I SHGWTIM El Imipressionists 'GOOd PRock'n To-Night' wilI be held ini Oshawn 'on Oct. 18 and 19. The show features fBob McVay as Elvis Presley, Ray Anthonry as Richie VaIenqss ýlncmie in- pressionist Houaton Mac- Pherson and The Tony Mergel Band, The Moguls. Hits from the fifties six- ties and seventies wihl be perforrned at the show to be held at the OshaWa Lit- tie Theatre, showtfme 8. P.m. Reserved tickets only, for $18, are available by cal- ling 433-2010. Studio tour Thae annual artist studio tOur will be held by The Station Gallery on Oct. 26 and 27. Thers wifll be public tours of artist studios and gai- leries in Whitby Oshawa, ~jxPickeri otPerry, For more information, cali the gallery at 668-4185. At the gallery AN EXHIBITION by Bowmnanvuîîe artîst reference to past cultures th rough hisi R'" EcclIes,shpe<LdY,>,&i 1 underway use of colour and surfaoe textures. at The Station Gallery and will continue, Eccles WiII condct a walking tour of his until Oct. 27. His work often makes exhibition on Sunday, Oct. 20, 3 p.m. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Prou Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, Page il Percussion ensembhie Pre'4sents Iladayana Haedayn a feature at the 1996Toroto Festival of Storytelling, will' be presented at the Arts Resouroe Centre, Oshawa, on Saturday, Oct. 26, 8 P.m. In the show, Hadayana, a young hunter, lW nured and isolated from her people. How will she survive? Directed by storyteller George Blake, the show features the voice, Stoiytelliig and drumnming of the KalIalu Percussion Ensemble.' Ickets are $6, available at* Information Oshawa or at the door. Free parking. For -information, oeil the Pickering Storytelling Cooperative at 579-7149. 4 ONTARIO ~j UNIOR CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR YAWARDS Deadllne - Oct. 31 st, 1996 Contact this communtty newspaper for detalis. Dr. Hook Dr. Hook will be in con- cert at General Sikorski Hall1, Stevenson Road North, Oshawa, on Tues- day, Oct. 22,'7:30 p.m. Vocalist Ray Sawyer, who fronted the bandas breakthrough to 'Cover of the Rolling Stone' and international statua in the early seventies and eight- les bas been touring the U à Canada and overseas for lhe past ive years with a new band and new twist to hia fazifiar sound. Hie sound is marked by blending the black and. white southern music of Alabamna where he was born and raised. Advance tickets for $22.50, are availabMe atý Discs & Data in Whitby. Tickets are $25 at the door on the night of the concert. Haunted house The Ktidz KIub at 101 White Oaks Court in Whitby will hold the first annual Haunted Hous on Halloween night, Oct. 31s, 7 p.m. Those aged, 12 and under can see Dracula, Franken- stein, The Grim Reaper and more spooky creatures, walk through Slaughter Hall and see Frankenstejn's laboratory. The cotise $1. AIl proceeds go ta Kidz Klub, a non-profit program for school-aged children. KIDS' CHOIR Objidren who love to sing can join the Al Intd ngicnChurch children's choir, for those aged seven to 14. For more information, «Mil Eaine Broughton at 668-8578 or 668-5101. Therell be more Howlin' in Whitby Oct. 26. The. popular quartet, Howlin' at the -Moon who' perform in, a folk-flues- country style will be at the Centennial building that Saturdaynight in a Vital SPark Folk Society concert. The band only recently released their firat self- titled CD, Howlin' at the Moons, comprised of their own original works. Tickets for the Regal A Mad Hatter's Tea Party will be held on Saturclay, Nov. 9 at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery. The Mad Hatteres Tea Party is the theme for a fundraing auction of tea tiraya painted and decorated by regilonal artista. The event includes music» entertainment and refreshinents culminating in a professional auction of 40 one-of-akIdnd wooden tea trays. The tea trays will be on display in the lobby of the McLaughlmn Gallery from choir in concert As part of the 13Oth anniversary celebrations of Ail Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby, the combined choira are presenting 'Music Now and Then' on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 3:30 p.m. Roorvn performance cost- $10 for members, $12 for "non- memnbers, and are available by calling'Alison at 430- 2529. The band -- mnade up of, Heather Cameron Hawk- shaw (vocals), Joanne Shaw (giar, vocals), Karen Wilde (vocals, Percussion) and Glenn Robertson (gui- tar banjo, bass, vocals), and1 "unsung" fifth man Ron Hogsn (fiddle, key- board) -- first performed In a Vital Spark concert two Oct. 21 to the day of -the auction. Reserve bids will be acoepted ln the gallery gift shop. The Mad Hatter's Tea Party will begin at the gallery with a reoeption and cash bar at 7 p.m., the auction to start at 8 p.m. ickets are available for $20 at the gallery. years ago and the iuccess Of that show pron uted in- vitations for more shows. j ooth iflriI Ta Ik By Dr. Girish Hattay K Â 701 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby 666-0244 Whiat is tooth whitening? lt's a bleaching process that uses a mild solution of carbamide peroxide placed' in a custom- fitted tray that fits over the teeth while sleeping. The carbamide-peroaIde breaks down into oxygen -which enters the enamel and dentin and bleaches the stain forming substances. Tooth discoloration caused by substances like coffee, tea, tobacco, colas, antibiotics, aging etc. can be lightened by this process, when used over a period of 10-14 nights, depending on the degree of whitening desired. Some tooth sensitivity ta cold, and discomfort in the gums may occur and the treatment may need ta be interrupted and monitored by a dentist. >The- results are noticed right away on commencement of treatment and are usually permanent but sometimes 'a touch up may be required after a few months. Best Chinese Food in Town Serviflg Durhamfor 32 years CHINESE FOOD,. Ail 'You Can Eat BUJFIFT Club Hlouse Sandwich (HAM, TURKEY, OR BLT) or Steak on a Kaiser or Veail Cutiet on ci Kaiser -includes fres OnIy $4.50 + tax dinners: Souvlaki or Salad, Fries & Dinner Roill $5095 + Specidzng i n Fine Medita;iù chne IIT ~ ~andihe Best of Greek and Canadian Fo jLunch from $4925 Meeingse Anniversaries Birthdays e Catering Available, -Dinner Reservations Recommended Open 7 days a week ~ LLBO 1101 Brock Street South (1 block N. of Hwy. 40) Take out 6680778 Tea trays on autio at gallery Open 7 days a week - For Reservations (905) 723-6465 Book your Christmas Party soon - 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa FRESH SALADS MADE DAILY Garden, Greek, Seafood ' Julienne or Caesar ALL UNDER $3.50 + tax 1 0