By Steve Leahy You May have noticed that several emali Planes were buzzing over Brooklin last Tuesday between 6.and 7:30 p.m. Passengers in each of the four planes that circled the village were from the lst Brooklin Guides. For -many of the girls, this was the exhilarating thrill of theirfrst trip in an airpiane. And for ail it was a unique experience of a bird's-eye view of their homes and neighbourhoods.. Brooklin's Bob Heron and three friends out of Oshawa Aîrport generously provided their planes and services as aeriai tour guides. When asked how they enjoyed their ffight, the umiversal response was "It was awesome!" LIONS bMTING This Wednesday, Sept. 25 the Brooklin and District ià ons Club will hold a dinner meeting at the Brooklin CommunitY Centre on Cassels Road East. The meeting starta at 6:45 p.m. adinterested newcomers are always welcome. Cal Neil at 655-4065 or John at 655-4640. CRAI@T AND BAKE SALE St. Thomas Anglican Church is planning to hast a cake and bake sale at the church and wants to know if anyone or any groupe would, be interested in setting up a table, The sale is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 9. For more information, caîl Lynn at 655-8340. ROAST BEEF DINNER Tickets are available for the United Church's annual "delicious roast beef dinner" on Wednesday,, Oct. 2. There wiii be two sittings, 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Some terrific pies will be among, the dessert offerings as well. There is *aiways. a seli-out s0 be sure ta get ytour tickets eariy. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for those under age 12, free for preschoiers. To get tickets, cali 655-8762 or the churnh during office hours at 655-4141, -or'contact any maie member ' of the MS VOLUNTEERS Thue Multiple Scierosis Society seeks volunteers intereèted in sering as board or committeeJ members. Send a brief letter ta: Search Committee, Durham Chapter, MS Society, 375 Finley Ave., Ajax, b LiS 2E2. f congregation. FALL DANCE The fret dance'of the faîl season will b. held at the Masonic Hall, 14 Casuels Rd. E., on Saturday, ct. 5. There will be live entertainment featuring the Mike Macgillivary Band, a cash bar and a buffet. Everthing starts at 8:30 p.m. and tickets are $7.50 for each person. For tickets, ' caîl Dave Burleigh at 6553738, Don Vipond. at 655-4953, Paul Brown at 655-3223, Brent Bayley at 655-5943. RiEDAY COMING The Optimist Club of Broaklin will hold their annuai Kite Day on Sunday, Sept. 29, 1 te 3 p.m., but thjs year it will b. at the new Optimist Park at Cassels ]Road and Watford Street. There will be races (the ones that got rained out at the Park opening) as well as carnival games and face painting organized, by the Brooklin Pathfinders. And if you'd like a late Sunday lunch, the local Boy Scouts wrill el hot doge and drinkcs. Everyone is invited ta >ring their own kite - and 'or those without kites there wrill b. somne available. .Always a great afternoon, be sure te corne out. Octoberisa "scary month" at the Brooklin *Llbrary Children's Club. On Saturday murnings it's the place te b. for ids aged four and, over who want te get into the Halloween spirit. Movies and readings and dress-up are ail part of the fun from 10:30 te 11:30 a.m. No registration is rfquired. Mom and dads can either drop the kbdsoff or oit uIJatMmr and enjoy an -hour on their own ti the library. Cali 655-3191 for more information. Here are a few more groaners courtesy 6f the BLCC te get you in the mood. Q. How do you keep, fies -out of a haunted house? A Put screams in ail the windows. Q.- What do witches put on their hair? A. Scare-spray. Q. What do y\ou oeil two- spiders that were just. mnarried? A Newlywebs. