Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesda .y, September 25, 1996 P r 0 ~ s ~ ~ ~ t I i c f l f o ~ H u r s ~ o n d a b P r d a y , ~ : O. . . ..t. . ..p. .. . . . . .O 5 9 HOME RENoVATIOM restoration. .Plans, Inspectionsý ,cary, plumbing, Conefahion' Cait jacques0r 1 Trce.ASHRAE #2o53385, PAIN11NG &' PAPERINc3 "LET GeoroeIDO irReloble e arwS, ywork. pca rale FosIn.-exible boms, =Pt srviSfree estimates. George 666-1168. MENARD & SONl PLASTERING. new & repairs, stucc, concrete, pargtng, cracked foundations repaweéd, paindn~iteruor & exb« ple3thmomand roc. rooms. 15 yasexperiene. tnsured. Free estimates. MATURE MEXICANwma aaibefor aithouseho ddtiS Iluigcoldr2and babysiting. èalPl665-7648. REUABLE HOMECLEANER aval"beom ences ancaikRefw Cati 434-2610. avule MAR IGOLD V NDOW C eanin g ELECTRIC A4, ET O ic E I R E T J OR A Nl O 2 VNY , U h Strd aoo ooknd ow o r fo$2 . Atinr # 22 8 e ao. F«service - aOur experienced and profesionai w2 ch . i'en <ICh o n ih4~W windws oty $500. ýt upgracles, bserent Wtring,aMw-m pc~lwtkc- fyo eea chairs. Doube kimtchnsn LaIi 'I lrfe sonal si s M a co y sY teM a & 24 hour s e<ic . For a a P OInt in equre mo oi ents. Flare s 6 Do1"78.4 j<~w- ~fiée quote cali Frank at 666-0193. estmates. Work guarateed. Caree __66__-1378._ HANDYPERSONIS - Repalr, mantenrand jminorrenovatiors b home, tard or warclrobe. Cali Bul or Mar", i.u-728-7346. CAKES FOR weddin sbirt-idays, showers, Chnistenngs etc. Specialty and custofi'mamde. HunchbaecK, Salor Moon and many other characters avaitable. Cal Occasionai Cakes By Giertys. 666-0366. HENK KARELSEN Pamning& Homie Repair. Quabl Work. intenor/exterior. Over Oyears experience. No job loo smalt. Fres HOUSECLEAtNNG S our sgDecioltY. [Doneby two omen. relable, d wwnn~raoo ratmes. CoanrMe %6"-639 ior Moggie 430-8769. "HANDYMAN WMH A VAN' wiil ris household nmvkg & sterage ciean-ii>s anidremoval, geera repairs and electrical w r Ca Doug (905) 434-7874. 2 REUAB3L., responsli ladies will dlean Y&'home. reaences. Starts af $5. Pea cau 666-1728, Trade. HOE CLEAÀNER: e eried, honestrelable w h terrifie refe»rnes anid Incredibie rates! Evn rs es bouseplntI cWese John at i90>45-eg or cellular phone, (905)7 18-958. ?4ea « &ged a 4pad. CAIJ PRIY LUNE IEPTH POOLS Ber Lquor 9 Wine 1 Home Defrery incudes: ChemaIs (shock & aIgde) Ajax - Pckenng - Whitby - ($6 per dehvery) lite*eueii Drain pump, filer (~AI 63- 57 &heater * Remove ladder &bor CALL683 l 57 1 0Caver pool 665-9006 TRIE aJTYING Futty tnsured FreEstimatesj~ pager 721-7304 ACCURATE CONTRAC11NG *Home 1imptveme*nts (~ " Basermts 1 " BUiding Maintenance 1 KIche& BamSm FREE EST17M4TES. 905-662185 D&iGenC. Ce OtrClin .... ... . . .D ... .. . * In~rtodngSon r Specializing in Pisa stone.' Cati (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 Diii IB Gone *Unffomed worlcers 2 m Experenced *Bonded *Free estimates Cali Whitby (905) 665-7762 Marlcham (905) 887-9831 END YOUR housecleaning nightrnaes. Caou Patricla for: Wnmacuiato restsiow pries, éfficlent, edbe servie, matre responIbindivdual. Gift certificates' availabie. Free estimatos. 