Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 1

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Officer goes for 'ride' on stolen 'truck ýpage3 Halloween. colouring contéest page 12 - i ~ Dt2P~Ç IBm 19 k * j Autô news Parents a -big help at schools mae 22. ANV Whitby, Oshawa At odds oer development B3y Mke Kowali Proposed commercia development *in souti Whitby has pitted Towi neffictorgi stetan ThckonRod stheis As waa r tthe casth mg adcange inets f-arei tpetretail w aehuse vl Ahkough ai the pro- gos sare hein g reie-ed W-haa oit anDuha bealieesppthatihesaplica toons ar rmauranthi RC' ity counci 1 nters The Durhamn Board of Education's celebration of its Cari Bertelsmann prize for excellence in education wiii take place throughout Durham Region in Novem- ber, inciuding a Nov. 12 event in Whitby. Trustees representing Whitby on the board ani the superintendent of edu- cation for.-Whitby schools wil host the- event at Henry Street High Schooi, starting at 7 p.m. The short program will include commente from director of education Grant Yeo and one of the other four, delegatres whoý repre- sented the board in Ger- many last month when the prize was announced. A' video outlining the award and its'implications for Durham studenits will be shown, followed by pre- sentations of certificates Wo schoois recognizing. their contributions tW winning the aWard. that the cumulative impact il of commercial development h ini the Tickson40l vicinity n on commercial areas else- ,r where in Durham has yet to be properly evaluated. n Even though regional a council is awaiting a con- -suitant's report on the issue -of "big box' retaiiing in 1 Durhamn the vice-chair of tOshawale planning and rdvlp ecornmittee activity near the, intersec- tion will detrimentally affect flot on1y her city, but Regional councillorCathy Clarkie also'questions the need for compréhensive planning principles when an officiai pan can be changed. in order to accom- modate development. .Two of her« Whitby coun- terparts, however, are a bit cynicai about Oshawa's supposd conoern for eist- ing busines«. Regional councillors Joe Drumm and Marcel Brunelie. suggest there m ay be a touch of envy on the city's part and doubt that the issue wouid be given a second thoughit if the pro- psed development was :ein touted for a location on theoposite sije of the Withy-shawa border. Clark, not surprisingly, disagrees with their asses- ment of city. council's motives. "We're not just saying we don't w'ant ît therebDecause it precludes it in Oshawa," sid Clarke. <'This wili be so big it will imact other areas. People 2e1head there Wo do al thefr shoppinq.' Reladaoras appulication, which came beforei Town councii's planning and develiopment committeeL last wek calse for a total of 147,000 square feet of commercial floor space. Approximately 60,000 square feet woud be used Wo house a Leon's furniture store. Last July, the shme comn- mittee heard details of an application from Kose Pro- perties bIc. Wo permit a 2,000-square-foot ware- house'on 'Its 9.6-acre site on the south side of Victoria Street,. east of Thickson Roa&L American-owned Value Village, a. used apparel merchandise retailer based in Washin&ton state, would open a Whitby outiet in the warehouse if-Koseso appli- cation is successful. SEERPAGE-13 97- '1 WHITBY firefighter Ro shows childien from Bon Care howo firetighters get in 'a hurry. The childreni Workfare examiN Public meetinig A public meeting about Council, Workfare Watch, the tmo Works income Ontario Coalition Against' assistance, employment Poverty, and Tony Martin, services, emergency hos- NDp mpp from Sault Ste tels) program wiii held Marie, a iong-time anti- Wonight -(Wednesday) a t poverty activist. There will be representatlvQsfrom the Metro Soél i Planning A numiber of local, people sucli asKen Thibault, president of1 the, Labour Council,, ,Sid Ryan, from,, CUPE, svor'ÏhuriWh' appeal draws re'sponse Whitby residents responded with- great enthusiasm to the Innushare appeal for help iast week. At one, point, said Mary Wood of Inshare " 'We thought we might disappear under the avalance. People were se geneou that we' had to divert some donations to 'the Saivation, Army or Hundrds of locals clearéd their linen closets to find the blankets, sheets, and towels requested by 'the, Innu women. Many *stai.ted their Christmas shopping with a charitable donation '-by puivhasing work soc)cs, tea towels, dish, clothes, Christmas candies etc. One young woman told Wood: "Don't worry, it's in My Christmas budget." Close to 200 giant boxes were packed in the week before Thanksgiving and ýare now on board a North Amercian Van Lines truck heading for Lewisport, Nfld. They'll be trans-shipped from that point by Marine Atlantic for delivery to Innu families at Davis Inlet, Labrador, on the lit boat of the shipping season. .Innushare , Volunteers expressed appreciation to al Who participated, including, the Whitby Free Press. 'Without the great assistance of this newspaper, this shipment would neyer have taken place," said Wood. AttemptedI. charge' A 62-rear-old Maria Street, Whitby maxi- was charg '%with attempted. to n i t m urdr af ter a relative was g h stabbed with a large kit- ministers and chen knife ,Wednesday representatives of local non- evening. Proft aenies wll lso police say the accused profitragentios wliai staiid the, 29-year-old make resenatiou . mani in the stomach with At 6 p.m., the Durhamn the knife,' penetrating the Region Coalition for Social skin befjre the blade broke, Justice lbas organiized a" after an argumentbrk gathering at the high schooi outin thé kitchén. prior to the forum. The rally Donald Rss Heard .waa wili feature somne .Street aise charged with threaten-. theatreand public'education ing d.ath. and wap on the work&are Issue,, daneOiôus. a" vames 1 m lqqmw Innushare,-

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