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 25, 1996 , Page 27 SGenuis perfoirms classies j Pianist/composer Erie Tickets, $5 for aduits, $2 Genuis will perform Oct. 6 at for teens, and free for those St. Thomas Anglican Church under age 12, are available in Brooklin. In advanc. or at the door Genuis will perform (101 Winchester ]Rd . E.). 'Classie Stories Woven With For more information, cal Song', at 7:30 p.m. 655-3883. WOME It's a fact ini today's world -ýmore and more, women are taking charge of their fmances. Are you ready to join their ranks? If so, we're offering an educational workshop you won't want to miùss. This three week programn will provide you with the fundamental informnaion you need to take charge of your own financiai future. The workshop is free but spaoe is limlited. So, please cali today. For further information regarding ongoing dates and times. Cail or visit. 580 King St. West (The Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontaro.- 725-4142j LIMTED SEATING, CALL EARLY Richard A. Rhodles 580 King St. W. (Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario, M1 7J1 (905) 725-4142. EdwardJones Richard Rhodes -Serving Individual Investors Fe al - eein COMPANIONSHIP SWF, would like bo meet a man, 40- 49. i eni oy dinlng, dancing, watching t.v., walking, need someone for comn- panionship wha is outgolng. AD#1577 - HAVE FUN SWF, 5'9", full figured, blonde curiy hair, blue eyes, like to go out & have fun or stay home & cuddle, seek taller maie, 25-38. AD# 1521 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SWF,1 35, professionai, single moîher, 5'4", 120 Ibs., br. hair & eyes, honest, carlng, romanîlo, affectionate, seeking prof. maie, 37-42, tai,dark & fit. f AD# 1530 ONE MAN WOMAN SWF, 35, 5'9», enioy caoklng, camp- ing, muslc, moývi & hollstic healing, C seeklng one woman man. Singles fathetrs weicame.y AD#1594 r COMPASSIONATE à CARING A SWF, iooking for sameone who is attractive & enjoys belng active, out-S doors;, hlklng, cyciing, ilove eatlng 6 aut, live theatre, traveling, r AD#1526 lf ROMANTIC DINNERS s SWF, 30, n/smloker,' 5'4n, 125 ibs., long dark br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy Sc quiet evenlngs, romantic dinners, & reading, seeking maie who is honest A[ sîncere & enjoys famlly get togethers. AD# 1531 S% SPECIAL SOMEONE 51 SWF, 44, divorced, 5'5", br. hair & & eyes, full figured, seeking honest & A[ sincere gent eman who Is carlng, loy- ing & romantic. 1 enjoy camping, quiet Sý evenings with specl someone. ha AD# 1527 ME MALE FRIEND E SWF,, 24, 51r, 118 ibs., blonde hair, AI green eyes, seeking maie friend & companian. Sv ADN 1529 on SWEET &HONEST v SWF, 18, 5'4, slim, br. hair, green al eyes, iooking for a man wtho is sweet, AD AD# 1503- SV. GOOD TIMES une SWF, 39, 5'6, 122 ibs., red haîr, 10<l seeking men, 35-45 & looking for a mai XooadtUme, cali me. ADi D 55SINGLE FEMALE SV SWF, 27, would Ilke ta meet some- hai ane, 19-30 & see where It goes fram SOIf there. AD# 1506 ADJ DIiING & DANCING SWF, 38, businesswoman, seeking Sw .whte maie, 40-50 wha Is Interesteci in lng sparts, dinlng & dancing. wha . MORALS & VALUES AD§ SWF, 39, enjoy wide vadietyoaiinter-- ests & ail that life has ta offe,1 have SW slrang Christian Mforais & values & blue seeking sameone who shares these WIft values. AD# 1550' dinii AD# SWF 20-21 i so e Sericea POSITVE OUTLOOK SWF, 35, single mather, seeking ema- tionaliy & financiaiiy secure gentleman, 40-55 who has a positive attitude & out- look an lîfe & knows haw ta treat a lady. ADN 1533 LONG WALKS SWF, 23, 5'i6", 116 lbs., short br hair, enJoy sports, long waiks & dining out. ADN 1501 PARTY GIRL SWF. 20, 5!4', 110 ibs., blonde hair, green eyes, iooking for someone who is I nleresîed iln having a relatianship, friands first. ADN 1472 HOLDING HANDS SWF, 46, prafessianal, dark br. hair, blue eyes, attractive, full figurad, looking for someone