Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1996, p. 27

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-onare Opening cerernonies. [ce sCommunty eserprorIdwatefronepar Support month, as essential to individuals for aefo tP r proclaimed bv the Tnwn of wirhinLg m ini nf- Whitby. - 'There are many reasons to celebrate," says administrato r Bey Boileau of Community Care that has been providing services such as meals on wheels, transportation and home help in Brooklin and Whitby for almost 20Oyears. In 1995-96, 150 volunteers completed 18,000 tasks to benefit residents of Whitby. Donations for jire Victims FROM PAGE i belanfriend says. Mar Mombourquette says the family desperateloy needs bedding, tewels, toi- letries pots, pans, eatin utensifs, bunk beds an9 single mattresses or air mattresses. They also require a high chai, dressers, food1atele- vision set and cothing, especially underwear, for boy s sies 12-14, 7-8 and 2-3, shoes (boys sizes 1 and 10) and teys. Donations may be drop- ped off at- Bradley's new b asement apartment at 702 Brock St. S. -- enter at the side -- or caîl her at 665- 7685 or 723-8875. Mombourquette, who can be reached al 666-0533 after 6 p.m., is looking inte fpenmg a trust account for Brasdley, who she siays had no insurance and was stili paying. for furniture des- troyed in the fire. --RUIAI -- - O AhAlitAiaKi supported independent life styles. Anyone wishing to know more about Community Care or volunteer opportunities can drop by the office at 209 Dundas St. E., or'cali 668- 6223. The official opening of the new Rotary Sunrise Lake Park and gazebo will be held on Thursday, Oct. 3 4-30 p.m., i Port Whitby. Just eaat of Brock Stret. South, off Water Street, the park was the result of hun- dreds of hours of work by Rotary Club of Whitby members and their fam- ihies. Local politicians, Town.- staff and Rotary members will take part in the open- Parent ad-visory councilJTOItke FROM PAGE 1 Drew told Nicholson at the committee meeting, sug- gesting the two committees work together te avoid duiton. trustee Patty Bowman cautioned the council about public com- munications and -requested that su ggestions about budgets be given to the appropriate superintendent prior te, being made ublic. The four areas of o~cus on which the committ6e is working may create a duplication of work, Pieker- ing tuteRuth Ann Scedlich agreed. She also expressed con- cern over the council con- qulting with the community over the boardi budget. She moved the report be referred te, the 'boards chairpersons' committee so the four areas of focus «can be reviewed." Trustees instead decided to, simp ly refer the report te, the Oct. 7 standing commit- tee meeting. Bowman also noted there's "no mechanism» m place for the council te con- suit with the community regarding the board's budget. Committee decided to have four trustees -- Bow- man, Colleen Jordan (Ajax), Susan Kular (Pickering) and Faith Neumann (Uxbridge) -- meet with council representatives and They were cirected. to «consolidate a mechanismn which facilitates communi- cation between the... school community councils and board of trustees re adin the 1997 budget'. and report back to tE Oct. 7 meeting. Oshawa trustee Kathleen Hopper called the commit- tee s actions «mneddling,» noting the council was doing what its mandate, which was approved by the' board, alled upon it te do __ «erve as an organizing body for community consul- tation on onie or more issues of interest to the group.7 It wasAalso directed te "serve as a liaison te muni- cipal or àarea parent groups, providing input te tliem and seeking opinion ini return.» About $5,000 worth of Snap-On tools were stelen in a break-in over the 'weekend at a test building at Andrew Antenna. ced early Sundaiy afternoon that a tr on t he building had been ceut and the. tools were missing. Hlydro FROM PAGEZ1 '1'he steering committýe will report back to the group in February. The meeting of the reeon s commissioners was held te respond to the Mac- donald Advisory Committee on Competition in Ontario's Electric System. There was already broad support- for most of the Macdonald recommenda- tions based on an earlier survey conducted by Picý ering Hyro Representing Whitby HIydro at last week's meet- ing were commissioners Don MacMaster (chair)m and Ralph- Blank, and general manager Tom May. Femals Sekine Up FOR ANYTHING SWF, 20, blonde hair, g reen eayes, looking for someone who likes ta parly & have fun. 