Whitby.Free Pre J0A: i rM NT, . £E ess, ýWednesdayj September 25, 19è96, Page 5 Area hospitls urses reach ageemen By MIke o lad Dura, Rflon nurses haveéaqu=9 [ ddtoa 0obsecurityeiithe eventof Iayoff created4y the pend- img restructurinig of area 1h e ta rio Nurses' Association (ONA) and Durham's six public hospi- tais reached agremen1t last week on a labur adjuat- ment. strategy. that will appiyý shouithere be a merging or transfer of hos- pital programs. Essentially, the agree- mont stipulates that a nurse laid. off from any hospital can expect first consideration for job vacan- cies that come available in the regiOn and are to be gînvenfli credit for service and seniority if hired. The agreement aiso pro- vides for the maintenance of pay and benefits, early retirement incentives, severance arrangements trainig commitments and bargaining unit represen- tation. "We're quite hà py .to have it hi place," saidONA staff representative Ralph Mill ofthe pact which remains i effect to Dec 31 2000, or until local hospitai programa have been in- tegr ated or consolidated. «'e feel- we have a- deal that meets the needa of our membership,»he said. JohnKuhe. pokesper- son for the hospitals nogo- tiating teamn, termied t he timing- of the -oement «prfcthithat the future orhos lservices iDur- hm I!on has yet tobe determifned. A Durham Rgon Dis- trict Health Councéil report on implementing an i- tegrated hospital system in the region is now before the Ontario government's hos- pitai restructuring commis- sion.' The report makes a num- ber of recommendations that affect ail six Durham hospitais, the most contro- versial beinkg a proposai te Foundation pays tribute to voilnteers A Whitby engieering firm and sûr residents were aznong those who recelntly volunt.eors assist tho foun- dation includo Jump Rope for Heart, Ft for Heart, canvassing, hoops, health promotion, womoen and hort disoase and Big Bike. Lécal luneersraised ease and stroke i 1995-96. convert Whitby Goneral Hospital into a rehabili- tation treatment centre. Aithough Borne contracts between the hospitals and their employees' unions already delt-wlth the mor- Ir isue others did flot, Kuhne expla*necL The ONA agreement resulted 'from meetings held to discuss the impact CRAM [t, JAM unassernbled .1 ciozen boxes oi missing,,the c( easy 4sleeping bugq in-laý andi of the health council's re- structuringstudy, ho said. "What's remarkable about it, ls that up te now, if a nurse or person was laid off, they had the right te apply for another job and that -was about it,» said Kuhne. «Now, if they're hired -b another hosinital, they wiri be given fiIl seniority 'n it, STUFF -it fuit cf: 4x8 sheets of plywood, PVC piping for an uide troop with- 3ofles are fa ',the mani terit 2 cans of r mother- ,en fridge ove, your- apartment, a D a i' s ent ire bathtub, .-- t,, etcetera.., Don't forget to use your GM;card earnings toward the purchase or lease dlown- payment of your next GM vehicle.** What's your card dorie for you Iately? SMARTEASE: Smart customers use SmARTEASE, a custom-designed lease plan to fit Your specific needs. You can pay zero down, lower your monthly payments or use your trade-in. JiW ~if DEOLERS Iffi WIfflJ YO~ W~NJ FROM YOUR Oiii benefit. Kuhne is hopeful that the two other urnionsa which represent Durham hospitai workers " Canadian Union of Publ:ic 005loee (CUPE) and OntarioPublie Service Employees Union (OPELJ) -- wiii return te the ainingtable. or IF I A IEDYM R cSs, but they had clifferent opinions on sonority, etc." ho said. "Thoy wanted te see what the final resuit looked like,» The Durham agreement ione of several that the ONA has either nogotiated, or is i the process of nego- tiatig, 'with hospitals in London, Windsor, Thunder bur and Beélivilie, Mills lI addition te Whitby General, the agreement applios to Ajax and Picker- ing General Hospital, Osh- awa Generai Hospital, Memorial Hosptal in Bow- manvile,Ceommunity Memorial Hospital iPort id I. a *u illu uu IIIII11 DIS uased on a 36 month lease for 1997 GMC Safari Van iSA equipped as described. A minimum downpayment of $2,860 and $350 security deposit are required. Mileage conditions do apply. *fFreight $845, licence, insurance and taxes are not included. Off er applies to 1997 new or demonstrator modeis. Dealer order or trade may be necessary. Dealer may sel/lease for less. Offer applies to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer may not be combined or used with oCher offers. No-charge running boards not available on units with cladding. See your Dealer for details. **flJ and GM are licensed users of Marks. 1 40 pool, etcetera,, Vnii çhniiid onnili Thie- -- - - -- .. .