430-3383. AT7URE HOUSEKEEPER, maay yea's of e4xren. Goeat referenes & feie ln price. Cou RENOVATI0S AND home repaire. Plumbing, le andd ckwal M repi and new work Installaaions cf showsis tub surrounds and taps 30 enoe. Bill HcpeCR' *atig, 568"-242. FLOOR REFINiSHINO - wood. renoe Wsr ittdo a professional job aitiot sand refinished w-l 665-7o8.Ait work The COMPLETE ROOF OVERHAUL Roof Maintenance Package inelue lboZr à materlals Preplace aIl massnqshingles ' asteile ae hingles .^ ZeatClahie a0darem ' mpair rige cpskt.. -seat araund sae stacks ..'~ ~~~' setaan aiaypipe we seat arouncisylgî -e sea arucr ven -seat amounci chimneys .secure baose naîls we checkc for bloclcec eayestraughs, .'cec fpr blaciceci dwnspouts aseur al base flashng .remove damaging tree-branches *checkc chinefy flues plus carrplete roof inspeclio LYNEBROOW MAKE VOUR WEDDING DAY ~emore meoral W toe Gift of Musie. Solo promacsfor ceromony cokals androekn Varnety o( pop anad tradl~n musto. Cait Kathy for a free conslUtaton, 4167248151. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne Seo us for ail your seiwing needs. Leather, zîppers, aiso mens tBilortng avouable. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:W, Sot 9-3 133 Byron St N. Pearson bones 43e6550. PAINTINO - interlor/exterior. Let the profesinouds bondie itm20 yeams exienoe. Dependabie qutiY wor Seniors discount CatI YOUR #l SEWING. CENTRE. SO win oh e re ais.A il m ak es. 1 0-xl dio scountComplote tune-u from $29.95 + prs F-acbry trained technicians. o tee k-up& deiivery ca AWAN' SU-UON -con custom desn bddal gowns, Wrlemais Mo ieadressesbusinesssuits, prom dresse. No patlem needjed, xm.t brfri a Ëcture. Alteations also aaiLabl. r« point ca l PI-OTOGRApg.y. DisIIn«iV prtab. Stuio or ln home. ribieysýe cidren, familues. Packages from $29. Also: weddings from $59, cdd photos copied & restred,croat& Auto/Marine Upholtery Cesterîjeld suites, sofa beds, Auto/Truck Accessories mattresses & much more We covelr Ïmost deductles FREE Mobile Service 619-6507 __or 619-6508 McKEEN i 07 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa 112, JOMl DEERE TRACTOR kun nm ~deck 48 snow Wower, $1700. 13'te's a& rm. Ait season. iteriocking Stone - retaining walis I wood fencing &deccs j Written Guararitee IF YOU DON'T HAVE S AL OT 0F TIME, ) there's something foreyo ne. i n the Classifieds. Wethr you 're buying, selling, rentîng l ooking for ernployment or services; jyou're sure to get resuits. C ail our Classifjed Dept. Today 66>8-6111- DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTUSING OS MONDAY Mml AT NOON- IBM PS1 COMPUTER WiTH Microsoft 5.1, etc. Good working condition. $275. Epson 24 pïï printer, $75 or $300 comfplote Fridge/stovoJlashivrd er/woo d taieWhIt chan d a 550 YaraIa Motorc ycl aCe rtfl d - ail weat pries.. aui excelent WncIng cdib.Cati 579-8466. OAK BRANDAOGAS ih room t"blewth six U=hlir~ chairs. Neutal colour. laI $300ý tokesIL 725-6757, Oshaa. TOILET WITHBUIIT-IN FUMp for basefmt on septlo system. A'10 snkpump. boftu Ike MEDICAL SCOTER. <mreat. conclion $200obo. Uttromatia bed. m Walker, transfer pois, et. aMam saw$450.