wha anjoys camping, oui- doors, holding hands & is romanlic & genîle. ADN 1467 SEEK HANDSOME MALE SWF, 20, br hair, green eyes, universily student, Ioaking for sameone ta enjay, ýou should be handsome, single or mar- lad & have goals for the future. Ab# 1474 HAVING FUN SWF, 23, br. hair, br. eyes, gaad sense, ôf humour, iaoking far black maie, enjay nusic, autdoar activities, dining & having fun. ADN 1473 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 35, 5'4w, long br. hair, iaokung for aomeane ta be friands first, ta talk ta me &listan & stay aI home & cuddie. ADN 1438 SLIM BUILD SWF, 35, br. hair, br. ayes, siim build, î5", iaaking for somneona who is hanest 1wha likes an lndependent waman. DN1543 ATTRACTrIVE FEMALE WF, 30, attractive, married, blonde iair, green eyas, 5'5", seeking straight aie, attractive & open minded for dis- wete encaunters. DN#1450 ROMAN11C EVENINGS 'WF, 32, single mathar, seeking soea- t îae for camping, flshlng, ramantic1 venings. i enjay dancing, aid mavies, I Il ou have ta do Is leave a message. t ýD 1431Ji BEAUTIFUL ON TH1E INSIDE WF, 47, blonde hair, biueaeyes, full fig- E red, attractive, caning, Ioving, romantic, 9 oking for kind, gentie, understanding e ani for ana an ana relatianship. fi D#40 FUN11MES F NF, 22, attached, 5'2*, 125 lbs., dark ir, seeking F for some fun. Seek S nmeone wha is discrete. si N# 1465 *SI SLONG TERM RELA71ONSHIP w IF, 44, 5'60, br. hair, blue eyes, seek- A ;someona for, long termn wha knows et ha wants Ini life & enjoys mavîes, SI ding, walklng & quiet limes aI home. bi 9143413 ROMANTIC AT HEART ini VF, earl 40's, 57", slim, blonde hair, AI te eyes, seeking èentleman, 50-65 h a gooci sense of humour who likes S% ýng out, dancing & movies. se # 1419 an LAID BACK IF, iaokung ta meet somneane batween SV 25 .i1am lnla music.golng out &hav- ca a gaod lime, seeklng sameane wha sa idback & openminded. ADN 1400 '(e ROMANT1C & AFFEfCTIONATE SWF, 28, 5'6", medium length br. curly hair, br. ayes, Iaaking for someone aver 29 who is intelligent, tlu, large buiid, kind, caring & ready for long term rela- tinshlp. AD# 1410 SPECIAL PACKAGE SWF, young 49, br. hair, green eyas, greal persanaily & sense of humour, enjay camping arts, fine dining, Iokung fr n1ce ooking gentleman wilh greal ersanaity who knows how ta Ireat a îdy. AD# 1481 SIMILAR QUAUTIES SWF, 30, like the ouldoars, movies, taying home & gaing out, havung fun & ,orts, Inlerested in meeting someane ith similar qualitias. DM 1396 CALLING ALL Coweoysî UVF, 21, cute, 5Y3, well proptind due eyes, shart br. hair, seekng slim ta rerage build mae, 21-28 for lina danc- ig fnnd &i passible ralationshîp. CASUAL RELAIONSHIP IJF, 5'l1", long blonde hair, blue eyes, 'aeking casual relatianship with some- ne, 18-29, natjealaus. ADN 1429 * FRIENDS FIRST VF, 41, divorced, 5Y3, 120 ibs., enjoy ýmpun, tlshing, music & good conver- tion. Seeking man who knows how 10 at a lady,42-45.AD# 1427 LONG TERM RELA11ONSHIO~ SWF, 21, br. hair, blue eyes, 513", 185 ibs., enjoy auldoors, country music & animais, *seeking SWM, 21-28, slim la average buiid who is fun & spantaneous. AD# 1401 VERY ATTRAC11VE REDHEAD SWF, very attractive, 5'8", redhead, tai, hazel eyes, siim buiîd, widaw, lave the arts, theatre, & have high morals & stan- dards, amn Intelligent, honast & passion- aIe, seeking gentleman, widower or weil divarcei. AD# 1409 BLONDE FEMALE SWF, 5'4", blonde, 125 Ibs., enjay danc- ing, mavies, having fun, seeking same- ona wha enjoys the same. ADN 1397 HONEST & SINCERE SWF, 46, 5', blonde hair, sIim, Ilke cross country skiung, blking, skating, very active, lave travelling, iookIig for sameane who is honest & suncera, 40- 50, talI, active & knows what he wants in life. ADN 1363 SPOIL MIE SWF, 34, seeking maie 34-45. I enjoy mavies, theatre, walking, dining, evenings