2,'1~99é I'~~ii C' .w . Sex, fail values, of the 'eighties' Durham - -- q&&" alAgDu«ig Perforiners begi- its 23rd seaaon with C7ud Nise by CarYl Churchill, a look at the sfrgge to corne to grips with changing .semai standards while maintaining famjily values. Clud Nine. Prexmered in London, England in 1979, thon enjoyed a two-year run on Broadway ini 1981 and delighted audiences ini Toot or six montha in 1984. British playwright ChurchMl has created 14 characters, spanning 100 years, inciuding a devoted Mad ows fundraiser In a fundiraiser -for Whitby ýprecison s kating, Secnd itywi lperform a show in Oshawa on Friday night, Oct. 18. Almost half of the 700 tickets for the <Mad Cows and Englishmen'show have aireadybeen sold. The Second City national touring coimpany will per- form at Eastdale C'vI starting at 7 pan. (doors open at 6 p.m.). For tickets, $15 each, eall Judy at 668-104 or Donna I3uming iTimes To recognize Women's Mointh (October) in Canada the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in. Oshawa will show the video, The Burning Times, onp Tues- da, Oct. 15, 2 p.m. <Re video part of the National IPilrn Board's Women andS Pirituality series, 18 about the time of Europe's witch hunts when 85, per cent of those killed were women -- the role of the "local wise woman» was contrary to the authority of the eabihdchurch. mystery Fun Day will be held at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa on Saturday, Oct. 6, 1 to 3 CD's pnced at $8 or 5 for $35 t«xincî. US lm 1:,1 wife played by a Man, a nine- year-old boy. played by a womnan, and a precocious flve-year.old girl played by a man. The resuit is a hilarlous state of affaira that resonates with more than a decibel of truth. Act one takes place in 1880s' Victoian colonial Africa where a inilitaryr patriarch and bis family attempt to control their libidos wbile observing the staunch codes of a civilized life they ieft behind. Colonialism breeds In the second act, a time warp zooms tii. audience to the 1980s when the samé family has to contend with relaxed sexual standards and outapoken struggles of identity. Veteran thespian Arien. Atincheombe makes her directorial debut and has assembled a seasoned cast including Ken Bond (Cathy and Olive), Brad Carson (Harry and Martin), Chris Cornich (Gerry and Joshua), Becky Engel-Abrahamon (Edward and Betty), Jeif Foote (Betty and Edward), Margo IRodgers (Linn, Ellen and Mis. Saunders) and George Spencer (Maud and GOLVNiGTa) IESIAURANT tecus Qf Cloud Nine CZrud Nine rume Nov, 1. 2, 7, 8 and 9 at 8 p.m., at the. Arts Resource Centre located behind Oshawa City Hall. ickets are available from Walters Music. Centre, Greck Gui5iric bt'uVmore Vhan Grcck Food Oshawa in the Oshawa Centre. Cloud Nine contains material suitable for a mature audience. For further Open7 das a eek- Fo Resrvatons(905 723646 CHINIESE FOOD,- -Al You Can Eat BU xFFETr LUNCH $ .5DNE 79 Weekends,& Hohidays ChIldren Under 10 -1M2 Price ~ Regular Menu Availlable Heronga&iLiLT' DINNFTHTE Hilarjous Smash Hit Comedy Run For Vour Wife Thurs. thru Sun. from Sept:, 6 until Nov. 2nd. Dinner, Show & Taxes Stâ'rting at $32.95 Clip this ad and Smv $2.00 ThurS., Fii. & Sun. Only Group rates available. For more informnation eali: (905)472-3085 12885 Atoria Rd.,- Pickerfng m 1 m 16 900 Hopkins Si.. Whithy 666-8657 llan(iuel l aciliiie-ý - Pari% Rooni 1 . 11,oo FABULOUS TIIANKSGIVING BUFFET Sunday, October 13 - 4pm to 9pm 1 n', 1 a au RESTAURANT b rrl-ly *y 17-1 ff