Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1996, p. 27

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'Kids' The Kids on the Block - Durham Region are getting ready to raise the curtain for children in Durham ]Region. The educational program uses hiesz puppets te bring, an awareness cf different disabilities and social issues. "%hs year we have two troupeb, one which will visit local schools and the other will be performing for area Brownie/,&out* troupes," says Ratherine Hendersen, boeking.coordnator. "The day troupe wal be Perfornung on Monday prep are mornings and their Presentation wil include the topics of diabetes, visual impairment and our new "siblings" pregram. 'Mhe group going out on Tuesdays evenings wiil focus on epilepsy, opina bifida and streetproofing. Both groupns do ail three topics ini a performance which lasts between 30 te, 40 minutes." The KÇids on the Block - Durham Regien pregram has been operating for more than 10 years. For more information, or to book a performance, cail Henderson at 655-5680. W hitby F for new Free Press, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, Page 27 season Fema-ts Se e .NO STRINGS ATTACHED SWF, 26, pretty, blonde, professional, seeking SWM, who is interested ln outdoor activities, travel & who is pro- fessional, kind, easygoing. AD# 1586 * VOLUPTUOUS SWF, 35, voluptuous brunette, hazel ayes, br. ha ir, creative, easygoing, afectionate, seeking honest, warm, openminded man who is interested in art & old movies. AD# 1658 FAMILY LIFE SF,29, professional, Chinese, like out- doors, dancing, cooking, tamily life, seeking Chinese maie, 30-42, 5'6" or taller who enjoy family lite. AD# 1564 QUIET EVENINGS r WF, 15»5"full figured, brunette, hazel eyes, enjoy outdo>ors, dining out, quiet evening at home. AD# 1626 e a 4 - 36- 6A ATIVE SWF, independent rfessional, active, seeking companion, enjoy outdoors, camping, bowling, dancing, movies, must be good communicator. AD# 1563 Up FOR ANYTHING SWF, 20, blonde hair, green eyes, look- ing for someone who likes to party& have fun. l'm Up for anything. AD# 1539 UNATTACHED SWF, 40's, seeking honest sincere unat- tached gentleman who Is caring & romantic. l'm a mature F, blonde hair, blue eyes, attractive, down to earth. AD# 1622 CLASS & STYLE SWF, 37, 5'5», 125 lbs., thick shoulder iength auburn hair, warm, ultra feminine, affectionate, seeklng man with good norals, manners & means who enjoys, good wîne & company with a woman who has class & style. AD# 1389 ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mother, seeking some- ona for camping, fishing, romantic evenings. I enjoy dancing, old movies,' Ill you have to do is leave a message. r AD# 1431C WARM & COMFORTING SWF, 33, 57", br. hair,- blue eyes, cý warm intelligent, loyal, romantic, M sense of humour, enjoy bowling,c ing, movies, swlmming, seeking S monogamous, 30-40. AD# 1417 90MANTIC AT HEART ured, attractive, cartng, thoughtful, kii gentle, enjoy camping, old movies,W,4,bod a1,bu ys u gn for someone I0 treat me Iil< lady.AD# 1365 COMPANIONSHIP SWF, would like to meet a man, 40-1 enjoiy dining, dancing, watching t.v., vy ngneed someone for companionm who is outgoing, AD#1577 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 52, widow, interested in meetin gentleman, enjoy dancing, dining, spc seeking a companion. AD# 1570 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF, 29, blonde hair, blue eyes, vi attractive, nice build, 5'9", 127 lbs., c golng, spontaneous, love outdoors, on camping, movies, moonlit walks, look! for someone who is honest & attractii muscular build, 32-45. AD# 1573 BOLD & BEAUTIPUI. SWF, attractive, big, bold & beautiti sense of humour, looking for nice gL blue eyes, blonde or red hair, slim buil romantlc a must, friend or lover. AD# 1578 SURPRISE MEt SWF, 19, 125 lbs., br. hair, green eye outgoing, enjoy dancing, dining ou romance, seeking