Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 2, 1996 Whitby hospital.losingassault ce ntre ~-y pEu 9w- i>urnamuRegion'resdsexual assault. care centre is mov- ing out of Whitby Général Hospital. Members of the hospital's board of directors were in- forzned last wéek that the medical facilities for treat- Zn sexual assault victims wIllbe relocated to Oshawa Gênerai Hospital next A.vhtby Géneral's lack of a 24-hour emergency department prompted- the décision to move to Osh- awa, board membérs heard. Howevér, thé centre's counselling component will continué to operate out of its downtown Whitby office, said hospital chiéf exécu- tive officer Elizabeth Wood- Mepeople involved ini thé prograin féel thé cliente would be better served if it's transferred to a hospital that offers full emergenc services,» Woodurytî Thé FréPress. As a result of a cost- cutting move impleménted mote than two years ago, Whitby Géneral's émér- gency Idepartment closes xrom 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. evéry day. T7hé èexual assault care centre's' treatment facility bas been locatéd at thé bospital since thé "late eightiest Woodbury saxd. Punded by thé Ontario Mimistry of Health, thé pro- grain is operated by a com- munity acvsoyboard and bas a "floating roster» of physicians, nurses and counsellors to draw from, she added. Alicia Cox Father Leo J. Austin It's been another f'un week, full of news. Our NWildcats have certainly beén busy tearing up the fields and thé courts. The boys' soccer teams have been having a* remarkable season. On Sept. 23, the junior team defeated G.L. Roberts in thé home openér 8-0. Piéter Muléman got the shutout, and Danny Mattin and Dustin Nzeakor got two goals éach. Undér adverse conditions, thé téam conquered O'Neill 3-1. Both the senior and junior teams wére invitéd to the Dunbarton invitational tournaméent whére théy dominatéd the field. Thé juniors had wins over Muse 'trekç' is through North ern Ontario Thé first, autumn Muse t session begins Saturday, Oct. i 12, at 400 Monarch Ave, units 1 and 2, Ajax. A séiries of four thrée-hour workshops c for kIds aged eight to 13, thé m program explores thé art of 2 creative writing through Ti thèmes, gaines and fun 1V, techniques shared by writers' T and artists. S Thé Muse programs. thèmes are usually cc Canadian,' and this l'ail thére or will be an imaginative trek oi through picturesque forésts hi and lakes of Northérn M Ontario. ci , For more information and ai' to régister, cail 686-1183. ou Anderson and St. Roberts of Thornhilj and a draw against Brebeuf of Toronto, shutout by Rick Petralito. Thé senior boys' soccer téam has been an outstanding force as well. At the home openér, they woAk against; .G.L. Roberts34. Glenn Gaffnéy scoring two goals, and Ryan Hetnehan, and Rick Pétralito i net. On Tuiesday, thé seniors had a 3- 0 -win over O'Neiil, shutout by Petralito. Danny Mattin scored in both thé juniâr and senior games, making Wildcat history. At thé Dunbartzù iitational, thé team gaihéd wnWovér Cardinal Carter of Aurora, St. Joseph's of Barrie and BowmanÎvil, with Mattin scoring four. Piéter Meuleman garnered ail tbréé shutouts with bis incrediblé performance in net. The senior and junior girls' basketball téams have aiso beén busy. On Sept. 18, the senior girls gained a victory over Central, 60-35, and at a separaté tournamént gained two more, over Brock 64-56 and Sinclair 60-57. Tania Chappél scored 31 points. In junior action, thé téam Ieféated G.L. Roberts 53-16, with Gillian Guést providing 20 points and il rebounds. 'hé team then travelled to %idland and lost te St. !heresa's and Midland High 3chool. -Austin grads had their ,mmencement cérémonies El Friday. It was great te see iir alumni back in Austin'is tallowed halls. Thanks to Ir. Tymnchyshyn and Mms. 'lancy for oganization and Il thé students who helpéd ut. Jason Collier évéiy day. Thé midget boys' volleybal téam déféatéd Dénis O'Connor, 15-4, 15-9. A strong gamé was turnédi by Matt Brockman, and Davé Brothérhood served wéil. Thé téam is off te a great start this géason, as is thé senior boys' volléyball team. Théy now boast a 2-0 record with théir most récent win ovér O'Connor, 15-9, 15-6. Thé final Béavér Foode draw for software was held in thé' cafétéria with' the following lucky winnérs of Sympatico software: Miké Bartu, -Klm nCrisp, ,Wes Brown, Tara Graham and Cory Essex. Thé winnéer of It seems that wé have now éntered thé rainy séason in.stead of thé éxpécted Indian summner', but nevertheless things at Henry &te~t arè still moving along wi more clubs and sports teanMý4 sta.rting their séasons Tanya Hur /Alana Kosi Sinclair SeconcIarl Plesée support Sindlaii irst food drivé for thé Unit, Way. Bring your nci perishablé food items ini TAG. te help your group wi a pizza lunch. Thé drive wi continué until Oct. 10. For those senior studént who may bé universit) bound, you should attendsa