Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 2, 196Pae2 ..............:..::..::.: :: COUMrRY ULVHG 5 MINUTES Io MASONIO HALL, 20)3 Cochranp EXCEPMlNAL SHOPUTIN downbwn. Garrard/Wlncbeter. 1 St, Whitby avabl for banques PIfl0fl Deaershp. HuO T A ES AecegoAMN OII or 2 beron vial.Lrewdigsadohromm eadadfl NOTG G S Ar- o de BNK eeuiehome. 5 appliances 2 Caterin avMo ~~__________ O l gru ds. Fum shed o lt 6-7 6 4hsa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _seC N E E L ;;B _________ ib lt Or 2nd68076 h of parastes? SIEMON TUD CI SK $3 hY. Avallbl rmeclalely. 1__st__&________CIENT HERBAL WHIITE RANGE 655-4711.~~C e fcei RECIPE aise. Red, Green adPn RFII AND TID LJfl 0 -4 0 s . t 600 year old form ula NiOha~s IOmp nyPcnc Ec 300-400 se f. Aval~Ie'B E S T R A T E S K ilis a thousand know n N O I LE C . NEAT AND RDY PER ON nîm ecaMey. $250 ontly Cal TW O O PBlN Houses. Sundayp r st s 9 % 0 i D O U G (416) 4 Fumrpbr om aih us ofhrs a 6i 5M Georg._parsite_93%_f___ Fshr omause - 2ofhr a 6l 5 eog Septenbo 6. 2-4 pm. at 45oorvs Frank Callahan Canadians suifer facdities. M"l or femnale. Smocer D__________ r., Wbîtby, $139,700 and 1 weîcome. $450/mo. Patricia Ave, Oshawa,$190. %5-2 8 )fopasie Sut er bre chceck After Hours.- 668-4454 IF YOU SUFFER FROM: 666- andA3W . o ala.tem OUt For furher Info ask for 6662900 Il ~ ~ ~bIlian North, Rem ax Sum U C n d F n rn c W eight loss/gain 66-8M oin 95683S Constipation/diarrhea WHITBY. MATURE, prWbr- Fatigue mnae or female b share 3 becà oorn 30 ACRES. Borders Ganarska COI-BORNE: 28W50 . FT. Ope W ~ l4> f Bloating/gas furnisbed lownhouse. Non-sroker. RnKr. Jack Zurba (905)571-00 oc 2s ._ ..Pesistnt....d 666-2664.' . 1993. a»r lot nc '~ 1,p ~ FR$ L Joint pains 905-985-7266. ______ ltchy ears/skin Needa cr -Credt PoblmsRapid heartbeat ROSSLAND AND Garden. One _______________________a___ arp - Unedichrgbed?Herpanndme furnisbed room plus use of bouse. 13a- *We hav Unease agedHandmre.. ... . $65.00 per week Cail Ray, We haelaetk-vr 668-0070 No >~ If youj wat buyers to OJfo(rpsesns notice0you car paorn sale.aM Caps e rade You may have parasites! -_notice______carfor_____ Leaso te ewn any make or medel For more details and free ... su~~~Cl Clsiea- ow fer free queres tape cal or faxNQ p 905-666-2088 ads.i1 ore.&I' $1.0 Cali Jefi (905) 683-6230 x956646 for 2 wors orless1982TOYOTA Supra.L Auto, red'a interior. Loc-Ked TOTAL REFLEX HEALTH Aluminum riMs. $2200 obo. Aiso à CENTRE iltodJOG its flGw N£ OK Ralyns.FÎ bo SOCamaro. asoil TIFIDIN Counselling 14-. $100. 430-2497. Services. AffordaJbb effectiv, SMT caing. Youtb, aduits, famuly, indivduals, groups. Spealhz n CLS IF E PCAVAER 2~ do nst smvw jbu CBOMUNITY? 433-0775. vaiom us ur bakrounds. 106 MARK TPLA E .. colbome St E. Wbitby, Cal "Aderis Aros ntri orAcos te outr" 9"PONTIAC FIERO SE. 4 _________ u A d v e t i s e A c r s s O n a r l o o r A c r o s s t h e o u n t y " . 4 s p d . , p s , p b , p w , i t , BUSINESS OPPS, PAY TELEPHONE SERV. , 432-9186tif.n braros bLC Ys"ig pa GOVERNMENT FUINDS. Government assistance pro- HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Spiritual consultatien.IFEAPCLOrhsesvrngftad info mati n av ilabe. or y ur n w or exising Relatienship, Career, Life. Ony $2.991m in. 18+ 1-900- 197 S iNTIA W A G O N Cm atf 8 rfu business. Take advantage of the govem ment grants and 451-3783. 4 , 0 lf? ie . C r fe .c m u iy i f r ai n loans. Cal 1-800-15-3615.