Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1996, p. 6

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Page 6. Whltby Free Prc-ss. Wednesday, October 2, 1996 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: À-lm Canadian Community Newspaper Association Sw Ontarlo Community Newspaper Association Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durham Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Buiders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outtets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. L28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPtI0NS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GSI - Outside Canada $85 + GST ISSN#0844-3geX Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario lnC. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurioe Pifher - Editor Donald Gà. Hirton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% os recycled content using vegetable based inks. te CAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by an y means tor commercial rurposes wîlhout the express permission ol the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Ca nadian copyright law. neproduction for non-commercial distribution shoutd bear a credit ine la the Whitby Free Press. 1 Tm th ei tor.u1 -What, are.the tacts about firing? To the editor: Re. Letter, *Aboùt welfare, etc., by Ted Greenfield, Free Press, Sept. 24 I would Uke ta comment on the 13 nopinions" he listed.' Opinion 1) Workfare or no wefare Comment: Honest jobs should be founçi for wefare reciplents, nat slàve labour. Opinion 2) Fingerprinting for weffare rea1pients Comment: Acceptable if everyone lncludlng Ted is fingerprinted, not just the poor and penniless. Opinion 3) Cut off wefare benefits for itfe Comment: What about the dlsabled, children, etc. (maybe. workhouses shouki be buit) Opinion 4) No lega] aid for drunk drivers Comment: In our society a persan is presumed innocent until proved guity; in this pnMvnce there is one system 0of justice, not two. Opinion 5) No free day care Comment: What about mothers with children making minimum wages? Surely they deserve' help #f fhey are the working poor. Opinion 6) No food banks, churches should do the job Comment: There have been many articles about church warkers suffering burn-out he.1ping the poor. Food banks are needed, it is strictly valuntary, there 15 no cost ta the taxpayer. Opinion 7) Wefare fraud - prison ftrst affence* Comment: Agreed if al crooked business people, lawyers, doctors, etc., are jailed for a tlrst offence. Opinion 8) Pay for abortion Comment: Many young women with no means acxudently get pregnant. Should they have unwanted children, which wviIl most lkely be supparted by tax money (yours Ted)o, or terminale their pregnancy themnselves. Opinion 9) Na welfare for chikIren leaving home, claiming abuse Comment: No young persan should -be forced ta stay in a home where sexual, physical or verbal abuse is occurrtng.*11 Opinion 10) AIl lie of the elghties, taxpayers' monen spent helping AIE 1Comment: AIl rýquire help, donc lInocent peapli cildren contai tltrough no fauit ci Opinion 11) Rec payments further Comment: The powerless have a] huge hits in incar debt reduction undertaken by the c Hope Ted Is enjc, reduction. Opinion 12) i NDP have ruined( Comment: Why elec!ions, I«fs have rnght-wing province Opinion 13) Li contitutions ta pali 100 per cent tax-d( Comment:- Coni poltical parties are deductible, al iF assoiaition and unic 100 per cent tax< churches do commercial taxes. As a [ast throughout my1 -Wy been puzz[a people who Ive( moan-and whine at who are far Iess tor thernselves. To the editor: Re: Article, 'Hospltaî's new PR director is fired,' Free Press, Sept. 25 I am very unimpressed wïth the manner of treatment that DS - Bi CEO Elizabeth Woodbury àt DS-Bggest the Whitby General Hospital ,nineties, no used in handling the hiring and >Shudb vci s hospiutar dismissal of the )s vctim hositals PRdirector. DS vlctims She states: mirs a regretable t farget many situation, he didn't meet aur ýe including xettos I w nta cted AIOS mexpeadns. I as not a f their own. Imterigentmpele n heaven. duce welfare t~n~pol o' i ther eninthe company lnk. e - oorandThis is a business relationshîp drd porand we are taiking about. re sctke Whatever happened ta "We ne sncetheagreed ta disagree,w or 'lit has, been became evident ta bath parties govemnment. that this. relationship was >ylng his faX incompatible.- or -Mr. Sa and Sa [at to* pursue other iberals and Interests, *or go back ta Ontario consuiting,w thus saving face fbother Wth for bath parties? ) a one-party Usually any employer Is a bit e. ~more oircumspedt, not to Jnion dues, mention sensitive ta the litical parties patential damage leductible psychologkcally and financially tributions ta ta the employee in dealing with, 75 per cent such a situation. CoMmon prôfessional horse sense vwuld tell us this Ion dues are man has a family ta support -deductible, and he Is going ta need a lob. not pay Newspaper headlines will not help hlm In this endeavaur. comment, ibis also brlngs up the Rfe 1 have question 0f just- how id that some competent the selection comtortably committee is in their«selection" bout peaple 0f. a candidate which, by the rtunate than way, is a costly process. Alsa, when there is the back-up of a Peter WIld board for additional Insurance Whltby and input in a hiring decision, Management failureP To the editor: Re: Article 'Union, striking staff close fa settlement,' Free Press, Sept. 25. If their confract settlement %Mil require staff vvrkers ta subsidize the OPSEU union by bétween $8,500 and $1 9,000 each over the next two years, then, why is the present