information nigh Wednesday, Oct. 9a Eastdalé CVI. Had on ove' for 7 p.m. and havé yoju questions answeréd. Thé third annual Craft an' Colléctibles is becoming oni of Durhams iggést shows. Saturday, NlWr 2 is thé dat, to réserve, frtm 10 a.m. to4 p.m. Thé slow wilfeature coultry caf, staind glass, jewé1éxy Christmas gifbs and more. Théré is stiil space availablé for vendoirs. If'you are intérestéd or havé any questions, Mms. Cotter and Mrs. Jones are thé ones to contact at thé school. Seniors are not happy! Thé colder weather is coniing and thé bées outaide are swarming, making it impossible for seniors to bégin their lunch at 11:35 a.m. Noon is teo long te wait. for a bité toeéat. Whilé alternatives for seniors havé béén set up in. thé common, it is not Possible to fit ithé wholé hungry population. Once wé've finaily made our way ite thé servezy, thé sélection of reffikerated food and bakéd goods is, minimal. Thé schéol should considér thé possibility of altérnating who 'éats firat wéékly betwéén juniors and seniors to maké évéxyoné happy. .Lt* you're got anothér beéf, fil out one of oui- flws formsei thé resource centres and wel publish it. ,Don't let those, béés gét you down. ,Until next time. Austin honours FANHER LEO J. Austin Catholic Secondary Sohool handed out awards to, Grade 12 stu- dents reCerîtly. From Ieft, Katie Stewart won the Catholic Student Award, Amber Lemieux was second on the honour roll and Kim Prnce was the top co-p student and first on the honour roll.. Photo by Mark Réésor, Whltby Free Press Chiara Campitelli Trafalgar Castie Séptémber is almost ovér and last weék at Trafalgar was much calmer than thé past féw months but névértheléss activé. Studént council élections wéré héld early in thé weék ~> and wé now havé 12 extraordinary girls répresenting our studént body. Seventh gradé président is Jenûàifer Holmes and vice-, .~président is Jennifér Hing-, for Gradé 8, Ashléy Bryant and AliNson McMurter; Gradé 9, Angela Min and Megan Gfranville, co-présidents -for Grade 10 are MCa James and Nicole D'Orneilas; Grade il, Twinky Sharma and Biittany Lowe; Grade 12 and OAC, co-presidents Sarah Grass and Audrey Tam. We-are looking.forward to thé first student council meeting- shortly after Thanksgiving weékénd. Trafagar had spirit and effort but came up short 2-1 against a Toronto French school soccér téam last wéekqmam. Goajie Jennifer George.johzý was incredible, and oin- goal- scorer 'was once again Asha James. On1 Thurs3daY, St.Cléments put up a good fight but lost 36-30 te oui- unhéaten téamn i under-14 basketball. Star of thé game,, Usa Forésta, had an outetanding 30 Points, Paige Cannan four and Jénnifér Hing thé othér two. Our undér-169 lbat 31,24 to St. Cléments. Kris Ludhka had 12 points, Shannon Botulénko eight and Yvonne Ng sud Miranda Prosser two each. This wéek wiil again be a heavy one in thé sports field. We are looking forward te bouse games betwéen Carter and Farewell, oui- baskétball and seccer téams wiil travel to Bishop Strachan School and oui- undér-16s will host St. Mildred's. Wé now aise have an under-20 senior baskétball téam coachéd by Mr. Palmer, with nine éxcéptional players. Furthérmoré, wé havé a massive swim téam, 23 girls from gradés 7 te, OAC, coachéd by Mrs. Campbell. Practicés- and training sessions are being held in preparation -for, their- firt meetoônOct.,8., ter ,ter More of Hénrya . many teams havé startéci up -thé es séason. Thé Henry Trivial dPursuit teamn as wéil as thé L-Anglérs Club havé -bégun ;0 meeting.' For more a information, listen te [jupconung announcementa. Thé auditions havé begun. Starting teday, aftér school in thé drama room, auditions will be held for those hriterested in trying out for Parts ithé -upcoming éveming of -oné-act plays. This is your chance to, be centré stage, se come onà out and bé part of this entértaining évening of thé arts. Studénts are stiil busy séiigchocolaté almonds, bars- and nunts. Thèse fundraisers'hélp offsetthé cost of, school activitiés during thé yéar, se please bé generous when a student Icails upon y ou -to support théir endéavours. Thé Henry Street school néwspaper, Hatwk 7'alk, bas infroduced a néw colunn this year, 'Buy &' SelI,8 ailowm*g staff ,and students te advertise things they are' intérésted in acquiring, or if you are itéréstd i advertising i this columin, there is a box i thé Englis oRfce whemyou may submit, your ad. Thére is no charge. Thé firet issue of Hawk Talk wil bit thé strééts ithéeflot- 80-distant future. Thé Henry rubgy team bas begun plans for a spring tour 'ofBritain. This should prove te bé a great expérience for team membérs as wél as give thém thé opportunity te display théir talents. Henry held its annual awards assembly on Friday. &%udents wéré recognized for théir acaeémic, achiévéments during ,thé' past yoar, with thé ditrbution of thé ibret

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