'm Up for anylhing. AD# 1539 UNATTACHED SWF, 40's, seeking honesl sincere unattached gentleman who is caring & romnantic. 'm a mature F. blonde hair, blue eyes, attractive, down to earth. AD# 1622 CLASS & STYLE SWF, 37, 5'5". 125 lbs., thick shoulder length auburn hair, warm, ultra ferni- nine, affectionate, seeking man with good morals, manners & means who enjoys good wine & company wîth a woman-Who has class & style. AD# 1389 ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mother, seeking r somneone for camping, fishing;* roman- tic evenings. 1 enjoy dancing.,old movies, ail y ou have to do is leave a message. AD# 1431h j e s WARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 5'7", br. hair, blue eyes, car- ing, warm ,intelligent, loyal, romantic, good sense of humour, enjoy bowling, dancing, movies, swimming, -seeking SWMV, monogamous, 30-40. ADN 1417 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, fuît-fig. ured, attractive, caring, thoughtful, kind & genîle, enjoy camping, otd movies, tooking for someone 10 treat me tike a lady.ADN 1365 COMPANIONSHIP SWF, would like to meet a man, 40-49. I enjoy dining, dancing, watching l.v., walking, need someone for companion- shîp who is outgoing. ADN1577 BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE SWF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, full fig. ured, attractive, caring, loving, romanlic,- iooking for kind. gentle, understanding man for one on one relalionship. ,D# 1460 FUN 11MES SWF, 22, attacled, 5'2", 125 lbs., dark hair, seeking F for some fun. Seek someone who is discrele. AD# 1465 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 44, 5'6", br. hair, blue eyes, seel ng someone for long term who knoî% Mwhat he wants in Ilite & enjoys movieý *reading, walking & quiet tîmes at honi *ADN 1434 ROMANTIC AT HEART VSWF, earl 40's, 5'7", slim, blonde hai blue eyes, seeking gentleman, 50-65 wil a good sense of humour who ikes dinin out, dancirlg & movies. AD# 1419 HAVE FUN SWF, 5'9", fuit figured, blonde curly hai btue eyes, like to go out & have func stay home & cuddle, seek taller maie, 25 38. ADN .1521 PROFESSIONAI. FEMALE SWF, 35, professional, single mother 5'4" 120 lbs., br. hair & eyes, honest caring, romantic, affeclionate, seekinc prof. mate, 37-42,'lailIdark & fit. AD# 1530 ONE MAN WOMAN >(SWF, 35, 5'9", enjoy cooking, apn music, movies & holistic healig, seeking one woman man. Single fathers wel. corne. AD# 1594 COMPASSIONATE & CARING SWF, looking for someone who is attrac tîve & enjos being active, ouldoors, hik- nccing. I love eating out, ive theatre. traveling. AD#1526 ROMANTIC DINNERS SWF, 30, n/smoker, 54i", 125 Ibý., long dark br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy quiet evenings, rornanlic dinners, readîng, seekinyg matye who is honest, sincere enjoys fmiyget togethers. ADN 1531 SPECIAL SOMEONE SWF, 44, divorced, 5'5", br. hair & eyes, fuît figured, seekîng honest & sincere gentleman who is caring, loving & roman- lic. I enjoy camping, quiet evenings with special someone. AD# 1527 MAIE FRIEND SWF, 24, 5'7". 