Court: Oshawa owns part of Regon offices mae5 Conservation area fees. opposecipgd School closure criteria studieci pme3ý Sex' assault care centre to. be relocated ,age22 United Way -home raffe 1 THE WI-ITBY ire department sent a ladder truck 10 roof'of Owasco Volkswagen Friday moming. Above, ~ Archer greets his wife and daughter after getting back on terra firma. He spenit almost three weeks on the roof of Owasco,living in a- 1966 VW camper Io promote th1e sale of tickets in the United Way's seond annual Home Free raffle; Officiais credit Archers promotion with selIing about 300 tickets;- although finald figures aren't in Syet they estimate around 1,900 of the 61500 tickets were, ~~ sold, about 900 Iess #han ast year. Phol by Mmk Reooo, Vdltby Free Prnsa &ÀooI palrent ud Cair 'CurosHbu or conrol 7< iý,, .1 Apartnient destroyed by fire Donations accepted Ios belongin Damage la estimated at $32,000 in a fmi at a 512 Brock -st..apartment Sthe laze whihwas cal- led ent iWhtyfr «p entt el utted»a bd ram, saystheplart,onche Drne rtrnadls dAInadt reëdnst o the*sa sapartment. Aýdili reiese escped sae.dsysi msrn hddin& a wies rpoyllCrte u t aphefierwh waselp e aogtoi n iptrs patmntwh Thes unabe 'toent 'ou o lîeý on h ffie ltter o depatn bt would lic be to ed te ofier. er cauf theblae haeenot t unable olocte im iie.cas fthbaz sThet beepntsdefte- irne re h- 1é UTed occupaseofath pr tmen-heethmfr er~ ~ th- os ageawo, geven and 12, wvere ini the !rcssof Mongwhen the r.e occurr.d an lost much rf their -furniture and BERPAGE 27 a si h, 01 By Mark Reesor The chair of the Regional Parents Advisory Council says the- public achoociboard may want to «dictate» the way the council gathers in- formation. Paul Nicholson says he was "quit. surprised» when a -progreo report given t. thé board generated more than 90 minutes of heated debate at'a recent standing committe. meeting. 1"There was a lot of talk about the. fact that we are a creature of the board and could just as easily b. dis- banded. "That kind of talc leads me t. believe that they want to have a little more control and don't want us going off and.doing things on our own... eT urifous about howý. much control the board will try t. talc. over the com- munication process." The. 21-member coundil's report presented t. comn- mitte Sept. 16, 'outlined some of the issues dis- cussed at its meetings and noted members will b. divi- ded int. focus groups .to address four issues - the board budgzet, behaviour/ discipline, special needs.'in education d replacing the Reduce the. Risk curriculum document. Nicholson referred t. Reduce the Risk, 4 contro- versial guide t., teaching about AIDS and other sexually transmitted dis- eases that was rejected b the board, as a <program in his report. .That promoted an, emphatic c>.oYr cton ron program superintendent Fe reedman. 1«" get the sense that when you hear that kind of reaction, that maybe they don't want the parental input (that) it's easier t. get tihrough these things ad get these documents up and running without ail of the hassle of the parental input"saýys Nicholson. "I get the sense that maybe that's what-they feel but they don't 11k. to really come out and say it.» (The. suceor OYtoReduoe the Ria*g,asu "entirely new" AIDS--Reaowoe Document, written by Freeman over the summer, in slated to b. reviewed by the - board's standing committe. sometinie in Novemiber). On. of the reasons the, telsmann Foundation award was because of its community consultation Nicholson notes, so "it kincl cf surprises me that they're being so cautious and almost looking at it. as a threat.» Tihe progress report also noted the council has p'ut out the first issue of .a newsltter -- The. Bulletin -- ïas a means of communica- tion and that each member has "accepted responsibi- lity» for comunicating with speciflc schools, in their area. Tii. family 1f. education advisorycommittee (FLRC),which includes several parents, luno reviewing Reduce the Ris*, Scugog truste,--Bobbie