Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 19

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I Most motorists are generally aware that they are required ta. stop when approaching a school bus with its red signal llghts flashlng. But vezy few of us know exactly what the law requires, and based on the commenta of school bus drivers, too xnany of us do not appreciate the potential danger of passing a stapped achool bus. Ini Ontario, when approaching a stapped school bus with its red signal lights flashing, the Hlighway Trafflec Act requires: 'ail motorista, ti aIl lanes, travelling in the smre direction as- the bus -(i.e. approaching tI4e bus from the ffr) must stop at least 20 metres (65 feet) behind the school bus; 'ail motoriste, ti ail lanes, travelling in the opposite direction ta the bus (iLe. approaching the bus from the front) must also stop unless the two directions of travel are separated by 'a median strip. 1 The Highway Traffic Act clearly defines a "median strip" as a physical barrier such as a guardrail, or an unpaved strip of ground such as a wide grass boulevard. A painted centreline or cross-hatched pavement markings are flot considered to be a median strip. rafclni both directions must corne to -a stop where only these or similar paint marklngs separate the two directions of travel. When required ta, stop, you may flot proceed until the echool buis moyeu or the red sigal lighta have stopped flashing. If you think that some sehool bus drivers begiln ta flash their lights to soon and wait too, long ta, turn them off, you should also know that, exoept when the bus stop la located at a signallzed Intersection, school bus drfies are reqwdred by law ta: obegin latihlng their red signal lights before they corne taa full stop; *exrtend the 'stop' sign arm attached to the side of the bus as soon as the bus ls stopped; *continue to operate the flashing red signal lights and display the "stop' ign until ail passngers have boarded or left the bus; @;where there is no median strip, display the flashing iights and 'stop' sign uniti l al pessengers leaving the bus and wanting ta cross the road have completed the, crossing. Now that we understand the law, it is eatsy ta, see that the school bus with ts fiashing red signal lights and extendable "stop" sign arrn is actually a travelling school crosswalk. So when approachi*n a stopped school bus, rememiber that a child may be about tu cross the road in front of your vehicle. The shape and size of the school bus itself may prevent you from seeing children at the side of the road, and don't rely on them to see you. To a small child, a frend or parent waiting on the far ide of the street may be an irresistable temptation ta run to without looking for oncoming. traffic. Bestides, we adulta taught them that crosswalks and school buses are safe places. We also teach them about the dangers of crossing roads, but fortunately, mosat children have no ability at ail ta comprehend how much pain a speeding car can cause; we adults do. Children wlll not always act responsibly, they rely on us. Drive accordingly -- drive safely. 1,000 postcards for PM in support Of a national jcampaign ta Persuade the féelgovernment ta invest in Canada's national highway System, OAA Central Ontario has arranged for one million postoerds addressed ta Prime [ Minister Chretien ta be inserted inta two magazines distributed tao AA members. The postcards remind the prime minister that road usera such as CAA members pay the federal government 10 cents (plus GST) for each litre of fuel they purchase for their vehicle and that they expect the federal governmen~t ta inveat at least L ookingback FROM PAGE 18 apparently it didrit occur ta' anyone that porcelain is easily broken. Some Aaaembly Requireck Prior ta 1917,1if you wanted a Mertz automobile, you reeved 14 separate boxes of prts, which you had ta put together yoursL fAnd Welue Been Paying Euer. Since: The, parking mater made its dabut in Oklahoma City on July 16, 1935, with a price of fiva cents par hour. Toronto got Çits firat ones, a row, of 1l kalongaide Old City Hall, on Feb. 6, 1942; thay taok a dime every 30 minutes. jA Time-Ilonoured Trudition: The first reportad stalan car was a Peugeot' owned by the Baron de IZuylen of France. Ha took it back ta the manufacturer in 1896 for repairs, whereupon Iit was promptly stalen by a company machanie. two cents of each 10 cents in Canadian roada. CAA .aya the federal goverriment currently collecta more than $5 billion annually in fuel taxes from Canadian motorista and spenda virtually nothing on highways. CAA estimates that two cents a litre would axnount ta more than $700 million each year. «The provinces have Sohools' Three Oshawa