management allowed ta remain? It appears that incompetent management got them in this situation.. No mention has been macle of the leadership reducng their'take or givng anything back. Why are the workers punisheci for management failure? Perhaps the union should just be shut down, if if is flot econom*icaly viable wvithout staff subsidies. There are Cher unions that are better managed that would quickly pick up the members for their own, giving them 5f ronger negotiating positions and improving -their tinancial strength. Why don't unions follow the same Iaws 0f supply and demand like private business? Don Young Ajax why were they not used as a resource?11 1 have spent over 24 years in health Icare recruitment as well as warking with many large corporations ln Industry, both nationally 'andgbobaly, and 1 have neyer- heard of sucèh a poor PR Job done ln terms of a 30-day terni of employment. ibis man abviously came forward ln ' good faith. Let's hear tacts, not excuses or cuver-ups. Who hired whom? Dkl lie mai<e the mistake or did the commnittee make the nustake? What is the hiring critenia - and just Who exactly deserves the blame if any biame is ta be laid? The .recruter, the candidate or the committes? Who agreed on and wrote the job description? Who chose the short lsà? Who was' responsible for the reference process? Who made the ultimate hirlng decision? Certalnly not the candidate. If any candidate of mine were treated in such a cavaler manner, rest assured that my recommendation would be "Heres the name of a gond wrongful dismlssal lawyer,", and I would neyer deal with such an unethical client again. What heinous deeds did this man do in a 30-day peutod? Normally there Is at least a 90- day, if not six-month ta a year orientiation and probationary perlod, for anyone In a new position. 1 can't walt ta see how many people wi respond ta an ad for a new PR director, knowmng what happened in this case. Would you leave your current job, put your career, your reputation and your future et risk for a 30-day position? Obvlously no one it WG H knows what *public relationsr means, so can anyone In tact do the job? With aIl the cuts ta management In health care, -wouki MOs. Elzabeth Woodbury want her termînation desctlbed In headlines such as this? -"Do unto others ...'» is sf111 the best polcy 200 years later. Valerle J. Vlckery Presldent Vlckery EBoardmen and Assoclates Executîve Search Board chair statement '.inac -curate' Toa the editor: An open letter ta Audrey MacLean, chair of the Durham Board of Education. - I arn wnting this letter in response ta some erroneous remarks made in the Sept. 25 Whitby Free Press by Audrey MacLean, wfith regard ta an alleged Iack of interest on the part of. the provincial government for the Durham Board 0f Education's recent = nig of the Carl Bresann Award. In' the article, wMacLeaq: Provlnce's 'silence' prompted remark," Mrs. MacLean stades that * ... there really hasn't been any recognition fa the board (tram the govemment)... A letter of congratulations tram the premier or minister would have meant a great deal ta this board.« Where * has Mrs. MacLean been? In April of 1996, I macle a statement in the Ontario Legisiature ongratulating the Durham board on its nomination, a copy 0f which was given ta the board. Veés, me Minister of Education and Training was unable ta attend the< ceremony due ta his schedule, but i. attended the award ceremony in Germanyl as the officiai representa 'tive of the Ontanio government, along with Mrs. MacLean. Af this ceremony, I deiivered a speech on behaf 0of the Premier 0f 'Ontario conigratulating the board. -A copy of these greetings was given ta the Bertelsmnann Foundation and one was given ta the board officiais - in tact, they released a oyfitoth media. coyfiftth At the ceremony, I was a participant and -speaker at -a symnposiumn on educaion reform, which included e du ca toars an d parliamentarians. tram Germany, Scotîand, Norway, Switzertand, New Zealand and the Netherlands. We were ail sincereiy impressed by the quality and professionalism 0f the educators tramn the During my tnp faý Germnany (which was at no expense ta Ontario taxpayers), I issued two press releases regaraing the avent, and lncluded the' Premiers greetings with the second release." On FrldaY, Sept. 20, Norm Green, supertinendent 0f staff development 0f the Durham board, was a guest on my Rogers Cable 10 show which aired the folbowing Sunday and Monday, where we discussed mi Iength the Bertelsmann Award. In addition ta that, I was scheduled ta make a turf her mnembers steatement ta the Legislature on M Ponday, sept. 30. 1lam Waaloss;to understand why Mrs. MacLean, who was presenit with me, ln Germany, and Is aware 0f ailof, these tacs, has, macle such inaccurate statements ta the pressà. Her stemn1ents exNibit an inability ta distinguish between tact and tantasy. They are an embarrassment tao the many- excellent prafessianal educators employed by the Durhamn board who acfualiy eamed the award. Jlm Flaherty Durham Centre MPP Disabled benefit from To the edlîor: About 150 people attended the benefit presentation of Noises Off on Wednesclay, Sept. 18 et the Oshawa Little Theatre. Af a reception held atterward, representatives of Affect Durham and the member organizations - DreamnCatchers, Hearts, Our Home, People First, Invisible Disabilities and the Durham Association for Family Respite Sev is - macle brief presentations. Funds raised tram this avent -stay in Durham Region and will be dMvded among the member organizations, continuing the support for. famn-iles, having isabled members. Roy Brîlîinger, -Chair Affec6t.Durham' In response 0

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