aI the pub. i want ta spol samebody & I wanî somebody ta spoil me. ADN 1378 FUN TIMES SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyes, 512 affectionate, romantic, attractive, fuico ingseekn soeonespeciaila oshar ADN 1386 TRY ANYTHING ONCE SWF, prafessional, Eurapean desceri br. shoulder iength hair, br. aimond eyec in good Shape, wouid tr anylhn oc excepl skydiving, wouid7lke ta meat nev friends & share intimate limes with some na special. AD# 1390 CLASS & STYLE* SWF, 37, 5'5", 125 Ibs., thick shouidej length aubum hair, warm, ultra femninn affectianate, seekung man with goac marais, manners & means wha enjoyc gaad wine & campany with a wamar who has class & style. WARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 5sr, br. hair, blueeecring, warm ,Intelligent, layai, romanlo, ga sense af humour, enJoy bowling, danc- ing, movies, swimmlng, seeklng SWM, monogamus, 30-40. ROMAN11C AT HEART SWF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, full-flg- ured, attractive, caring, thaughtfui, kind & ?entie, enjoy camnping, aid mavies, look- ng for someone ta treat me like a iady.ADiI 1365 SEEK INDEPENDENT MéALE SWF, 19. 5'4", 115 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, enjay rollerbiading, sparts, swimming, seeklng man who Is indepen- dent, knows where he is gaung In life 8 enlays goad limes. ADN 1370 SEEKING RELATIONSHIP SWF, 19, seeking any maie, 18-26, who enjays mavies & spending lime tagether for a reialionship. AD 32,GREEN EYES SWF, 21, black hair, green eyes, 5'4", 110 lbs., seeking caring & handsame persan wha enjoys gain g out & having f un or stayng home. AD#N 1383 Mals -ee an GOOD DINNER WAMNG SWMl 6', 230 ibs., shl br. hair, br eyes, autgaing, caring, gaad sense af humour, enioy campig, dancing, movies, seak ADN 1516 WELL BUILT SWM, 29, 5-6-, 160 ibs., seeking some- ana who wants ta ga out & have a good time. ADN 1522 EXECUTIVE MALE SWM, attractive, Intelligent, 5'l ", 160 lbs., clean shaven, br hair, green eyest seeking attractive, slîm ta med. build,c Intelligent, eduicated, haniest femnale. i ADN1O88r ATTACTIVE MALE SWM, 40, executive, seeking attractive,c outgahng. slim F, 28-35 far2realianship. I love music, quiet limes, & romantdc set-È lungs. ADN 1544 1 NEW TO AREA SWM,ý 33, 5'l" , attractive, br. hair, hazel ee,,!55 Ibs., enjoy piayn guitar, mvshiking, duning out, seekng cule. petite- or med. build SWF, 21-33 with2 similar interests.e ADN 1480 ae MUSULRIESL ,nr SWMies n'8, trtrcive 10 is., e, sensfortsrloe atraeloerta li dw gel a ave un,888kln0for3asua 's- dtnexton1Onecnetion. EXECUTIVE MALE lrSWM, 340S, attractive, 16ngatraciv, intgelliget,&haeoutln, lsi for28-35 f reidating onsp.I one mc, qettimes 3nADN 1488 SWM, 4,36 rtv, 1ls 6', aatilve, spatsig, ouocing, goad sense5 fo 9 f 'eaihuour, ovenforsamqentie,83 W wha stay active& s.ft c-AD#151748 A, DONTO ARA iSWM, 36, 190 lbs., 6'3"ct, lekn srsaeowh s actie, enjays aut- do uours,spartsfor otem eIatian8-3 ;lgwodsenyseaivehumouri. &AD1147 24SW , 615 ibs., 6o3ngor emaleg fo icrevnenoingctv enoeut. AD# 146 SWM, 24,1,51", 15 Ib. icu rieas, for discrete, vn encounters. AD# 1439 FTATTRCIVE rSWM, 21,5l,15, b. hir atieicui,, mneetedinmeet18-2a, who is1amb0 AD# 145 19, 0,615 bs., lk o-ayseeks ning /so ingt Fa2-3 h lave 1-2,wh s aor. tos itc& likes ta have fun ADN 1459 AE U SWM, 30,,1, 50anest, caringn/smkr anJay spars maes& alsaing& r&mai tie, heeng. h 8hn AN 148 SWM, m3,0'nst, wflbit, nattratv, adoyoreadrsmven, wsa king ier oanttctiv e uee ie ladta elay in- mate capanins fhum ur AD# 1423 SWKM, 3. 6', weil bul , attractive,r brar lueey oe, seekingottraciv ladyacv, 40-60's1iendiy»& uddy.t ADN 143 ENJY WOUTDOORSO SWM. 36', 210lbsl, enatrate sort b it.s, uing, sing arseeive F 21-28 wha likes ta have fun & is han- est. AD# 1437 BROOKIIN } Guides infilih il