,. two by April Lam, and four by Shannon Botulenko. The under-14s, coached by Mr. McClure, won 27-13. This je a team cf 18 talented gis, sven of whom are only in the seventh grade. Baskets were shot by Paige Cannon, Uisa Foresta and Siobhan Dunphy. Our basketball teame travelled to King City on Saturday for the 25th anniversary games at Country Day. The under-lOs lest 39-10 and the under-14s won 23-17.' On Thursday, Carter and Hare housse played another game cf soccer. The nice weather brought out more energy from the playere, however, the sun shone upon Carter as they beat Hare. Trafalgar held a wie and cheese for the Parent's Guild aeeenbly on Friday. Parente had the , opportunity te Iningle with each other, learu about ways- they can get involved in - Trafalgar'e* programe and chat with teachers. It was a pleaâant evening. In addition te, basketball and soccer, our cross-country group and equestrians are. also active and practising. Vtescet., ~oo- If you have any old Pringle Creelk T-shâirts or any Pringle wear, your old echool could use it. The cross-country team needs te be dreseed in echool shirts for team meets. ContactMres. Rodgere right away. The firet edition et The Final Word, Andereou'e etudent uewspaper, sud Durham's longest-ruuning studeut paper, le due eut monu. The deadline for etories was on Friday, sud should prove te be Anderson's beet se, far. Tie year's editore are Amnit Seth sud I. If you are intested lu helpng eut, contact us any time. JJason Collier Henry St.,H.S. As another bustling week et Henry lite comes te an end, sud with mid-terms looming ever dloser, etudents are busier than ever. There was another draw lu the cafeteria for the Sympatico software. The lucky winnere were Adrian Longinore, Matt Jenkrins, Kevin Casey, Shaun Holuepe sud Shannon -Dowuey. Stscey Hardison was the recipient et the- electronic organizer. There wifl be another draw next week se, visit the cafeteria sud fil eut a ballot. Membere eto the. crosb team kiclked off their Besson country runnmng team began with 17-16 sud 16-14 their sesn with a strong victories over Pine Ridge.1« performance at the Tninity This Friday HAC is Harnier meet. - hosting s student/teacher Thé midget boe' volleyball floor hockey game, se flnda team started their eeason partuer and sigu up outaide with 15-8 sud 15-9 victonies the wemeu's phys-ed office. over Pine Ridge. Mike Shaw This new activity at Henry sud Grant Mowe played should prove fun for al especially strong games for involved, as weil as providiug Henry. enicyment for spectatore.' The boys' soccer team Driver education ecored an exciting 2-0 victory applications are uow over St. Mary's. Scoring for available at 'the' office,,fOr Hemyj were CliffO-oppolino auyene interested iu and John Lawrence, attending. Classes will begin The senior beys' velleyball Oct. 1. ý r;ý

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