e'Snobelen should resign' ~atemen~ Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Sep tember 25, 1996, Page 3 MacLean: BY Mark Reesor helen A call by Durhapulc expresi sehool board chair udey Mac Macean for Ontario edu- belon cation minister John Sno- over1 A 32-year-old Bradford man died as a result -of injuries suffered in a car accident at &a and Ash rnorning. " ria .a4 Gilchrist, 32, was rushed te Whitby General Hospital (WrGH) following the collision and thon transferred te Sunnyhrook Health- Science C entre where ho was later pro- nounced dead. Police say Gilchrist was sion of "ttirj- ,Lean called on Sno. to resign last week Province.'s "silence" rompted rernark Mftuuw boards may be eli- minated as partof Ãan over- haul of the province's edu- cation Bystera. She stresses the state- ment was flot made on behalf of the. hoard but resulted from' «frustration around the Bertelsmann award, my personal experienc there and the fact there really hasn't been 1.anyv.recognition to the 'board (frýom the gQvern- ment).» A' letr of congratula- tions from the premier 'or minister '"would have meant a great deai for this board... Driver killed in ]Resident dies day- afteir accidn ntrret the silence from the prvice -- and I don't want o really. I just kfiow that I, was very, very dis- appointed -- but those are mypersonal opinions.» Macean notes Oshawa MP Ivan Grose indicated hoe intended to formally advise Prime Minister Jean Chre- tien about the award. She doubta her sitatement will have any effect on the board's dealings with the ministry. 1«Certainly other boards across the province are having nome difficulty understanding how they're goingtocoue withhso alone in expressing con- cern. Snobelen has also war- ned of another $600-million reduction in education spending next year which would mean about ï15 mil- lion bass for the Durham board. «I don't even want te think of it (the budget),» she'says. "If we think ths st budget was tough, this one is virtually impossible.» One of the few positive, notes Macean sees is Sno- holen's roforence in* one press releage to irinovative ap1proaches to funding «I .would oertainly wel- came the ministry describ- ing how that might happen. That would ho very impor- tant to use as a growth The provincial freeze on capital funding has really hur Durhamn, she says, adding she hopes the mninis: ter «wY-ill provide us some answers as te what does ho mean by that - soon, really driving his 1996 Dodge van south on Ash Street at 7:45 a.m. when ha collided with a 1985 Chevy Blazer driven wostbound on Mary by Christopher Skelten, 19, of Hofida >Drive., Whitb. SkelL wasalso ý'nt WGH where h& was treated and released. No charges will ho laid i the accident, lice say, adding both veices were «demolshed» in the col- Items from Whitby council agenda(s) Mondav,eptember 23.199 Recommendations from the Planning and development îz comm ittee That rezoffnn and officiai plan amendment applica- tions ta permit a hotet and ancitlary rotait and personat uses on the northeast corner of Victoria and Gordon streets, adjacent to the troquais Park Recrea- tion Comptex, be iapproved. Aftho ugh a specîflo devetopment proposai has flot been recelved by the Town at this lime, approyal otears the way for such a devetopment ln the future.' Cantied That an engineering consultant be retatnedJ for the purpose of canducting a review and making rocom- mendations regarding existlng drainag e cancernis on Pringle Creek, between Dryden Baultevard and Anderson Street. Residents an the west side of Anderson have been camptatnlng for severat years' about floading and related probtems caused b y E nearby development. The consultant wil mreet with a il C residents ta determine their specifîc cancernis and i thon pro pose solutions. Cost of the review is estima- i ted at $5,000. ri Carrledh TI That an officiai ptan amendrnent applicafion f rom Wotster! Devetopments ta detete a hazard land b designation on