118 lbs., blonde hair, green eyes, seeking mate friend & com- panion. ADN 1529 SWEET & HONEST SWF, 18, 54", slim, br. hair, green eyes, looking for a man who is sweet, honest& canng. ADN 1503 GOOD TIMES SWF, 39, 5'6", 122 lbs., red hair, seeking men, 35-45 & Iooking for a good tirne, catI me. ADN 1505 SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 27, would like to meet someone, 19-30 & see where it goes f rom there. ADN 1506 DNN & DANCING 'SWF, 38, businesswoman, seeking white mate, 40-50 who is interested in sports, dining & dancing. ADN 1508 MORALS à VALUES SWF, 39, enjoy wide variely 0f inerests & ail that fle has to offer, I have strong Christtan morals & values & seeking. someone who shares these values. ADN 1550 POSITVE OUTLOOK SWF, 35, single mother, seeking emo- tionalty & financiaîîy secure gentleman, 40-55 who has a positive attitude & out- look on Ilile & kriows how ta treat a lady. AD# 1533- LONG WALKS ek- SWF, 23, 5'6', 116 tbs., short br. hai N5 enjoy sports, long walks & dining out. es, ADN 1501 e. PARTY GIRL SWF, 20, 5'4", 110 lbs., blonde haii green eyes, looking for someone who î ir, interesled in having a relationshlp 1h friends first. ng ADN 1472 HOLDING HANDS SWF, 46, professional, dark br. haii blue eyes, attractive, fuît figured, lookin( ir, for sorneone who enjoys camping, oui or doors, holding hands & is romanticê 5- genîle. ADN 1467 HANDSOME MAIE SWF, 20, br hair, green eyes, universitý rstudent, looki ng for someone to enjoy tyou shoutd be handsome, single or mar. g ried & have goals for the future. ADN 1474 HAVING FUN SWF, 23, br. hair, br. eyes, good sense g,0f humour, looking for black maie, enjoy ig music, ouldoor actîvities; dining & hav- i. ing fun. AD# 1473 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 35, 5'4", long br. hair, Iooking foi sorneone to be friends first, 10 talk 10 me & isten & stay at home & cuddte. ADN 1438 SLIM BUIID SWF, 35, br. hair, br. eyes, slim build, 5'5", tooking for someone who is honest g & who ikes an independent woman. !t ADN 1543 1.' ATTRACTIVE FEMALE 1SWF, 30, attractive, married, blonde hair, -green eyes, 5'5", seeking straight mate, attractive & open minded for dis- crete encounters. ADN 1450 LAID 8ACK *SWF, looking to meet someone between 1?0-25. I am ntnI music, going out & hav- ung a good lime, seeking someone who is laid back & openminded. ADN 1400 ROMANTIC SWF, 28, 5'6", medium length br. curly hair, br. eyes, looking for someone over 29 who is intelligent, tati, large build, kind, caring & ready for long term reta- tionshîp. ADN 1410 SPECIAL PACKAGE SWF, young 49, br. hair, green eyes, great personality & sense of humour, enjoy camping, arts, fine dining, looking for nice Iookng gentleman with greal personality who knows how to treat a lady. ADN 1481 * SIMILAR QUALITIES SWF, 30, like the ouldoors, movies, staying home & going ouI, having fun & sports, interested in meeting, someone with similar qualities. AD# 1396 CAIIING AIL COWBOYS! SWF, 21, cule, 5'3", weII proportioned, blue eyes, short br. hair, seeking stim to average build mate, 21-Z8 for fine danc- ing, frendship & possible reîationship. ADN 1398 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWF. 5'lI1, long blonde hair, blue eyes. seeking casual reîationship wilh some- one, 18-29, no-jitaîous. AD# 1429 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 41, divorced, 53X, 120 lbs., enj camping, fishing, music & good conv( sation. Seeking man who knows how treat a lady,42-45. ADN 1427 LONG TERM SWF, 21, br. hair, blue eyes, 53X,li lbs., enjoy ouldoors, country music animais, seeking SWM, 21-28, slirn1 average buiîd who is fun & spontaneoi ADN 1401 REDHEAD SWF, very attractive, 5V8, redhead, ta hazet eyes, slim buitd, widow, love Ih arts, theatre, & have high morats & stai dards, arn intelligent, honest*& passiot aIe, seeking gentleman, widower Or WR divorced. ADN 1409 BLONDE FEMALE SWF, 5'4". blonde, 125 lbs., enjoy danc ing, movies, having fun, seeking somE one who enjoys the same. ADN 1397 HONEST & SINCERE SWF, 46, 5'7", blonde hair, slim, lik cross country skiing, biking, skating, ver active, love travelling, looking for some one who is honest & sincere, 40-50, tli active & knows whal he wants ln tife ADN 1363 SPOIL ME SWF, 34, seeking mate 34-45. t enjoi movies, theatre, watking, dining evenings aI the pub. I want 10 spoi somebody & t want somebody 10 spoi me. ADN 1378 FUN TIMES SWF, 