Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, October 23, 1996, Page l1 Kids' S.pooked' concert The Pickering Concert Band willijresent «Spooked Agains a hildens concert, on Sunday,, Oct. 27,2 p.m. The concert begns at 2 pm. at St. Mary Catholic M*econda7 School, -1918 WhtwsRd N., Pickerin~ Finch Avenue).aY2n Before the concert, there will be face-painting (start- ing at 1:30g n.mi n e ditearacy, 59 Old and the ngst o nd., ax. oo ILunch -from $4,e25 Dinnerrm $7,95 *Meetings e Anrnversaries * ,Bîrthdays e Catening Available -Dinner Reservations Reconunended- 1101 Brock Stireet South (1 block N.-of Hwy. 401)- - Take out* 668-0778,ý visitor from the Metro Zoo ('Whooooscominig?9. Admision is $5 for aduits, $for youth, but seniors and kids in Hal- loween costumne can attend at no charge. For more information, cail 686-0523. Icketsar available at Pickeri*ngVl Tu e- '4UP.~* WHITBY STUDENT Caitlin Cam Ibel practices. Gemmeil (harp)'will be guest soloists. The $8 wfth other members of the Oshawa Youth tickets $5 for seniors and students) are avail- Orchestra for A Fali Concert' this Saturday at able at Thomas House of Music in Whitby, from the SalvatUon Army Temple, 70 Thomton Rd. orchestra members or at -the door. CaII 46- N. Ohaa.Panldora ryce (flute) and Lori 0741 for more information. Photb bY L4k Reesor Whlbhy Fme rs Cinefest presents 'Domim' Under the Domim Tree, a film about orphans who survived the Nazi concent- ration camps, will be the next offering by Cinefest Durham tomorrow (Thurs- the film follows the teenage orphans as they live on a kibbùtz inlisrael, against the backdrop of lhe pubic debate on 'the issue of accepting German repa-' rations for Nazi atrocities. The teens endure painflul memories of the Eolocaust but find refuge under the Domim Tree. T'he award-winnjng film, directed by Eli Cohen, begins at 7 p.m. at Fanous Players Theatres at the Oshawa Contre. Cinefest Durham is a nôn-profit oirganization that obtains quality films that don't get wide distribution. Memberships are available for $5 (members get $1 discounts at showings) by calling Rick Fioek at 579- 6111, ext. 220. st h hSuna &Moday 5pm t p 000000 Club Hiouse Sandwich (HAM, TURKEY, OR BLT) or Steak on ag Kaiser or Veal Cullet on ai Kaiser -includes Nies m Only $4.50 + tax $5.95 + Try ouir dinners: Souvlaki or Chicken,' Salad, Fries & Dinner Roll WNO~ Ren 4tions AsRNWVAL BINGO NICE DAILY! ) a.m. - 5:l10p.m. '5e/gamne It and $ 1. 00 Jackpot EWCOMERS ELCOME ive a great time, meet neý 'nds, win prizes and help tyour community at same time! - / w SMOKE - FREE AREA NI Enjoy Durham Regions only Sny environment with a fully-enclosec UPGRADED "FULL -. SERX Our new and improved snack bar r more delicious -choic PLENTY -0F PA] Alarge parking lot with video sWve, * for your safety and conve Corne & Join us in Our newly MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT! enI~ 0W AVAILAB3LE oke-free Bingo NEW MINI-MACHINES di environmentaly ARE Cm<2 :I e Bng for 25e~ in between games JCE NACKBARand at intermission! ow offers you evenV ýces! VARIETY 0F GAMES MEANS MORE FUN RKING FOR ALL AGES" More gqm es mean more fillance is available ppzy B ring the gang for enierie. ;pnand lots of chances to win. tfr our list of events! renovated premiseý. 7 DAYS AWEEKC __OCONSUMERS DR. HIGHWAY 4o1 o ~ o o are c oi th0 r Comuplete \Us n Lic #M449388 FRESH SALADS MADE DAILY Garden, Greek, Seafood, Julienne or Caesar ALL UNDER $3.50 + tax 1 n""M"MMN