* 486 Wood tathe, hand letc. Best offer. Everngs (0)3-27 FIREWOOD, SEASONED scftwoad mIed pop.ar wilow and Mbiba n ifparce cord PIONEER AM CD and cassons wiftu buRltmeualizer, remato. New $1,500, $0 or best offer. Precision power promos 450 amp. 4 charnel 50 watts nS channel, new $3,&)d, soit, $706or ASSORTED -BABY item. Toddies car booster, new, $3. Hardwoadsoisdty lae, $8. Hiah chair, $30. Uttie ykeÉ -boccier - -t $10. Umbrolâafsbfler. $20. Quibtd cribrmattres cover $5. White crib dust ruffe, $10. ishe Prie nursey monhito, $35. Baby bath, $10. Jiijwper bb exorc.iser,$10.CUIB39gym,5 Othér itms compresso, U'dhi stolomn ski, nea-Iy new, $100. Ab-Floe4as seen on tv., wlth vldeo, noverused, $50. BrooNcin, 655-4017. STOVE; KENMORE Mark Mli. Atmonxd wclur. ln 9oconcition. Msking $150. 433-015. FOR SALE. ELECTic sTov. 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DIPNGroam sot. Daziçer woodîbross 0 nshinga. Lyre boca cais* Soefcin at FIREWOOID. Excellent, dependjje #MWledqualfty. Extra gottme fully seasoned., Cul & Se:l-!4onSmî measurement. Fre délive1y* Kozy Heat Fireod 905-753-2246. EELSES AND Contact 1. E ,fol u iar aI $199, p et second pi otc renSfree.Disoun foôr senioris a idbr n j u 10 afrang. Eyeexams COUNTRY LAMPS, pine cupboadsheives, Curo,.-CD, V". D Lant stand nmlaowave stnd.Bufts, bencesmîrrors, quit racks, drnr.Cso WELL SEASONEDi>trewooci for sae . haO .kInditng, hait IàC ce , acecors. uhcorda Pick up or deliver. (W05) 649-3183. JUDY'S BRIDAI. RENTAI alfor&Mablwskng gowns bo buy or rent. Largo selectin of sizes aid ; s . ni m t cllJuva ROMAND MARKEr, wine season. Ge direct from Calfornia thgmg e firat week ofl Sepkomber. Jule aid -ai equipment for wtne. Romeno Nlr & Deli, 650 Tauintan Rd. W. Cocen 7 days a week. 728-5207. 28SES F GOLF CLIJBS . $5 & 20.2 10 .1 meta4wle, 1= $5i 0 Dota Video rcre Mtillt . ' cShak0 -. HOCIKEY -BAY SPORTS ANNUAL. YARD SALE ietrng the oest prices anywhee À New & used equipment A Full skate exchange- A Brand name products A Discontînued, end of line, non currents, ail at Clearout pnces!!! THREE, DAYS ONLY Fiiday, Sept. 27th to Sunday, Sept. 29th' 980 Brock Rd. S. Y ARD SALE. 407 KENT St, Whity.SaturdaW, September 28, YARD SALE. 6O UGMAR Masie Crs.tu=mber25be h baby eitpfmnt. 90B 05O GARAGE- SALE. Saturday, v 8h.9a- 4 pm. M io1 wntg<1roeiland-fod dobrs, mbcrwae. vertica blinds, patio sý ý<~eat stops, vMlous hitby. ms219 Le Ave., YARD SALE, Saw'day, Septomber 28, 8-1 p.m. 508 Centre SL. S., FOUR FAMILY YARD SALE aI 83 Cais St. Saturday, Sepiemfber 28, 8-2, p.m. No eoefy birds. Baby* ciths, fumiture, computer games ami much more. I ILBY YOURwantied Item contente. Com 728-848 IGUANA FOR SALE, 3'" on,.and DO YOUJ LOVE YOUJR hors? Corne board wth us and-ideax. ~~ Exoelentoee FREE TO GOOD HOME. Mother "3xid3ont od MIen. Indoorcote.- Cali579-3994. preai, icldesta,, for 25wrs ro -"I -e> 1 MMA.Gm GENERAL CONTRACTING " Renovations e Basements " Retrofit - Finish Carpentry , Hardwood Floors Custorn Built-in Closets, Organizers and Wall Units * Fences- Decks d&dbdb- Cý»à4ý2«» 1 m

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