a portion ofitis 44-acre holdings on the o east Me ai Anderson Street, north -_O 0Dryden Boulevard, be appraved. The 'designation,- whlch applies ta a smatl, Intermittent trlbutary of Pringle Creek, can be remnoved without have a negative Impact an wildiffe, vogotation or nolghbourlng roper- ties, staff and planning consultants contendArea rosidents had oxpressed concemn that removing -tho dosîgnation could lead ta ftooding and erasion *praberri, but a staff report statos that a starmn wator retention pond an tho northoast corner of Anderson * and Dryden should prevent this from occurring.. Carrled That a camblnod 440-unit subdivision an the east sideoaf Anderson Street, narth afi Dryden Boulevard, be approved. The subdivision- proposai, whlch ln- volves threo land owners - Wolstor Deveopments, Bauf Associates and Joseph Lambert - has been before caunicit in varlous, forms, sinico 1989, and has undorgone extensive changes over the years. Cariled Recommendations from the aporatians *commfite. That a $45,540 tender from. Erostan' Cantrol Gabions Ltd. af Concord and a $59,481 tender from Lanidtar Cons 'truction Ino. af Weston for erostan j contrat works- at- variaus' locations along the Lynde j An 8-yoar-old Hickory' Street man is dead after heing struck by a -car while crossing Dunas Steet, at Groen Stroet, Thursday afternoon. Kénneth- Weir's injuries «at 'first did not appear serlous," says. Dur harn staff close to settiement B yMlke Kowalik Striig employees of Ontario's largest public sec- tor union could ho back at work Thursday. A tentative contract; set- tMeMent was reached Sun- Kda between the Ontario blic Servce, Employees Union (OPSEU) and the Ontario Publie Service Staff Union (OPSSU). Details of the agement wrere not available Monday, bût the OPPSU bargaini*ng committeo was recommoncf- ing that its membors vote in favour, of the deal at a ratification meeting that had been sched.uîed for 'uesday. The 240 OPPSU niomn- oers, fivê kf whom, woirk out f OPSEU's Durham ýegion office in Whitby, )rovide a variety of techni- al-and support services te he union. «We fool very relieved, ie've beon wanting te gt wk to work since day ne," said Anne Lee, spok- sperson for the local uThis is our fourth- week out here and it's about time » said Lee. ZWhen wo started wo wore not that far apart.» OPSSU mombors walked off. the job Sept. 3 after nogotiations for, a new agreement te replace the throe-year contract that expiroa las!; iecemoer broke downi Last Tuesday, provincial modiator Dennis Nelson, tu th wi on geant Sandy Ryrie "Ho was taken te Whitby Genoral Hospital anid held for observation. 'Ho was later transforred te Sunny- brook where ho succumbod (the following day),», says Ryrie. No further details were callod the two sides back te the bargainîng table and tailka lasted until %rday afternoon when OPSEU negotiators broke off dis- cussions. *However, OPSEU recon- sidered its position over the weekend and a deal was hammered out Sunday evening. ThIe strike is OPSSI79 first ever against OPSEU which itself ls still feeling the effects of its own strike against the Ontario govern- mont earhier tis year. That strike left OPSEU with a nearly *20-million debt and although OPPSU was willing te stand pat with the terms o f the Pre- vious agreement. OPSEU tabled 40 concessions it wanted from OPPSU. The_ pro"oedsettlement was slatedtecome hofore the OPSEU executive board toeday(Wednesday). Asokesperson for OPSEUYwas not available This e g e de chae the dee- *e o**.ed n e. INVESTMENT MANAGEMEN " RETIREMENT PLANNING S COTX/NSTATIONTEl 666-8245£ SFORTUNE F1IN A'N C I A L F 1 At "A-Little-Extra..Hclp"> Tutoring Service we:- FM- corne to vour home- SDIAGNOSTIC TEST I-' o o~ol I I1 - use certificd teahers 1 N E O - tutor llz-ae/ubet ONE«LÊSS'-Nconsutte cassrom with 1 0-Lesson Packà gè *eachr 668-2037 : J -888-TUTOR.ME'& BT -Whithy, açeident m1 ttle1-E-xt-ra.HeIp9 tOring Service 668-2037 lu 1 statement à Wlak to