Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 13

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 23, 1996, Page 13 At e caghi- Routh's land scape-lie scenes a produto mgnto Airp duict of imagination ý £UI aluoi VA M VW peintingu by Port Hope artist Suzanne Aldous Routh will open at the Robert McLaughuin Gallery on Thursday, Oct. 24. The. artiat .combines cutouts from earlier paintinga made using historical techniques and paintings of nature made experimenting with a number of new materials. Though the places in the paintinga have a look of the outdoors, most of the scenes are drawn from Routh's imagination. They reflect an awareness tbat Impressionlsm and Post Impressionism were themselves a fabrication or conceit. Combining the two kinds of paintîngby collaging one to the other oeils attention te the artistic tendency te experience nature in fr-agrnented ways and to the varying course of time. Routh's time spent living in the Yukon, Baffin Island and. northern British Columbia led te her affinity for vast uninhabited spaces. She la *essentially -a landscape artist. Tih. exhibition was organized in conjunction with, th. Art Gallery of Misissauga Performing Arts Centre. The publicelais'nvlted te meet the artist at a gallery reoeption on Thursday, Oct. 24, 7 to 9 p.m. Ensemble renders Iadayana Ha ayaafeature at the 1996 Toronte Festival of Sterytelllng, will b. presented at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa, on Saturday, Oct. 26, 8 p.m. In the show,' Hadayana, a young hunter, la injured and isolated from her people. How wfil she survive? Directed by steryteller George Blake, the show features the voice, sterytelling and drumming of the Kalalu Percussion Ensemble. ickets are $6, available at Information Oshawa or at the door. Free parking. For information, caîl the. Pickering Storytelling Cooperative at 579-7149. Rock 'n' Fables at chuirch The AECE,O North Shore Brandi will hast The Really Little Theatre Company's Production of Rock 'n'FabIee Spooky Fun continues Halloween Spooky Fun Nighte continue at Culien Gardens until Oct. 30. Each night, ghost and goblins corne out of hiding and haumt the Gardens. Children are invited to dreas in costme and join the fun of trick or treating as they wander- along the Spooky Trafi. Special- effecta, sound, lighting and eerie props provide the Halloween thrilla. The fun begins nightly at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.M. LEASE FRON - GOLF - "WORLD'S BEST SELLINO CAR"I on Sunday, Oct. 27,2 p.m., at Trinity Pentecostal Church, 900 King St. E., Oshawa. Three performers will explore the world of books. Set to music as; a rock opera, there will be* a lively retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, Ropinzel and The Ftrog Prince. Advanoe tickets are $5 and available from Phyllis at 666-1168. ickets are $6 at the door. A fashion show will b. held at Rousseau's Fine Furniture in Whitby to rais., funds for the Chil- dren's Wish Foundation. The 'Mondi Fashion Show and Wine- and Cheese will b. held on Thursday, Oct. 24, starting at 7:30 p.m., at the. well- known home interiors store at 216 Mary St. E. The second annual show, organized bY K.S.M. Fash- ions of Port p ryand Rousseau's, will ea7eture K.S.M.'s wide range ofafaîl- winter apparel. Last ,earOs show rais.d $1,000 o~r the foundation. Cost of the show is $25 per person. Tickets are available at Rousseau's or at K.S.M., 238 Queen St.,. WOMEN 0F COLOIIR Aborigî'nal and immigrant women sought for focus group. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: Women's Rights Action Coalition of Duffiam Office at (905) 427-7849 Women calling long distance can call collect. Please caîl betweeJn 10 arn and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or leave message on the answering machine and a counsellor wiiI retumn your cal. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALUTV 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F COMPLETION 1-~WUOF THE EN VIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT FOR VICTORIA STrREET (REG. RD. 22) * * South Bilir Street to Thlckson Road Town of Whl tby Please ccli if you have any questions. The Regional Municipality of Durham hos completed the Environmentaî Study Report (ESR) for, improvemnents to Victoria Street ae noted. flased an an eoluation of alternatives and 'ccnsidering the input of orea land cwners. the public and goveenment agencies. it i. recommended that Victoria Street be realigned wemt of Hopkins Street and reconnsct with exiuting Victoria Street at Thickson Roud. The project has been ca*rried out in accordonce' with the Clou. Environrnsntal Assessment for Schedule "C" Municipal Roud Projects. The ESR e is aoable for revis.w commencing October 25, 1996. until November 25, 1996 at the following locations: cleff'e Departrnent - Régional Municipality of Durham 605 Ronslnd Road Eat. Whitby T ele: 905-668-7711 Worka Department 7 Regional Municipctity cf Durham 105 consumner. Drive, Whitby *:.Tl-905-#668-7721 clerk's Dsprtm.nt,- Town of Whtby 575 Rossland Roud East. Whitby -Tese: 905-668-80~3 004T8M OR QAESTIOt If you have any commente, questions,» or require further information. pleose contact either of the individuoIýls w Mn r.83 .. t o 4 : 3 0 p .m .) b l w M n n : 0 o m Mike Wilson, C.E.T., Project Supervisior Régionali Municipality cf Durham Tels: 905-668-7721 P.O. Box 623, 105 Consumners Drive Toit Fr.: 1-800-372-11 03) Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Fox: 905-666-2051 Doug Nllingham, P.Eng.. Project Manager Totten Sims-Hubicki Associates Tel.: 905-688-9363 300 Watsr Street Fax: 905-668-0221 *Wlitby, Ontrio LIN 9J2 Wd~OMEALSMiY Rom" Concenas should b. prorvldsd in writing to the Régioaol Municipality cf Durham by November 25, 1996. If concerns regarding this project cannot b. rssolvsd in discussion sitt th. Région. a persan May roquest that the kfinister cf Environment and E nergy "bump up" this project ta, an individual enviranmentaî asessment. "*Bump up" roqusest must b. r.ctivsd by the Minister at th. oddr.ss belo by Noeber 25. 1996. A aopy cf the "bump up" request n'îust abose b sent ta the Régional Muicipality cf Durham. (As noted aboya.). uo misPrr f v. ds,>Eig om-uIn c crc T. roetor Pf.Trnprato V. A. Si ilii, P. Eng. Serving. Durham sInce1 198 1 liELPOR WTHITBY AUTO GLASS I We onspecialists 1W. replace your.. . TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9747 I widhedWith our FREE Mobile Service, I at Whitby we wilI corne to your home or AuoGasoffice. We also do complete auto 1013 Dundas St. E.-Whitby i & marine upholsterý, boat tops &oest erioao. Mobile Service j - - -ve-- 5 - yurniuexd onsconsd 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- REGIONAL MUNICIPALrrY 0F*DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 '.INVITATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR ADDITIONAL POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT CAPACFTY TO SERVICE WHIrBY, OSHAWA AND CLARINGTON (COURTICE) URBAN AREAS Population growth andplanned development in the Oshawa and Courtice urban areas has resulted in the need to plan for additional water pollution control plant capaclty in these communities; Flow records for the Harmony Creek Water Pollution Control Plant whlch services the eastern portion of the Oshawa and Courtice urban areas indicate that the faciîity Is nearing its design capacity. The Region of Durham is therefore conducing a Class Environmental Assessmqnt to identlfy a method of providinq additlonal water pollution control plant capacity for the Whitby, Oshawa and Courtice urban areas ýhat is consistent with, the long ter serviclng requîrements ldentified in the Durham Reglon Officiai Plan. This project Is be lng pîanned in accordance wlth the requirements of the Cîass Envlronmentaî Asseasment for Municipal Water and Wastewater ProJects - Shedule 'C' A Public Information Centre to provide additionaî details regarding the project and present, potential solutions will be held: Thursday, November 7, 1996 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Lake Para mmniyCentre Emeraid Avenue Oshawa, Ontario Il

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