someone 20-24, indi pendent & handsome. AD# 1574 BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE SWF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, fuît tic ured, attractive, caring, loving, romantic looking for kind, gentle, understandiný man for one on one relationship. AD# 1460 FUN TIMES ISWF, 22, attached, 5'2", 125 lbs., danl hair, seekîng F for some fun. Seel someone who is discrete. AD# 1465 LONG TERM RELAT1ONSHIP SWF, 44, 5'6", br. hair, blue eyes, seek- ing someone for long term who knows what he wants in liteg& enboys movies, reading walking & quiet times at home. AD# 124 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, earî 40's, 5'7", slim,' blonde hair, blue eyes, seeking gentleman, 50-65 with a. good sense of humour who likes dining out, dancing & movies. AD# 1419 HAVE FUN SWF, 5'9", full-tigured, blonde curly hair, blue eyes, like to go out & have fun or stay home & cudgie, seek taller maIe, 25- 38. AD# 1521 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SWF, 35, professional, single mother, 5'4", 120 lbs., br. hair & eyes, honest, caring, romantic, affectionate, seeking prof, maie, 37-42, tall,dark & fit. AD# 1530 MA 1OA SWF, 35, 5'9", enjoy cooking, camping, music, movies & holistic healing, seeking one woman man. Single fat hers wel- come. AD#1594 COMPASSIONATIE SWF, looking for someone who is attrac. tive & enjoys being active, oudoors, hik- ing, cycling. 1 love eating out, live the. aIre, traveling. AD#1526 ROMANTIC DINNERS SWF, 30, n/smoker, 5'4", 125 lbs., long dark br. hair, hazel eys, enjoy quiet evenings, romantic dinners, reading, seeking maIe who is honest, sincere & enjoys family gel togethers.AD# 1531 SPECIAL SOMEONE SWF, 44, divorced, 5'5", br. hair & eyes, fuît figued, seeking honest & sincere gentlemunan who Is caring, loving & romanic. I enjoy camping, quiet LONG.WAIKS g9 a SWF, 23, 5'6", 116 bs., short br. ha rts, enjoy sports, long walks & dining out. AD# 1501 PARTY GIRL SWF, 20, 5'4", 110 lbs., blonde ha ai-y green eyes, looking for someone whc ut- interested in havlng a relatlonshi loy friends tii-st. ing AD# 1472 ve, HOLDING HANDS SWF, 46, professional, dark br. hai blue eyes, attractive, full figured, lookir for someone who enjoys camping, ou uI, doors, holding hands & is romantic iy, genîle AD# 1467 d. HANDSOME MAIE SWF, 20, br hair, green eyes, universi student, looking for someone to enjol you should be handsome, single or mai 'S. ried & have goals for the future. t, AD# 1474 e- MAIE FRIEND SWF, 24, 57", 118 lbs., blonde hair green eyes, seeking maie fri-end & con panion. AD# 1529 C, ROMANTIC ýg SWF, 28, 5'6", medium Iength br. curly hair, bi-. eyes, looking for someone ovet 29 who is intelligent, tal, large build, kind, caning & ready for long termn reta- ktionship. k AD# 1410 SPECIAI PACKAGE SWF, young 49, b. hair, green eyes, great personaîity & sense of humour, *enjoy camping, arts, fine dining, lookinc *for nice lookîng gentleman with great personality who knows how to treat a lady. AD# 1481 SWEET & HONEST SWF, 18, 5'4", slim, br. har, green eyes, Iooking for a man who is sweet, honest &caring. AD# 1503 GOOD TIMES SWF, 39,5'6", 122 lbs., red hair, seeking men, 35-45 & looking for a good time, caîl me. AD# 1505* SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 27, would like to meet someono, 19-30 & see where it goes from there. AD# 1506 DINING & DANCING SWF, 38, businesswoman, seeking white maie, 40-50 who is interested in sports, dining & dancing. AD# 1508 MORALS & VALUES SWF, 39, enjoy wide vaniety 0f interests & ait that lie has 10 offer, t have strong Christian morals & values & seeking someone who shares these values. AD# 1650 POS17VE OUTLOOK' -SWF, 35, single mother, seeking emi tionally & financially secure gontlemaf -40-55 who has a positive attitude & ou look on lite & knows how to treat a ladý AD# 1533 HAVING FUN iSWF, 23, br. hair, br. eyes, good sens 10f humour, tooking for black mate, enjol music, outdoor activities, dining & havini fun. AD# 1473 FRIENDS FIRST SWF, 35, 5'4", long br. hair, looking fo someone to be frlends first, to tatk to mE & listen & stay at home & cuddle. AD# 1438 SLIM BUILD S WF, 35, br. hair, br. eyes, slim build, 5", tooking for someone who is honest &who lîkes an independent woman. AD# 1543 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, 30, attractive, marriod, blonde haîr, green eyes, 5'S", seeking straight mate, LAID BACK SWF, Jooking to meet someone betweer 20-25. 