$2750 or m"k ai offer. No Mut. o m ntifra b a n s C a l 1 - 0 0 - 1 5 - 3 1 5 .E ;ý c e r ,e t r u n n n g c o n d i t i o . p h o n e EXCEED A Doctor's salary working from home. Major PERSONALS 433-2317.6 8 international financial breakthrough. More powerful than any MLM, franchise or sales method! $1750 invesîment,' LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE effectively. Exciting 12 -THRPT:AROI no risk! 10 day refund policy. 1-800-838-7369 24 hrs. part correspondence course. Free. Non-denominational. 7f ý TEAT ARLCm Write: ASK, Box 57513, 1500 Royal York, Weston, ON I~$ O A .fgo adgwre bl ~~ n CAREER TRAINING MP35 vI again by dlealig witb m fager,___________ M9 V5 ... ...- co-dependency, abusive LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School DOTRLWES RDSEtahrnre, BOIUVA on r coimis ~jOùIiVO sOf-me. obi bals of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Con- DOCTORS LAYES HOSpitalN ones uss ROII9 ERrud rcnlt eWnfl:BO MN-Rb tact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. farmers, entrepreneurs and business people. We have ïmor1hY sbralge. ,Car, boat, RV, (90S)576-à 8 6 At en Vt G3o » 1 F6i ob petrailer., 24 bour sýecunt, wel i Iiiti ktbme Ns. W eo.Bev #5, W oodstock, O ntario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. . p ople of ail professions and a ges. M isty River"lntrd c fY _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ N b id 0 a ' Im t n L v roof steel buildings. 1-16 x 20, 1-20 x 24, 1-25x 30. -CHINESE SHAMRPEI Duppe Ca I-<><)FOIIJa- FLEA M ARKETS ~Priced le sel quickly. Facory direct. 1-800-549.0854. af ecioia e aid tra Ied. 683-28 0. f T A T c ' Lî CRAFT AND FLEA MARKET VENDORS. Come 10 Ontar- BE T B I D NcRCf-See tat aI T p o VW e >do i ,c ho o ae b"ac , ios Greatest Market. Special Christmas crafl rates. The qost- 325 96,4x2$423 O9 2,4, Avafable midOcor. 7 u.tangtdly Se zefies 40Market - Barrie 705-436-1010 or 705-728-3313. 60x126 $31,314 - ether sizes available - misc. clearance. <95664663 $0 u..e,,.feiu' u Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263-8499. ________________ ifndtlon in a prnwate studio f SA E H L W N E AZ PRE-ENG BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage, commer- .BL C ABP P IE .6sp otac mdvasssrt on sta-ntj $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selirt cial irusriaî. New Types, stevlwodq:onset, cadding. odCra trane ,mior chipe t m .W 1 yo . chclt as e rdcsavailable. Nothing te pay nr For true value, action and answers - Wally (416) 626- md 30 ioB"ak ~ 11 fnloeyPa avneFatdelivery 1-800-383-3589. 19,fx(416)626-5512. FREbohrs LPSV. LbrIl 6mnh lmco Wih.Cail for appoinmtaet chi ÜKÇ reg istered.rt 64U MEDICAL .= nc train 705 -7 736. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical, VACTIO/IR VELIOG - &ico permanent restoralion in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot deveî- GULF-FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panama City tue key tu your destiy thou9h Ibis oped, doctor approved. Free information by mail: 406- Beach, Flerida. Luxurieus 1,2,3 bedreom suites, indeor alouentsccl osuttino www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed. discounts. 1 -800-874-8823. MNuho 95 5M 3 DEADLIN4E Nortem Otarl $76* EaternOntalo $38 . FOR ALL EVANLY RAYS senivlcng over (l .~ Norhe Otaio$7 -Eaten ntri $38AD ER ISNGOS 20,000 Ontario bouseholcs. Rataci ChfflkI the Western Ontario $130 - Cent rai Ontario $134 - Ail Ontario $384 AD ER1SN ~s In Canada- PolIce, poilicans & f o *National Packages Available *Caîl this paper for details! mUuupWa ots ove, u s. mlaons»I UlasiLiedUfo moe. ut cal! 1 -90-1 W4O5 , ffee AT NOON s$Oml.18:'aerOprtits - ~'d. Il 1h -M b'. ..................................................................~ ~. J 1