secondary schools - Dr. F.J. Donevan CI, G.L. Roberts CVI anc O'Neill CVI - have formed a new partnership callec GREEN' (Global Rivera Envirental Educatiorj Network). with General Motors of Canada. .The initiative began ini 1988 in Saginaw, ichigan when windsurfers on, a local pond developed skin conditions.. The local schools and Qeneral Motors inked to study the quality of water in the pond and found that a sewer Pipe under the pond had broken and-had leaked into the water for some time. Although 25,000 communities- around the world now are involved i this initiative, this is the only General Motors GREEN environmenital partnerabip in, Canada. GREEN is an international network of people and I(Dream donation i The Street Dreams Car Club recently donated $200 ta the Denise House sheiter for women in Oshawa. The club raised the mnoney at a car wash at the Sunoco gas station on Dun- das Street West in Whitby. The Durham-based club, which has nine, members, holds a car wash every year" ta raise funds for various groupa. Whitby Free Press, Wecfnesday, October 16, 1996 , Page 19 partner is GM yinstitutions commjtted to a actively improving and à sustainiuig the plan e' water Rupon which all life depends. 1 Using water as a uiff 3theme, GREEN promnotesi 1Positive attitudes, policies 1and practices by encouraging active participation by Llinkting people at ail levels Lthrough education, global comuiato and co- operation. Programs ta, foster environmental ethia, cmos- cultural sensitivity and respect are developed, thus contributing ta a more trusting, caring and peaceful world. General Motors is participating in this partnership ..ta enhance Science and incorporate authentic -learning experiences in the school curriculum. It provides General Motors with another opportunity ta, become involved in the community and educate students so that they develop the kilse and understand the future environmental neede of Society. General Motors provides resourcea and leadership for the program and* its employees volunteer their time -ta mentor, assiat, with the learning experiences, help with computer networkring and assist with training teachers. Through the local GREEN program, students will study the Oshawa Creek waterway indicated they will match federal funda. About 160 traffic deaths and 2,300 .injuries are attributed each year ta Canada's* decaying road system, according taO AA. The postcards are being distrubted taO AA members in Ontaria and the Maritimes through LeisurewaYs and Lesiure Auto affordabîlÎty FROM PAGE 18 cent In the second quarter Of 1996 ta a 12-year low, Vermeeren noted. Worsening affordability of riew vehicles bas also prompted Canadian motarista ta hold on ta their cars much longer and in part explains the growing popuiarity of used car and leasing. ,& urvey done for, Royal Bank by DesRosiers. Autamotive Consultants earlier thi s year showed that motoriats plan ta keep their vehicles, on average, 7.9 years. And of all vehicles acqulred in the last year,, 64 per cent were acquired uaed a.nd 36 per cent were new. The findings also showed that despite their higher than average household ticornes, drivers aged 35 ta 44 were more likely than the average-Canadians driver ta own olderniodel vehicles and were more Iikely ta have purchased used cars. Baby boomers also are more hikely than average ta say they, would choose another used vehicle next time they're ini the market. * HELPIServinlg urham.since 1981 - IYTBY AUTO GLASS au sPecialists ltd.. i $replace yourWihorFEMoieSrc, TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9747 1 oe inshiîdwe will corne to your home or 668-2003 i' deductible Auto Glass office. We also do complete auto 1013 Dundas St. E. Whitby &marine upholstery, boat tops & Mobile Servicei oe~covers at our Port Perry location. Guaraniteed-Workmanship ~ - --- iih this coupon) Askus Our stff has more-than 24.years êexperlenice cbmblned'- * £' THE II RU TIES a Thé___once___a_____________ i Thein oncr e atyar s If# - *Rust'Cheçk Application e Oil Spray from $59-95I Interior Shampoo e Shines e Fabric Guard 20IUDSS. .-6885 Coupn god unil Otobe 31,199 biologically, pbYsically and' historically. They will use scientific, water quality ex pei* e t and data to ideiZ.-water quality issues. Through the Internet syster, the sehoolis also wili be linked to sirniar watershed projectsalal over the world and data can be collected and cornpared. Students wiil learn how personal behaviour impicts water quality and leani solutions to water quality problems. RST PROTECTION Authorized Dealer FXe YO/R CAOfT'UC NOX/FY M 17M9876 wE à The ALu foRD wachestalDya When is a :s1choolbus à crosswalk? il Li Pl

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