1 am into music, going out & hav- inq a ood lime, seeking someone who is laid back & openminded. AD# 1400 SIMILAR QUALITIES SWF, 30, like the outdoors, movies.stay- ing home & goîn9 out, having fun& sports, interested in meeting someoni wilh similar qualities. AD# 1396 CALLING AIL COWBOySI SWF, 21, cule, 5'3», well proportioned, blue eyes, short br. hair, seeking slim te average build maie, 21-28 for line danc- ing, friendship & possible relationshlp. AD# 1398 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWF, 5'l;" long blonde hair, blue eyes, seeking casual relationship with some- one, 18-29, not jealous. AD# 1429 LONG WAIKS SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9", 170 lbs. looking for lady who enjoys movies, lonç twalks for possib le long term relationship. AD 55GOOD TIMES SWM, 24, tatI, dark, slim;* good looking, interesteti in skiing, flshing, good limes, lots of fun. AD# 1584 LOTS 0F FUN SWM, &X3, br. hair, br. eyes, like sports, outdoor activities, great sense of humour, looking for nice Iooking girl who is lots of tun. AD# 1585 SOUIMATE SWM, 33, 5'r, 185 tbs., active, protes- sional, in search of soulmate. AD# 1588 NO HEAD GAMES SWM, 27, 6'3", 200 Ibs., black hair, green eyes, enjoy pets, looklng for attractive tomate. ADN 1557 FINE DINING SWM, 37, seeking SWF, 20-35, who would like to go fine dining, live theatre, 10 the movies. AD#-1565 ?n v- 10 FREE FOR 1 EE FOR m y r Ig 1 _ _ 00 LADIESW 1 1 op f Ladies may retrieve mes- n 2 . sages for free once per day by calling 1-888-400-3283Y Ext. 11, Option 2. .ATTACHED MALE. SWM, 34, attached, athlello, educated, seeklng attached, slim, attractive t, emale for discreet & fun encounters. t AD# 1566 DINING & DANCING SWM, interested in sports, dlnlng dancing, soeking F withsmlrItr ests.AD# 1571 . i BIG & URLY SWM, 37, br. hair, blue eyes, heav- set, lots of fun, looking for CWF, 18-30 who likes movies, theatre, dinlng or t.v. AD# 1575 SHARE WITH ME SWM, protessional, onjoy dining, danc- ing, outdoors, sports, looking for some- one to share these with me. AD# 1665 EUROPEAN MALE SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9", 170 tbs., seeking lad y who is interested in movies, Ion g walks,- for possible rela- tionship. AD# 1538 -YOUNG AT HEART SWM, 51, 5'8", n/smoker, br. hair, blue e s, Ocm poesbkig DWM, 27, 220 lbs., soccer player, looking for honest, attractive female, 25-35. AD# 1163 .GOOD DINNER WA1I1NG SWM, 6'. 230 lbs., sht br. haîr, br eyes, outgoing, carlng, good sense of humour, enjoy camping, dancing, movies, seek outgoing female. AD# .1516 WELL BUIIT SWM, 29, 5'6", 160 lbs., seeking somoone who wants to go out & have a good lime. AD# 1522 EVENING ENCOUNTERS SWM 24, 165 Ibs., looklng for tomate for discrete, evening encounters. AD# 1469 EXECUTIVE MAIE SWM, attractive, intelligent, 5,11", 160 lbs., dlean shaven, br hair, green eyes, seeking attractive, slim to med. build, Intelligent, educateci, honest female. ADN1088 ATTRACTIVE MAIE SWM, 40, executive, seeking altrac- tive, outgoing; slim F. 28-35 for rela- NEW TO AREA S,a33 e, S', attractive, br. hair, azel yes 155 lbs., enjoy playing gui: tr, mvies, hiking, dinng out, sookingj cule, p otite or med. butld SWF, 21-33 wthsmilar interesîs. AD# 1480 The Whîtby Free Press Presents.. f n "J J ~1 a

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