39, blonde hair, green eyes, 5'2" affectionate, romantic' attractive, funlov. ing, seeking someone special 10 shaÏe fun limes with. ADN 1386 TRY ANYTHING ONCE SWF, professional, European descent, br. shoulder tength hair, br. alrnond eyes, n good shape, would try anything once excepl skydivinq, woutd ike ta meel new friends & share inimate ltimes with some- EUROPEAN MALE SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9", 170 Ibs., seeking lady who is interested in movies, long walks, for possible reîalionship. AD # 1538 T H A T YOUNG ATIER SWM, 51, 5'8", n/smoker, br. hair, blue eyes, enjoy camping, movies, biking, seek someone who enjoys the same. AD# 1556 ,SOCCER PLAYER DWM, 27, 220 lbs., soccer player, look- ing for honest, attractive female, 25-35. AD# 1163 GOOD DINNER WA11ING SWM, 6', 230 lbs., sht br. hair, br eyes, oulgoing, caring, good sense of humour, enjoy Camping,.dancing, movies, seek' outgoing female. AD# 1516 WELL BUIIT SWM, 29, 5'6". 160 Ibs., seeking some- one who wants to go out & have a good time. AD# 1522 EVENING ENCOUNTERS SWM.I 24, 165 Ibs.. Iooking for female for discretle, everilng encounters.ADN# 1469 IoI nS. m s EXECUTIVE MAE SWM, attractive, inelligent, 5'l1", 160 lbs., dlean shaven,* br hair, green eyes, seeklng attractive, slim to med. build, inelieTRdCTIEdMhoEfea. AD#1W , 0, xctvsekn trc A- ieoTTRACT sIVEF MAIEfo rla tioh lWM l40,eeuie,queklng llrac romtive, outgoingstirAD,#2854 frre4 t Nnhp oEWmusi, qet ies rornanlic3,selng,.aDNrctv1544 hir Nyhzlee,15lsEW OyREAyggi e- SW,m33e, S'il"n, attractiv e r.hir, 11 haz, ettey es, 55 bs. ejoy tayig g- a. lar, smies, hing, inngou, eeln AD# cue1ett4r8e0 bulWF 13 MUC.A wih iilrineess ýy SWM, 36, 5S8", attractive, 160 tbs., 1'enjoy sports, love tca travel, love 10 salit, il gel out & have fun, lookin9 for casual il daling, one on one conneclion. ADN 1477 EXECUTIVE MAE SWM, 40, attractive, seeking attractive, -intelligent, outgoing, sîim P, 28-35 for ërelationship. I love music, quiet limes & romanlic seltings. ADN 1488 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 36, 185 lbs.; 6', active, love sports, ouldoors, camping, good sense ?of humour, looking for someone, 28-3.ý. vwho slays active & is fit. -AD# 1517 - NEW TO AREA SWM, 36, 190 lbs., 6'3", seeking someone who is active, enjoys ouI- doors & sot for long term relation- good sense of humour. ADN 1476 FIT & ATTRACTIVE interested in meeting a friend, 18-20 for discrete encounters. ADN 1439 ATHIETIC BUILD SWM, 25, br. hair, alhlelic build, 62", 190 lbs., like 10 play sports, wanting to meet a woman, 18-25, who is ambi- tIous, athlelic & likes ta travel. ADN 1455 HAVE FUN SWM, 30, 6', 150 lbs., seeking n/smok- ing F, 23-35 who loves ouldoors, movies & is sponlaneous& easygoing & likes to have fun. ADN 1459 - HONEST & CARING SWM, 31, honesl, caring, n/smoker, enjoy sports, movies, walks, tlking & romantic limes, seeking F who is hon- est, good sense of humour. AD# 1418 The Whitby Free Press Presents... Whltby.Free Press, Wednesday, October 2, 1996, Page 27 Out-patient TB clinie opened Ajax and Pickering diseases. General Hospital, in The TB clinic will provide collaboration- with the service for residents of Durham Region Health Durham Region and Department, has opened an *surrounding areas. out-patient tuberculosis clinic at the hospital. The TB climic will be The. hospital's new offered every second ambulatory care unit is Tuesday, froi to 4 p.m., by equipped with isolation Dr. M. Silverman, internist rooms that have the proper and infectious disease ventilation and air filtration specialist. Referrals are to be systems required when made through Silverman's dealing with* infectious office in Ajax. 475 Westney Rd. N., Ajax 686-7185 First in the series "Heroes on Ice" *$39,e95 4 4 PTaking orders for "GREAT 88: ERIC LINDROS" Plate two in the series Mon.-Fri. 9:3Oam-8pm; Sat. 9:3Oam-6pm; Sun. llam-4pm Dealer Member of 'the Bradford 'Exchange lw

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